Listen to: The Squatchers Lounge Podcast With Guests Tammy Murray and Justin Smeja, 6PM EST, 5PM CST, 3PM PST (Archived)

Listen to this brand new Bigfoot podcast called "The Squatchers Lounge Podcast" by Jeffrey Kelley and his co-host Kipp Morrill. Their guests this afternoon will be Tammy Murray of Sweet Sassy Glassy Art and Justin Smeja of The Sierra Kills.

The show starts at 6PM EST, 5PM CST, 3PM PST.

The Bigfoot Report is hosting the podcast: Click here when the show starts.

[Update] The show has been archived. Listen below:


  1. Justin Smeja is lying about the Bigfoot crap! Bigfoot is a lie!!Sunday, January 27, 2013 at 11:46:00 AM PST

    Justin come clean!!!

    1. Justin I believe you, don't listen to these idiots, push ahead with Bart and get us another body or evidence from that site as I'm still shaking my head by that thermal footage

    2. where can the public see this alleged thermal footage?

    3. They cant. Its top secret. Hey guys ask justin about the trail cam photos he is not releasing of bigfoot.

    4. If this dumb hick who supposedly killed two Squatch and then was shamed by bear DNA has pictures or vids why not release them?

      Is he crazy, mistsken, lying or what? Why put your family thru all of this for a big scam? There is really no money to be made unless you can exploit the public in a made-for-TV setting ala Matt Moneygrubber.

    5. your just a stupid fucking crybaby! Myself as well as many others here have seen one for themselves. Bigfoot doesn't show hinself to punk pussies, so you probably never will see one!

  2. I can't believe the BFE hasn't jumped all over the Ketchum leak story. This site is really lagging behind in important news and information.

    Maybe if the BFE stopped promoting such garbage out there we might see the more interesting tidbits rise to the top.

    Do we really need another Michael Mercent video where he rambles like a fool for 20 minutes?

  3. Justin Smeja is a "special" guest? How so?

  4. Mulder is taking a beating over in the Ketchum BFF thread. Looks like JDL has stepped up to back Mulder in his government conspiracy theories that climate change is a myth made up for purposes of making money.

    When you see Bigfoot believers attacking the science of climate change then you truly know how little chance Bigfoot ever has of being recognized by science.


  5. hey bo is in the box i repeat bo is in the box
    we need a team to help bring this to main stream media maybe justin can help

  6. Rick Dyer is a cocksucking hoaxer! He claims he has provided proof the Sierra Kills story is a hoax. All he has done is provided hearsay.

    Saturday Nov 21, 2012. First Ricky Dyer started with this post indicating Smeja knew Sahn & Ro before the incident. He titled the post "Sierra Kills Hoax confirmed Again" (again would imply you confirmed it before) but this is your first post on the subject Ricky.....

    Of course he provided ZERO evidence to back up his claim.

    Your second post regarding the Sierra Story was on November 25th, 2012 and indicates that Damien Bravo confided in you why he left team tazer, in an email. Of course you didn't show the email, and what you posted is simply known as hearsay and would not be counted as evidence in any court of law in the nation.

    Your third post indicates Melba Ketchum is involved in the hoax too, remember to this point you haven't proven it is a hoax, but keep saying it is. You didn't prove Melba is involved here either.....this was November 26th, 2012.

    Fourth post: November 27th, you rip off Robert Lindsey, insert Hoax into some of the text and again no proof....Robert's post is hearsay again, not evidence or proof!!

  7. I'd make Jeffrey the sidekick and give Kip the reigns. He's far more intelligent and professional. Also, he could easily work in radio with that voice.

    Also lose the flaming video overlay and cheesy graphics, beard and sunglasses. The interview looks like its being conducted by ZZ Top.

    As for why people are adverse to Team Tazer. It's because they are mud-rakers & slingers. All they care to do is to agitate and stir up shit. They are incapable of providing any sort of proprietary research at all. They are leaches and they suck the life out of people for their own benefit. Chief among them is self aggrandizing Michael Merchant.


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