What the numbers say about Patty

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Mitchell Wilson, founder of the Squatcher's Lounge on Facebook.

What are the numbers that I am referring too?

The numbers that I am referring too are measurements of the proportions found in humans and the other primate, they are the measurements found between the shoulders, hips and knees, and the measurements that are between the shoulders, elbows and hands. There are several differences such as skeletal, muscle placements on the skeleton and ratios.

The skull and spine.

Whether by nature or created by design, the human body was made for walking upright. A humans skull sit directly on top of the cervical spine, which helps make it possible for language, turn our head further without the shoulders getting in the way. We can turn our heads side to side with ease also look down with little problem; this is due to how high our skulls sit making it easy for our lower jaw and chin to not hit the chest, but looking up is more difficult and will cause discomfort if done for long periods of time. With a gorilla’s and the other great apes (chimpanzees & orangutans, their skulls do not sit on top of the cervical spine like that of a humans, but is connected in an angle that gives them a forward facing view when knuckle walking. Their cervical spine is heavier built then that of a human and has heavier muscle as well. With a full quadruped, the cervical spine is connected on the very back skull.

The human spine is also set up for upright walking, with a lumbar arch which acts like a semi-shock absorber and flex point which helps humans to maintain balance while in an upright position. With the great apes (gorillas, chimpanzees & orangutans, there is no arch. Their spines are set up for Quadra pedal movements (knuckle walking) but unlike the full quadruped, they have muscles that are much stronger which can support upright movements such as bipedal walking and sitting upright for long periods of time. With the quadruped, the spine is less flexible in the arch and bending backwards is impossible due to the shape of the vertebra however they do tend to have more side to side flexibility as well as forward flexibility. With some of the quadruped spines, there is an extra added function, the spring affect which aids in running.

The pelvis and knee.

Also helping with balance is the pelvis, which is also designed for upright walking by placing the legs directly under the body, with a pelvis which is unlike those found in other animals. The human pelvis is designed to take femur and angle it slightly inward to where it meets the knee. This brings the center point of balance inward, which helps with the side to side balance when we walk. The human knee is designed to compensate for the inward angle of the femur and corrects it by adjusting the angle fibula & tibia, giving humans a smoother gate when walking.

The arm.

Another thing that shows humans were meant to walk in a bipedal form of locomotion is the arms. Even though the human are looks very similar to those of the other great ape such as the chimpanzee, gorilla & orangutan, there are some differences mainly in length. The human are much shorter in length compared to the other great apes and because of this, Quadrupedal locomotion is neither efficient nor natural.

Diagrams showing the skeleton structures of a biped, semi quadruped & quadruped mammals.

It’s all in the ratio of the limbs.

1. The above diagram shows the differences of the human bipedal design, compared to that of the gorilla’s semi-quadruped and the cat’s full quadruped. Notice the difference of the limb length for the human and how the legs are longer than the arms and with the gorilla, it is the opposite with the arm length being longer than the leg. With most quadrupeds that have a shorter front leg length, the shoulder will compensate for the difference in length by being unattached like that of the cat in the above diagram.

Now since the basic anatomy lesson has been done, now we can look at Patty of the P/G film.

The battle over Patty’s true identity has been waging on for many years now, with no real headway made either way. We have those who see Patty as the real deal, with no doubts in their mind and at the same time we also have the hard core nonbelievers who think it is a man in a suit.

Notice where the elbow is on all three subjects, human, Patty and the gorilla. The humans elbow clearly sits further away from the hip, above the center point between the shoulder and the knees, whereas with both Patty and the gorilla elbows are almost on the center point and the arm lengths are much longer than that of humans.

All costumes made in Hollywood are made to fit the human who wears it.

All the costumes used in movie productions have to accommodate the actor who wears it, this means that all the major flex points must match up with the actors shoulders, elbows, hips & knees unless it is a costume that requires no arms, legs or walking such as the creature from Star Trek that dissolved rock.

Here are some examples of Hollywood costumes that were used, notice the human flex points.

How do costume designers add length to the limbs?

When it comes to adding length to the limbs, costume designers have to add it to the ends of the limbs, below the elbow & knee joints. They cannot add length to the upper arm nor the upper leg due to the length of the bones and the only way to lengthen the upper arm or leg, would be surgery. The bones in either the upper arm or leg would have to be broken and a process of slowly pulling apart the ends of the broken bone would have to happen. This procedure is a very expensive and painful and takes some time to do, with special made braces that fasten to the bone and is adjusted daily until the desired length is achieved.

As we can clearly see with this picture below, Bob Heironimus’s elbow does not sit close to the hip like Patty’s from the PGF. Another problem is the color of his costume, if he was the one in the film, then he should have known the correct color which was black and not reddish brown. Now the copies of the PGF have what is called color fade, which changed the color to reddish brown and leads me to believe that Bob is not telling the truth and it was only after seeing the film in question that he made his claim to fame.

Bob Heironimus does not fit Patty’s profile real well; his elbow matches the human ratios while Patty’s is like that of a gorilla’s.

Is Patty real?

Patty shows several traits that are found with the gorilla family such as the distance between the elbows and the hips, the gluteus muscle attachment which shows a longer pelvic bone like those found in gorillas. A back that lacks a deep lumbar arch and a similar neck & skull attachment, with the heavy muscles found in the neck of gorillas as well as the shoulders, which limit the turning of the head. Another thing is the torso, it also is like that of a gorillas. From what I can see by using the ratios of the human body as well as the gorilla, it is not a man in a costume unless he or she had a surgical procedure done to lengthen the upper arm, to change the shoulders and lengthen the torso as well as change gluteus muscle attachment.

So if Sasquatch/ Skunk ape & Wild man are real, what are they?

While Wild man is self-explanatory to a point, we believe it to be a relic human that has held on to life by living on the edges of civilization, not unlike some of the tribes still being discovered in South America today.

Bigfoot/ Sasquatch & Skunk ape seem to be closer to the gorilla, sharing many characteristics such as the crested head, dark skin and fur color, skeletal & body proportions like heavy jaw, brow ridge and large gut, plus vocalizations, behavioral traits such as tree knocking, elusiveness, curiosity and nest building. When I say nest building, I do not mean stick structures. Stick structures are most likely manmade and used by campers, hunters, hikers, survivalists or criminals.

The chances of an upright walking nonhuman primate are very good, as evolution has made mammals very adaptable to its environment; examples. The whale that once was a land mammal that has become a full time marine animal, which now inhabits all the oceans of the world. The bat that use to scurry around on the ground looking for food now flies the nighttime skies, looking for insects and more, using echo location which it evolved over time to compensate for poor nighttime eye sight. Look at the manatee, it is not a whale, but yet it is not a land mammal either. Look at the other species that live on this planet, we have snakes that not only can swim in water, but live their whole lives out at sea, never seeing dry land and then we have snakes that can glide through the air like a plane. We have fish that can walk on land, fish that can glide through the air.

It is ok to be skeptical, but do not let being skeptical shut you out of knowing what is real. Not every picture is a fake, not every report is a mistaken identity or a made up hoax. The numbers are on Patty’s side, chances are she is real.

Mitchell Wilson of the Squatchers Lounge.


  1. Still won't convince skeptics. The dude in the helmut and red shoes was funny.

    1. Yeah love the tard helmet and the speedo. Was dressed for ol'sassy to knock him down and pound his taterhole.

    2. only looney toons still get fooled by patterson and slick talker cowboy gimlin

    3. Only a dumb ass like you would say that, because you brain is dead and cannot understand anatomy explained at it's most simple form. We can add length to the end of the arm, but not between the shoulder & elbow and that is why we use CGI!

    4. Word. Too many of these trolls are so clueless it's beyond ridiculous.

  2. I am writing my thesis on Patty for my woman's studies class. I think I have noticed something about her that everybody has missed, something that leads me to believe that Bigfoot lives in a matriarchal society. I feel we have a lot to learn from them. I will write more about this when my thesis is published next week.

    1. That's an interesting concept. It could very well be true. So many people have done break downs of the film, I bet they have noticed whatever you have, but they might dismiss it as something else. I recall one that said it looked like she had roots in her hand. If that is true, it could lead to the idea of female bigfoot being healers I guess. With all the sightings most appear to be male bigfoot. So it could be the males do most of the hunting gathering and scouting, while females tend to young and other stuff. But that is not far from how we are.

      Your paper should be interesting. Just don't tease us like all the other reports we are still waiting on. ;)

    2. Cyndi you cannot determine anything from the patty film about a matriarchal society. You are grabing at straws. You must be some kind of a femanist hippie tree hugging liberal who pulls ideas out or thier ass.

    3. Big Jim Jr = big fucking idiot.
      You are about as stupid as Cyndi is!

    4. For Cyndi. I would like to see your thesis. Anything you can add to the bigfoot culture would be welcome.


    5. Big "+1" to Big Jim Jr and Alpha Dog! I'm looking forward to hearing more about your paper, Cyndi!

    6. You guys need to stay away from your kids model airplane glue: The person claiming to be "Cyndi" is having fun simultaneously mocking "womyn" in the radical feminists movement and people interested in bigfoot.

    7. The term womyn is a social construct. It doesn't really exist. Just like Bigfoot.

    8. Wow, 8:07, that's not my impression at all. Cyndi has never mocked anyone here. And I haven't noticed any disdain for people interested in bigfoot. Perhaps you've confused one of the fake posts for hers. I think you need to read more carefully.

    9. Ummm, "Cyndi" is trolling the bleevers, really you don't see that? She's writing a thesis about Patty and bigfoots living in a matriarchal society? Lol.

    10. And why not if they're hominins, get over your arrogance you toad.

    11. Alright, y'all, the person who has posted as "Cyndi" the past several days is a person mocking my posts. I guess it's because I have commented on the overt sexism I consistently read on this site. Oh, well, whattayagonado?? I am really intrigued by the bigfoot phenomena and so am particularly interested in intelligent discourse regarding this subject. I guess some folks find this lofty goal reason enough to ridicule. My feelings aren't hurt, however, I am actually a bit flattered. :) Oh, and by the way, impostor Cyndi @2:01, good idea on the research paper! I think I've got my next thesis covered!

    12. Cyndi, there are some really interesting (and civilized) discussions going on on bigfootforums.com, if you haven't come across that site yet.

    13. Ok, I've had enough of this, I am the real Cyndi, and it looks as if I'll have to register a gmail account so nobody can impersonate me anymore. I am very sorry about this, but these trolls are driving me crazy.

    14. Ok I am the real Cyndi. Now you can not impersonate me anymore.

    15. I'm Cyndi...and so is my husband.

  3. The other A-Hole was suppose to have a 30-06 rifle. If he wasn't such a pussy and shot that monkey bitch, then case closed. Guess he couldn't shoot his bro in the suit, eh?
    Yeah, Fuckin call me a troll or whatever! Go suck your own turd juice of Moneymaker's ding-dong!

    1. Every single reply until yours was interesting. SMH.

    2. Anon 3:18 your dad sucked my turd juice after I took it out or your moms butt!

    3. How do these comments not get deleted? I've had some of mine deleted and they weren't THAT bad!

    4. We expect more from a man of your rank and stature, sir.

      The Management

    5. Oh, okay that's understandable. Thank - you sir and have a lovely day.

  4. I too am very interested in reading your paper. Where/when will it be made available?

    1. There is no cindy you boneheads its a guy that started posting as a woman making feminist arguments.

    2. Interesting, 6:01. Did the guy posing as Cyndi also post the recent comment asking people to try to be more civil? Not that men can't be civil -- but they don't need to pretend to switch genders to make their voices heard. I think you got confused by some fake Cyndi posts, 6:01.

    3. Think what you like the whole Cyndi thing started as a joke.Its a guy.

    4. Says the guy pretending to be a woman.

    5. Alright, dudes, I know I can't prove it, but I am Cyndi and the person that has been using my name the past few days is mocking me. No biggie, it's actually kind of amusing, but now it's going to be difficult to know who is the original and who is the impostor. :)

    6. I am the real Cyndi, and I can prove it, I will release the details of my paper next week, perhaps I should use the forum?

  5. Excellent article! I would love to read a skeptics response to this!

    1. I wouldn't call them skeptics, they are in total denial. Some of them show acute paranoia and fear of what other will think of them if they were to show any interest in believing. They would be the ones who use profanity to show their manliness.

    2. Exactly, those Randifooters just can't leave it alone and must go licking like the dog just because their limited brain activity tells them to.

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  7. Ja ja ja. Perhaps we are not as much concerned as to what it is, as to where it is.

    Cyndi should be at nurse's school anyway.

    1. Are u referring to your small penis again ?

    2. 1 Millimeter penis has spoken.^

    3. Maybe Hashbrowns has a micropenis, but your mom says he has an ass like a jackhammer!!!

    4. Oh you got that wrong. It was you Mc Cheese ass. You two rub baby oil on each other first . You and Hash!

    5. The jack hammer motion is because of ones inability to penetrate with such a small unit, frustration to penetrate=jack hammer movement.

    6. Man that guy is the whiniest bitch on earth.

  8. Replies
    1. On Planet of the Apes, Why Yes, it was, How astute of you, lol

  9. Skeptics will continue to say its a dude in a suit with no explanation as to why they think that whereas believers can and do explain why it isn't.
    If you ask a skeptic why it is a guy in a suit they say because it is or because the breast are hairy and no other primate has hairy breast.
    The problem is saying"because it is" is not an answer.
    Saying no other primate has hairy breast is not an answer because we are not talking about another primate we are talking about the one in the film.
    When someone takes the time and does measurements it always shows the same thing it cannot be a man in a suit not in 67 and not today.
    I would love for a skeptic to take the time to do an article like this showing why it is a man in a suit but that wont happen on here because most that claim to be skeptics are not they are trolls that repeat the same things over and over show us the monkeyman well, the "monkeyman" is right there in the film and you do believe it or you wouldn't be here.

    1. All their taterholes are in the same spot. Case closed. Confirmed on taterhole alignment.

    2. Hairy breasts?
      Jesus! two of em!

    3. Pretty nice pair of Bindernagels!

    4. The most important number is..48: the amount of hours it took to get the footage, leave the woods, have it shipped across 2 states and developed ,edited and ready for viewing. In 1967! Lucky if CVS can develope a disposable camera in 4 hours in 2012. JOKE!!

    5. ^^ Not to mention the way Patterson allegedly grows a full beard between the casting scene and the cast display scene by the tree in a matter of hours according to their given story.

    6. It's not within the same hours you loser.

  10. Skeptics don't care what you show them. Nice article but the diagrams and illustrations are much too difficult and complex for the minds of skeptics. They won't take the time to read it anyways. And then all they do is make stupid comments which are absolutely irrelevant to the topic at hand.

    1. show me some evidence of a frickin 9 foot ape that roams around america in numbers in the thousands... seriously do that.

    2. GET OUT OF YOUR DESK CHAIR and stop being a Desktop Skeptic, Go out into the wood for a couple of days where sightings were reported, I bet you will have a new attitude. I have seen them and they are real.

    3. Yes that's how to do it, but you know what, the skeptics are pussies and afraid it'll prove them wrong so they'll rather act clever alone in safety by their desk.

    4. shadows and noises in the woods at night does NOT mean bigfoot exists... jesus

    5. No, but to sober witnesses from all walks of life seeing an eight foot tall hairy manlike being it does.

  11. And the believers are basically saying they only have one piece of evidence that is over 40 years old, yet expect us to believe that thousands of these Chakas are lurking behind every tree.

    Why do you think the majority of scientists don't wste their breath on this issue?

    1. Cause people like you would laugh at them if they did.

    2. Has anyone tried setting out a whole bunch of leg traps?

      Or Claymores?

    3. Claymore, Really, yeah, that's what I want to trip on when hiking in the woods, Trip, Boom, Bye, NOT!

    4. Scientists are probably in on the cover-up I don't see how else they could be against the idea when thousands of people have witnessed these beings yet scientists, like in the case of ufos, take the high chair of morality. They're either afraid to be proven wrong or they're in on it unless they're insane there's really no other explanation left. Their job I suppose is basically to maintain order in history, they're employees of those in power and the victors and present rulers always write the book currently bigfoot's not in it for whatever social reasons deemed weighty enough for it to be so.
      In the more extreme of possibilities, we may even have deals in secret with this species already and simply leaving them be. If they exist, just about everything logically indicates they do as evidence and encounters increase, then there must be some kind of darn good reason why officially still undiscovered.

    5. Actually there are several scientists that are joining in the research and the number of universities wanting to get involved has increased as well. Funding has increased for research, being made available not only by the universities, but but the Government itself.

  12. Damn! I don't remember anybody bringing this up befor! (elbow positions humain/monkey) this really makes me go toward the left (believes in bigfoot) I was 50/50 now I'm 70/30 (I am not ac/dc though I like just women) thanks for the report and elbow information today.

    The end

  13. Good luck with your paper liverlips. Just so you know, Patty's a guy in a suit. All your ratios are cute, but there is not a single quantifiable measurement that can be made on Patty.

    The purpose of a costume is to disguise the human inside of it, giving the appearance of a different creature.

    Barney the dinosaur must be real, people don't have arms that short.

    Step back from the film analysis and look at the backstory surrounding pgf. It's so utterly ridiculous and coincidental that no rational mind or respected opinion would buy into the bullshit.

    1. +1000000000000

      bleevers are dumb

    2. Great point, but we must remember that by their very nature, believers don’t have a rational mind. They bend there model/perception of bigfoot to fit all the lack of evidence It’s like the opposite of Occam’s razor with believers, instead of accepting the simplest explanation (there are no bigfoots), they make a bunch of outrageous assumptions (Bigfoot can see/hear the IR light/sounds emitted from game trails, they can turn invisible, they uses infra-sound to confuse you, they “mindspeak” with a select few, they’re aliens and/or extra-dimensional beings!?) to explain why we haven’t found one yet.

    3. Big bird has to be real too. There's no eight foot tall guy to wear the suit. I agree, you can't get accurate measurements in this way. The hip is an ambiguous area on the body to be taking a measurement or making a comparison when a person is wearing a costume. With that said though, I love the PG film and hope it's real.

    4. We know Mayor McCheese is real. How can a guy type and read comments while wearing a huge head piece and costume?

    5. Lol. But if I was real, wouldn't I be constantly getting attacked by hungry dogs and birds?

    6. Oh shit Timmy's back at 8:18, 8:56 and 9:10 with the same old propaganda. LMFAO No Patty's not a guy in a suit no matter how much you douches so desire it there's really no need to act this ingorant anymore with all the examinations done on the film over the years by the likes of Meldrum or M.K. Davis, to still say it's a suit means you deeply want it that way. No more excuses you're all out when the scientific study now speaks loud and clear in its favor, guess it's another dream on for you.

    7. Humm, More Dipshits, Until 1970 they did NOT have Velcro or spandex that would have been required to make the muscle flex in the film. The hair technologies that were available at that time were only good enough to do a head piece and a wrist piece, that is why all the apes on Planet of the apes(original) were CLOTHED to hide the FACT that they could not replicate full body hair, and this is Hollywood saying this. So in closing, some of you need to reflect on your belief system, as they are WRONG!!!!!!

    8. Precisely so 12:49, thank you. Fake film hair used back in those days would always be longish and most often either full body suits or in a few parts, the goofballs thinking they see those parts on Patty are actually seeing her skin under the hair and Patty's hair is shortish. Those imaginary seamlines, that aren't any, shift position and move about her body depending on where she is during her walking proving they're not seamlines but in natural fact the aforementioned hair and skin quite simply reflecting due to light and distance. Also, before the goofballs start, breasts and ass do move as MK Davis´ study proves.

    9. saying there is muscle flex in the film is an assumption to start with, look at any part of the film and the objects blur/move/distort/buldge

    10. The fake fur doesn't look real argument isn't valid either as the costume could have been made of actual animal hyde.

    11. It's actual footage of what many of you trolls deny the existence of, there needs to be a body for this species even if you don't like the idea and here it is named Patty.

    12. First of all, Barney is an over sized costume made to hide the arms of the person inside and with Patty there is no room for that. Second. You do not understand anatomy and most likely never made it past the third grade or you would have comprehended what he was talking about. Third. Giving yourself blow jobs does not make you qualified to say shit cock lips, the guy who wrote this has connections with Hollywood costume designers and knows his stuff. What he says is very true, the elbows are close to the hips, Barneys & Big bird's are not. Try to lengthen your upper arm between the shoulder and your elbow, you cannot do it by sticking your arm in a piece of fabric. As the saying goes, you cannot fix stupid and stupid is what you are!

  14. What about the faked footprints? Why would Patterson fake footprints and present it as the real deal from "Patty"? Can't fake what is captured on the film. Opinions won't change it either.

    1. its a bit of a problem when the only film footers have to hold on to was made by a known conman, you kinda have to laugh :)

    2. Elbows prove its real. The guy was a dick head, even though he got the money shot, his mind still was screaming..gotta get more...make some footprints..yeah!! thats th ticket ahahah hahaha hahaha...awwww yaww

    3. how do you know the distance of the elbow on a 2d image of a guy in a suit... you dont know, noone can know, and noone can find out, there is simply not enough data.

      to say otherwise is to lie, and do so knowingly.

    4. The elbows have often been "placed" by people assuming the elbow position from selectively chosen frames of the film. To be more clear, and accurate you would need to match up many, if not all frames of the film not just the most advantageous to your theories about the elbow.

      This is why the "elbow theory" fails. The people endorsing it have not been able to properly scale, or account for moving elbow points, or head mishapen, sideways facing knees that appear to look like hip waders.

      The film can never be proven "real" by the subjects proportions because they are within human range. Even with the longer arms. However, most people (myself included) feel like there were gloves worn by the actor that his hands may have not fit all the way down into giving the illusion of longer arms along with the shoulder pads or padding underneath.

      I like it when proponents want to talk about proportions and movements. There are a lot of anomalies seen that indicate MIS. Take a closer look at the hip and funky outward facing knee, the upper arms.


    5. Are you mentally retarded ? It HAS been proven a real squatch on several occasions just watch any MK Davis video for the low down. People who think it's fake usually have no idea of the limitations of suit artists in those days AND how Patty's limb proportions match exactly many a reported sighting all in fact moving naturally from her joints. Then go watch the bad horror movies or read this article again, you can't sport bones this realistically and still be fake there's just no way so if you believe otherwise you're clueless aka preconceived.

    6. This Unbiseptium character:

      Study the end of the PGF with subject walking away, stabilised per M.K. Davis. The individual has spinal erectors. The length of the arms and hands are also much clearer from that perspective.

      Spinal erectors aren't duplicated in any kind of costume.

  15. well they are fun drawings and everything but the fact of the matter is, its a guy in a suit.

  16. Do you JREF footer homos still bleeve the lying sack of shit who's pretending to have found the P/G suit ?

    1. I haven't seen any suit presented. Until that time it may as well be just another story like bigfooters tell. Do I think the story has some validity? Yes. Do I think its "the suit"? Who knows. It's yet to be seen by anyone outside of a few. (sounds a lot again like many bigfoot claims)

      I take it all with a grain of salt. If it "happens" I'll be happy to see what the suit looks like and if its a possibility. I do not think there is any lying going on with the story however. It's just yet to be seen what suit this is.

    2. I've seen the suit and it is the one seen in the film. Who cares though bleevers don't want to hear about anything that destroys their fantasy.

    3. ^^
      Fantasizes about making out with J Randi.

    4. Yep and preferably the two of them in monkey suits the cheaper the dirtier it feels.

    5. Listen Anonymous Sunday, November 18, 2012 9:48:00 AM PST:

      Suits don't have spinal erectors.

      Watch end of PGF, stabilised, study it.

      Also note arm/hand length and overall massiveness, from this persepctive.

  17. This so called elbow position theory doesn't hold water. The upper arm can appear to be lengthened by the use of padding on the shoulders. This would allow the suit shoulder to ride higher appearing to lengthen the upper arm. The elbow's relation to the hip can be changed by adding padding above the human hip. This would also allow the suit to appear to have a higher hip in relation to the elbow as well as lengthening the upper thigh. Patty also turns her head in the film "like a human". She doesn't have to turn her body much when looking back at the camera.

    I am a believer, but Mitchell really missed the mark on this one. He did some good work, but failed to take a few simple things into account. This article was also very difficult to read because of the terrible grammar.

    1. Charles Gemora used shoulder pads and elbow pads to disguise arm proportions on his costumes.



    2. You mean terrible like your grammar, anon 10:04? Your cleverpants points won't work actually when Patty's clearly too wide for someone to even reach those shoulders of hers anyway, not to mention too tall from the hip up so Patty is indeed one genuine squatch. Face it or be square, the bones and overall anatomy all together prove this no hoax.

    3. Senor 10:04:

      Suits do not have spinal erectors.

      Watch the end of PGF stablised please.

      Spinal erectors.

      Note arm length, hands, overall massiveness.

      This is a great perspective to see the massiveness of the features and see the muscle.

      Patty's head-turning:

      When her head snaps back forward, near when she stumbles, it's quite simian and a little creepy, and inhuman.

    4. Shoulder pads only raise the height of the shoulders, is does not change where the movement happens and as far as elbow pads, where are the pads when the arm is straight? You cannot see any pads in the elbows!

  18. You may be referring to your Eskimo lover there, Patty though is the real thing real squatch.

  19. I just want to know..... what is whooping at us at deer camp with a generator running?.... and loud enough to be distinctly heard over the generator?.... and turnips PULLED out the ground in our food plots?...and many tree snaps in the middle of the night? .....and BIG rocks moved to see what is underneath?

    e what is underneath?..... this is happening right now in Latimer county in SE OKLA.... on private property behind a series of locked gates 6 miles long....

    1. i duno get some fricken trail cameras up then

    2. Sounds like you graduated summa cum laude from the Matt Moneymaker School of identifying unknown forest sounds.

      Lesson 1: Everything is a Sasquatch.

      Here’s your diploma!

    3. Wow, 12:18, that's SO COOL! Don't worry about the first two commenters. They obviously don't have any experience in the field. Let us know more as more happens!

  20. Red fox, coyote, deer, wild pigs, black bear.

  21. Ain't never heard a pig whoop...never heard o fox whoop...never heard a coyote whoop. ....whitetail grunt and bleat.....not whoop.....don't think black bears whoop either.....or move rocks the size of trash cans......and all them critters DIG UP turnips... they don't pluck....u need fingers

  22. I got cameras up every where.....squatch ain't very photogenic..

    1. in fact could you say its almost like it doesnt exist!

  23. Hello, my name is Timmy.

    There never was, never were, never would be, never could be, never will be, a bigfoot.

    Thank you very much.

    Also, suits and costumes are all full of muscles and bones. They make them that way. Everyone knows that.

    Therefore, there is no bigfoot.

    I am very very intelligent.

    My name is Timmy.

    I am super bright.

    1. In reality you're a retarded troll but we understand your condition and have pity on you.

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  25. yeah, except the guy in the suit admitted he was the guy in the suit-- remember?

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    Keep Posting:)


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