Join Us: Finding Bigfoot Live Commentary Tonight at 7PM PST: Bobo Marks His Turf

Join us tonight as we live commentate on the New Mexico episode of Finding Bigfoot. Hosts Tammy Murray, Rictor Riolo, Damian Bravo, Ro Sahebi and Shawn Evidence will be chatting about the show on UStream's Live-Chat as it happens. It's all starts at 7PM PST tonight. You can chat with us below:

About tonight's episode:

The team travels to the Jemez Mountains in New Mexico to investigate a thermal image video of a possible bigfoot. With sightings in and around the vast Valles Caldera National Park, the team narrows down their search by using a hot air balloon.

"The footage does not show details of the figure, but it does show some important (and useful) behavior. When sasquatches approach human camps at night, they approach from the cover of big obstructions. They will hang back in the darkest shadows and hold very still while they watch humans around their camps. They will approach from an angle providing a quick escape route among even more obstructions. They seem to be very conscious of the potential for humans to shoot guns at them, but their consistent caution makes their approach and surveillance angles more predictable."


  1. Replies
    1. And to you Harry from the land down under !!

    2. I'm from chicago so from way up top man love Christmas hate this cold

    3. mate it was a fresh 41 egrees celcius with a30knot northerly which felt like a blowdryer on your face all day.
      christmas is going to a nice 29 degrees so cant complain.
      keep well.
      no bigfoot persay here just an animal the aborigines call a

    4. Yeah they eat those cool ants underground too

    5. they taste like zingy lemon apparently.i guess when you have been around for 20000 years you learn what is good to eat.i would like to give them a go but those wichidegrubs ill pass on.
      big fat juicy white bugs that live in old tree stumps. bla bla

    6. Oh god we call those grubs that's disgusting I'd rather club a cow and have a steak or a kangaroo for that matter

    7. Don't knock eating too it ain't that bad it's really strong but very lean. Our salties ain't to bad either I wonder if they taste the same as your gators. Been watching swamp people on fox very intriguing . C ya later alligator .

    8. Moscow -90 F

      Don't complain you can be here

      Have happy holidays

    9. Mr Moscow,
      i m a bit embarrassed Ive never seen the snow or been that cold. no complaints here im on the beach enjoying a great Adelaide day.

    10. Mr Scotlamd merry CHRISTmas. ets nt forget the point of this time of year. it aint called happy ipod day,not yet anyway

      2013 year of the bigfoot. heard that b4,but u never kn9ow, i;ll always pop in. Personally I dont need to see a BF as parts of Glasgow house many neaderthals, so its no biggie

    11. That's funny mate nice one. Rangers or Celtic ??

  2. I think Bobo takes a shit somewhere to mark his territory.

    1. After an exhaustive search of the wilderness of northern New Mexico, MM and the crew find . . . . . . .

      a tree.

  3. Replies
    1. i dont think bob h gets enough air time on this blog i mean after all he was the actor that inspired the whole modern bigfoot craze, gota love that patty swagger!

  4. Bob Heironimus is the satan of Bigfoot. Thou shalt not be led into temptation.

    1. If you preached god as much as Bigfoot you could be a pastor

    2. hehe i like the way you are making a comparison between bigfoot and religion ie they are both nonsense

  5. Replies
    1. Good times my wife hid all our Christmas presents

    2. I feel like a little kid I think I'm more excited then the kids

    3. That I am I lost my dad a few years back she's been my rock

    4. Sounds like we are both very lucky men Harry and I'm sorry about your dad.

    5. Eh it's ok I don't know about you but I got faith I'll see him again

    6. But anyway stay with it have a merry christmas and happy new year

    7. Official "bromance" ^^^^^^^

    8. It's called bein a man you must be another bitch who needs to learn his place

    9. nicest thing i've read here in a while.... merry xmas to GnRfan and Harry and everyone else!

  6. can you invite mulder on the podcast pleas

  7. Hahaha, Moneytaker didnt hear shit, he's just drumming it out for publicity...

    And i bet all you tooners are eating it up....

  8. Your website is so AD infested that it wont load Shawn. Your site sucks. Its you trying to make money.

    1. yea as far as web design 101 goes it is terrible, luckily my hosts file blocks all the worthless ads and crap but its still a seriously heavy site by today standards

    2. Nope, Just Shawn trying to make money

    3. Freaking RIDICULOUS AD INFESTED GARBAGE. Wont load at all. Just gets him web hits---that's how hes gets his money. The ads create web hits........

    4. Shawn the secret is out............

    5. Stop hatin on the man money is money good for him

    6. Hey Dyer...errrrr I mean Anon if you use a smart phone to visit the site no ads will appear.

    7. Hey Dyer...errrrr I mean Anon if you use a smart phone to visit the site no ads will appear.

  9. the town hall meeting this episode seems kind of creepy. these people seem real sincere.

  10. Oh boy now twin bigfeets get the fuck out of here

    1. Yeah, agreed. My jaw dropped at the twin comment. This constant jumping to some fantastic conclusion, without any evidence whatsoever, is really beginning to bug me.

  11. I'm waiting for bobos crazy bullshit of the night

  12. That was too funny the fiats swim to America

  13. That chic that was parking with her boyfriend was pretty hot.

    1. Yep. Yeti was just after some quick hot chick butt sex! Go Yeti, Go!

      Merry Christmas To All, and I hope Santa brings everyone an AR-15!


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