Ketchum's Publicist Speaks Out Regarding "Rejected" Bigfoot DNA Paper

The damage control is in full swing. The Ketchum camp's public relations girl, Robin Lynne Forestpeople (yes, that's her name on Facebook, also see Blueberry Bagel story), just responded to statements made by Russian scientist, Igor Burtsev, that Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA paper was rejected by U.S. peer review journals and sent to Russia instead. Lynne posted the following statement on the Forest People Friend's Facebook group just minutes ago:

"In regards to what is being said . The only thing that happened with the paper was at one time it was sent back rejected pending revisions. They didnt even read it all. this is a long paper 50 pages. This is what Igor is referring to The REVISIONS HAVE BEEN DONE AND THE JOURNAL HAS THEM NOW. They are now reading the paper. I have read the paper myself it is very indepth. and long. Extremely scientific. This is why it is talking so long. This is what Igor is referring to. In Russia they very much believe in the forest people . That is why it is also in review there. It is being reviewed in the U.S. as well as Russia. The large amount of information takes alot of time to be though. Also this is a topic never been done before. All this adds up to taking alot longer to approve." - Robin Lynne


  1. Replies
    1. Wow piling on Melba seems to be a sport. I'm kind of old fashioned but I feel compassion for a woman who has stuck her neck out like she has.

      You haters are little little people

      She has more brass then all of team teaser put together

      Mid Michigan calling

    2. Indeed. And it says a good deal about these wankers at BE too, a sadder bunch of trolling one's own blog I've rarely come across.

    3. Prolly more money in her pocket, too. She was HIRED to study samples, and extremely well paid for her time. She's already won.

    4. How has she stuck her neck out? Hasn't she actively sought all this attention?

    5. This is bigger than money. She has net her reputation on this endevour. The prize can be no bigger

    6. All of it is bullshit just like Bigfoot

    7. We cut off your johnson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. What the fuck are we gonna tell Lebowski?

    9. All I want is my rug back.


    10. It really tied the room together

    11. Any professional concerned about his or her reputation wouldn't be sitting with a Grade F at the BBB.

    12. I saw that too the company she owns or works at not sure has a bad reputation to begin with. Maybe this is part of a marketing strategy a new business model perhaps?

    13. I thought letting Sally go was a smart move... But after reading that, I am not so sure anymore.

    14. yes her popularity and $$$$ are increasing each day LOL

    15. I was thinking the same thing Tzieth. Paulides is the better voice to sound reasonable. Is it common to send the the same paper to two journals for publishing? I'm wondering if this newer publicist is really that.

    16. Maybe he's too busy with other things, but there's only one person she should have in charge of this sort of public information thing and that's Paulides. It's sad they can't find someone really suited for this.

    17. Bigfooters wanted proof. Now someone is about to hand it to them and all they can do is bitch. Ridiculous and sickening.

    18. Paulides lol??? Just what she needs a spokesperson that exemplifies arrogance. This is a disaster as well as these forest freakshows that kiss her ass

    19. I agree Anon 1:23. The problem is that most of the people who are complaining and attacking aren't really "Bigfooters." They are what I refer to as CAVE people (Citizens Against Virtually Everything)

      For those who believe that Ketchum hasn't stuck her neck gotta be kidding. Whether you believe her or not; whether you think she is sane or crazy. To come out with this info, allow yourself to be interviewed, etc. is indeed sticking your neck out. This is nothing like the Georgia hoax. The Georgia hoaxers did not depend on sasquatch hunting as a source of income or career. Ketchum has written a paper based on similar work that she does for private clients. By the way, I have not idea about how wonderful or poor her business DNA Diagnostics was. (I realize that one group gave the business an "F" rating. But, go check the results for any business during the economic depression we have went through. General Motors, Ford, many large banks, etc. have receive "F" ratings over the last few years. Primarily because of bankruptsy.)
      Again, I must restate that the results or your opinions have nothing to do with her "sticking her neck out." It is easy for us to write anonymous comments about our biased opinions. It is an entirely different situation when I post my comments, give you my real name and a picture of me along with my address and a means to find out everything about my personal life. Sorry, that is definately "sticking your neck out."

      No real name posted for privacy issues.

    20. This is ridiculous. It's not just the haters. Some of us want to know the truth, whatever it is, and are willing to listen to any credible source.
      Don't you get it??? Melba Ketchum is not a credible source! She's a joke, and her paper is useless no matter what it says.
      Being a so called "footer" doesn't automatically have to make you gullible. Hold these people to a high standard, and demand proof that's credible enough to silence even the harshest hater.

    21. истинно DAT,истинно DAT!


    23. Wow.... they say that Dr Ketchum's paper needs editing and review, yet that FB post is absolutely pathetic when it comes to grammar and spelling... WOW!!

    24. Hey "No real name posted",
      I love what you wrote, you are right.
      Can I use your CAVE people concept in the future? I love it, lol.

      Oh and all the people that think Melba is not credible? I would have to say that someone who actually knows how to do DNA testing is credible. She lost her credibility in your eyes because she took so darn long to get the results out. You lost faith in her ability to get the job done. Since she didn't get it out when you wanted it out places her in a bad light, when actually it shows due diligence on her part. Something most complaining people don't understand.
      I know this last part personally. I work in engineering and it's the same, if you rush to get something done you are going to make mistakes and get bit in the ass for it. You have to take your time, dot all the i's and cross all the t's. If you don't the result will be drastic failures and possible the end of your career.
      Chad W

    25. Anon at 5:00pm, is it a boat anchor? Mine are lengthy and go to tremendous depths.

    26. Chad, you may be an engineer but have no clue how taxonomy and classifications of undocumented species are typically performed, nor does ANYONE on this board seem to have a clue about getting a legitimate scientific-research paper peer reviewed and published.

      Obviously Ketchum doesnt either. IF she actually were legit (she isnt) she wouldve done the same as every other scientist, for instance presenting evidence for unknown primate or human haplotypes and staying away from her idiotic public statements.

      Just wait: Smejas tissue ID will come back as a common animal likely bear. Sykes will complete his study using some of the same source material as Ketchum too.....and all will come back as human or known organism results. Melba's paper may be real but her science and conclusions are NOT, mark it down tonight...remember I told you so.

      The REAL Timmy

    27. Agreed Timmy; this is a crazy woman in serious financial trouble with little credibility in the field of DNA or genetic analysis. She's a veterinarian for shit sakes, minimal genetics requirements above the 4000-level college courses.

      Considering all evidence so far makes me believe its all just a publicity stunt and total crap

  2. Replies
    1. You mean the carptet pissers did this?

    2. Hey The Dude,what the hell is a 'carptet'?
      A school of carps?

    3. Yeah, didnt that ever occur to you, man?

  3. 50 pages (in manuscript form) is not long for an article appearing in a legit journal. In fact, that's extremely short for an article of this magnitude.

    1. Got cut off - Ketchum is leaving a *lot* out if her manuscript is only 50 including citations - which peer reviewers do check.

    2. I was just going to say the same thing

    3. Do you think that she neglected to use a spell checker or used bad grammar? Maybe that's it the science is good but it was incorrectly spaced!

    4. If such a paper actually existed, then the footnotes and citations section itself would exceed 50 pages.

    5. It doesn't matter what she did you zitheads would find something to complain about anyway, if 500 pages that'd been too long then, etc.

    6. How could there be 50 pages of citations on a paper that has been submitted, involving a topic that is "new". In reality, when submitting a paper for peer review, the only citations that are to be used are scholarly, peer reviewed citations that would be generally accepted as true and factual. There wouldn't be many papers that would fit that criteria with this study, hence the works cited, or citations you speak of, would be very brief.

    7. Its down there somewhere let me take another look..

    8. during ten years of graduate work, i never saw a journal article from any discipline with fifty pages of citations. i am hardly a ketchum apologist, but claiming such a paper would have fifty pages of citations is just silly.

    9. Did you use your magnifying glass?

    10. Because it is new is WHY it is 50 pages. We dont know everything yet. This is a study on one area of it's biology. You could fill volumes as more information is obtained for years to come.

    11. The citations would probably include published works about human DNA ape/ chimp studies things of that nature. Not Bigfoot. But either way I heard she is going to make a guest appearance on Honey Boo Boo

    12. 50 pages? I have never read a peer reviewed journal article that was 50 pages. I think I read one that was about 20 pages in American Naturalist, but I have never heard of anything that long. Can one of you name a fifty page journal article dealing with biology?

    13. It needs to be longer because it's a new subject. In an established field, authors can just say, "I used X method" and cite to the article describing the process. Everyone knows what the author is referring to already. In this case, it's a whole new field, so Ketchum needs to document every single step she took in detail. She can't just present her conclusions without showing her work.

    14. 50 pages in manuscript form, not published form. There's a difference.

    15. I guess if your only experience is with self-published crypto mags, then this might seem believable.

    16. Fifty pages of citations? Hah. Right. There aren't fifty pages of citations in the entire bible. An average analytical paper may have two or three pages. Hah, fifty! This is coming from someone who probably uses the term "bleever" too.

    17. Agree^^^^. Someone answer this question for me: Why does someone claiming to have inside information on the Ketchum paper sudddely become the spokesperson for Ketchum? I really like the Pittsburgh Steelers and I often comment about them on my facebook page. Does this mean that I am their official spokesperson? If so, that is really cool!!

    18. Are you kidding 2:35? Have you ever heard of the Talmud? I feel like I am debating children sometimes (perhaps I am).

    19. Maybe she used xtra long paper so it would fit on 50 pages. lol

  4. Replies
    1. No, it's sooner than that actually.

    2. ^So what you're saying is soon,right?

    3. Thats fucking interesting man, thats fucking interesting.

    4. Hey, man, maybe you should fucking listen occasionally, you might learn something.

    5. Dude Dude,chillax Dude.I am listening cause I just learned that a carptet is a school of carp.Why all the hostility?Just smoke a bowl and let it go.

  5. I think only the JREF gays took this paper seriously.

  6. But see, it's EXTREMELY scientific. Poor scientists reading it are really struggling with the big words like 'DNA', 'Sasquatch', and 'hair'.

    1. Youre a compulsive nimrod. Go kick rocks, squirt.


    3. Well I still jerk off manually

    4. FYI Robin had to respond on a phone so forgive her spelling and the like.

    5. Did she disable the autocorrect feature on her iPhone?

  7. Replies
    1. Is that Tontar for your avatar?

    2. I dont want you to be a bumbling yokel but we all dont get what we want.

    3. Right, it'd mean his master Randi wouldn't blow him anymore if he did.

    4. Tontar is a mealy mouthed homo. The JREF'ers idolize him.

    5. You have a fantastic heinie

    6. Can't find the missing link.

  8. Wow, just when you thought it was almost over. Forest people, what wimpy name for 8 foot Goliaths that take down deer with their bare hands. 'cuddly fuzzy forest people'....hilarious.

    1. They dont with their bare hands...they corral the deer to a choke point and throw 10lb rocks to wound them. My 1st encounter I witnessed a hunting party. 2deer vs 3 squatches...that nite I became a believer.

    2. Youre a dirty pirate hooker

    3. I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

    4. That smells like bigfoot's dick!

    5. One question.How many of them thar Bigfoot dicks have you smelt?

    6. He shouldn't call them forest people. they should be called wookies, lol!

  9. Once the reports have been read and will now be a political race between Russia and the USA to be the first to claim fame to this matter.

    1. I hope you're being funny lol

    2. I'm thinking the Iranians will probably jump all over it the Government over there likes to perpetuate fallacies that feed into their delusions

  10. My only hope is that Melba kills me before the Germans can cut my dick off

    1. Complicated case Maude(Melba), Lotta in's lotta outs
      But i'm on a strict drug regiment, to keep my mind limber.

  11. Lol they sent it back for revisions without reading the whole thing? Who did she submit it to Highlights???? Typically professional journals will read the whole thing....

  12. I dont know how to put this, but im kind of a big deal...

  13. Trolling one's own blog can generate money. Controversy breeds clicks/sales.

  14. Ya she really stuck her neck out hiring an entertainment lawyer and agent... The sheepels are ready to watch her on reality tv.... Yawn

    1. If it is past your bedtime, "yawn" then go to sleep and quite sneaking around on your mommy's computer.

  15. I knew Sally. Sally was a friend of mine; and you ma'am are no Sally.

    1. Ever heard "Back Alley Sally" with .38 Special? Good tune.

  16. Hmmm, I never knew how to spell "alot" until today.

    I hope it was not used to liberally in the paper. There is "alot" of DNA evidence....

    1. But the paper is very "indepth" and they want to be "though," so please be patient!

    2. Wonder if it has lots of big words...


  17. This blog has turned into just another mainstream media news whore I suspect these snippets are being drip fed and manipulated for effective clickability and revenue there is to much of the carnival here.

  18. Wow, when people say to write at a 4th grade level, she took them seriously. I couldn't read her statement is was written so poorly.

    Here it is - graded!
    "In regards to what is being said . (No space before a period.) The only thing that happened with the paper was at one time it was sent back rejected pending revisions. They (Who?) didnt even read it all. this (Capitalize the beginning of a sentence.) is a long paper (-) 50 pages. This is what Igor is referring to (What? That the paper is long?) (Also, this is either missing a period, or the following word should not be capitalized.) The REVISIONS HAVE BEEN DONE AND THE JOURNAL HAS THEM NOW. They (Who?) are now reading the paper. I have read the paper myself (Run-on sentence) it is very indepth. and long. ("and long." is not a complete sentence.) Extremely scientific. ("Extremely scientific." is not a complete sentence.) This is why it is talking so long. ("This" refers to what - "Extremely scientific?") This is what Igor is referring to. ("This" refers to what? "It taking so long?") In Russia(,) they very much ("very much" belongs at the end of this sentence - it doesn't make sense here - if if you insist, use proper puntucation "they very much believe" is not gramatically correct.) believe in the forest people . (No space before a period. - Also, belief has nothing to do with the ability to administer scientific credit.) That is why it is also in review there. It is being reviewed in the U.S. as well as Russia. The large amount of information takes alot (a lot) of time to be though. (to be though? Do you mean thorough?) Also this is a topic (that has) never been done before. All this adds up to taking alot (a lot) longer to approve." - Robin Lynne

    And she's in public relations? She needs to go back to school My kids weren't making the same basic errors since 4th grade.

    1. She does spell like a half-wit.

    2. If it was written as poorly as this response, I can see why it was rejected.

    3. You have kids ? That's scary. Are they proud of their Bigfoot obsessed daddy ?

    4. In all fairness she was on the john at the time and using her cell to text that response, it's difficult to concentrate when you are executing a data dump.

    5. a PR person without basic grammar & spelling skills is about as useful as a whore with no orifices.

    6. "And she's in public relations? She needs to go back to school My kids weren't making the same basic errors since 4th grade."

      Anon 1:08

      I think you missed a comma, and a period, and your grammar is poor. Your position would be more persuasive if the last sentence went more like this:

      "And, she's in public relations? She needs to go back to school. My kids haven't made those same basic errors since fourth grade, even though I do."

    7. "a PR person without basic grammar & spelling skills is about as useful as a whore with no orifices."

      As long as she has hands and boobs to hell with the orifices!!

    8. True. I stand corrected.

      Two of em I guess...

    9. That's funny because I did actually put this publicist's previous release through the grade level writing analyzer in Word. Score: 4.5

    10. Anon @ 1:08 you made a mistake also.
      "I couldn't read her statement is was written so poorly. You have "is was written so poorly". When it should be

    11. Hello poop in a jar guy. This shit is crazy, man. First Ivan throws her the anchor instead of a lifesaver, and now this Robin chick is putting out this crap.

  19. I don't think i have ever herd from so many assholes in place since i was in a 100
    stall bathroom at football game were they served
    bad burritos

  20. aint no 'foot to be found folks

  21. She is not a publicist, otherwise she would understand basic English grammar. Her statement doesn't even make sense, they rejected it without reading it completely? Maybe because it was a Mickey mouse paper not worth finishing. As in, this lady has a publicist that doesn't know how to speak to the public and doesn't understand basic grammar, let alone complete DNA sequencing on an unknown human species. I wish it weren't true but this paper is DEAD.

    1. I agree, laissezfairescience. This is absolutely embarrassing. I simply cannot believe this was written by a real PR professional (or a professional of any stripe). The manner in which she addresses the substance of the paper is childlike. I don't know how anyone can still find any credibility in the Ketchum camp.

  22. Mix prune juice with Tang and you will have prunetang all day long.

  23. Ah, the foolish footers hang on her every word.

    1. Kind of like you with that worthless fraud Kitakaze.

  24. You'd think a publicist would have a little better command of the written word. First the paper is described (in a sentence fragment) as "extremely scientific". What does that even mean? It's also the reason for the scientific community taking alot[sic] longer to approve. Yep, extremely scientific papers always take longer for the scientific community to review. A lot longer than the usual material, like a literary criticism of Moby Dick.

    My eyes ache from all the rolling.

    1. Don't forget the run-on sentence, "I have read the paper myself it is very indepth." Indepth is a word. Really it is! Like Melba's a real scientist! People poke fun at those who correct grammar on blogs, but how can you take someone who wants to be published in a journal seriously if they can't even spell and get grammar correct? It begs the question, "What other shoddy quality control did they allow?"


    1. Whats up capital locks guy? Do you think something worthwhile will come out off this project despite all the craziness and loopy spokespeople?

  26. I agree. In order for Ketchum to retain any sort of credibility she, at the very least, needs to hire a PR person who can speak properly and who knows how to compose a sentence. Ketchum is already under fire and it's not helping her situation to have someone like this releasing statements for her. It makes her come across even more unprofessional and crazy. How can she expect anyone to take her seriously when the person releasing information for her is using poor grammar and writing at a 5th grade level!?

    1. I don't think Robin is the person who talks to the media on Melba's behalf(to set up interviews or whatever) nor will she be issuing statements or writing press releases. She is only running a facebook page and addressing our little community.

  27. Look carefully and you will find SEVEN (7) typos in the PR lady's remarks !! That is a lot for such a short news release. One has to wonder if she (Robin) really wrote it

  28. Now that makes sense. The science paper is full of a lot of scientific information so it's taking a long time for the scientists to read it. So much so it's an EXTREME amount of science. Science. Did I mention the science?

    1. You thought Einstein's paper on photoelectric effect had science? This paper has even more science than that. When surveyed, 4 out of 5 scientists reflexively screamed "SCIENCE!" after reading this paper. This paper contains 112% of your recommended daily allowance of science. After reviewing it, I personally pooped a giant brick of science - it's simply loaded with it.

    2. I know, "a long paper 50 pages."...isn't that long and what else would it be concerned with if not "Extremely scientific"?! This has supposedly been going on for about 10-12 months now? Revisions were supposedly sent in last spring if I recall. This balloon is popped.

      New Anony


    4. A 50 page article is considered rather long. Many journals have limits on page numbers, too. Current Biology articles must be 10 pages or less.

  29. Ketchum used complete sentences to refute this on FB. FWIW.

  30. How many more months can they drag this out with the excuse that all that SCIENTIFIC SCIENCE now has to be translated for the Russians' peer review?

  31. Go fuck yourself San Diego!

  32. Мельба Ketchum это обман!

  33. .

    To my left sat a distinguished microbiologist, a scientist whose name is known all over the world but who keeps a low profile in his adopted town of Las Vegas. Two seats to my left was a former cop turned author and Bigfoot researcher named David Paulides. And to my right was Dr. Melba Ketchum, a DNA researcher who found herself in the middle of an unexpected but career-threatening controversy. It involves the hairy gent with Size 18, triple-wide feet, who is known by many names all over the world, but answers most often to his iconic nickname: Bigfoot
    Before I was allowed to see any of the key research material, I had to sign a nondisclosure agreement. I was thrilled to be among the first to see the information, but it has driven me crazy ever since. The only public utterance I’ve made is a prediction two years ago during a taping of the KLVX public affairs program Nevada Week in Review. Because of what I learned that fateful night, I made what seemed at the time to be a wacky, off-the-wall prediction during the program — that dramatic news would surface sometime in 2011 about the enigmatic beast known as Bigfoot
    The well-meaning Dr. Ketchum naively assumed that the world of science would welcome her data with open arms and open minds. Her initial draft of a scientific paper unwisely referred to the existence of a Bigfoot-like creature, and she was certain the information from her study would receive a fair hearing from the scientific world. My friend the microbiologist gave her the sad-but-true news that no mainstream science journal in the world would ever publish a paper, or allow for an honest peer review, of any paper that mentioned Bigfoot or Sasquatch by name. Unlike my TV prediction, that one proved prescient in the extreme.
    In the ensuing years, there have been numerous attempts to sabotage and backstab Ketchum’s project. Leaks appeared in scientific forums online in an apparent attempt to torpedo her credibility even before the study’s findings were made public. The Bigfoot community has been even more vicious, mostly because so many of the true believers have staked out their own turf and do not want to see a scientific interloper like Ketchum upstage their often ridiculous assertions or to undercut public interest in the 800 or so cable TV shows about the search for Bigfoot.
    Here is what I can say legally, now that Ketchum has lifted the cone of silence: Scores of hair samples were sent to a dozen well-respected DNA labs across the country. The people at the labs weren’t told anything about the samples. They performed DNA analysis in the blind, then sent the remarkable findings back to Ketchum. I’ll put it this way — this is spooky stuff. The results are unequivocal: The hairs are not only from an unknown species, but they show a common link to humans. In other words, whatever these creatures are, they share a common ancestry with humans dating back about 15,000 years. Half of the DNA in the samples is simply unknown. The blind tests conducted by various labs weeded out known species such as bears or wolves. And in the end, they were left with the completely uncomfortable conclusion that the hairs came from a primate species previously unknown to science.
    Since Dr. Ketchum made her premature defense of the study, responding to unfortunate leaks, an army of armchair critics have already dismissed the results without waiting to see the actual data. That’s not the way science is supposed to work, but it is exactly how modern science operates. It’s as much a religion as Catholicism or Mormonism, and anything that falls outside the accepted scriptures must be ridiculed.
    GEORGE KNAPP is a Peabody Award-winning investigative reporter for KLAS Channel 8. Reach him at

    1. This is more precise: a species previously unknown to genetic science: which means us, Denisova, and Neanderthal. Still many known options in the paleolithic record.

    2. What?Could you repeat that please?

    3. Real journalists don't sign NDAs.

    4. They do if NDA's have a defined expiraiton point after which a journalist starts at an exclusive position.
      By the way, you realy never heard of George Knapp?

  34. No comment is probably a good answer for the ketchum camp to use in any future facebook posts

  35. the only winner in all of this is shawn evidence

  36. Shes not a Dr she's a cat vet .and a liar .there's no DNA just blurfoot bullshit. She's out to make money .mad bitch claims bigfoot talks to her telepathicly. And tht there's angel DNA in it aswell..she's more than done.

  37. If Melba is paying this "publicist" more than a blueberry bagel, she got robbed. I would certainly expect a publicist to be able to communicate in complete sentences, instead of 3-word fragments like a 5th grader with a new cell phone.

    These clowns all deserve each other.

  38. Half the world hates
    What half the world does every day
    Half the world waits
    While half gets on with it anyway
    Half the world lives
    Half the world makes
    Half the world gives
    While the other half takes
    Half the world is
    Half the world was
    Half the world thinks
    While the other half does

    1. half the world tries to be the other half...greetings my friend

    2. great bass riffs in that song

  39. "I have read the paper myself it is very in depth. and long. Extremely scientific." I would think a publicist would have a better grasp of spelling and grammar. Perhaps this is indicative of the quality of Melba's DNA study.

    1. Her choice of publicists can show the quality of her decisions and work ethic

    2. Sure does. Ketchum is blowing this thing in such a huge fantastic way.

      Mulder on the BFF is still her biggest cheerleader.

    3. Mulder also believes in nephilhim and other FAKE ancient alien bullshit.

      Mulder is a paranormal footer.

  40. Sitting here back in old Australia I've gotta say that many of these viscious, mysogynist posts are so mean and nasty, but when you Americans put your minds to it you can really put some funny material out there. Love the post about the burritos. It had me laughing out loud here at the front desk at the library I work at. I've been following the Ketchum process multiple times daily for over the last 2 years, so if all this goes to shit I'm gonna lose some serious face with a lot of people around me who are gonna split their sides laughing at me.

    1. Multiple times daily? There had not been a hell of a lot of info on it, and that was one of the red flags(lies about required secrecy). Tons of debate and speculation, though.

      Don't feel bad, mate. You probably learned a little about genetics and there is nothing wrong with that.

  41. this is a disaster for anyone who wanted this study to be conducted in a sane, responsible and professional manner. giving anything to melba ketchum after her own business floundered so dismally,... lost and missing samples, reports never completed or delivered, customers put off and finally ripped off...who in their right mind chose ketchum to do this study? who was responsible for deciding she was the one lab in the country to make history with a groundbreaking dna study, when she could not complete standard cat/dog/horse dna testing? i thought paulides was a detective? how about doing little research into the labs professionalism before handing over 100+ specimens.

    and justin smeja? what an idiot liar poacher drama queen attention hore he is.

    and the lack of any sense of judgement on the part of the "bigfoot community." if any of these issues were raised before, you were labeled a hater. absolutely no ability to make even common sense judgements on any of this. just knee jerk defensiveness and posturing. and melba herself is a case study in personality disintegration. first she morphs through 'sally." then she supposedly rolls out a little forest elf girl. people BOTH OF THESE "pr" people were/are ketchum. on facebook you can name anyone an admin, they can post under their own name and dont need to post under someone elses name and introduce themselves as "sally here.'
    idiocy, lunacy and stupidity. and it will continue as long as the lies keep fooling people. It's a 50 page article, its extremely scientific, its just to dumb people WAKE UP ITS OVER.

  42. who exactly posted at 12/6 2:30? melba? richard?

  43. Just wait until the rest of the truth comes out about all of this. You will be astonished that this project could ever have been considered as "scientific."

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