Watch Tonight's Finding Bigfoot Episode: Dances with Bigfoot

Tonight, the Finding Bigfoot crew will take us to the Arizona Rim to look for he Mogollon Monster. Witnesses have reported seeing these Bigfoot-like creatures in central and eastern Arizona along the Mogollon Rim. Apparently, they are more aggressive than other Bigfoots and have a strange affinity for getting into ice chests.

In Arizona, it is illegal to capture the Monster without a Fish and Game Department permit. Here's another tidbit for you: Did you know that Mogollon Monsters can speak Russian (or sound Russian)? This is different from those Bigfoots near the Pacific Northwest who have Asian vocalization. We're not making this up. Seriously.

The Mogollon Monster hunters discusses Russian sounding Bigfoots:

Facebook Find Bigfoot discusses Bigfoots with Asian vocal cord genes:


  1. Sounds more like Laos to me...

    1. So I'm watching this show (reluctantly) for the first time. I'm into season two and Moneymaker is ending the show with "Still not convinced that Bigfoots exist? Go to Animalplanet/bigfoot yada yada."

      Where do I go if your crap show has caused me to be NO LONGER CONVINCED that Bigfoots exist?

  2. Replies
    1. They need to tweak the formula a little bit. Its starting to get a bit stale.

  3. I take it Mitch Waite will be featured.

    1. Anyone actually buy this Bigfoot junk?
      I checked out this guy's YouTube channel, but there is so much crap on it it looks like another Bigfoot delusional.

      The goal to get on TV looks real. That is easier for guys like this than actually finding Bigfoot.

      I don't ever see Dr. Meldrum on the show.

    2. Meldrum was just on the show - Cliff visited his lab at ISU. Mitch Waite has a website at

  4. Why bother, the shows are all the same..sooo boring.

  5. They all end the same way maybe something was here...

  6. An average movie.A little more enjoyable if you are a Costner fan.

  7. Google translate was no help for buboosk to any known language. Guess again.


    1. Why would it have to be a known langauage, during WW2 native americans using their native tongue were utilised as radio operators just because the language was undocumented and had a high possibilty that it could not be interpreted, given that that we know next to nothing about these creatures I doubt Google is going to be your friend when searching for alleged bigfoot words.

      There are a couple of Russian words that are similar, Baboosh and Babooshka but I highly doubt that their meanings, Headscarf and Old Woman would have any connection with what has been recorded or heard.
      Scott Nelson is fluent in Russian I think and has not picked up on any Russian meanings so I believe he is interpreting the sounds as completely novel.

    2. I think Nelson is saying the fact that certain vocalizations are repeated and occur according to a pattern is indicative of a language. The claim is that there is a language, not that we can translate it. To do that you need a clue, like an accompanying pictograph....

  8. I am so sick and tired of this damn show. It makes all us footers look bad! We aren't all Moneymaker kool-aid drinking bleevers. Squatches eat deer. Squatches love peanut butter. I'm tired of this crap it makes us all look like lunatics!

    When the public face of footery is Moneymaker and his side show and the Dr. "Angelic DNA blueberry bagel eating stick structure building telekinetic squatch threat" Ketchum, its no wonder the mainstream scientific community laughs at us. Its too much.

    1. it seems like moneymaker makes things up on the spot about Bigfoot eating habits and behavior. the delivery in which he says things about these topics just don't seem natural. I like the show and the cast but overall there is never a reward & once the episode ends that's it, everythings done. it just doesn't make sense to leave a "hot spot".

    2. But, squatches do in fact eat deer and do love peanut butter.

    3. Are you being serious about the deer and peanut butter? Do you think we need to wear tinfoil hats to protect ourselves from being mind raped by the foots?

  9. I remember my one and only run in with a squatch... It was in Sequoia National Park in '79. I have never been so scared in my life. I saw the creature from about 30 yards off, partially obscured by one of the giant redwoods. I was out birdwatching. Our eyses locked. I was never so scaredin my life. I tried to lift my camera to get a picture and the beast furrowed his brow. I froze. This was not a reaction of fear, although I was damn scared. I felt like my body was being constricted by some outside force. Whatever the creature was, he was holding me still with his mind. I felt the creature probe my thoughts. It was a surreal experience. I can't even describe it. Like it was going through a mental filing cabinet of all my thoughts. It seemed like it lasted forever but was just a few seconds. Then, the squatch lifted his right hand like he was pointing at me, extended all his fingers towards me, and fired lightning bolts from his fingertips, like the emperor in star wars. In a flash of smoke and burning redwood, he was gone. I will never forget that day. But as anon 10:26 says, since my experience that fateful fall day in '79, I never go within 10 yards of a forest unless I'm wearing my tinfoil hat.

    1. ^^
      Sitting on a butt plug.

    2. Wow the same thing happened to me!

    3. I see Slocie's (Tim Redratsnake) MikeyX (Ganglian), MikeG and Jodie are the top dogs on JREF now. They make mental patients like AlaskaBushPilot and William Parcher seem like bleevers.

    4. Yep,them guys have cornered the market on vibrating butt plugs.
      I can't seem to find any.
      I even asked them if they had some used ones that I could use for the holidays but they wouldn't un-ass them.
      Woo is me.

    5. You sound pretty bitter, sailor. Were you mind raped by the foots? I know your pain: once a squatch is in your head you can never get rid of them. Try wearing a tinfoil hat. It blocks the squatches from using their ESP on you.

    6. Lol just wear your butt plug when you come to this site otherwise you may trip and fall and get a fist in your ass besides that it keeps people from blowing smoke up your ass a very real problem here

    7. Why don't you copy this post into the next 2 articles too. That will make it easy for Shawn to identify and ban you. Idiot.

  10. I will be gone until after the holidays so I just wanted to stop in and say HAPPY HO HO EVERYONE!!
    See ya in January.

    1. Happy Holidays Herb!

      Smoke some Dro for me Bro!

    2. Merry Christmas to you and yours....hope Santa brings you a cool skull bong!

    3. Have a Merry Christmas Herb!

  11. What's wrong with you people? Didn't you hear what MM said?

    Multiple squatch sightings in broad daylight!

    Prepare for the Bigfoot Proof Celebration Feast.

    1. And, a ground pile of brush with a baby Bigfoot inside, all alone for old guys and young girls to stumble on, almost film, and then walk away. Viewers will never stop falling for hoaxing like this. What a bonanza if this stuff is what the show promotes. Moneymaker looks stupider every time.

    2. Typical YouTube story with Waite. He only sees a Bigfoot for a momentary flash in a video he reviews a week later.

    3. Waite is an honest guy. Bland and boring videos sometimes, but it's honest research... When he don't get nothing he don't get nothing...

    4. Waite isn't a hoaxer and dry and boring videos makes me believe whatever he does come up with is real ...

    5. "When he don't get nothing he don't get nothing..."

      You from Russia?

    6. Mitch Waide is a hoxter. I've been in his camp and saw him fake castings, put up eyes in the forest, and this viedo is his newphew preston.

  12. This bigfoot talking and stuff is really cool. I don't think you can get it done like Matt and Boobo
    though by screaming you lungs out.

    What they nned to do is take some chinese food to the bigfoots and STFU and just get back after they set up hidden camera's and such.

    I bet bigfoot love it. I do.

  13. Have urself a MERRY GREEN X-MAS Herb..!

  14. Hope dat skinny dude with glasses that acts like a lady doesn't say anything negative on tonight show

  15. if huge apemen were walking about north america soeaking in this crazy language the forests wuld sound like the ongo.utter nonsense, we hear cootes,bears,birds etc...all te time. this we hear 3/4 times without film of the animal. lol

    1. Ignorant sceptic. When you go into the woods and only hear owls, coyotes, bear, etc. its because the squatches have read your mind and know that those are the animals you expect to here. Therefore, the squatch imitates those animals to remain hidden.

  16. The video of the long haired hippie stealing drinks with the binoculars case around his neck..... And BObo calling it a teenage BF hahahahahahaha funniest one ever

  17. Wise Old Chief: "And don't disrespect them my son, by chasing them like hound dogs."

    MM: "But, but, that's all we do at the BFRO. We don't know anything else. We do that on all of our shows. It eats up a lot of B-roll and the produce really goes for it. Which is money in my pocket. And you do know my name is Moneymaker, don't you Chief"?


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