What's The Best Phone For Taking Bigfoot Footage? iPhone 5 or Nokia Lumia 920?

Let's face it-- For taking videos of Bigfoot standing by your tent, the iPhone sucks. We learned from two Bigfoot videos over the years that the iPhone's stabilization feature just isn't good enough to take those quick shots of Bigfoot running away. There's a better phone out there that could do a better job. According to reports, Nokia's new phone, the Lumia 920, packs the industry's best image stabilization. They say this phone is able to capture far smoother video than any iPhone or any non-Nokia phone that's currently out there. How good is this phone compared to the iPhone? Check out this side-by-side comparison video by Engadget:

This is what your video will look like if you try to record Bigfoot with your iPhone:


  1. did you mean "...taking bigfoot hoax footage..." right?

  2. It will get amazing stable video of anything besides Bigfoot.

  3. Oh for fcks sake... at least take the same exact image without the zoom on the 2nd photo... even your side by side comparisons are a hoax.

    1. aahaha i wouldn't expect nothing less from a 'footer.

  4. and honestly, in these images I don't see the blurring effect we see in every god damned bigfoot picture that is released. You have to really try hard to blur the shots as much as some of these bigfoot hemorrhoids, I mean hunters.

  5. How about the BAT PHONE or maybe a shoe phone?

  6. Only as good as the hoax...err...user.

  7. My feet are swollen and there's a god damn lizard in my tea.

  8. apparently we got another hoax photo and its not even a bigfoot. geeeeez

  9. Gee, here"s a thought; why not just use a real phone? Preferably not one with Vaseline on the lens.

  10. Apple is in league with the government and actually introduced a destabilization algorithm to it's video capture technology. When it's face recognition senses a bigfoot it automatically creates a random floating ring of defocus that prevents accurate capture. I know because I am a former national guardsman who assisted in the Mt St Helens recovery and I now work at Apple. Trust no one . .. urr, I mean trust no iphone . . .

  11. Interesting but not convince. First problem with blurry image come from the fact that cameras, videos and all that stuff are not standing on appropriate tripod or monopod. Try one with zoomin-zoomout and will observe difference in quality. Second and basically, all that new stuff don't fix image but interpret a bunch of informations (light, colors, shadow, whatever) as best as technology can provide. The process is not the same than fix an image on film or negative; pixel and "grain" are two concepts deeply different and as opposite than left and right, democrat and republican. If you wish trap something at 300 yards in bush with some of these new gadgets, better use stable support and try zooming motionless. Walking stick with adapter and now available and it's a good investment. Numerous images showing "large and hairy something" in the wood could be different in quality using something like that.


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