Yesterday, Spike TV officially announced the Bigfoot hunting contest, proudly claiming the "LARGEST CASH PRIZE IN TELEVISION HISTORY". The one hour show, officially titled, "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty," will feature various teams of "explorers" who will be faced with "nature's inhospitable conditions" as they search for evidence of Bigfoot. The first team to secure proof of Bigfoot will win the $10 million bounty (insured by Lloyd's of London).

It's time to really find out if Bigfoot truly exists with the LARGEST CASH PRIZE IN TELEVISION HISTORY. Spike is raising the stakes something serious in the endless quest to discover the truth about the legendary creature known as Bigfoot, the seemingly mythical being that roams forests of the world, avoiding mankind.

We here at SPIKE have announced a new one-hour reality show, "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty," featuring ambitious teams of explorers on a brazen exhibition to unearth real evidence of Bigfoot's existence. The "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty" is a new competitive reality show features various teams of explorers on a quest to answer the question of whether Big Foot truly lives. The $10 million in cash, underwritten by Lloyd's of London, would be the LARGEST CASH PRIZE IN TELEVISION HISTORY.

"10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty," which will feature scientists, zoologists, seasoned trackers, and actual Bigfoot hunters who all believe in the infamous creature's existence. The teams will be faced with the daunting task of proving to a group of experts that Bigfoot, the hairy ape-like sasquatch, exists with the irrefutable evidence. The winner will be the first team to secure proof – and win the unprecedented $10 million bounty.

Each episode will follow the different teams as they ply their extensive research and presumed knowledge of the legendary creature, often battling nature's inhospitable conditions.

Updates about the show will become available at as they happen.

[via Spike TV]


  1. I asume the bounty is to be collected if the Bigfoot in question proves to be an unknown species? My personal feeling is that Bigfoot and Yetis, etc, come in more apelike and more humanlike forms, and the more humalike ones are the ones seen most often and over the widest area. If those do actually turn out to be human, proving their existance is relatively simple but basically valueless. I don't think anybody will be forking out ten million dollars for that.

    1. At most, the producers would have to fork out ~$50,000 to buy the prize policy from Lloyds.

    2. Meant to add... with an easy minimum $10 mil payoff to THEMSELVES if a BF is found, since they'll no doubt own rights to all photos, footage and evidence gathered.

  2. Again they say "irrefutable evidence", No evidence is irrefutable! Any dimwitted skeptic can refute any and all evidence. So they will never have to pay up, unless they define the parameters of exactly what evidence they require.

  3. What a load of BS. The only way they are going to prove Bigfoot and receive the 10 mil is if they get a body. If they are going armed with only video cameras then they are pretty much destined to fail.

    1. No a body isn't enough, just takes one person to glance at it and say "i don't think that's real" and your evidence has been refuted. You get nothing!

  4. You offer 10 million when you are certain you won't ever have to pay it out.
    The Bigfoot scheme is the biggest scam around these days.

  5. Bad idea! There are too many trigger-happy idiots (Justin Smeja) out there who would kill for a lot less than $10 million. What right do we have to bring in bodies for our own curiosity? YES, I agree it would be a huge scientific discovery, but unless there are strict guidelines; no dead bodies, this will turn into a witch hunt.
    Our curiosity is not more important than their right to live in peace as they have for thousands of years. Until I see some really strict guidelines, I'll not be watching. It sounds like a sick game that we don't have the right to be playing.
    Shame on you Spike TV, and to all of those putting up the money. Is this what we've come to? Hunting down a species that has been intelligent enough to stay away from human beings for this long? Is there no Morality? Let people like Dr Jeff Meldrum continue his work in a scientific way, because this is going to turn out ugly, just watch!

    1. This is yet another reality tv show. It will probably be a few teams of known researchers with a bunch of unknown local teams. It will be all about the chase not proving bigfoot. There will be guns I am sure but remember, almost every scene will be "recreated" to add drama. I have no idea who might be their "expert" panel. Probably some dna scientists and or zoologist with maybe a cryptozoologist. I doubt I will waste my time on it. Especially if it is on a night that I watch other shows.

    2. On your problem with killing one, you have to realize by now that nothing except a body for study will prove anything. We can have all the dna we want, but without the body science won't accept it. DNA will prove to you and others they exist, but look at how long it took to accept gorillas.

      There is hundreds and thousands of years of stories and lore on bigfoot. With that much legend, bigfoot will never be left alone to live in the wild. Until proof, undeniable proof, a body is brought forth. Once a body is dropped in front of science, they can not deny it ever again. At that point laws will be enacted guaranteeing the protection of bigfoot.

      As distasteful as it is, one bigfoot will have to die. There is no other way. We have all heard reports of the hairs, blood, saliva, droppings of unknown animals, yet still science refuses to say they exist. The reason for that is simple. Scientists are human. Humans are stubborn and when a human spends hundreds of thousands of dollars learning that things exist only by tangible proof, they will deny theories until that proof is dropped in front of them. They refuse to accept they might be wrong.

      Think of the cryptozoologists and theoretical scientists. Are they accepted as main stream scientists? No, the are the fringe scientists. They are ignored until suddenly they figure out something and can repeat it for others to see. And again, we all know there is unknown dna floating around. But until there is a body to compare it to, bigfoot has a bullseye birthmark on it's chest.

    3. Not true at all. They do surgery on Gorillas and Bears at Zoos - how you ask? Tranquilizers! Tranquilize, capture, cage, document, draw blood, monitor for a week by multi-disciplinary expert teams, tag, then release.

      Killing only necessary for redneck science and macho men who shoot from trucks, kill infant bigfoots, and for drivers who really get off on watching bullet impact in other hominids.

    4. You honestly think a captured bigfoot would be released? No way. There would always be "one more test" to do. It would be kept forever. Constantly poked and prodded until it is eventually driven crazy. A live bigfoot would be worth much more than a dead one. That is another reason it would never be released. It is fine to feel that your method would work, but you are never going to see that happen in real life.

      I would rather see one killed quickly with a bullet than slowly tortured to death by being locked in a cage, given drugs, stabbed with needles, strapped to gurneys to cut and slice, poked, prodded and otherwise abused. The real world is a cold hard world full of greed, neglect, cruelty, and worse.

    5. Here we go again. A lot of excitement and anxiety about nothing. The show will turn up nothing. No bigfoot will be harmed in the making of this dumb show. What we will see is a bunch of goofy people making fools of themselves, just like every other reality show, and every other show about bigfoot. Nothing will come of it. It will become boring after the very first episode, since we will all realize that if bigfoot was ever found, it would not be revealed as late as an episode would take to air. So it's already a non-starter from day 1.

      That said, what hundreds and thousands of years of bigfoot stories? Bigfoot is a modern creation, started in what, the 50's? Concocted out of bits and pieces of Indian folklore, which actually morphed unrelated Indian folk lore into white man legend, then fed back into the Indian lore as rewritten history that never existed in any tribe prior to the 50's! There is no long history of bigfoot, it's completely a social construct of modern times, with its long history completely fabricated.

      Here's the deal, since not one single bigfoot has ever been shot, captured, detained, or recorded for real, other than hoaxes, you can bet that one will never be captured, killed, detained in the future. Shows like this are built to generate advertising revenue, without any hope or expectation of finding anything. These shows prey on the gullible fans just like the big researchers do, playing to the audience that eats it all up, and pays the bills in the process.

      There's no point in getting worked up about it, nothing will happen with this show, nor anywhere else for that matter. Heck, how can anyone find bigfoot when nobody can even find Melba???




  7. Who would be the panel of experts? Glad to see Dale Drinnon again, it has been awhile. Unless guns are allowed, and I certainly hope not, there will be no irrefutable evidence collected and the cash is safe.
    Will Team Tazer be a participant?


  8. No one is participanting. Has anyone in the world of bigfootery confirmed this? The casting firm did their interviewing of *investigators* over a year ago. There has been no follow up. Given they are boasting of 10 teams; it would be safe to assume we are talking about 20-30 people or more who would be in on this. Yet no one has even hinted they have signed on. This promotion by Spike T.V. stinks. I'd say they are fishing for sponsors.

    1. Im envisioning teams of two or four, im thinking like race around the world. Its cheep reality TV, why have bigger teams or have contestants that know what there doing, that would bring more chance of having to pay up.

    2. Wrong. They DO want you to find a BF. On your dime. They have paid about $50k for that policy; the $10 mil won't coming out of their own pockets. Besides, by owning rights to all the evidence, they'll make much more than $10 mil for themselves IF a BF is found. Pretty slick deal for them, really.

  9. Time to get Bob Gimlin liquored up, give him a 12 gauge and let him ride around Bluff Creek for a couple of days.

    That'll catch that hairy bastard. Catch him good.

  10. Mid-Michigan calling. If u come to my neck of the woods with bounty on your mind u best put all your affairs in order because they will tear a murder like u limb from limb and leave what's left for the pigs. They r peaceful people. Leave them alone

  11. Not just anybody can walk away from their life and obligations to chase any amount of money, let alone $10 mil. Even if they can, they'll need gear and supplies that don't come free. I expect the teams will be secretly paid actors.

  12. They're going to get some people killed. Is that good TV? We'll see.

  13. For $10 mill there are absolutely no definitive guidelines as to what warrants the pay out. I can't take this seriously. We all know only two bodies will suffice.

  14. OK, To all the teams that get picked for this if you will split the money with me I will give you the body I have! Just call me.

  15. You are gonna need more than one Bigfoot. one will just tell us there was this one unusual creature. 2 will tell us there is a species of Bigfoots.

  16. This $10m bounty could create a shoot to kill policy, take the money and run and never mind the big foot! I hope they find only their own footprints! Long live the squatch. Rock on baby! From little ole Ireland.


  17. Definition of Irrefutable: Impossible to deny or disprove.
    Nothing and not one thing is actually irrefutable.

  18. I'll only watch if it's a format like hunger games or death race. Death by bigfoot would be so cool !

    1. The big score, any sex, over 75 years old has been upped to 100 points. Toddlers and Bigfoot remain at 75 points.

      As always, how fast you move determines how long you live.

  19. LMFAO!!! And yet there will NOT be any Sasquatch taken in, GUARANTEED. It will be interesting reading the stories, listening to the interviews etc etc from people shooting other people and killing bears etc etc thinking its Bigfoot.

  20. maybe half the people who claimed to have shot bigfoot and buried it will dig them and claim the reward.

  21. If this bounty isn't open to all of America for a certain period of time then this shit is worthless. Who the fuck is going to watch a bullshit show where NOTHING is going to happen. If they were serious, they'd open the money up to the public. This shit is stupid and its for SUCKERS.

  22. You KNOW it will be hilarious. There's not much funnier than a buncha honest-to-god Bigfoot believers stumbling around in the dark. The pratfalls and inevitable mayhem will be far more than worth whatever they spend on it.

  23. I know of a few destitute bigfoot personalities that were eventually planning to jump at the chance for TV and the chance at the big $'s. A few have been playing coy waiting to see if this would happen, but the train has left the station heading for hoootersville. Sorry Steve'o, Miss Mel, Timmy1, Timmy2, the bigfoot boyee and assorted other BF BS'ers.

    In related news, one of the promos shows a Gatt Groneymaker howling in the woods and tripping over roots because of the Groucho Marks glasses, nose and mustache he is wearing. He claims the get up is actually a new therm unit and thar r bigfoots in dem dar woods.


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