Thom Powell: I'm inclined to say that the Elbe trackway looks fake

When the Elbe, WA trackway was first discovered by Scott Taylor last week, Thom Powell was one of the first investigators to show up at the scene. According to early reports, the tracks were real and showed some incredible details such as visible signs of dermal ridges. Powell thought the first tracks collected by investigator Rick Noll and others were some of the most detailed tracks he had ever seen. The trackway is one of the longest in history, with 150 footprints; it easily surpasses the "London Trackway" from early this year by about 30 prints.

Now that the dust has settled, investigators are now finding suspicious details about the casts that they hadn't noticed before. For example, considering how fresh the tracks were when they found them, most of the prints are missing dermal ridges (skin ridges). Powell claims the tracks that he recovered showed "absolutely no dermal ridges".

In the London tracks, one does not find any dermal ridges. The lack of dermal ridges is understandable in light of the fact that the tracks were rained upon for the better part of a week before they were cast. In the Elbe trackway, the tracks were cast within days of their creation, and, absolutely no rain had fallen with the entire previous month. Yet these super fresh tracks that I have show absolutely no dermal ridges that I could find. Granted, there are other tracks that were taken before I got there and I assume they were the best of the lot. Still, there ought to be something by way of dermals on my casts but, for the life of me, I can't find them. Yet, other barefoot tracks (clearly human) from the same beach had dermal ridges all over them. Suspicious indeed!

Another problem was how the tracks were conspicuously placed-- as if they were meant to be found. Powell says he doesn't understand why a creature that's so elusive would be so careless about its tracks.

When I first saw the Elbe tracks, the other thought that immediately occurred to me was that the tracks were so conspicuously placed that it seemed we were meant to find them. This baffled me somewhat, because I have always said (and written) that the sasquatch are smart enough to avoid leaving obvious tracks. The Elbe tracks were a clear departure from my rule. Granted, the London tracks were also rather conspicuous, but at least they were laid down in winter when daylight is short, people get out less, and the location was more remote. In contrast, the Elbe tracks were laid down on a beach right outside the hamlet of Elbe, there was a busy road adjacent to the beach, it was late summer rather than winter, and most damning, the trackway went right through the softest, wettest, most perfect mud for tracking that could be found anywhere on that particular beach. I even mentioned to Joe on the way home that the tracks seemed like a 'throw down'. That is, they were so ideally placed, and in such an ideal time of year, that it seemed to be a virtual invitation to find and cast these conspicuous tracks. Joe and I even discussed the possibility that, if they were genuine bigfoot tracks, maybe the sasquatch was doing us researchers a deliberate favor by leaving such ideal tracks in such an ideal location.

You can read the full article at


  1. So how did they do it? The slide marks, the slick mud, everything would show human marks too. But from pics I have seen, there were minimal human prints until the investigation got going. Was the soil softer earlier in the week? Because friday and saturday it was pretty hard to make a track that deep. I said before, if a person hoaxed these, the did a masterful job of it and I want to shake their hand. I guess I would owe them a Scaleburger too, but I want to see how they did it. I can't think of any way.

    1. Big Jim, Those scale burgers are pretty good aren't they? J.D. Graham WA

    2. I'm also suspicious because they were found so soon after the other trackway. It seems almost like someone saw the real one then decided to make a fake one and see if anyone fell for it. Kind of amazing to make two such finds so close together.

  2. How did they do it? are you kidding. Their were human tracks all around them. At least 3 people found them before the guy who casted them came on them. And their was also a dog present. Then this guy supposedly casted his own footprints and told everyone that it was from a bigfoot too. Then later he retracted that statement and said they were his and he had just forgot. Their were people tracks everywhere around them.
    Then you have the fact that you can simply go online and buy a pair of bigfoot shoes that in some stores have dermal ridges and flex on the toes. It was one of the easiest sites to fake tracks you could find.

    I reported they were fake long ago and their were some morons arguing back how it was so remote and they had to be real, yotta yotta. But yet a quick google earth check showed it was very populated.

    The photos even show its fake. Their was a photo with measuring tape out, and a human boot print in front of the tape, and the bigfoot track on the back side of it. It was obvious to anyone that the animal that made them weighed at most the weight of a human. Go back and read the comments of that article and you will see that the animal that made them was no heavier than a person.

    The whole thing is 100 percent a fake. one of the worst that has come along in a while. How could they do them? are you kidding me, did you even read about the site or look at the pictures. Shit, fish eyed steven could probably have pulled this off. It was the most conveniant and purposefully laid set of tracks possible in bigfoot history. Anyone who actually thinks that they are real is a blatant fool.

    1. Anyone who uses 'casted' instead of 'cast' and 'their' instead of 'there' isn't too bright either.

    2. our bra ns can f ill in the mis ng let ers, einste n. don't confuse value of formal syntax with ideas.

    3. Only if your brain functions properly. And It's obvious that anon 8:03 is lacking.

  3. Obviously you did not read any of my previous posts on this trackway. You are mistaken in the guy casting his own tracks. Others made casts of his tracks while he was not there, then when he found out about that, he told them they casted his tracks. And very populated? Since when is 29 residents very populated? Granted it was along a main road going to Mt Rainier but Elbe is not a tourist attraction like Ashford is. Elbe also rolls it's sidewalks up at dark and is very quiet town. I visited the site, I stomped in the mud. I tried to duplicate the tracks. My 415lbs did not sink in as deep in the firm clay mud, I had to trot to match stride length in places which made my prints barely sink in, and my size 16 shoe was dwarfed by the tracks. The tallest man on earth wears the size shoe it would take to make these tracks. If someone faked them, the shoes woyld be custom, and they would need extra weight to drive the tracks in. Since you obviously did not visit the site like I did, you can't see what I did and not think how the hell did they do this without falling down or screwing up and leaving evidence. A few sets of prints from others does not explain how they did it. Do you see the slope in the pic above? That slope is five feet high plus in spots and no marks were on the slope. The water to the right is on soupy clay mud that shows the slightest disturbance. You can not make any determination of fake or real from your computer on this trackway. If you think google and pictures of one or two tracks out of over a hundred, in soils varying from clay on top of sand to sand to rock and gravel is proof of a hoax, you are a bigger fool than I am for asking how it could be done.

    1. Well said Big Jim!!! you show that turd above whos boss!!

    2. Oh, one other point. The shoes you are talking about that you can buy that have "dermal ridges" are the Vibram Five Finger shoe. The "dermal ridges" are not dermal ridges. They have lines and spots and look nothing like a footprint. They also only go up to size 50 eur, which is about a size 16 US and is about 13" long. a full FOUR inches smaller than the tracks at Elbe.

    3. The track with the five spot next to it for scale was on the short side of 15 inches. Don't stretch it!

    4. Actually Jim you are wrong. Just type in search term 'Bigfoot print shoes' into Google. I found 3 separate versions on the first two pages. You are on a computer, maybe a simple search is in order before asserting that others don't know what they are talking about.

    5. I just want to see Big Jim "trot".

    6. I did use google for the shoes. How do you think I was able to get the sizing info on the Vibram shoes? I tried again with your term too. There are no commercially made shoes for sale that have dermal ridges. I have only seen two sets of shoes that might, made by a guy in Montreal Quebec, Canada that are not for sale. He is some sort of artist. And his shoes are not any bigger than the biggest Vibram shoes. How about you posting some links for all of us? Oh, seeing me trot will put you in the hospital. Suffering from torn stomach muscles caused by laughing so hard. The term side splitting is very appropriate.

    7. if there were lots of human tracks, the difficult stride could be done with other human's on bad terrain to steady the "actor". don't discount practice. i'm only 6" tall, yet my running stride can go 13" when booking. playful hopping of an athletic human can easily create stride length.

  4. Just noticed something. I know nothing about Thom Powell, never talked to him, never heard anything bad about him. But wasn't he the first experienced researcher to investigate the London tracks? With Cliff from BFRO anyway. And those tracks have been hyped as the longest trackway found etc etc. So if another, longer trackway is found, the London ones fall to second. And then not being the primary researcher on the now possible record trackway all makes a book about them less likely to sell. And isn't Mr Powell an author? Now I am not trying to sling mud, but my natural suspicion of human reasoning makes me wonder. Now I have seen close up pics of the tracks. You can see skin pushed up between the toes and ball of the foot. It changes shape and size in these photos. Doesn't that prove it can't be a simple wooden stomper? I have been told scars and dermal ridges are visible too. But I am not sure as the pics I saw focus on the toes. I think I will gather all the pics I can, make an array and compare everything. Again, I am only airing my questions and not making any accusations.

    1. Thom Powell is hardly an "experienced researcher". He is stoned and drunk most of the time and believes bigfoot has paranormal abilities. This "researcher" is in an absolute tailspin. He writes the most bloated, obtuse bullshit ever (after smoking some shit, obviously) and gives obnoxious lectures about his so-called experiences with bigfoot.

      Again, just another wasted person. He is not qualified to give determinations any more than anyone else about this and he didn't really, other than the OBVIOUS.

      And before all you trolls start in, I have not stated anywhere that I am qualified either. Just pointing out what's screaming in Thom's, *ahem*, assessment of the Elbe tracks.

    2. I notice you post as anonymous and tear right into Thom.
      read his article and you'll see if someone can disprove his conclusions he will gladly admit being incorrect.
      but you seem to like to go off half cocked and uninformed.
      Thom is actually very on top of thongs and an excellent researcher

    3. I see you post with no picture and as far as I know John Bull could be Joe Shmo!

    4. Oh I'm real, facebook/psychofu
      I'm not a coward either, my email is

    5. Hey Big Jim, how much time have you spent packing your butt whole today?

    6. Big Jim here, I spent all of it packing my taterhole full of inanimate objects. I like to squeal like a piggy too at times. Weeeeeeeee weeeeee weeeee

      However, I will say I'm not gay, I'm just extremely comfortable with my sexuality. My favorite toy is "The Fist". Look it up sometime in a sex shop.

    7. He is on top of thongs? Sounds like a great thing to be an experienced researcher in.

  5. As far as having no dermal ridges, the bottom of the foot is already covered in mud...

    1. If that were the case, you wouldn't see anywhere near the amount of detail that is seen in these tracks, just saying.

    2. if it were raining, and the mud was soupy, yes. if it had not rained in some time, perhaps not. what was weather prior to track find? and what was estimated age of tracks?

    3. According to Jim there wasn't rain leading up to that time.

    4. We are in the middle of a record dry run for Western Wa. There was no rain. The lake level was dropping some, but the best tracks were in mud that was pretty firm and held together well. The weather was warm, but not hot. The moon was new phase when the tracks are suspected of being made. No real wind until Thursday night and that more a steady breeze. The mud was very sticky. It is still on my shoes. It very well could have filled in ridges, but I do believe there are some tracks with clear ridges and scars. Only repeated what I have heard or read. I have not seen it.

    5. Oh, there was a very light drizzle heavy fog on Friday and Saturday in the area. A week after the tracks were suspected of being made.

  6. Well Big Jim Jr, there is no arguing with someone that has actually been to the site and seen the tracks. I want to say fake, but I have to give you the benefit of the doubt because you are right, it's tough to judge this from behind a computer screen. Maybe you could post one of your better pictures?

    1. Big Jim is a moron. The tracks are hoaxed and he probably was in on it

    2. Gotcha, please divulge more?

  7. That was a big smack down Big Jim Jr on computer geek Anon 2:49! Ha ha. Boots on the ground! I was laughing when the dude thought 29 people was a populated area!

    1. So lets think about this. There's 29 people in close proximity to that specific area but we're supposed to believe an undocumented mythical fairy-tale creature made those tracks and not the people who live there?

      Yep, that's bleever critical thinking for you.

  8. The serious folks here are indebted to you Big Jim Jr. for giving a your detailed assessment of the Elbe trackway. To date it is the most that has come from this find although the others who have been there besides Tom Powell will weigh in with detail soon I imagine, besides the early assessment of being the real deal.

    I think Tommy Naff made a good point. Tom Powell seems baffled by the trackway (almost too good to be true) but a Bigfoot's goona do what a Bigfoot's goona do. I too have found what I think were tracks in an area that did not seem logical, (on the edge of a village in the Huron National Forest in over three foot of snow) but they were on the edge of a huge forest expanse, same as Elbe, and probably done at night when chances of being seen are very slim.

    Keep us posted Big Jim and thanks again.


  9. Everything on this web site is fake, don't waste your time idiots, I'm done with all of this non-sense trash. Please find a better way to contribute to society.So long suckers.

    1. Tell your Mum I said hi.. Thats from most of the guys on here too.. she is also a long sucker!!

    2. Don't let the (esc) button hit u in the ass moron!

  10. Youve all been hoaxed. Bigfooting is hoaxing. Hoaxing is bigfooting.

  11. Folks...this garbage only increases the skepticism by those outside of the Bigfoot world. People call for the government to disclose information on Bigfoot...but in the meantime, hoaxes and skulduggery only give officials the cover needed to suppress the truth.

  12. Thanks Big Jim for your post I am still waiting for more info before I give my opinion on them.

  13. Awe, poor little big footers, did I hurt someones feelings?

    1. this site is being just a filler site of dumb blogs. This is typical of them. 'im inclined to think this is a hoax'. what is the difference between this set or any other plethary of print pics? why not just post nothing rather than than this rubbish. surely we all know 99% of pics are hoaxed. i know i do so to pick thisone seems oddto me

    2. No feelings hurt here prick dick!

  14. This is all you can expect!!! What do you really expect a real bigfoot or a body??! LOL!!

    Everyone knows its a gag country folk or native folk play on city folk... except for the total retards. (and they pay for the experience!)

  15. It would seem to me (computer BF'er) that it would be tough to fake mid-foot flexability in a step without the aid of a crutch or someone holding you up. Imagine planting your heel really hard so it's fairly deep then lightly rolling over the arch to get a uniform deep ball of the foot impression. You would need something to take the weight off your foot to acomplish a shallow arch roll over as seen in the image above. That arch is not a typical human arch. It crosses the foot from inside to outside and is almost at ground level while the heel and toes/ball joints are deep. Tough to do without help. After saying that, looking at the image there is a round impression, similar to a crutch imprint next to the foot. Any more prints with that same round imprint next to them?

    1. There are little dimples all over the area not just near the tracks. I think it was caused by water draining through mud and around rocks under it. There were areas along the water that looked like something was digging in the bank, but upon closer look, you could see water was running out from the center of each spot so it was from erosion not digging. There were also some dimples made by what I think was sticks marking some tracks for the investigators. Maybe for measuring etc. I know some tracks had circles around them on the upper bed with sticks outside the circle. I would use that method to get an idea of pathway through the softer sand that didn't keep good tracks, so that might be what they did too.

  16. Yeah but paul graves said they were real man???

  17. Could be a hoax - guess you never know these days. The location initially added some validity, not well travelled. You'd think a hoaxer would pick a spot that'll 100% be found and get a reaction.

    If we had some rain, these tracks may have never been found.

    Any details on the 2 fishermen who initially reported it to the BFRO (and by association, Scott)?

  18. Thom Powell looks like a drunk hermit.

  19. I posted more of my reasoning on this in the forum. Go there to read it as it is too long for this blog. Trolls can blow me. I have taken shits bigger and badder than any of you. And the turds had more common sense, a higher IQ, bigger cocks, and live outside their mother's basement, which is more than can be said of you trolls. If you want to deny the possiblity of bigfoot, so be it. I want to prove to myself they exist so I go out and look. I also look online and decide if what I see is real or fake. Look at my posts on the pony video, the rootsquatch etc. I am not afraid to use a screen name that can be easily traced to a real person, me. You closet goathumper trolls that are too afraid to use a name are nothing more than targets of school yard bullies trying to recover a shred of dignity and self respect after even your mama told you to grow up.


  20. Moneymaker did not see the tracks on site. He thought at first they were legit because all the investigators who examined them in person thought they looked authentic. Usually that indicates the tracks in question are legit. He is saying now there's a problem with the tracks, or more specifically, a problem with the circumstances:

    Apparently the person who first reported the tracks is not responding to anyone's emails. That is a problem. No investigators have met him or spoken with him on the phone. All they have is an email address for him, and he is not responding to anyone's emails.

    Usually when there's a legit track find, the original person who reported them is not so shadowy and mysterious. And usually when the original person is shadowy and mysterious ... the tracks turn out to be fake. There may be an explanation for the person's lack of responsiveness, but it should give everyone pause in this case.

    The investigators who made casts of the tracks are now examining them closely for indications of fakery.

    1. Then he or she needs to claim his free burger and show me how it was done. Seriously, I want to know so if I ever stumble on tracks I can use his or her method to help rule out a hoax. I still think the tracks are real bigfoot prints, but just like in most science, there is no such thing as 100%. I am at 99.98%. I really wish I could have seen the tracks before everything got tramped on, cast, and otherwise messed up. Matter of fact, if the person who did this shows me how, I will keep their identity to myself, but report on how it was faked. Oh, anyone who thinks I faked this pathway, I was helping with my father in laws funeral from Sept 1st through the 17th with funeral on the 15th. I had no free time to attempt anything like this and even have security cameras at home showing our trucks and us not leaving much.

    2. Well, if you're 99.98% then I'm sold.

      Sarcasm implied.


  21. As I posted prior...

    I was reading the history on the websites and

    So basically, a person (Max Roy) was walking around a muddy area on a shitty day; some "unknown, mysterious cowboy hat wearing" dog walker causally said "Max there are three bigfoot prints up yonder, check them out."

    Even though the sun was going down Max found three footprints with no problem.

    Max Roy, coincidentally, lives (or lived) in the same neighborhood as the organizer of the Oregon Sasquatch Symposium, Toby Johnson (which coincidentally was cancelled due to low ticket sales) who was the first person contacted to "break" the story...coincidentally...and the footprints happened to be, almost in his backyard...coincidentally...

    Do you believe in coincidences? I don't.

    1. And as Big Jim says, very few people live in the area. "Odd" that so many people were at that spot including a stranger in a cowboy hat...

      I mean the above is taken from the first witnesses and recorded in their histories. Interesting what a little research and reading can do. The links are right there for all to read from the first speculation from outsiders.

    2. Yep, total farce, as usual. Big Jim's a joke. Too dumb to read about the "facts".

    3. What are you talking about? Elbe is in WA, Cottage Grove (London Tracks) is in OR. Different sites, states.

      Stay in the Midwest or on the East Coast. No frame of reference Donny.

  22. You guys are apparently even dumber than I am. You are posting links about the London tracks, these tracks were found in Oregon back in Feb. The Elbe tracks are not in Oregon. If you have links about the E L B E tracks, I spelled it nice and slow so you won't get confused again, please post them. Nowhere have I seen anything about a guy in a cowboy hat, lots of people etc. While the Elbe tracks had canine prints near, they also had bird prints, deer, and elk. With fresh elk tracks over night friday into saturday. On the first day I was at the site I had my dog with me. I brought him to see if he might smell something in the tracks and react. He didn't, but he also knows what BS smells like so he wouldn't react to that. The other canine tracks were already there. I do not know if any had a dog during the investigation. But coyotes are near too. On friday I saw four others at the site. Saturday I saw three until we were leaving when four more showed up. All had heard of the tracks and wanted to see them.

  23. Thom Powell has a nice rooster!

  24. Its a Washington-Oregon rivalry. Always has been, always will be.

    Notice all the OR researchers were the first to call bs? Not by accident.

    This is an old feud that goes back to Oregon Territory.


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