Robert Lindsay: "First photos of Dr. Melba Ketchum’s horses after Bigfoots braided their manes!"

We used to laugh about the rumor that Bigfoots were sneaking into Dr. Melba Ketchum's ranch to braid her horses. If the horse in the following photos are really Ketchum's, the trolls are going to have a heyday when they wake up in the morning to read the following article posted by Robert Lindsay:

First photos of Dr. Melba Ketchum’s horses after Bigfoots braided their manes! One of the very strange stories that I leaked a while back was that Ketchum, who is in charge of the Bigfoot DNA study, stated that Bigfoots at a site she is leasing in Texas had braided the manes on her horses. This report was met with quite a bit of ridicule at the time, and it was never confirmed by Ketchum to my knowledge.

Ketchum has leased some property in Texas that is apparently a known Bigfoot habituation site. She apparently visits this property from time to time, and I believe she has seen Bigfoots there. She has stated she has seen Bigfoots, but did not say where. I assume she must have seen them at this property.

The only way she could be seeing Bigfoots at her new property is if she leased a known habituation site. From a source, I learned that her leased property is in Texas, not in Oklahoma as I previously thought. She has also apparently put some of her many horses on this new property. They are probably being cared for by a caretaker or manager of some sort.

Via a confidential source, I recently received three photos of what is reportedly one of Melba’s horses showing braiding of the horse’s mane. There are three photos in total. The person is close to the Ketchum Project and states that the photos are indeed from one of Melba’s horses.

[via Robert Lindsay]


  1. Replies
    1. Now that I've been first; I'll be the first again by responding with LMMFAO at this article. Give me a break, it's getting a little bit ridiculous with some if these postings. Next it'll be curlers that Bigfoot put in her sheep's wool to make it curly.

    2. Not as big a douche as someone who would believe this malarkey. Go back to your World of Warcraft you fuckin nerd.

    3. I so love it that the nerdy trolls are the ones actually laughed at, they're either totally stupid and driven by fear and insecurity or they're aware Bigfoots do in fact exist and thus themselves part of the real hoax : the Bigfoot cover-up. Even Lindsay thinks these beings aren't apes and of course they're not, so even to him braided horse manes shouldn't come as a big surprise when they're humanlike. MK Davis also suspects it about Patty's head hair if I'm not mistaken and animals would hardly do this - but forest people would.

    4. 1:18 Please join the forum where we can discuss the various braiding techniques and how they may be used to identify the various kinds of bigfoots without being trolled by flat-earth believing no-nothings.

    5. Shawn, you may want to update your blog. Lindsey updated his blog and now says these were not Melba's ponies but some lady in Michigan's horses.

  2. The confidential source who leaked the braided hair photos is the Knower.

    1. The knower is an elderly man who went on a bender according to his so the knower Jr.

    2. The Knower is Melba's horse, specifically the portion toward the rear.


    1. Hey dickweed, there's a button on your keyboard designated 'caps lock'. Try turning it off next time, you fuckin' goober.

    2. MK Davis said something similar once about Patty's hair, and in any case it'd only be shocking if they were wild animals which they aren't.

    3. 1;21 Please join the forum where we discuss, using MK's advanced techniques, whether or not Patty braided Melba's hair. Registration is required, so we will not be insulted by anonymous trolls.

    4. Yes, we have heard reports of them braiding themselves. You need to read a wider range of reports, my friend. The problem is that if you only read a few of the more mainstream blogs and sites they will NOT report things like this, as they discount them automatically. If you are serious about understanding the whole phenomenon, whatever it may turn out to be, you owe it to yourself to read everything, and not throw out anything, just file it away as a "maybe."

  4. I've got some property in Washington State that is apparently a known Bigfoot habituation site.

    For lease: $1,000/acre, check craigslist

  5. Real kmower here.. News just in..a bigfoot price list for hair styles has been found deep in the forest a few miles from this site.. Braids start from 8.00 dollars depending on size of the horse and how matted the mayne is, jerry curl 11.00 dollars and cut n dry 15.00.. The knower knows best remember

    1. next summer bigfoot will also start offering henna tattoos to go with the braids. start saving up your quarters kiddies!

  6. They would eat that small horse! wouldnt they ? Meat eaters right,Elk, deer ,small horse, a large Grizzly Bear would.

    1. maybe they're like the Zoobies, caring for our livestock: 'Here chicky, chicky, chicky...'

  7. So instead of grooming the horses the caretakers can just say bigfoot braided it

    1. Lol. I would believe that rather than the bigfoot story by a long shot.

    2. Then you're one of the easily fooled, just tell people the out of the norm doesn't exist and they'll buy it. It's so easy as long as it's not official. Why do you think the government and mainstream science never reveal anything out of the norm? Because as long as they don't people will believe they're safe, and a feeling of safety is the key and name of the game. It's a false security of course but if revealed they can't control your world anymore, thus they're fearing chaos. I don't think there'd be but it's their ploy.


  8. Braiding is not one of their better skills then, why can't they be like the sierra ones and wedge the horse upside down between 2 trees.

  9. This might explain the cornrows I found on my alpacas.

  10. Replies
    1. Jah, somebody been smokin' a fatty, I'll tell ya that mon.

  11. I worked with Ms Ketchum and this will all come out in her paper and film (not the peer review but habitat study paper and film) in the not to distant future. Stay tuned!

    1. The witness bigfoot record has several incidents of Bigfoots braiding the manes of horses. The larger question here is not that they can and have done it but what is the relationship between a horse and a Bigfoot. Horses have only been on this continent for about 500 years. There are very few stories of horses being attacked by Bigfoots although some of horses being spooked when in their presence like what happened to Roger Patterson's horse. My opinion is that horses are not a threat to their young like what a large dog, pack of coyotes, and wolves could be. Maybe the braiding is for their own amusement. Just my opinion and thoughts.


  12. So I'm just supposed to believe that someone else didn't place braids in to those horses' manes?

    Horse don't get spooked if they know that a Bigfoot is going to braid their manes?

  13. I see manes look like that all the time and I promise you, it's not because a bigfoot was involved. They're called wind knots; it's what happens when you don't brush their manes. Look at photos of wild horses, and a lot of them will look like that.

    1. Well....They are totally out of the money for the Fitting and Showmanship Award at the local Horse Show.

      Yep looks like a few Barb Wire snags
      as well. This myth started when locals in the Euro-Carpathian Mountains claimed that The Alma's -Almasty's were braiding horses manes. Alma's Bigfoots Yeti's better stick to basket weaving.
      They really stink at braiding.

    2. They're supposed to stink anyway.

  14. UNBELIEVERS! It is clear these things exist. What is wrong with you people. Don't be so narrow minded and skeptical. Come on people.

    1. LMFAO!! Clear? Prove it then, it should be easy, right? Narrow minded and skeptical? I say to dumb asses who believe this shit: don't be so fucking stupid and retarded.

    2. Funny it's so important for skeptics to jive about then. Yes Bigfoots definitely exist you can bet your ass on that or all of your savings if you will, but unfortunately it's not 100% clear yet simply because authorities are against it at present. The more good video we see of this smart species coupled with DNA shall eventually set the record straight, it's finally just a matter of time now.

    3. I know they exist but this... I won't say impossible but highly highly implausible. She discredited herself with her more wild statements. Sad that.

  15. This is just getting ridiculous. Can anyone really take her word for anything? Braids? Honestly, how can that be interpreted as braids? Silly, and LOONEY TUNES!!

  16. i heard that male bigfoot do this while humping horses.

  17. it doesn't look like they did a good job at all. I would tell bigfoot not to quit it's day-job of being a monster.

  18. I have owned horses and seen this many times on the horses.....simply put, this occurs when the horses get their mains hung up in the fence/barbwire, or brush/trees/shrubs. Nothing mysterious here, and no Bigfoot either.

    1. Mine too sometimes they just get shit in their hair sometimes or they just get tangled

  19. Braids? Tangles more like it.
    NO horse would stand still for a predator while it
    farted about with its hair.


    1. Predator? They may not view them as such just like we can get close to horses, apparently they got close enough to tip one of Ron Morehead and Scott Nelson's horses upside down.

  20. Replies
    1. Read Lindsy's blog again. Updated to say these weren't Melba's ponies but some lady in Michigan's horses.

  21. Just one more reason not to trust anything Linsay the Mental defective has to say!

  22. If you have any real interest in this subject , spend some time researching actual reports and accounts from ranchers dating back as far as u can go..,. The truth to what's happening to these horses is much more disturbing, " male sasqatches who do not have access to any females will work together to molest livestock( horses.. cows... sheep)- one sasquatch holds the head of the targeted female animal and the other male sasquatch will get control of the rear end and forces himself in to her. Horses will appear to have these crappy twisted chunks in there manes and that is from the sasquatch gripping and twisting the horses mane to get a firm grip during the attack. When this happens to female cows in many cases the tail on the female cow is broken. I know this will sound unbelievable to most ( I have done my own research and now know this to be true. Look into it and discover the truth for yourself


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