The Mono Lake Bigfoot Footage

Back in 2008, a science teacher from Orange County, California came forward and presented to the Bigfoot community one of the most intriguing footage of Bigfoot they had seen in a long time. The teacher said his family had viewed the vacation video privately for almost 20 years-- not knowing he had captured a possible Bigfoot until his daughter pointed it out to him. The home video was taken in 1991, around Mono Lake, near the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. In the video, a large, hairy, upright figure can be seen walking between two rock formations near the shore.

Investigators suggest that the figure in the video shows either a Bigfoot, or someone in a Bigfoot costume. According to the BFRO, if it was a person, it would have been someone who was wearing a large, full-length brown fur coat with excessively long furry sleeves.

The witness submitted his report to the BFRO on May 9, 2008 (17 years after filming the creature). Based on his credibility as a high school science teacher with absolutely nothing to gain by releasing the tape-- the BFRO believes the film is authentic:

He is a science teacher at a high school in south Orange County, California. He has no incentive to fake this footage or to involve his family in an elaborate prank.

The animal seen strolling among the tufa spires appears to be upright and bipedal and muscular. It appears to have long arms and makes long strides with its legs. It does not appear to be a bear. It appears to be either a man in a bigfoot costume, or an actual bigfoot.

The profile of the cameraman, combined with the random circumstances of the videotaping, strongly suggest this is not a man in a costume -- not a hoax.

Below is the BFRO report from 2008:

On May 18, 1991, while on vacation in the Mammoth Lakes area in Northern California, my family took a short day hike to Mono Lake to do some sightseeing. It was overcast and very cold with a strong wind blowing. There was still snow on the surrounding peaks. Mono Lake is at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountains.

I do not recall the location at which we parked the car to begin our hike, but I do remember that ours was the only car in the parking area and that the spot was quite desolate. It was a cold Saturday morning and the area was deserted. At 9:17AM I began shooting VHS video footage of our trek, and after a short period of time we finally decided to leave because of the wind and cold. We went back to our hotel in June Lake, enjoyed the rest of the weekend and went home. The trip was quite uneventful (or so we assumed).

The tape went into our family home video collection and for 17 years, from 1991 to 2008, it has been watched countless times by family and friends. So much so that my kids have the dialog on much of the tape collection memorized. On April 19, 2008 my daughter (6 years old in the video and now 22) was watching the tape in the downstairs family room when she suddenly screamed out and began yelling for me to come downstairs. I thought something bad had happened and after racing down the staircase, found my daughter and my ex sitting in front of the television telling me to watch a segment from the tape. What I saw when we played it back made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. And it was something none of us had ever noticed in almost 17 years of watching this tape,

In the final few seconds of the Mono Lake segment just before I turned the camera off I caught something very large and black moving between two rock formations a short distance from where we had been hiking. It was completely black with no differentiation in color or texture and walked upright like a human but with a gate more like a primate. At first I thought it was a bear, but after going over the video many times and finally digitizing and sharpening it I am now unsure what to think. From examination of the footage of my family whose distance from the camera was comparable to that of the creature it is easy to see the distinct details and variation in clothing, hair, face and hands. In contrast, the creature caught on tape exhibits none of those distinctions.The shape of the body does not resemble a human. The head is too large and the arms are too long. And although it does resemble a bear at one particular angle in the clip, the stance and gate don't add up. It is an intriguing mystery.

That we were able to go for 17 years without noticing this event on the tape seems unbelievable, but in retrospect it actually makes some sense. The segment lasts for only a couple of seconds and the focus is on the lake and mountains which is what I must have been filming at the time. I didn't see it when I shot the tape and it has since gone unnoticed because one must really be looking for it to see it.

I am not a person who is prone to believing in conspiracy theories, alien abductions and bizarre events such as a purported Bigfoot sighting. I've seen various footage and photographs of Bigfoot/Sasquatch sightings over the years and have always been extremely skeptical of their authenticity. As an engineer who now teaches high school physics, I am highly educated and very level headed. If I see something I don't understand my natural reaction is to analyze it rationally using the scientific method. I do not jump to conclusions based on faulty hypotheses. So in this case, I will suspend judgment pursuant to further investigation. But having shown this video to family and friends whose opinions I trust, the overall reaction seems to be a unanimous "Bigfoot!!" Wishful thinking? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way it is very intriguing and definitely warrants further investigation.

Your opinion and assistance in this matter would be appreciated.


  1. First. Second and third ladies

    1. code for: "I don't have a life"

    2. Or he's following lead of Web-Dweebs Troll network...& he's a man. Ha!

    3. Yeah I'm just following someone else's lead. So an na na na na

    4. Dudes getting a lot of pussy.

  2. I am a believer. But this is not a BigFoot.

    1. I am not a believer and this is not Bigfoot

    2. I am Bigfoot and that's not me. I've never been to Mono Lake.

      just for the record, I don't believe in myself either (self-esteem issues).

    3. I am an I am Replying as: Anonymous now clicking publish. Good bye =)

    4. I am an asshole and you are all douchebags. That is all.

    5. In conclusion: pointy head, long arms, bipedal, hairy, long gait . . . yep! Confirms on all points. The real deal folks. Nothing left to see here. I've made my determination!

  3. u can clearly see its a person when they turn to the side

  4. I have seen this video before years ago. This was proven to be nothing then a man in a heavy fur coat either out for a stroll or trying to hoax. End of story Period.

    1. You're full of it. Don't know what this is, but post a source that proved it to be a man in a fur coat.

    2. No one ever proved anything about it. I'm the only one who investigated it and found the location at Mono Lake. The place where it walked is now under about 6 feet of water.

      Mono Lake has been filling up for the past 30 years, after the stream flow from Sierras was restored.

    3. DUDES THIS STORY WAS COVERED ON THE HISTORY CHAN MONSTER-QUEST! TELLS IT ALL! oh yea first, second, third fag! i see your still deeply hated! a-hole!

  5. I believe in bigfoot one hundred percent but am amazed there hasn't been footage as good or better than PGF out there. Actually I think there is better footage it's laying in the bottom of a few dresser drawers or closet. Not to mention what the government surely has to have.

    1. That's a HUGE problem with Bigfoot. Wheres the footage? You can guarantee no one is sitting on unreleased footage. That is a stretch even for footers. If anyone had any evidence what so ever they would tell the world. Unless it's one of those batshit crazy habituated types claiming they want to protect the Bigfoot so they never release any evidence - completely contradicting them trying to get attention in the first place.

      I am pretty sure most of the high ups in bigfooting know damn well there's no Bigfoot. But nevertheless they keep peddling false information to keep their cult alive and to not lose their "status"

    2. no bigfoot = no evidence for bigfoot. That is real science.

    3. Anon at 438. That's not really a valid assumption. Not everyone is a "footer" and not everyone believes n Bigfoot or is even remotely interested in the subject like the readers of this blog. If one falls in that category they most likely wouldn't be interested in telling the world for fear of being called a loon and also ruining their professional reputation. In other words they most likely would equate coming forward as a bad thing and not a positive thing like a lot of "footers" Shawn posts about.

    4. 4:21, have you not seen Standings footage?

  6. Contrary to what anon 4 13 says this has never been proven to be a hoax, and never proven to be a bigfoot. It has been analyzed in depth at least twice on TV, one being Monsterquest, but since the area in question is now underwater it was a difficult job.

    Perhaps someone should go back and look at Clint Eastwoods High Plains Drifter in depth to see if they accidentally filmed one in the background at Mono Lake.

    On another note 15 minutes ago my wife turned on the local fox station in Dayton and said they had a bigfoot on. I went in and looked and it was the Provo Bigfoot that is getting so much attention here. At least they did not laugh at it like the station in Utah and mentioned the shoulders looked massive. I guess this has now gone national.


    1. its obviously a human coz when it turns you can clearly see a white guy with dark hair wearing clothes.also i think its in reverse to try and make it look like its coming towards camera rather than going away

  7. Maybe the Bigfoot was chasing the bucket of fried chicken in the wind they brought for lunch.

  8. Old news, was on finding bigfoot. Running out of things to talk about? Anything for some views eh

    1. This is an entire field based on constantly trotting out a 45-year old film as its only "decent" evidence, so as far as old news goes, this isn't so bad.

    2. Your snarky comment only goes to show that you present nothing relevant to the conversation. Go kick rocks child.

  9. This is a case for the Blurrity software.

  10. Just a person in a heavy winter coat carrying a purse or bag.

  11. Did anyone see the "Making Monsters" episode last week with Bob H. and the supposed bigfoot costume worn in the Patty Video? The costume looked like a joke to me. I'm surprised I haven't seen anything on here regarding this. Please find the clip and post it and let the games begin among skeptics and believers!

    1. These people are a joke. All these years later and these "pros" still can't make a costume that looks/behaves like what is seen in PGF. Lame.

    2. These people are a joke. All these years later and these "pros" still can't find a bigfoot that looks/behaves like what is seen in PGF. Lame.

  12. Yes the Bob H. stop-motion flim-flam-film-clip is a joke. It's in a jerky stop-motion kind of format and is an embarrassing joke. I clicked that to see how he "mastered" the walk and it was a cheesy stop-motion piece of junk of a clip.

    It makes you question the sanity of the skeptic-naysayers. To watch that lunatic stop-motion joke of a clip and declare it mirrors the look and movements of Patty puts skeptics in a sad position.

    It's the height of gullibility to swallow the Bob H. story and "believe" that clip. He couldn't duplicate the walk so they put the thing in stop-motion, but that didn't help.

    That brand of skeptic is simply bat-poo-crazy.

    1. Yes it is much more sane to believe in a 800 lb 8 foot tall ape like hairy man is walking around our forests undetected.

    2. @9:03

      100%! Bob H could never have gone to Bluff Creek 100%. He has never been in any films that Patterson made. There was a bigfoot in a Bob H costume on the documentary Patterson was making 100%!

      Bob H head 100% would not fit into that beautiful, lucious, sexy hunk of a girl Patty. Heck, Bob H wishes he could have as sexy of an ass as Patty 100%. You know how much I've fapped to that ass?? 100%! Her breasts are like mountains of desire splitting the massive hairy chest into mounds of joy! 100%

      If Bob H was Patty, then I'm 100% bat poo-crazy!

  13. Bigfoot + footage = Bigfootage

    I have made this a better planet. :)

  14. Real or not, the video sucks. Thanks Shawn.

  15. Inconclusive.

    I watched this episode of Monsterquest several times, I love that show. It's a shame they cancelled it.

  16. bigfoot is real bitches!!! if it wasnt for the drunken commentors, this place would suck!

  17. Had lunch with LittleFoot while fishing at Gallard lake in June. She said to tell folks that if they're going to leave fried chicken buckets behind, have the decency to leave some GD-Dmd chicken in them. And no more hot wings either; they give her the runs.

    (Just kidding; guys...

    She doesn't mind pepper.)

  18. It's a man walk backwards out from the rocks before turning to the right, towards the camera. You can see him in the last few frames


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