Carl Olinselot's First Interview Regarding Sierra Kills Trip

After meeting Justin Smeja for the first time last August and experiencing a possible nighttime visitation at the "Kill Site", Carl Olinselot returned from the Sierras as a changed man and a believer. For the first time ever, Carl opens up about the entire event that brought him to the conclusion that Justin is telling the truth. Watch his fascinating interview will the host of The Rogue Bigfootah show, Bill Brock.


  1. No physical evidence so I guess it really doesn't matter, now does it? This story is getting tiresome.

    1. Shawn Evidence stayed asleep because he knows the real money isnt in chasing fale apemen, instead from 1,200,000 webhits a year.

  2. They said it couldn't be done, yet we made a revolver with such excessive recoil that it's appreciably dangerous to the user!

    -Smith & Wesson

  3. Tell me more about this revolver of which you speak.

    -a frat boy

  4. Actually 2:07 no one said it couldn't be done, only that it shouldn't be done.

  5. More incoherent babbling from the yokelry.

  6. 5 noted liars
    Lance Armstrong

  7. DNA tests come back bear/human and this doofus is still drinking the Kool-Aid. Would you like to buy my magic beans ?

  8. Just another typical footer fat ass.

  9. Replies
    1. So that's what they're calling it these days?

  10. I sometimes check out Bigfoot Evidence at work and when someone comes by I have to quickly switch it to porn before someone realizes what I'm looking at.

    1. Yes, you wouldn't want anyone to think you were a footer. You could be mocked mercilessly.

    2. And if you were a footer you'd deserve it.

  11. "Experiencing a possible nightime visitation."

    Once again, the result of a very overactive imagination and the desperate desire to believe.

    But not one shred of evidence.

    1. Denial: It is not a river in Egypt.

    2. Credibility: It's not the ability to get a line of credit.

  12. Why is this all one big laughing, smirking joke to the interviewer?

    1. because that's the Team Tazer way. Hell, watch the extinct podcast sometime

  13. My balls sweat when I don't wear underwear :(

  14. Great interview ! Also that was awesome advertisement for Rogue Documentary ! Carl Olinselot you Sir. Rock !!!!

  15. That feller has a panty on his head.

  16. Justin Smeja is a TRUE redneck. If it's brown/red/black etc. it's down! Shoot first, figure it out later. Kudos to Justin!! At least someone has the balls to pull the trigger. Who knows what he shoot, but at least he shoot.

  17. Why didn't someone bring a lousy magnum revolver up there with them ? I have been going to the Tahoe National Forest for years (since 1976) as a kid. In my adult years (1985) and on, I always carried a .357 or .41 while quail and grouse hunting along with my shotgun.California is not that prohibitive yet !

  18. Forest Rangers are on high alert, if you have more than one firearm, choppers are to be called in for backup. If you think I;m kidding, give it a try.

  19. When is the Doc to be released?

  20. "And Experiencing a possible night time visitation"

    Did you visit at night or didn't you?


    No wonder BF is a lame subject to many.

    Not to me obviously.

  21. This was actually a very entertaining story! I do have some questions though... If this was all about finding real evidence from the beginning, why would you, and/or anyone, in this group hold back evidence that could prove the existence of Bigfoot? You guys keep mentioning you have to keep things on the down low for a documentary. What documentary? How much does a documentary pay those who contribute to it?

    What I'm eluding to is, this sounds like it has a whole lot more to do with money and a documentary than it does in researching and proving the existence of Bigfoot. I was also wondering if this would involve the same production company (Minnow films) that Rick Dyer says he is involved with. I can see it now Justin Smeja and Rick Dyer Stories compiled into the same documentary...."Of Monsters and Men"

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