Dude Changes His Mind About Bigfoot Being An "Entertainment" After This Happened To Him...

Thanks to Matt Moneymaker for sharing this story with us from a guy named Thomas S. who was camping with some friends near the French Meadows Reservoir in August 2012. This remote, forested basin is located on the American River approximately 58 miles east of Auburn in the Sierra Nevada's. Before his encounter, the man thought Bigfoot "was just for entertainment purposes", but he changed his tune when he ended up with messy drawers that night. "That will teach to goof on our show," says Matt.

my friends and I were camping near french meadows res in the sierra nevadas last august..... we were basicly messed with all night by something.... while it was still kinda light out I was foolin around kinda pokin fun at bigfoot callin and wood knockin.....it was mostly a loke to me..... not thinking anything would happen at that point I thought bigfoot was just used for entertainment purposes.. but later that night we heard something massive in the water near where we were camping...... it sounded at first like maybe it was a large animal crossing the creek but as it got closer we could hear steps like a human... like two feet...walking up the creek in our direction... then I stopped.... so an hour or so goes by and we thought nothing else of it....... then a twig breaks about 20 feet from where we were sleeping...... my big giant fearless pig hunting dog lunges at the sound gets about ten feet from me lets out a whimper and crawls into my sleeping bag.... at that moment my britches got messy!!!! I have never seen him cower to anything!!!! I'm laying there with my .45 in my hand petrified at that point then comes the rocks!!! what ever it was decided it would be a good idea to throw rocks over our head onto the rocky creek bed.. then nothing!! about an hour later we hear footsteps wlaking in the forrest outside our camp about 10-20 yards out as whatever was out there stopped walking it let out a deep grumble growl sound that shook my insides!!!! this went on throughout the night i slept clutching my hand cannon with one eye open for the rest of the night... I know that whatever was out there diddnt want us there!!! I'm going back as soon as the weather permits it to find out what that was!! I even let off a couple of rounds that night and whatever it was diddnt scare!! a human would have bolted along with every other animal I can think of!!! and it was so dark out there no human would have been able to navigate the terrain!!!so what was it?? I have to find out!!! its been eating at me for a while now!!


  1. Replies
    1. Can't. Don't have any tweezers or magnifying glass

    2. I left them a cigar with my usual peanuts. They took both the cigar and the peanuts. The following day, one peeked in my back door (just saw a green eye that blinked and then went up on my roof). This was the first time they've been on my roof since the night of confrontation. I was alone in the house after dark, and I believe they knew this. I didn't take it as a sign of aggression. However, I don't like them on my roof. As a result, now I only give them small pieces of a cigar (the conical end you clip off a torpedo shaped cigar) at a time. I wasn't sure if their reaction was very good or very bad. So, the smaller quantity was my way of proceeding with caution.

      Be careful of what you give them and how much you give them. Remember that Ostman may have killed the male by giving him the whole tin of chewing tobacco (that he ate). He described signs of tobacco poisoning in the male BF that sickened him and allowed Ostman to escape (if the account is true). They are likely to put what you give them in their mouths. I know this from containers I've left them.

    3. You may be 1st but I am the grand champion poster of all comments! LOL

    4. My guess is even a fairly sick bigfoot would have no problem separating your head from your shoulders so I sure as heck wouldn't come up and try to hold it's hand.

    5. Actually imaginary animals are notoriously inept at violence. Go figure.

    6. Bullshit, they'll rip your face off.

    7. They'll have to exist first.

    8. REALLY? Aw fuck! There were so many people whose faces I wanted to rip off.


    9. Ah yes, existence. It’s the one obstacle I can’t overcome. It’s my nemesis, my archrival, the bane of my…
      Well you get the point.


    10. The BFF Habituating Thread is worth trolling. Finding Bigfoot and Facebook Find Bigfoot get a lot of their information there.

    11. If you could ask Bigfoots one question, what would it be?

    12. I have a video of a female walking toward my house, with the trunk of a tree directly behind her.

    13. What do you spend all your time doing that humans never see you? Is my question for Bigfoot

    14. Taking vacations in exotic locations.

      Yours truly

    15. Ohhh thank you bigfoot I'm truly blessed bigfoot answered me

    16. Dear Bigfoot,
      When you mind rape someone can you imagine them to be someone really hot, like Heidi Klum?
      Flooded Taterhole

  2. It was Matt Moneymaker trying to make you a believer, seems it worked.

    1. Ketchum Smeja and the BFRO are lies! Bigfoot is all fake!Monday, January 28, 2013 at 2:34:00 AM PST

      If my .45 is in my hand I'm not scared of anything, but like this comment and all BFRO submissions it is just an anonymous story delivered over the internet. Moneymaker paid him off for the show probably.

    2. I agree; BFRO submissions are open to anyone and only a few are followed up.

    3. Sounds like this Chap may be from across the pond or somewhere else.

      Who says LOKE or Britches

      oh well hope this Limey or whatever had to take a few days to clean his arse
      serves him right for Messin with Sasquatch

      also he should lay off the jack links so he does not shit himself too much.

      Just sayin

    4. What does a shadow on your suburban fence have to do with bigfoot?

    5. This is the same old crap that is to be expected from Footers. Stories about something creeping around their camp site making noises in the night. Oooh scary stuff.... Never do you see the photo or video taken from 20ft away, in the camp site. Well that is unless your a habitual hoaxer like Dyer...

      For christ sakes, they have video (in HD) of a Giant Squid at a 1000ft under the sea. Yet no one can get a clear picture or video of a Bigfoot, which are continously sited in peoples backyards. You researchers/Footers should be ashamed of yourselves!! LMFAO

    6. From what I hear they also like to mess with people. Moving and hiding stuff then returning it rearranged at a different location. I wonder how many people blame activity like that on kids? just a few games Bf play

    7. Squids are stupid! That's why they have a picture. It's like trying to outsmart your low IQ vs a normal person. A normal person wouldn't normally trip over a curb everyday where the idiot you are would trip all the time. Dork!

    8. Yep, that's what I thought.... posting a comment like that would hurt the feelings of the loyal Bigfootery subjects. Nothing of substance to say other than start the name calling? It must be very embarrassing to the BF community that they can video a giant squid at a thousand feet down in the ocean, yet the backyard magic monkey is null and void of any quality photo or video. Anon 12:19 please settle down its just a comment, not a personal dig on you... or was it ? LMAO

    9. It's ok anon 12:29 to come on here daily and talk shit of others but you can't take it. FU! Moron! You come on here Every Fucking day calling people liars so take it or piss off!

    10. Newsflash, everyone who trolls knows or thinks bigfoots exist but likes to pretend they don't by trolling like the freak above. Only magic monkey's in his head.

  3. Replies
    1. Is there purported bigfoot activity in your neighborhood?

    2. I need a winter gifting station, and in the summer I can continue to use the basket gifting method that seems to have worked reasonably well.

    3. My brisket gifting method has failed miserably. I wonder what I did wrong.

      -Melba "mind rape" Ketchum

    4. You went all the way on a first date with him, Bigfoot don't respect easy women Melba.

    5. LEAVE MELBA ALONE, LEAVE HER ALONE please just leave her alone she will go away. hahaha jk

  4. Bigfoot is not real. Mentally disturbed people are real. Footers are among these kinds of people.

    1. If bigfoot isn't real, why are you on a bigfoot forum?, Is your life that sad and empty?

    2. Then what does it say about your mental health for having nothing better to do with your life than troll a site about something you don't believe in.

    3. Yes it is. I only find satisfaction in putting other people down. It's all us deniers are any good at. We are way too lazy to actually do anything with our own lives let alone move out of our mothers basement

    4. the truth shall set you free

    5. There are times when taking pics that strange anomalies appear, what they are, who the heck knows.

    6. So that includes, preists, fireman, forest rangers, teachers , native Americans , civil air patrol, executives, hunters, retirees, law enforcement, military, engineers, tow truck drivers, small and large business owners, all races of people, rich, poor, young , old, handicap , smart, dumb, highschool , college, vocational, biologists, vets, train engineers, cab drivers, oil and gas workers , loggers, and thousands of others are all nuts according to the Moron above! You anon 3:24 are the mentally disturbed idiot!

    7. You are wrong. No one who believes in Bigfoot is smart. Were they smart they would not believe in imaginary things.

    8. Crazy people come from all walks of life.

    9. If you were smart you wouldn't say such stupid things. You can't tell me if you take 40,000 +++ Diverse people that every single One is dumb? That's the dumbest generalization and statement I think I have ever heard from anyone . You apparently have a screw loose!

    10. Define crazy you fruitcake anon 8:14!

    11. I saw a six toed Bigfoot. I think those kind are pretty rare.

    12. Statistically all people are not crazy. Less than 5 percent can be considered crazy with an error rate +- 1 percent. Anon 3:24 is completely wrong. When a person is crazy then everybody else seems crazy so anon 3:24 must be the loon!

    13. My cousins 2nd and 3rd toes are webbed.

    14. Anon 8:18,

      I've said it before and I'll say it again; no amount of lies ever equals a truth. It's lying douchebags like you who think that reality is consensus based whereas a scientist knows that reality doesn't care what you think. No matter how hard you pretend you will always be a degenerate retard. Now go kill yourself you scum.

    15. Bigfoot is not real. Those who blelieve it does have proven my point by posting here in this thread. You have proven that you are mentally unstable and a danger to society in general and that your children should be placed in state custody.

      It's nothing for me to pop in here place some words of wisdom.

      I live in the real world why don't the footers do the same?

      Answer, they are delusional and mentally incapable of managing ther lives.

    16. I wonder whom he had in mind when he added can drivers to the list.

    17. I wonder what you had in mind when you wrote "can drivers".

      -absolutely no one

    18. Only degenerate scums waste their time trolling sites they don't believe in! You fucking Tard anon 8:45 and 8:53! Funny how nobody ever agrees with you unless you answer yourself pretending to be another poster!

    19. ^^^^
      Oh, so it's that little paranoid fuck who pretends to be multiple people but then squeals like a piggy when he thinks that skeptics are doing it. Aren’t you the same spaz who said he was going to quit his job so he could spend all his time on this website harassing skeptics?

      You’re a piece of subhuman filth who has no place in this world. If you chose to spend your time lying and attacking intellectuals then you’re nothing but a societal disease.

    20. Do you know who else thinks Bigfoot is real?? MY MOM!!

      Mitch Sorenstein

    21. Sasquatch In Your Backyard. Now What?

    22. Actually anon 10:12 that wasn't me so whatever. You apparently dont work you fucking welfare leech! You're on here during working hours every day you fat fuck ! Get a job! I just happen to have the day off but I see you post day and night so your a welfare fucker! Everybody hates you so why don't you leave asshole! You make no fucking sense in anything you say!

    23. There was a family that stayed here for a couple of years, that I saw several times. The female was dark brown with red highlights & the male was very light, almost white. They always had 5 children with them. The oldest was dark brown, the second oldest was white with greyish spots, the middle one was brown, the next smallest was white, & the baby was very dark brown.

    24. @ 10:54
      *outragous Yoda voice*
      Ohhh a nerve I have struck. Excessively protests the retarded footer does. Revealed himself as a welfare receiving leech he has. Fears he does that his advanced state of lard assery will be discovered. At suicide he has failed for trigger guards cannot accommodate his fat fingers. Hide is obesity by shutting himself up in his house he may, but hide his retardation he cannot.

    25. The fact that the creature is supernatural in origin should be obvious.

    26. The fact that Anon 10:54 is a homosexual should be obvious.

    27. ^ pretending to be another person again! What no friends? Can't find anyone to agree with you? STFU!

    28. Anon 11:10 you are a fuckin nerd! You speak Yoda , but you come on here ripping on footers ? Your the Welfare asshole. I actually work you fuck! Read the Damn comments you little star wars nerd! You gave no credibility when your an unemployed adult who plays with toys and trolls this site you don't believe in!

    29. To the anons who were talking about crazy people earlier, one of you said that 40,000+ people couldn't be crazy and the other said that only 5% of the population at most are nuts. If you do the math that's about 15,579,596 Americans that are currently crazy

    30. Really Anon 12:23? You have a job? Where I come from we don't call gaining weight and jacking off in your mom's basement a job. Maybe you should get off your fat ass and go do something other than being a dickhead on the internet. I'm sure if you try really hard you just might be able to lose enough weight to fit your finger in a trigger guard so you can finally cash in the chips. Suicide is, after all, the best thing that a retarded asshole like yourself could ever aspire to.

    31. Bigfoot is not real. No matter how many times they hoax evidence the members of the AIBR, NABS and the MABRC or thier uneducated and unprofessional attempts to prove its existence the bottom line is Bigfoot Doesn't Exist.

      Any academically degreed member of these Org(s) should ask for their money back. I'm sure they wasted enough tax payer money in deriving a degree its absolutely wasted. Bigfoot isn't real. Just accept it. Stop the foolish delusions!

    32. Anon 1:52 by coming on here and doing exactly what you just accuse others of! Internet dickhead! You just self described yourself. You dont work! You are the asshole on here ripping people down talking like a stupid fuck . What is your mission Prick. Oh that's right just to be an asshole!

    33. Anon 2:24 troll knows exactly bigfoot's real the whole point of trolling stupid stuff is because these government clowns know it's real too, it's covered up because it's a danger to their ideologies and power if suddenly the thing was proven real. Organized religion would crumble that's whay they have this joke blog, they're not even funny actually by pretending to ridiucle bigfooters that's not what they're doing really they're just totally scared themselves it should be discovered oficially. Which is why bigfooters laugh at these revealing clowns wasting so much time and energy on something they claim doesn't exist.

    34. Seriously? Religion would crumble if Bigfoot was found to be real? Why? If it can survive Darwinism and dinosaurs unfortunately it will survive Bigfoot! I can't speak for the trolls but I'm interested in Squatch I like the stories that people tell but I'm finding it harder to believe these days. To be honest it's encountering so many people on here that are so completely irrational in their Bigfoot beliefs that's turned me more and more sceptical of the big guy's existance. The crazy conspiracy nuts, the Bigfoot habituators, the hoaxers, the Ketchumites and the paranormal dimension hopping supernatural Squatchers are putting off the people who come on here with an open mind to look at the evidence logically and decide for themselves. You want the average Joe to take Bigfoot seriously dial back the crazy a little and try and come up with a real persuasive argument and get some real evidence to show us.

    35. Go get your own evidence lazy ass! It's the Internet with an open forum ! Of course your going to get lunatics on here preaching all kinds of crap like UFO's! If you believe it then you don't deserve to believe in Bigfoot ! If you come to an Internet site to find truth about Bigfoot or religeon then you lead a sad isolated life! I can go to an Internet site about pyramids and the blog can go from UFOs to civilizations, but it doesn't change the fact they exist. People see them, but if all you do is look at pictures and read posts by anyone then I could make you believe they are fake!

    36. . Stop livin your fantasies. Stop abusing your children. Stop the delustion. Get back on your meds. Stop living your distorted lives.

      OR go join the MABRC they seem to be just fine with all of the above.

      Ta Ta. Bigfoot is not real.

    37. If that's true anon 8:51 then why the hell do you come on here? Isn't this site called Bigfoot Evidence? Maybe that's why people come on here to see what evidence there is out there to make an informed decision on Bigfoot. The problem is there doesn't seem to be much evidence and a lot of crazy fanatics that believe in anything and behave like irrational morons. I made up my mind about religion a very long time ago thanks the reason why I mentioned it in my other post is I don't see why Bigfoot would cause any damage to religion.

    38. to anon at 2:24 ; i can do whatever I want, so there!

  5. Have you used the traditional gift of tobacco with a Sasquatch yet?

    1. Chewing tobacco, maybe, but not snuff.

    2. I am glad to know that we are not the only ones experiencing this type of behavior. At least one of them was regularly coming into our backyard.

    3. no thanks- i'll stick to popeye cigarettes

    4. Arrrggg Matey,how's the ol' taterhole feeling these days?

    5. I've seen what infrasound can do to a human

  6. What's the point of copying and pasting posts from the Habituation Bigfoot thread on The Bigfoot Forums? Even everyone on that forum thinks those people are completely insane and full of shit. If you're trying to paint everyone with that brush you can suck an fat, european, uncircumcised cock.

    1. you'd better check, maybe everybody's freezer was burglarized!

    2. I don't think he's trying to paint everyone with that brush, just the folks who believe in Bigfoot.

    3. I can't fully explain it and don't claim to have all the answers, but when they have trusted you enough to openly show themselves, you are never the same!

  7. my friends and I were camping near french meadows res in the sierra nevadas last august..... we were basicly messed with all night by something.... while it was still kinda light out I was foolin around kinda pokin fun at bigfoot callin and wood knockin.....it was mostly a loke to me..... not thinking anything would happen at that point I thought bigfoot was just used for entertainment purposes.. but later that night we heard something massive in the water near where we were camping...... it sounded at first like maybe it was a large animal crossing the creek but as it got closer we could hear steps like a human... like two feet...walking up the creek in our direction... then I stopped.... so an hour or so goes by and we thought nothing else of it....... then a twig breaks about 20 feet from where we were sleeping...... my big giant fearless pig hunting dog lunges at the sound gets about ten feet from me lets out a whimper and crawls into my sleeping bag.... at that moment my britches got messy!!!! I have never seen him cower to anything!!!! I'm laying there with my .45 in my hand petrified at that point then comes the rocks!!! what ever it was decided it would be a good idea to throw rocks over our head onto the rocky creek bed.. then nothing!! about an hour later we hear footsteps wlaking in the forrest outside our camp about 10-20 yards out as whatever was out there stopped walking it let out a deep grumble growl sound that shook my insides!!!! this went on throughout the night i slept clutching my hand cannon with one eye open for the rest of the night... I know that whatever was out there diddnt want us there!!! I'm going back as soon as the weather permits it to find out what that was!! I even let off a couple of rounds that night and whatever it was diddnt scare!! a human would have bolted along with every other animal I can think of!!! and it was so dark out there no human would have been able to navigate the terrain!!!so what was it?? I have to find out!!! its been eating at me for a while now!!

    1. a simple DNA probe would have been inadequate to determine BF.

    2. A 45 is a toy not a hand cannon get a 44 mag then repost what you think a hand cannon is.

    3. Do you feel lucky,punk?

    4. Bigfoots are partial to pork rinds.

    5. Bigfoots are descended from Nifflejimmies.

    6. .45 is made for killing humans. I consider a S&W 500 Mag to be a hand cannon, despite all of the energy it's actually a pleasure to shoot.

    7. The Smith & Wesson model 500 is a frat boy gun. It’s used by subservient masochists whose minds are so weak that hurt themselves because they subconsciously sympathize with those who wish them harm. The model 500 is a tragic example of the degeneration of mankind. Back in the day you had to kill a sibling to join a coven of witches, but now gang members kick new initiates in the crotch repeatedly. Autoerotic asphyxiation is all the rage, while “cutting” has become vogue. The astounding prevalence of masochism in the modern world is a testament to the state of advanced delusion in which the average modern person exists.

      If I had ran across a model 500 while being chased by a bear I would unload the gun and beat the bear over the head with it. I would probably die or be seriously injured, but at least I wouldn’t have helped the bear kill me by firing that stupid gun.

      -a reasonable person who derives pleasure from pleasure and nothing but

    8. Harry,this is for you.
      "Harry Callahan: I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

    9. Dude, Harry was obviously joking. He said that “harry dirty nuts” used a .357, not dirty Harry. You should really read the whole post before commenting.

    10. 9:02, Assumptions are the mother of all fools.

    11. Harry,I'm not joking.
      I never joke.

      Hairys Dirty Nuts.


    12. ^^^^
      Obvious masochist is obvious.

    13. Herpity derpity lerpity lane I rushferlife derive pleasure from pain.
      I do say that I must confess I paid a whore to beat me senseless.

      -rushferlife the deluded masochist

    14. Herpity lerpity derpity weisz I rushferlife put my dick in a vise.
      I know that some may mock or scoff, but if I don’t hurt myself I just can’t get off.

      -rushferlife the deluded masochist

    15. @9:26-Yea,that's funny and makes a lot of sense.YA JACKASS.

    16. Herpity derpity lerpity lead I rushferlife wear thumbscrews to bed.
      I drive pins into my nut sack, and then in my dungeon I stretch out on the rack.

      -rushferlife the deluded masochist

    17. Anon 9:29,

      Shut up you asshole. Just because you don't know what a masochist is is no reason to start insulting people. Quit being such a god damn retard and just Google it.

    18. Anon@9:44,nobody understands your stupidity so we feel for you.Woe is you.

    19. ^^^^
      You just can’t be bothered to Google masochist can you? How fucking retarded and lazy can you be? This is why you’re such a fucking moron dude. You’ve got no initiative.

    20. Regardless, the beast turned and looked directly at me, showed its teeth, and then disappeared into the forest.

    21. I am in it for the pancakes.

    22. Until I threw a cellphone at him hitting him in the coned part of his head

    23. My money is on the Sasquatch in a fight with a Grizzly.

    24. If bigfoot is a supernatural being,they wouldn't be capable of reproducing.

    25. If bigfoot is a supernatural being they wouldn't be capable of existing.

    26. The reproducing part might be right.
      I left a 10" dildo as a gift.Came back a week later and there it sat,right where I left it. But the dildo had Mud Helmet.
      Therefore they don't know which hole to use.Unless it was a Jrefer that found the dildo.That would explain everything.

    27. Sorry guys/gals but if I were in the woods and wanted a weapon for close range protection, it would be a semi-auto 12 gauge (with plug removed of course) with a rifled slug barrel. Load it up with some Hornady 300 grain ballistic tips that travel at 1790+ fps and it will put down ANYTHING in the woods at 50-100 yards.

  8. Great story! It was a bigfoot for sure! Read "tribal Bigfoot", it will make you think! I have a whole new out-look on this subject after reading that books and "The Hoopa Project", its real and in your face.

    1. Dreamed that a sasquatch juvenile was running on the roof of my old decrepit apartment. The roof cracked under his weight and he fell through and died in the middle of the night.

  9. Moneytaker showed what a Pussy he is after shrieking seeing those cow intestines last night, Renae is the only one that has a set on the set. No telling what unfortunate events happened with those glow sticks she was using, and I am glad Moneytaker handled that hair sample with his Sausage fingers so know the DNA will come back positive for his Ass.
    Squatch Nuts

    1. Bobo says Bigfoot likes a rave party in the woods with a disco ball

  10. Next week they have a breaking new strategy,
    Use the girl scouts to bring one in by trying to sell it cookies or use a Boyscout troop in the woods and see if they can get trail cam pics of it coming in to molest the boys!
    Trust me the big guy does exist though.
    Squatch Nuts

    1. If by "the big guy" you mean my dick.

    2. Maybe they don't like the way some of us trash their woods & food & water sources & call them monkeys.

  11. That was written by the Ellipsis Guy.

    1. If I were a bigfoot I would get a kick out of scaring humans as long as they weren't armed.

    2. Actually you would be too busy not existing to get a kick out of anything.

    3. I have it on good authority that some of the skunk apes are pretty promiscuous.

    4. Skunk apes don't exist.

      -a good authority

    5. Always assume they are watching and listening.

  12. That read like a 8th graders creative writing project. I think the anon who suggested this was written by a brit may be correct. And for the record, if a 45 can drop a white tail deer @ 50-60 yards no problem, and delimb a human at under 30 yards, unless the sasquatch is wearing body armor or your dumbass is slow on the draw, the 45 wins close range if you are running the appropriate ammo to be deep in the woods.

    1. Show me a picture of a of a human who was delimbed by a .45 ACP round.

    2. I think they freeze and if they move they think that will show themselves to me, so they think I can't see them, and I can't see them

  13. Another Manbearpig encounter and I'm super cereal about this one.

  14. Replies
    1. Did You Know That Patty Had A Right Leg Injury?

    2. There are cases where the creature was shot and wandered off but I guarantee you that it didn't wander off and die.It probably just vanished into thin air.

  15. sleep with one eye open and a closed anus

    1. One should never try to shit with a closed anus.

      -Tim "captain constipation" Fasano

    2. In daytime they slink along the ground

  16. A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage

    "Show me," you say. I lead you to my garage. You look inside and see a ladder, empty paint cans, an old tricycle--but no dragon.

    "Where's the dragon?" you ask.

    "Oh, she's right here," I reply, waving vaguely. "I neglected to mention that she's an invisible dragon."

    You propose spreading flour on the floor of the garage to capture the dragon's footprints.

    "Good idea," I say, "but this dragon floats in the air."

    Then you'll use an infrared sensor to detect the invisible fire.

    "Good idea, but the invisible fire is also heatless."

    You'll spray-paint the dragon and make her visible.

    "Good idea, but she's an incorporeal dragon and the paint won't stick." And so on. I counter every physical test you propose with a special explanation of why it won't work.

    1. Why I've never been so insulted in all my life!

      -heatless fire breathing invisible incorporeal dragon who floats

    2. I have a Bigfoot in my bathroom, but you can't see him, he's in another dimension. I know he's there because he makes a plop sound, every time I make a poop.


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  19. I once seen a bigfeet, I know where some are.

  20. My question and theory; how often do ppl like to just scare ppl and mess with em?! And looking through past records how many humans were killed by misidentification, or died the result of their hoax? If heard this dude in the woods tree knocking and howling.. you bet your right nut I'm gonna screw with him lmao.


    1. That's what being a trolling pussy is all about, sad life indeed.

    2. I'd rather stay anon than be forced to take my wife's name and hyphenate it to mine. Pussy.

  22. Wow, just Wow.

    American Metro-sexuals with .45s are cowards, dang.

    It called a flash light. Go outside and pull security.

    I'm not giving up position for anyone or anything.

    Well, there it is... we will never discover BF because everyone is a city-dwelling metro-sexual. I bet this guy plucks his eye brows.

    To BF:

    You will live in peace and tranquility for the next 100 years because we are all cowards, just growl at us.

    In 100 years this blog will continue to tell us - Watch This!

    It's a video of a deer or a racoon ...


    The end.

    1. Stank Ape the Cork Soaker!^^^^

    2. Metro-sexual bigfooters are occupied rushing design of Melba's Bigfoot Fashion Collection for its runway show debut at Cantrall's Forest People Conference.

    3. Sorry to burst your bubble guy not all city dwellers are metro I live in the city and we even think metro is fuckin queer so now it's proven you make comments on shit you know nothing about

  23. Watch me pull a feather outta my Ass!
    And jerk some balls off my chin while standing on one foot
    The Great Bandini

    1. It took you this long to figure out where the name came from

  24. As soon as you read something like the story is from "a guy named Thomas S." you know it's bigfoot BS.

  25. Pues yo se que el Bigfoot si existe. yo unca lo he visto pero muchos si. hay que creer que no todos mienten.. Bigfoot es real...

  26. I call bullshit, too many exclamation points!!!!!

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