I'm afraid to ask this person to see his Bigfoot photograph

Yesterday, a Facebook user named, "Biggy Foot" announced on Facebook that he was recently given the "great privilege" to view a trail camera photo of a Bigfoot caught by a farmer. According to Biggy, the Bigfoot looks severely deformed, suggesting "In-breeding? Freak? Deformed?" and says it does not look like the Patterson-Gimlin creature at all. In his description, he writes: "(Balding forehead half way up the front of the head, small pointy hair covered ears, hooded nose coming to a little point and longer than I expected, very pale whitish face, very light colored fingers that had no hair from the knuckles down to the fingertips.) Can anyone say “Troll” looking? I will."

Here's what he posted yesterday:

OK, i have got to share this with you all. I hope to always try and be a fair and honest Bigfoot researcher, and as a Christian person I would never give false information, or tell a blatant lie. I recently was given the great privilege to view a strange and rare trail cam pic caught by a farmer who was trying to find out what was eating all his deer food and causing trouble on his farm. This farmer did something that many professional Bigfooters have failed to do, and I think it was by sheer luck. He captured a full frontal whole pic of a squatting Bigfoot eating the deer feed. WOW, I am totally blown away, stunned, and so appreciative. You may not believe this, but it has literally changed me whole outlook on Bigfooting.

Oh I believed in the possibility of Bigfoot, or I wouldn’t be wasting my time doing research and spending money that could be used elsewhere. I have heard Knocks, Howls, Whoops, Whistles, found footprints, and interviewed many eye-witnesses, so I am a Believer….. But to see this pic, clear and plain as can be was just the extra push, or the affirmation I was always needing to keep pushing forward no matter what…….. Seeing this pic did exactly that to me.

One last odd note….. This creature was NOT what I would have expected to see from a Bigfoot sighting of my own; in fact it kind of set me back for a moment because it is a very weird and unusual looking creature. In the days since I viewed this pic, I am thinking, “In-breeding? Freak? Deformed?”

It is not the usual “Patty” looking Squatch, or like most of the eye-witness sketches I have seen. I will not give out any more information, and I cannot answer too many questions about this pic, but what I will say was the differences were….. (Balding forehead half way up the front of the head, small pointy hair covered ears, hooded nose coming to a little point and longer than I expected, very pale whitish face, very light colored fingers that had no hair from the knuckles down to the fingertips.)
Can anyone say “Troll” looking? I will.

Believe me or not, doesn’t matter, I saw it; I studied it long and hard. No mask, no costume, no Photoshop, just a farmers unbelievable stroke of pure luck at catching something that at first even he himself didn’t believe in. I am grateful and so appreciative to have been given this wonderful opportunity to experience that pic.

The problem with Biggy's claim is that he's not at liberty to reveal the photographs and he's been getting some flack for mentioning it without showing proof of any kind:

OK....I am back. I had to go out of town for a few hours but i have been told what all has happened while I was away. I am sorry Tiffany that you were treated so rude, but some people were just not raised right. To the man who cussed my Neice...... You are spineless, low-life, obnoxious, rude, and lowly Coward. You attack a young lady for disagreeing with you on MY post? I hope we never meet face to face sir, you need to be taught a good old fashioned lesson. Now to "Adam" I thank you for being decent in your replies. I do see now how this post could be aggravating to some. But i was so overwhelmed by what I saw, and so honored to have that opportunity, I wanted to share that experience. I will go ahead and leave it up, just for those who will understand what my motive was, to all the rest, I am sorry, but the Truth is still the Truth. Thanks to you all.......


  1. what happened to that last hyped trail camera photo that is nowhere to be seen

    1. Yea, no shit? Wasn't there a mother and a baby trail pic? These Jokes are getting me to say " whatev"..

    2. I'm sour boys, cynical to the bone. These off hand points of interest surface almost too regularly these days. I would absolutely love it, just once, one flipping time someone would present the evidence THEN the crackpot story. Dyer and his tents, Fasano and his burnt stumps, Smith with his delusions, and Biscardi with a Squatch-cicle.

      I am seeing the trend to one up the last guy on social media, even here among our Bigfoot Evidence friends.

      The time has come to put up or shut up.

      I have no proof, so I will now shut up.

    3. Sounds like Biggy may be a tweaker. Jones'n for some deer grub trippin balls on sum shrooms man.

    4. It's special-needs Bigfoot.

    5. I think we would all like to know where this video is that was supose to be awesome footage... Ummm I think it was Shawn Evidence that posted it a couple days ago, but no nothing.... pretty typical hoaxster type shit ....

    6. ^You^must've just got on the Bigfoot short bus.
      There is no video, dumbass. There is no Bigfoot.

  2. Replies
    1. Why does my cats breath smell like cat food.

    2. Because it eats your poop that contains the cat food you eat because you don't have a job because you spend your day commenting on this blog because it feels as though you are apart of something bigger than you because we all feel the need to commiserate because we are social animals because we found safety in numbers because we evolved from early hominids because the sabre tooth cats stalked us because they smelled our poop because it contained catfood.

  3. He described Steven Streufert perfectly!

    1. Doesn't Strufert work at Dairy Queen?

    2. hahahahahahahahaha........... CLASSIC!!!!!

  4. Don't be afraid of Bigfoot

    Be VERY afraid. !!!!!


    2. Why are You so obsessed with Streufert? Move on ! He seems to dominate your thoughts. ^

    3. Yep it sounds like you love the guy! Every day another Strufert post just pluck up the courage to get his digits and tell him how you feel!


  5. I was thinking it sounded more like either Melba Ketchum or Alex midnightstalker. Both are full of shit and out to make money from it,just like Thom C & David P!!!

    1. David P is not to be messed with. Just a warning

  6. It was a retarded bf. First of its kind.haha lol

  7. This is spectacular! I have a real good feeling about this one! Yes, I'm calling it: "CASE CLOSED!!!"

  8. That's what it get for eat growth hormone lace cow food.

    1. I always bring a spare Zagnut with me when I am out and about

    2. That my friend is good advice. And it is certainly more practical than carrying around a garbage bag full of shitty diapers, if that poor guy in the trailer can be believed.

  9. I think we have crossed the tipping point where the BF community as a whole is fed up with people making claims that they have something, have seen something, have viewed something, and yet for some great reason, NDA, MIB, etc, they can produce no evidence whatsoever.

    The site on FB that vowed to stop giving publicity to stories exactly like this one was on the right track.

    The name of this site is "Bigfoot Evidence" is it not?? Not "Bigfoot I saw something but you can't see it" it's "Bigfoot Evidence!" ***EVIDENCE*** **EVIDENCE** You motherfuckers!

    1. YES Unknown! Sing it, preach it, scream it to the heavens.

      I'm a motherf*cker and I too want EVIDENCE.

    2. LMAO Unknown, very well played. LOL

    3. You can say fucker here,don't hold back

    4. The day of the blobsquatch picture is dead. Now we have descriptions of the blobsquatch. picture. Works for me.

    5. The desciptions are blurry

    6. Yeah he described a troll because that's what he's doin bbbbuuullshit

    7. Hey Harry,wheres your crazy poet stalker today?

    8. Hi, my name is Anonymous and I'm a motherfucker. My last confession was 1978. My sins are, many and complex.

      Perhaps you wouldn't understand. Ciao.

    9. I have no clue keep it down man he might hear you

    10. Hello, Harry. Good to hear from you, again.

  10. Ok look I've seen it, ok? I know a guy who showed me a photograph. He worked as a fire spotter in a forest that I can't mention. I don't want him to lose his job. The one I saw didn't look as weird. It had a very flat face. It was a clear and very good photo. I tried to get a copy off of him but he didn't want to show it to anyone except friends and family. I have since lost contact with him. So, it's doubtful the photo will ever come out. You'll just have to take my word for it. It's real.

    1. Of course. Take my word, I totally believe you. For real.

    2. I'm a big fan of bear spray, although I hear someone did a study and discovered that BF are immune to capsaicin.

    3. Well of course they are! You know that must have been a real scientific experiment maybe they tested it on Daisy?

    4. ^^^ Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Keep 'em coming!

    5. Hey guys I managed to kill a Bigfoot downtown Chicago. but I can't show you a picture because I cut off his head. to put on my children's bed post as a shock and awe form of reprimanding. I will try to photograph next week once they've learned their lesson. Then I will also be making a press release. Thank you.

  11. Where's the pic of the Tard Squatch? WTF, anyway? Sure it's not a loser BFRO turd wandering in the woods? Counting my Browneye, I have three eyes, you know?

  12. The picture of the Bigfoot above is the one Dick Ryder filmed from the tent when we were making man love.Made me mad cause he was giving me a reach around and then all of a sudden no more reach around.:(

    1. Thanks Tim for the details. I knew you weren't a pitcher but only a catcher.

      TIP: Dick Ryder aint your huckleberry.

    2. Dick Ryder is cheating on you. You know he can't get enough man love in the pen. For selling imaginary cars.

  13. Right folks I have just read Mulders claim that he saw a bigfoot. Thats enough for me to know for a FACT that bigfoot does not exist.

    1. Oh come on, I love Mulder. AND Sasfooty, AND Chris Noel, AND that goofy little MK Davis. I mean if you and I sat down to write a screenplay, we couldn't even begin to dream up interesting folks like that.

      I'm a 'Bleever' and proud of it.

    2. And I bet you'd have no problem meeting each one of them in person, right?

    3. 1:46 What would you pay for their autographs? For reference, Hovey charges 5.00.

    4. I'd haver autograph a bigfoot pic it's not arousing but at least it's not as scary lookin.

  14. Hmmmmm....Cudos to the creator,looks posed and the shiteating grin is a nice touch. Im a believer but i ain't buying this.....

    1. He sounds like he's appologizing for the lousy costume before he releases the photo.

    2. Personally, at the first sign of possible aggression, I would leave the area quickly and respectfully and hope that they don't elevate their response. That seems to work well when considering the 'escort' encounters that are reported.

    3. I've had lots of "escort encounters"...not all of them positive

  15. Sorry everyone, I knew I had called them out about the forks.This is a picture of that troll who I explained why I was fat to him/her/it. Let this be a lesson. Don't stick forks in light sockets, arms, legs, chests, faces, eyes, taterholes etc and don't marry your unclebrothersisterpamacousinauntpappygranny.

    1. Are you back on the sauce Jim?

    2. Big Jim serving up some whoop ass like a sir.

    3. Jim's a little grumpy today. Someone must have taken his box of doughnuts.

    4. You guys ain't much fun since I quit drinking.........

    5. Sauce? No, no gravy in a while. Or donuts. Maybe that is while I feel like crap. Hmnn, Sir Big Jim Jr, trollkiller? Not bad, not bad. Just call me Gandolph. Drinking, you have to drink or you die. That's why nothing is fun when you quit drinking, you're DYING man.

      I like tea, iced or hot. Lightly sweetened with honey and a touch of lemon or just unsweetened. Sometimes I drink pop, Coke, Pepsi, or my fav, RC. Or ginger ale, love the green tea Canada Dry. I do like koolaid, but only right wing gun loving koolaid. Again, not too sweet. ;)

    6. I do worry about you......

    7. We're all dying, bud... Nothing wrong with that..... Let the Sas entertain you in the meantime.

    8. Glad someone does. Makes me feel loved with people admitting they worry about me.

      I am in my burned out phase with the blog again this week. Slow news week for Shawn, so he is posting junk to keep the conversations lively. So since I want Shawn to keep this blog up, I add more crap to the compost heap. Then get back to business if a good post gets put up.

      Even the forum has turned into a pissing contest lately. I think we are all just tired of so much crap. Everywhere.

      Turn on the news and it is either another shooting, robbery, stabbing, or fire killing people. Or it is the latest ploy by politicians looking to get one last penny out of us before pulling the railroad tie out of our asses.

      So we use interests like bigfoot, ufos, ghosts to get away from the real world. Here, those that need to feel powerful by hurting others can bully as a troll as anons. So they do. Serious discussion is gone from the blog except on rare occassions. Nothing will change that except Shawn moderating the blog.

      At the cost of hits.

    9. Well, I hate to admit it, but the four buttheads who posted above my two posts were the ones who tipped me off that something might be wrong... We ALL love you on here, not just me. I said in my apology to the pastor (that was me -- surprise) that people here were not capable of friendship or common human decency -- but I exaggerated a tiny bit. (On the Richter Scale of exaggeration, I hit about a .5) Everyone who commented on your post IS capable of friendship and common human decency. They may not be very expert at those things, mind you, but it's in 'em, god bless 'em. They were concerned for you.

      Your analysis of what's happening on this blog and in the world in general seems spot on to me. And it was beautifully expressed. You have a tender heart and a deep understanding (as I think I've said before), and I truly love your posts.

      I would argue with only one thing. You said, "So we use interests like bigfoot....to get away from the real world". But Bigfoot IS the real world. That's what's so much fun about Bigfoot. People are starting to realize that the Monster In The Closet -- the monster in their dreams and fantasies -- doesn't come from nowhere. It comes from something real. And even better, we're finding out that the "monster" is not a monster at all, but someone we can relate to. Someone who has valuable information for us. Someone who can help us learn how to treat ourselves and others much better.

      So yeah, the peepee heads get distracted by the "monster" aspect and tend to fixate there -- but that's part of the plan. The lessons Bigfoot has to teach wouldn't be so powerful if his more terrifying side weren't right there, in your face, asking you to pay attention.

      You know how the spiritual people always say, "If you want peace, you have to start with your own heart"? I used to think that was whacked. How could one person's change of heart affect the world? I'm still not sure how the mechanism really works, but deep down, it's making sense to me more and more. Bigfoot is part of that. If each of us faces our own very deep, very primal fear of the "monster" and comes to peace with it, we each will be contributing to peace on a much LARGER scale.

      Bigfoot -- who, yes Virginia, really does exist -- is simply asking us to dust off our humanity and start using it.

      Bigfoot IS the real world. Bigfoot is NOT a "distraction". Bigfoot is a wonderful, exciting way to connect with something none of us knew we had: a soul.

      So if you have a genuine interest in Bigfoot, indulge it. I think connecting with the Bigfoot people is the best chance we have, frankly, of mitigating the disasters that are starting to pile up on us, and all of which are CAUSED by us.

      So we don't need to get down on ourselves for "escaping". We are running, arms flung wide, into the welcoming embrace of our own transformation.

    10. P.S. When I was counting the buttheads above my post, I forgot your post was above mine, too. You are NOT one of the "buttheads"! Sorry about that. And buttheads -- you're not buttheads, either! Sorry about that. Trying to make a point.

    11. Anon 10:56, by using bigfoot etc to escape the real world I meant to avoid all the bad we see every day. I have a big interest in bigfoot, ufos and ghosts. I love what is called the paranormal.

      Those who have experienced any of the big three know there is nothing normal about it, so I guess "para" fits.

      I have a rather unique insight to the human mind. I have seen the best in people and the worst in people first hand. And by fist, feet, teeth, knees, mouths etc. Those that say humans are not animals are incorrect. I have seen the animal in all of us. Just as I have seen the human in many animals. The difference is not really that much.

      But humans rule this world. Or think they do. And right now we are doing a piss poor job of it. We are so focused on violence and greed that we are losing sight of respect, compassion, love, and all the other good. Sex and death sells, so that is what we see the most of.

      Those who try to reopen hearts and minds will continue to struggle until main stream gets behind them.

      As for spirituality, mine is again unique. Or fairly unique. I do believe in God, but not in a church way. Organized religion is suffering from the same thing as media is. Greed. I prefer to speak with God privately and directly.

      My faith in God has been shaken badly though. Which is also something only I can do.

      I would recommend everyone to do some soul searching. Take a walk in the woods. Experience this world that we think we rule. Find a quiet spot and sit down. Breathe evenly and get comfortable. Then close your eyes. With your eyes closed removed the veil of what you think you know and control.

      Now open your eyes. Do you see that bee gathering pollen? How are you controlling that? Sure, shoo him off. He will just go to another flower. Go ahead, smash him. Just remember he will nourish the very plants he is collecting from. And will release a hormone signaling his hive of what you did. He will live on in the plants while his ghost gets you stung.

      Do you hear that bird singing? Are you controlling that too? Go ahead, shout. That bird will wait until you are done, then start again. Or until you leave.

      The same holds true of everything you see. We are not in control of much. We like to think so but the earth will exist long after we kill ourselves off. Then if we take the rest of her creatures with us, she will wait patiently for the next batch of critters. Just as she has done for ever.

      That is what I mean by escape. To understand we need to wake up or we will perish.

  16. Its Melba ketchums son. She bred with a Bigfoot years ago and gave him up for adoption to a Bigfoot couple that couldn't have kids

  17. I am "Biggyfoot" that posted this story on my Facebook page, and from this i have learned a very valuable lesson....should I ever again get the opportunity to see a awesome pic, video,I will be excited about it, but I will keep it to myself. The flack from my honest to goodness excitement over what I saw has been mind blowing to say the least.
    I have only been a Bigfoot researcher for 5 years now, but i wasn't prepared for the vile and hatred that has been spewed my way over this post.
    Oh and not that this will matter to many, but maybe to some..... when I'm not Squatching, which is my hobby,I am a Licensed/Ordained Minister/Pastor and have been for over 40 years now, I own and operate 2 of my own Organizations, and I am an Honorary Kentucky Colonel.
    Believe me, a LIE about this pic would never be worth my over 40 year career and my Name as a Minister. Believe what you will, I did not LIE about this pic I saw. Thank you. Let the assaults begin.

    1. One question Biggyfoot:

      On what date were you released from a lunatic asylum?

    2. Bless you my friend...I am as sane as you.

    3. There are two problems with your answer:

      Problem #1: You didn't answer the question.

      Problem #2: If you are as sane as me, then you should be immediately institutonalized and permanently straight jacketed.

    4. What a kentucky colonel,you got your own military orare you making chicken?It really doesn't matter that you make a living preaching but since theres really no profit in you making this up I'm inclined to believe you.Maybe if you can convert that farmer youcan get that photo released,he can do it through you since you already put yourself out there,it would help you immensely.

    5. I think that he was referring to the old ABA basketball team the Kentucky Colonels. Is it possible that Biggyfoot is Dan Issel?

    6. I think he's waiting for a bidding war to start. (15% tithe to the congregaton, of course, so he'll say owes it to them to hold out on showing the photo.)

    7. Well 15% is good scratch,bigfoot was created in Gobs image

    8. Bigfoot was created in Taterhole's image. Amen.

    9. Oh dear... We are a jaded, crazy bunch here -- but I think even this bunch would not be as rude as they're being if they believed you were a pastor. They're just not sure you're real, forget the picture or the story.

      I'm so sorry for the ridiculousness you've had to go through. You sound genuinely upset, and for what sounds like a very good reason.

      My heart goes out to you. And my advice (which you no longer need) is to never, ever come to this site expecting anyone (with the exception of the site's owner and one or two others -- rumferlife, you did try -- good on you -- and Harry, good lord, where were you, man? we coulda used you here) to treat you with friendship, sympathy, or common human decency.

      Those things are beyond the capabilities of the people who post here.

      Even if they weren't sure whether or not you were real, they should've known to err on the side of belief, so they could treat you kindly.

      Again, I am so sorry for what you have experienced.

      People here (and on Facebook) are frightened (although they have no real understanding of that, so frightened are they), and mostly not in their right minds.

      I hope you have many great times back out there squatchin' in the woods, and that this whole experience recedes quickly into the dim recesses of memory for you.

      My best to you!

    10. Why I can't understand what I could have done although whether you know or not if he truly is a pastor these guys should've given the benefit of the doubt about being a pastor until you know for sure cause the last thing you wanna do is say some of the things these guys did say to a man who may just be a messenger of god not a good idea at all if we were extremist we would've cut off their tongues for their blasphemy or their fingers for writing it.

    11. Actually no I do have one thing to say you guys shouldn't need me to be your ambassador of quan. You know as well as I do that you should treat someone as you'd want to be treated. And even an athiest knows you gotta be right spiritually as well as logically with yourself. Now don't get me wrong I come here to talk shit and argue too. But the newb or the guy who just wants to tell his story. There's no reason to bash them they're not asking you to believe just listen. It reminds me of bad Santa " YOU'RE AN EMOTIONAL CRIPPLE YOUR SOUL IS DOG SHIT EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU IS FUCKIN UGLY " again I'm not asking you to believe just listen!!!!!

    12. HARRY, THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Now THAT'S what I'M talking about!!!!! I tagged you for a reason, bud. I knew you were the man for the job, and I was right!!!!!! (I love being right.) THANK YOU, seriously. SHAWN, IF YOU'RE READING THIS, PLEASE LET THE PASTOR KNOW ABOUT THIS. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

  18. Biggy Biggy Biggy can't you see
    Sometimes your words just hypnotize me
    And I just love your trail camera
    Guess that's why they bigfeet and you're so slamma

  19. I'm thinking Hoving's Bigfoot picture. The coloring looks right. The hair length looks right. Just turn him around to the backside. Maybe Hoving only had a backside picture was because of the face. Anyone else see it?

    1. I imagine if a very large Sasquatch decides he wants you dead, there isnt much you can do.

    2. The yokel isn't claiming that the photo at the top of the post is what he saw. He's saying that the picture he looked at doesn't belong to him and that he doesn't have access to it. But he swears that it's real. Try to read more carefully next time bird brain.

    3. I agree 3:10 by that point you can only prey that he rapes you after instead of before

  20. Interesting...but no photo and no evidence. But still a cool story, there is a strange trend of Bigfoot reports (especially in the East) where the animal is described as looking "nothing like Patty". Very interesting!

  21. Listen you bunch of back woods hillbillies. This is called Photo booth and is done with an I phone. Please.

  22. Biggyfoot if you are new to the community you will learn to put up or shut up. If you post a story with no evidence your reputation will be slowly destroyed.Simply post a photo and if its even somewhat close people will listen.No photo and the tater hole gang will destroy you verbally.

  23. I'm a "Good Christian." Oh Please...... Show the photo or Shut the Fuck Up. You want Fries with Shit Burger?

    1. But he will swear on a stack of bibles that it is all true! What else do you need to convince you?

  24. I wear a helmet strongly affixed to a steel cervical collar attached to a kevlar body suit/harness device. I just don't want them to simply pop my head right off, I want to make them at least work for it.

  25. Franks-N-Beans...Franks-N-Beans!!!

  26. I have also seen the same picture biggy foot saw that day also I have seen 2 more pictures so you can't call me a liarer the pictures came from location next to my farm and they are real I can go to location anytime I want ain't I lucky

    1. Well take a damn camera with you take yer own pictures and post em

    2. You liarer you,what are you guys growing on that farm?

    3. Peyote by the sounds of it

  27. looks like bigfoot found someones lettuce patch .

  28. More full of shit than a Christmas Turkey.

  29. I dub thee pics ( if they exist, doubtful though) "sloth-foot"! In honor of "1 eyed Willy" ;P

  30. Whenever someone starts any conversation claiming they're a good Christian, watch out!

    1. Yeah it's a fantastic oxymoron! I'm a good law abiding Christian would you like to see my assault rifle collection?

    2. If Jesus had a gun you'd say holy shoot

  31. Agreed...It's like when someone starts a conversation with "No offense, but"...when they really mean they are about to offend the hell out of you.

  32. This bigfooting stuff is getting crazy. We now have a preacher man spreading bs.

    1. Bigfoot is your salvation. Trust in him and he will guide you and show you his true self.

  33. Sloth Foot...I like it. Although, I think BigTard has got a better ring to it.

  34. I'm married to a Bigfoot, she is deformed looking.

    But I'm not at liberty to show you our wedding pictures.

    I'm publishing a peer reviewed paper on her DNA, but it won't be released until 2017, approximately May of that year.

    1. You probably mixed your dna in there by now and ruined the whole study

  35. I'm a Jew and never lie as well. You can take my word. I know this same farmer and I saw the same picture. He called me the next day after meeting with the Christian. I didn't think it looked so ugly. It looked like Barbara Streisand. True story. I brought him some knish.

  36. I'm a Muslim and got there the day after the Jew, two days after the Christian to meet the same farmer. I saw the same photo and it did look trollish. It had the face of Henry Kissinger. I swear upon the prophet Allah. Did I just say that? Excuse me while I take my life.

    1. Have you been scoping out the jew's house again?

    2. I am a Samurai warrior and I swear on my honor that I too have seen the picture of this beast as I was at Larry the Hindu's house when our good friends the Minister, the Jew, the Muslim and the deer farmer came round for Wednesday night poker. It looked like the creature from that Corey Haim horror movie with the dog in the 80's, no not Lost Boys!

    3. How can that be? The Muslim is dead.

    4. Oh yeah, The Watcher I think it was. Based on Dean Kootnz book.

  37. Hey BiggyFoot, don't you realize how important it would be to show others the pic?

    Go back to the farmer and see if you can take a pic of the pic with your phone.

    1. Make sure its grainy and blurry too,like all the bigfoot pics,then MK can run it through the blurrity filter and we can look at it upside down

    2. Yes yes see when I edited it this way see it confirmed my suspicions this here is actually a boogie man thank you for your time

  38. either post the photo or STFU wanker !

  39. Chutack,chutack....miss you Fox

  40. This is some funny stuff here! LOL

  41. I just realized this will be the look on all bigfoot faces in Washington and Colorado soon.

  42. I'm a Christian and I would never lie? Oh there is all the proof we need.

  43. He may have seen the photo but he should also know that the bigfoot community is filled with hoaxers and liars and people are getting tired of it especially those who go on about having photos, having a body, etc and nothing comes from it. People have been fooled too many times and you know the old saying about fooling someone.

  44. Wow. The amount of bullshit on this blog increases everyday. So sad.

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