Gray Face Bigfoot [ParaBreakdown]

In this video, Phil Poling proves that the "gray face" Bigfoot by William E. isn't really a Bigfoot.


  1. Replies
    1. Sittin on top of the world. !

    2. Why did he even have to break this down. What a waste of time. Im a believer and this analysis of crap is ridiculous !

    3. Don't be sad sweetheart, it'll get better, I promise.
      Whenever I'm feeling down in the dumps about Bigfoot, I go out in the woods, to my squatchy place. I do some tree knocks and a couple howls and it turns my frown upside down.

    4. I think the word you want is patronize

  2. I'll take second too

    Type o negative RULES. Big Boy Music

  3. Third

    Am I the only one around here who has to get up early for work?

    1. It would appear that way. Your boss is watching and you just lost all credibility for reading this site. Tell him it's research for a new, non-nutrative cereal varnish Clark.

    2. Wow my boss may be a big bullshitter herself. But I highly doubt if she's gonna buy that line of crap.

  4. I would take fourth also but in my opinion that would be childish

    Oh what the fuck


  5. You little beauty Phil is breaking shit down.

  6. Oh I just soiled my pants . Break It down phil

  7. Im sure that Alex MW thinks that its really a face.
    He thinks everything in the woods is a bigfoot.

  8. Just got back from a pre-emptive strike in Wichita. What did I miss?

    Team Qauntrill

    1. Murdering rebel scum! We just had Wichita set up to be the new Kansas repository for Team Quantra but you boys ruined that! You can burn our towns, murder our sons and daughters but taking away the honor of hosting a captive bigfoot was ging to far!


    2. It was blocking our veiw of Colorado.

      Team Qauntrill

    3. Was Josey Wales with you?

    4. Depends on who wants to know?

      Team Qauntrill

    5. My Media Bridge team informs informed me that,No, Josey was not there!

      Team Qauntrill

      We fooled em again Josey!
      (you had to know that line was coming sooner or later)

    6. How's it work on stains? SPIT

  9. Phil should brake down Baby bigfoot in craw of tree

  10. Another excellent post, from BFF

    Kings canyon:

    Bigfoot was maybe saying, you came too close. Because you talked to them and because you left when growled at, you have your foot in the door, so to speak. (You know they are there, you respected their space, so far so good). When you go back, stay farther from the den area, and carry on. IMO. You can show you know they are there by talking to them, greeting them when going past the den area (not close, like 200 feet away if possible?), leaving this and that as gifts.

    If you want, at your home, putt an X stick formation by doors to let them know you know the lingo. Humans don't do that, right? Indians did you the X in front of teepee entrances, but folks don't use it in modern times. But only if you really want them to know you do know about them, because that might mark you out.

    1. I thought everyone spoke to imaginary creatures when they were in the woods.

    2. I remember my first beer...

  11. you shut the FUCK up poling & phil deez nuts.

    evans has the best footage out there with the best one being the baby bigfoot on the tree.

    he has footage of monsters in the woods real monsters

    1. Evans must be really struggling for cash. This dumb fuck can't afford a HD camera. Why show this shit with a spy cam quality camera?

      Because you would see that there is nothing there?

    2. I wish evans would kick your ass

  12. "I don't go in the woods at all, if alone. I stay close to roads. But they CAN follow you, trust me."

    1. I am also glad I sleep on the 3rd floor, haha!

    2. As to gifts, would I be correct to say that you have to leave several apples if you want them to take some because they will always leave you some? Or no?

    3. Oh they will take your apples alright. Then they will make u get breakfast


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