New Footage: Wolf Pen Camp Thermal Video

Bigfoot research Paul Hulsey posted this thermal footage earlier today. It was filmed at Wolf Pen Camp in the Sipsey Wilderness about 125 yards away. While important features such as the arms and legs are difficult to make out, the figure appears to be bipedal.


  1. Replies
    1. Hello Sir - I found you through a Google search. I also contacted someone local but they never got back to me. Maybe you can explain what I witnessed.

      On Sunday December 16th, my wife and I were driving through a residential area in Chico, CA. It was around 11 PM - we had been visiting a friend for the holidays. I'm not very familiar with the area but at the time we were on Vallombrosa Ave. On the left there is a wooded park.

      We had just driven under the Golden State Highway overpass when suddenly a large dark man-like creature leaped out from the woods onto the road. I quickly stopped the car as my tires screeched on the roadway. This creature was massive and had dark hair all over it's body. I don't know how wide the road is but it was across in 3 large leaps. As it reached the north side of the road it turned and look directly at us. My wife was terrified and crouched down in her seat. I caught a brief golden-colored reflection from it's eyes. I hit the excelerator and quickly continued driving.

      I had driven about 100 yds or so - then noticed that either this creature was keeping pace with me or that I passed another similar creature on my left side crouched down by the road. I still think that this was another creature because it looked smaller in size than the creature I witnessed previously. By this time I was very concerned and scared. I was hoping that there would be no traffic lights until we reached the turn off to get onto the highway.

      I live about 80 mile north of Chico in an area where there have been a few Bigfoot reports but I have never heard of any in Chico - let alone in a residential location.

      I talked to my friend in Chico and he said that there was a sighting in his area back in the 1990s but nothing recent. Most of the sightings in his county (Butte County) have been in an area 30 miles southeast of Chico near Lake Oroville. I checked out the BFRO website and verified what my friend said.

      I know that we witnessed something that night and I think that there were more than one of these creatures roaming around. I would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks, Jerry

    2. Well, my thoughts are that you should stop lying.

    3. There's something under the overpass!!!

    4. I also found First on Google. When doing a search, First came up on a website titled L On The Forehead Parents' Basement Dwellers Forum.

    5. Jerry, you know exactly what it was that you saw. Welcome to the club!

    6. Retardation is not a club.

    7. Cool report, Jerry! As 6:42 said, welcome to the club!

  2. Some turd holster on this blog will think this post is about him. But it's not.

    There was once a fine looking young lad, that had a belief in a mystical wild hairy man/beast. That lad grew up to become a PHD, and went on to guide thousands on the path of sasquatch and enlightening them to the ways of the beast. He said time and time again, "we must have a specimen to prove the sasquatch is real" and went on to describe in detail purported bigfoot behaviors and anectdotal reports. All the while knowing it was all a lie, but keeping the question mark open for profit.

    Then one day, a bigfooter actually shoots the beast. He walks over to collect his bigfoot specimen and something is wrong. Something is very wrong. His neighbors 14 yo boy is bleeding from the mouth underneath a cheesy fur suit.

    This is what will come from playing the bigfoot game one day. Real cute and funny isn't it. When it happens are you still going to be chuckling under your breath when you hear the word sasquatch Mr "bigfoot researcher/scientist/bat guano connoisseur"?

    1. Mr. Jizz,

      I have heard some lame ass shit in my day, but you have just lead an expedition into hitherto un fathomed depths of lameness. The footers don’t give a fuck if people get killed. Months ago when someone got hit by a car trying to hoax a Bigfoot sighting the footers laughed. They laughed and mocked, because they don’t give a flying fuck. You obviously don’t have any grasp of the caliber of asshole that you’re dealing with. The footers won’t do things because they’re the right thing to do. The only things that are going to stop these fucks are hard core ridicule, a severe beating, or actual death. Now I don’t personally care enough to go tracking down footers, so I stay here and mock. I do that because I’ve learned that you can’t argue with them, you can’t reason with them, and you can’t persuade them. Truly evil people only respond to punishment, and I think that turning this blog into a fucking “troll fest” is one form of punishment. So quit this “appeal to emotion” bullshit, and start posting taterhole comments or something, cause you’ll get nowhere with your present approach.

    2. you sir are a man with great wisdom and hostility,

      Do you spank your monkey enough?

    3. anon 2 50
      you should put down the dictionary and play with yourself more or find a friend to play with

    4. If you don't "get it" that is quite ok. I hope those that do get it take it to heart. "it's all fun and games until somebody gets an eye poked out!"

    5. Don't believe me Jizz? Fine, don't take my word for it. Go back and check the threads from the end of August. You'll see how footers respond when someone dies .

    6. Yeah We don't give a shit one way or the other


  3. jizz, you make absolutely NO sense at all....

  4. Take me now Lord! Take me now! Cause I don't think that I can take another crap long range video, and the attached mind numbing analysis that goes with it.

    1. you too funny anon 11:18 lol.. hahaha take me now..

    2. Ha! Ha! You actually watched the video! You're a silly ass! I've been "trolling" (that's footer talk for maing sense) this blog for months and I've never even seen the P/G film. Well that will teach you not to expose your self to the mind numbing bullshit that they call "evidence" on this blog.

    3. No, footers actually say making sense not maing sense.You have also watched the PGF and every other piece of evidence that ends up on here.

    4. ^^^^
      You've got like a serious word order problem there Sergeant Schizo. Maybe you should proofread your posts BEFORE you post them, because no one can tell what the fuck you're talking about. That, and TAKE YOUR FUCKING THORAZINE YOU FUCKING DOUCHE.

    5. It will be ok brother just give yourself and your soul to the Lord Squatch
      he will guide you with a steady hand and show you TRUE belief in squatching.

      and we all praise him and his fondness of peanut butter and chewing tobacco

      CHUTACK brother CHUTACK

  5. God that is the worst piece of junk footage I have ever seen. The trail camera he has is a piece of shit. It must be a 2 megapixel. And it's out of focus to boot. Researchers test your equipment and don't settle for Chinese Walmart shit.

    1. Hey Mr. Anti-capitalist protectionist fuck,
      This here’s a capitalist society (in theory at least), if you want to do charity that’s your business. But don’t fucking tell us not to buy Chinese if we fucking want to.

    2. spot on anon. this is the problem nowadays. y9outube and grous like fbfb,mk davis have created a monser wherby everything in a forest is BF and deserves a 10minute diotribe togo withit.

      zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.he's got the persona;ity of a brick! repeats himslef about 5x

  6. Hi Paul. Your flir footage is actually quite impressive. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure a lot of the trolls on here will give you crap. But thanks for the presentation. Well done

    1. ^^^^^^ the REAL paul ^^^^^^^

    2. I think there's a squatch in these comments......

    3. Oh! Fuck! The jig’s up!
      (runs through the wall)


    4. there's something on the hill

  7. That was very good thermal! I think you got yourself a bigfoot there! was hugh!

    You should really put this out there cause This is the best footage I've seen in a while.

    1. ^^^^
      Can't tell if retarded or sarcastic.

    2. The bigfoot's name is Hugh? How do you know that?

  8. Hello friends and fellow Researcher

    Ivan Rublemaker here and let me wish all a how you say
    Happy Holiday

    Myself and my team have re viewed this 3500 times since it was post, and we still can not figure out why people in your country are using such bad camera for video?

    Here in my country we have good camera that catch good picture of Bigfeets and show how they move like ,Kindergarden child playing games.

    I hope that this re searchers family spend money and buy him good camera for filming bigfeet hairy ape man in color.

    It is Christmas in your country no?

    If not get him camera at least get him Personality he sound like DOO DOO after 4 day bender with vodka.

    well would love to talk more but must go now I hear that greatest TV show in world coming on
    I think it is call Finding Bigfoot.

    Dasvidanya Tovarishes

  9. As far as bigfoot evidence goes, thermal cameras are 100% useless!!!!

    Thermal footage is easier to fake than regular footage. No one outside of the bigfoot community will accept thermal footage as evidence of bigfoot.

    1. The only scenario is a university sponsored outing with careful documentation of the participants whereabouts, the details of the investigation that led to the conclusion there were no humans in the area, and a reputable professor willing to put that reputation on the line. Doable. Existence can be established with thermal in my opinion.

    2. HERE HERE NOW YOU sir have the Proper idea

      but Which university would be the best for the task???????

    3. Oh please. No accredited university is going to get involved with a thermal bigfoot study.

  10. Very interesting footage. Since there was food cooking it would be nice to have information about wind conditions like speed and temp and whether the figure in the video is thought to be upwind or downwind of the camera/food.

    1. yes and some soil samples and water quality studies would help too

  11. I want to kill and eat a bigfoot!

    1. I heard it tastes like Chicken

    2. They're a bit gamey. Not too bad though if you smother it with BBQ sauce.

  12. The FLIR footage looks interesting but it appears that Bama used a video camera to record his computer screen.
    Unfortunately this makes the video quality poor and out of focus. It would be nice if he could upload the FLIR footage itself.

    Anon @ 2:50 - You sure are a tough guy hiding behind your computer and it`s laughable that you make such broad and unintelligent statements. You`re a troll with no redeeming qualities and you add nothing to the discussion.

    1. Whoever 2:50 is, he or she proabably can't hear you down here.

  13. there are no BF in Alabama, nuff said!!!!

    1. There are no BF in existance, nuff said!!!!

  14. come on people this is terrible footage. This shows nothing he says so himself he even thought it might be a deer. Im not saying this is fake he got something in the video but ti could be anything.

  15. Cool piece of footage. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  16. It's obviously a bigfoot named Hugh.


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