Hardcore Outdoorsman Finds a Bigfoot Track, Proving Once Again That Bigfoot Isn't Mass Hullcination

It's possible that some Bigfoot sightings being reported by people are just misidentified animal reports. But what about the tracks that people find in the middle of nowhere? The photo above obviously isn't a bear track, and the impression seems deep enough to suggest that something big and heavy made the print. According to an outdoorsman for Hardcore Outdoors, who specializes in hunting videos and guided hunts, he discovered the footprint above while camping in "very secluded camp" somewhere in Texas. The tracks were 12 to 13 inches long and pressed deep into the mud. "My buddy Shawn was with me & he is 6 feet 4 inches tall, weighs 385 pounds & wears a size 14 boot & he couldn't push his foot that deep in the mud beside the tracks!" he wrote on Facebook.

If I hadn't seen this myself I'd NEVER have believed it! We parked the boat on the west bank of an old slough this past Friday evening about a mile from our very secluded camp, hunted, killed the hog I posted a pic of that same night, drug the hog out & went back to camp. That night the temperature went from 79 degrees to about 45 degrees with 40pmh gusting winds all night long, there was a man with his wife & young grandson that were camped next to us but they were fishing & I know for a FACT they never left camp that night because I was sleeping close to our boats. Saturday morning we fought the wind & waves up the cove & into the same slough from the night before, parked the boat in the same spot & there were these tracks. Whoever or whatever left these tracks waded across the slough in about knee deep water in the middle of the night in 45 degree weather in their bare feet, the tracks were very visible across the shallow water all the way up onto the bank till it hit gravel & they were gone. They were NOT 15 to 18 inches long like I've always heard but were about 12 to 13 inches long but the tracks were pressed deep into the mud, my buddy Shawn was with me & he is 6 feet 4 inches tall, weighs 385 pounds & wears a size 14 boot & he couldn't push his foot that deep in the mud beside the tracks! Another thing about these tracks is that the right foot seems to be missing the little toe, I SWEAR I didn't pay much attention to the little track next to it till I got it on my computer just now. I sent it to a good friend who is also one of my cameramen last late night via cell phone & he asked me about the little track & I told him it looked like the rear foot of a raccoon. Now, on the bigger computer screen it looks like a miniature version of the big track! I can't honestly say what I think about this but here's the pic & the real story behind it, you be the judge!

High resolution image:

Thanks to Ronnie O. for sharing.


  1. Replies
    1. I'm no footprint expert, maybe the (possible) bf had most of it's weight distributed forward to put the (possible) juvenile on the ground after going through the water? Thus, the small print beside the big one?

    2. "Wheres its little toe?"

      If it was all up in your ass you'd know where it was.

    3. that makes sense, thanks!

    4. No problem,always like to help out if I can. ;)

    5. No problems bud, it's nice to be put straight once in a while, even though it's total fucking bullshit. ;¬)))

    6. Along with the picture above are "words". Read them.

    7. If I read everything on this blog I wouldn't have a life.

    8. Reading the comments, no shit as there funny as fuck! The articles I couldn't care less about.

    9. These prints would make sense if both beasties stopped to evenly push their feet into the wet mud, and the retracted them upwards, but presuming they were walking - the front of the foot would be deeper than heel as weight distribution shifted to the forward foot. The toes too would pitch forward and dig into the mud. These are fakes.

  2. In the picture, whats the smaller on to the left, a baby one?

  3. Have bigfoots gotten smaller? It doesn't seem like any exceptionally large prints are being found anymore. (yeah I know "they don't exist" comments will follow)

    1. they dont exist and all those ridiculously big prints from back in the 60s were faked

    2. You never see anything even close to what Jerry Crew was holding up back in '58, that's for sure.

  4. They come in all sizes and ages since they are not born 8 feet tall. So one could reasonably say this is from a young adult.

    1. Or a one legged person with a cane that has a foot on the end of said cane.

  5. This might be from the same creature (both prints) Could be that it has one large foot, and one small foot.
    A lopsided deformed bigfoot. (like me)

  6. Either way, I'd be pretty fucking worried if I had green shit like that being left behind off my footprints.

  7. Check his Facebook album, way down low. It's not like he hadn't wished he had a pair of fake feet that he could stomp around in and "have a lot of fun with"...

  8. hoax, the toes should be way deeper then the heel..not real...

  9. Judging by the slime left behind its some sort of bog monster

  10. Why is it that whenever someone finds one of these tracks they always have a buddy with them that is 6'4" an over 300 pounds? Or the person that finds it is an unusually large person? Seems kinda strange to me. Just saying.

  11. lol, that is no bigfoot print. It is a shoe imprint someone slid their foot around to shape, and then made the toes after. The moss was put there to disguise the bad toe and foot joining area. look where the small toes supposedly joint he other part of the foot. "completely natural looking" not!


    1. Your exactly right. That is precisely what happened here. Some moron thought he could wiggle his boot around and then do a little cover up work and it would fool people. The toes are absolutely pathetic attempts. Doesnt surprise me that Shawn posted this though, its just more usual garbage.

    2. And yet here you are, on the sucky site, commenting. lol.

    3. Anon 12:37 is probably Megaphony man. He finally realized THIS JUST IN at the beginning of every post looks pretty retarted.

  12. I wonder if Big Jim Jr. will chime in and claim that this has to be the real thing just like at elbe. Afterall their is no way this track could be faked, just like the ones at elbe.

  13. Holy shit...it's so ironic that people who don't believe in BF spend so much time on this site trying to either convince or ridicule the poeple that do.

    Go away and play somewhere else.

    1. No, I believe as I've seen one, and well, not going into the video...

      I came here looking for some help and after reading for a few weeks would......

      get my point?

    2. thats b/c your a dumn ass

    3. And you spell like a 'dumb ass'.

      Ya jack ass.....

    4. And you suck yourself like a dumb ass. Ya Jack ass

    5. I like playing here because some people take themselves and this subject wayyyyyyyy too seriously.

    6. Actually both dumbass and jackass are acceptable conjunctions... Ya dumb jackass.

    7. Plays with his pee pee all day long.^

    8. Rockin and a boppin and singin his song....

    9. The trolls are a pain sometimes, but the site just would not be the same without them. I love a good argument or debate but the gay slurs and stuff is over the top. If I want to talk bigfoot without the trash, I go to the BFRO forum. When I want to hear or see both sides, I come here and sift through troll crap picking out the few lumps of gold. I have been surprised by some things a few intelligent trolls have come up with. Then with the skeptics who want more proof or an explanation, this site gives us a chance to get a good debate going. Just have to ignore the trolls. And then I also like troll baiting sometimes. So this site serves it's purpose. It probably will be the first to post real proof from several "camps" not part of the BFRO, If we ever find it or it is released. But if the BFRO gets proof first, then it will be a close second.

  14. I agree the moss looked deliberately placed...like for a reason..to cover up the fact that it was a bear track or like the gentlemen above said a boot print and then the toes added later....I think this photo is bunk...sorry

  15. Well hell, even I can tell this is fake. The mud is untouched between the toe and foot. The mossy stuff is laid on top and not pressed into the track from being stepped on. The little track is older than the fake one. It is probably a raccoon track that has grown a bit bigger from erosion. The toes are not shaped right, looks like a round object formed them. And if they saw tracks all the way across the the slough, why only one picture?

    1. Oh, where is the pic of the big guy's boot next to the track? At least I took a picture of mine to compare with.

    2. But Big Jim, according to the elbe trackway you should be shouting from the roof that this is real, and attacking anyone else who says they are fake.

      Oh yeah, if i crapped in your face, would you hold it against me.

    3. Only on Monday I would hold it against you.
      The other days, not so much.

    4. The Elbe tracks were much different, and only called a hoax by problems with the story and after studing the track casts for days, which I had no access to any of. And like I said, I attacked only those who attacked me. Crapping in my face would be extremely hard to do from your computer. But if you are feeling inclined to try, feel free to look me up and give it a shot. No idea what might be held against you though. But feel free to try anytime.

    5. Big Dumbo Jr. is a has been wanna be hard ass who cannot back up his claims, a fake he is.

    6. " No idea what might be held against you though."

      My guess would be a semi-erect micropenis. I hear Jim's into that kinda SHIT.

    7. Big Jim was right, the Elbe tracks were real. He should fight to have them reinstated as the best trackway find in history, restore them to their rightful place.

    8. Who the fuck is Big Jim and why should anybody listen to him?

    9. Yeap, I agree and have repeatedly said it my self. I am not a bigfoot expert. I am an amateur bigfoot researcher. It is one of my many outdoor hobbies. I made the mistake of checking out a trackway near me and telling what I saw and knew of the tracks. I used some simple comparisons and saw no easy way to fake the tracks. Real experts had been calling the tracks legit and I assumed they must know. I always said if it was a hoax it was masterful but could not aee how. Since I was not part of the investigation and did not see the area before it got trampled by the researchers, I used what I was told by some who were there before me and by seeing pictures not published on the web. So since I kept arguing show me how it was done the trolls jumped on me. I even offered to buy the hoaxer a burger at the local burger joint if they showed me how. So Scaleburger got drug in that way I guess. About two weeks in the experts couldn't reach the person who made the report. Then stuff was said on some other forum that someone called Tontar and or a buddy of his did the tracks. The experts started releasing more info but now calling tracks a hoax and saying they knew who. The experts said they figured the hoax out by the back story and by studying tbe casts for many days. Since I had no access to either, I stuck to my guns. I am still asking whoever to show me how, to learn what to look for in hoaxes and such. I spend a lot of time in the outdoors and if I see a track, I want to know how to tell real from excellent fakes. One big name researcher has said this was a very complex and detailed hoax. So since even the experts got fooled for a bit, I don't feel bad in the least. And decided to really start feeding trools for awhile. Now I have their shit all on me, they follow me around. But I am a nobody in the bigfoot world, don't want to be a somebody either. I just want proof of existence.

    10. There are some people on this forum who know me and some who know of me that also like baiting trolls. When trolls get real bad, we like to really piss them off. So they make even stupider comments than ours. I would really love one to show up at my door one day. The look of surprise when they see I am actually exactly as big as I say, will be priceless. None of them would ever attack me in person. Hell, I might invite the ballsy one in for a beer and swap stories. Because no one, and I mean no one, in their right mind would start a fight with me. Many who I work with have, but I work with the mentally ill. So after I tossed a bit of my background and training out to the trolls, they think I am full of it. I warned them they could figure out who I was pretty easy and there are enough pictures of me on the web that show I am not a runt. It is fun to troll hunt. Especially wjen sick in bed or very bored.

    11. Big Jim, your always trying to convince people that your some bad ass, when all you are is a big fat man!! You claim you know martial arts, yet any 400 lb man who claims that he is training in martial arts is a retard, unless he is counting sumo. Your fat ass cant make it out in the outdoors more than a 1/2 mile so you will never have to worry about finding a track. You try so hard to convince people that your this menacing figure that shouldnt be messed with but all you are is an obese pig with a short man complex. grow up. No one cares about you or your fat roll size.

      You simply cant get your skull around a guy walking along a beach while another guy walks in front with a rope attached to him to exaggerate foot falls. As stated earlier, all you did was show up, listened to what others were saying, and decided to yourself they had to be real. You had no knowledge whatsoever on the matter and should have never said a thing. The trackway was easily viewed as a hoax even from pictures and it fooled no one. Yet when someone said that they were faked, you immediately jumped on them spitting your garbage, whether they were talking to you or not. The only person who thought the tracks were complex was Cliff, who knows absolutely nothing about tracks other than what he has read in books. He has no idea of the complexity of the anatomy of a human foot, let alone any other track. All you are is a fan of finding bigfoot who heard Cliff say they are real and then wet your pants and couldnt wait to come home and yell it from the roof tops.

      The reason you get shit is b/c you acted like an ass hat to everyone about that trackway, including people that never wanted to hear from you or who werent talking to you in any way. Not only that but every time someone throws an insult your way you try and write about how big you are. We get it, your fat. We get it, your going to claim youve had all this martial arts training and that you can throw your tree trunk legs around like bruce lee. We all know your full of it and this same tough guy talk is the exact same you hear with every other fat redneck until they get hit upside their face and fall back into their recliner.

      If you cant take it dont dish it out.

    12. ^ Nice. Pretty much what happened. No one trolls you Jim, you are the troll. People go after you because you insulted their intelligence by continuing to claim the Elbe trackway authentic while we all knew it was an obvious fake. I don't care if you were there or not. You owe all of these people you called idiots an apology asshat.

    13. Trained, as in past tense. Only ongoing training I do is not martial arts, it is more defensive tactics and verbal judo stuff. All of the employees where I work have annual training in it. It is pretty lame bogus training as we do not use any type of pain inflicting conflict control in a hospital. I was at the trackway after every one of the researcher had left. If you are such an expert on what I reported, you would know that. Same as I kept asking show me how. Don't say it was done like this, I want to see how. Either meet me there and claim the burger or record a video I can watch showing how it was done.

      Again, you are incorrect in your expertise of what I posted, this time on comments about my size. I only posted stuff about that when other trolls commented I was not a big guy, etc etc. Most of the insults tossed at me, I respond to with the same type of insult. Go look, we will wait for your friend to read it to you and explain the big words. I only talk about my size when someone else does first. Or makes a direct threat at me. Even the guy about holding it against him for crapping in my face. Did I make a threat? I said he could try, it might be hard to crap from a computer, and never know what might get held against him. Is that a threat? Who knows, I might like it he was able to do it. But the odds of it happening? No one is going to track me down and try shitting on me. You would be more likely to win the lotto.

      You got the fat part right at least, but you are still missing the point. You know nothing of me and are assuming. If you are so sure I am full of it, put up some proof showing I am. I already have pics up of my size. You should be able to find training info too. Along with people who know of me, outside of my friends. I did that assuming too and see what it gets? I have said time and again, look me up. Figure out who I am. Try to find things out about me. I use my real first name, it is not that hard to research now a days. There is plenty of stuff floating around in the web about me. If you are such an expert on me, it will be easy. I am not trying to convince anyone I am a badass. I am who I am and I am what I say I am.

      Don't recall calling myself a badass. I did say I was fat, tall, had a big boot, and gave some stuff I have done. But can't find any where I claimed to be badass or made any claims that can't be verified by others. I just toss tidbits about me out for trolls. More like fishing I guess. I welcome anyone to look me up if they want to. Go back up and you will see my post about a beer.

      For knowing me so well, you sure miss alot. You also should know why I post some of my comments by now too. Obviously I am hitting the right buttons because I sure got a rise out of you. You seem to have your panties knotted up pretty hard. Have you chaffed a bleeding hemorrhoid yet? I have some Tucks medicated pads somewhere I think. The entire point of my posts at trolls is entertainment. Do you REALLY think the crap guy loses sleep wanting to crap on me or is afraid of me? Do you REALLY think I am afraid of or get angry at these posts? No, both the trolls and I are entertaining each other with our posts and word play. It is just simple harmless fun between people with too much free time and large vocabularies. Then when someone like you gets all wound up, we really have fun. No one forces you to read anything I put up. Or does your mama push your face up to the screen and show you pictures of me and tell you that I am a real man? Hell, who knows, I could be your daddy. There are wild parties in my past. Don't like what I post? Feel free to ignore me. It is easy to do. Just scroll past my post or click back arrow. Most of the real posters on here do just that. Or scan my stuff to see if I am being a troll or not.

    14. You are the biggest, obviously in more than one way, trolling asshat that has ever posted here. Hope you break your leg next time you are "researching" and a Sasquatch comes along and rapes you.

    15. Come on, Big Jim is cool. He is big, like he says, but he's not claiming to be a badass. He's been super nice all along. He wasn't fooled by the tracks, he thought they were real just like everyone else did. They probably were real. But nobody could figure out which bigfoot hoaxer, I mean researcher made the prints, so they all got paranoid thinking they were being had, and tried to find someone to pin it on. There's still nobody confessing to it, is there? But everyone's dismissing what they called the best set of prints ever because they're afraid of being had!

  16. I can't see a middle-tarsoul brake.......

  17. So fake, even more fake looking than the Elbe tracks and that's saying a lot. These look like a boot print that had some badly misshapen toes added afterwards. Who's studying these prints? Hopefully nobody........hoax all the way.

    1. Do you have any tracks that you think ARE real looking? List them in descending order.

    2. thanks anon 8:59, or by your better used name, Big Jim Jr.

    3. I was at dinner at that time, not me.

  18. The words "somewhere in Texas" will lead skeptics to cry hoax.

    Prints will never prove the existence of bigfoot to skeptics with closed minds.

    1. The mind can be far too open as well. This photo provides absolutely no comparison with anything else to show how large it might be.
      You can sink very deeply into some mud.
      A tape measure by it, or the foot of the 6'4" guy next to it for comparison would have made this more believable.
      As it is it proves nothing at all.

  19. Human prints with fish story about size added. Without a comparison to another human foot you cannot know how big this is.
    More non-proof.

  20. the author of this piece obviously can't spell hallucination. i wonder if he can spell hoax or gullible? man you footers are easy to fool. all someone has to do is fake a big footprint and develop a little story around it and you guys are drooling about this great new bigfoot evidence. this is why us skeptics laugh at you. your ability to think critically is practically zero. why are you all so desperate for them to exist? do you all have fathers who were particularly hairy and died when you were young?

  21. This might be from the same animal (both prints) Could be that it has one huge feet, and one little feet.
    FF14 Gil
    Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Digital Collector's Edition


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