I want to see this Bigfoot movie, but I'm not paying $6.99 just to rent it

Judging by this new trailer on YouTube, Bigfoot's Wild Weekend by 2013 Phase 4 Films, looks like it could be a decent film-- only if they dropped the rental price. The movie's description says it's about: "A skeptical tabloid reporter is sent into the mountains to investigate a string of Bigfoot sightings. He soon learns that the creature is nothing more than a beer-drinking, panty-stealing party animal."

It seems like it could be a good Friday night movie to watch with your buds, but it's just too damn expensive to rent. On iTunes, the rental price for a day is $4.99. Ain't no way I'm paying that much for a "B" movie. YouTube wants to charge me $6.99! Hell no!


  1. Replies
    1. Get you some of that Bigfoot is a beer drinking panty steeling party animal guess I'll wait for the pictures in the Examiner. LoL

    2. Is there any shenanagins like that in the peer reviewed paper you read?

    3. Baby goo goo is first again! Yea! Make baby so happy. Firstie wurstie littly baby! Being first makes baby go tinglie in his binglie! Yea for baby!

    4. ^^^^^^^ but you may have had seconds and never known it !

    5. If it was after me, he might have. Was told it was like banging around a spoon in an empty chunky soup can. That quote so cracked me up. This was from back in the day when my wife wasn't my wife but engaged to another guy. He stopped by out of the blue right after I had left. Opps.

    6. Looks pretty lame even if there is boobs! I saw a trailer on youtube for one called 'the shadow of bigfoot'. It looks much better.

  2. Werd. My kind of bigfoot movie. None of the stupid "oh mai gerd its reeeeel!"

    Just bigfoot and titties. and maybe beer.

  3. Replies
    1. It's out there. I can recommend a 1971 film called "The Geek"

    2. Is this the bigfoot costume from the dude Ro was interviewing a week ago?

    3. Naw the costume in Bigfoot's Wild Weekend is the rental costume that's been around for years. It was also used in the 2011 porn film Sweet Prudence & the Adventure of Bigfoot.

  4. Hmmmm girls getting naked with a bottle sittin there this is my ( and renae's) kind of party wooooo woooooo!!!

  5. More celebration of the dumbing down of America. They're also using the same suit from that Northern California '94 film.

    Still, looks like a good film.

  6. Was that a clean shaved Phil Polling in the beginning ??

  7. Why are these movies always sooo stupid. Like the girls though ! Always are "B" movie grade or worse. SOMBODY NÉEDS to produce a big budget COOL movie on Bigfoot!

  8. HELL YES !! Has all the elements for an Oscar winning movie lets see... Rednecks,Rebel Flag,Guns,banjo Picking Kids,Beer drinking,Sleezy Reporters,and the most important part is ......Hot ass women in bikinis with big juggs. Oh yea don't forget about the Bigfoot he is in it too think I have seen him somewhere before.

  9. i swear that one chick in the bikini is pregnant.

  10. Sweet! I'm gonna hafta order this documentary. I thought I was the only one who's mind linked bigfoot buddy was a total burn out. Can't wait for the blu-ray!

  11. Tzieth, is that you with the guitar?

    1. LMFAO! It is! By the way, it's a banjo. He can't handle 6 strings.

    2. Same blank look with no interest in the women.

      Yep - it's Tzieth.

  12. THE best bigfoot movie ever is "Sweet Prudence and the Erotic Adventures of Bigfoot". -- d3w177

  13. Dry turds are very easy to shake out pant leg bottoms when your walking.

  14. I just found out "ole fish eyes" STEVEN STREUFERT makes a cameo towards the end of the movie!! Don't have a clue WHY'D they want to include his ass in there, but oh well...

  15. Looks like Daisy's Box might make an appearance...Sweet

  16. Just viewed...best movie ever!

  17. I just rented what could be the BEST Bigfoot movies I have ever seen (and I have seen all of them) it's called 1313: Bigfoot Island ... it's clearly the leader of the pack and sets the bar quite high with practical special effects, no CGI!

    Do yourselves all a favor tonight and rent the movie tonight!!! It's Friday for Cristsakes! and be prepared to be scared shitless and shirtless.

  18. My mom just walked in on me while watching this, and she didn't even bring me any hot pockets!

    1. She probably saw all the "mayo" you spilled everywhere and figured you just had a "handwich" or two. ;)

  19. This movie looks way better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy-065p8LM0&list=LLmqOaWmsq3N2tlLXZDlDm0w

  20. It is based on the wild weekend Bigfoot had with Ketchum. I heard he split her from ass hole to appetite, it makes her rape story more believable. You will all be able to read it when the paper comes out , it going to come out any minute not days.
    Squatch Nuts

  21. bigfoot + big boobs + female skin = my kinda crypto movie !


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