The Erickson Project Is Now Called The Ketchum Project

Somehow, we knew this day would come. Adrian Erickson has had it with Bigfoot and it now seems that Ketchum is holding the reins and now controls all of Erickson's Bigfoot footage. The collection of footage may contain a number of Todd Standing's videos as well as the famous Matilda footage. According to Robert Lindsay, Erickson and Ketchum apparently struck some kind of deal where Erickson's financial troubles are no more. Erickson is now happy and back guiding hunts again.

Robert Lindsay wrote this today about the Erickson Project:
Adrian Erickson sold out of the Bigfoot business? I haven’t been hearing much about Erickson’s financial troubles, extensively documented both here and eventually in the popular press, lately. Instead, the meager information coming out seems to be that he is not in deep and dire financial straights at the moment. Now how he got out of hot water, I don’t have the faintest idea, but I do have a guess.

My guess is that Erickson has simply sold out of the Bigfoot biz. It was worrying him sick anyway for the longest time, and now his mind seems quite clear and calm about the subject. At the same time, his financial deluges seem to have subsided. Put it all together, and I figure Erickson sold out of Bigfootery for a pricey sum.

And who paid him? Probably none other than Melba Ketchum. By way of whom? Probably by way of Wally Hersom. In other words, Ketchum got Wally to buy out Erickson in order to get her hands on Erickson’s video, which will add so much weight to her project.

Why did Erickson deny that his movie was being extensively edited in Hollywood earlier this year? Probably because it was not his movie anymore! It was Melba’s movie. Now whether he sold out altogether or just sold out rights, I am not sure.

But if Wally’s money is involved, the movie will not be buried and will see the light of day at some point. I also do not believe Melba would buy the movie just to bury it. She’s too committed to Bigfoot to do that. So the movie is in good hands. Even if it is with Melba, Melba will probably not release it before her study is done. Why not? Because one is hardly very good without the other, that’s why.

This also explains other things. Ketchum and Erickson have simply never gotten along, pretty much from Day One. That’s been documented extensively here for a long time. They were even threatening to sue each other back and forth for a long time, which often degenerated into questions of jurisdiction: “You can’t sue me. You’re in Canada and I’m in Texas…” and vice versa.

At any rate, all of this animosity is history now, and Ketchum and Erickson are getting along swimmingly for the first time, like old best friends from high school, and that makes no sense to me. However, if Erickson simply sold out to her, all basis for animosity is gone, and they can both be BFF’s.

As far as Erickson’s finances, I do not know, honestly. But I do know he is back guiding hunts again, which is what he loves to do. When he was underwater with financial woes, he didn’t have time to do anything but work and worry. Now a load is off his chest, and he’s back getting paid handsomely to have a hobby. He is also going hunting again in Africa soon. This implies he has a lot of time on his hands.

As in the past he was working nearly 6 days a week, 12 hours a day to keep his head above water, it would seem that with all this free time, his financial problems have lessened a lot. Anyway, it’s good news for Erickson any way you cut it.

Preview clip to the Erickson Project that never was:


  1. interesting news i suppose. to bad sykes is doing the ol' end around and will beat ketchum to the punch. anyways, its better then MM memes and guys running into sticks.

  2. Melba has video's of squatches but wont release them till the paper is out? If the video's were any good, the paper would not be needed. Humans can identify living animals. Unless its blurry, grainy typical blobs. But they said it was crystal clear. Todd Standing involved?

    Hey footers are you ready for the next stage if the ketchum/erikson etc saga? It's called
    "Damn, hoaxed again!"

    1. You don't know squat either way anon 1:39.

    2. I know your'e a victim of a hoax.

    3. Where is this mysterious footage? Proof, DNA or whatever? It's always just a short time away..... this is ridiculous.

  3. yeah its all garbage. Todd Standing involved, at least we know its legit

    1. Todd read up on him.

  4. Erickson's footage was all garbage anyway. He once complained after showing the videos to various sources he couldn't get anybody on board and if I recall Meldrum was one of them. If Meldrum thinks they're bad that means they're OBVIOUSLY bad even to a

    1. Don't forget Roger Patterson had similar problems with those ignorant numbskulls first viewing his footage, some didn't believe it or dared go onboard but we know now after extensive research that Patty's definitely the real thing alright. So why couldn't this material be, let's wait and see how good it is if it's up there with the expert confirmed real stuff like PGF, Freeman and Marble Mt. Yes those are three genuine squathes and what any new footage must be tested against and compared to.

    2. Patty is real? That's news to the world. When was this discovery broken? LMFAO, yeah, big hairy titties are real, filmed by a conman, could go on and on. You're clueless.

    3. You sound really ignorant...Wow...

      {but we know now after extensive research that Patty's definitely the real thing alright.}

      Says Who??????? Last I heard, Bob H confessed. So what’s so definite? Your making these assumptions because your sold on a grainy, out of focus 50 second clip that was shot in the 60s? At the very best, its still up in the air. I can remember years ago on BFF, the moderators along with the Patty advocates wouldn’t budge or listen to reason. Their ridiculous argument was that “if no one can produce the suit then it means a suit never could have existed!” In turn Patty must be real. Talk about ignorance. Produce the suit from 40 years ago because if you cant/then that automatically makes the footage genuine. How do you even debate that kind of thinking? How do you challenge such mindlessness?

      Patty's definitely the real thing! Is that a fact? If Roger Patterson was an accused criminal and standing trial.. He would have gotten life for the shadiness alone. The things that came to light later on were enough to make anyone with half a brain walk away from this mess. Yet the diehards refuse to listen to reason. They wont part with their monster. Its almost like a Mother who refuses to except that their child has a drug problem. Moneys missing, sleep 12 hours day, they walk around lethargic yet the parents continue to whistle past the cemetery. What the hell does it take for you guys to let go?

      A few self appointed sleuths build a couple of miniature models and your convinced? How cheap do you guys come? I strongly believe that even a death bed confession from Gimlin,when its his time to go, will get suppressed by Patty damage control so as not to bring closure.

      I would say that the field of Bigfoot research was slightly tainted if it were only a few isolated incidents. However that is hardly the case. Poor judgment from the gullible and wishful thinkers along with the perpetual liars, hoaxers and ignorant bastards have turned it into a fucking disaster.

    4. You can type out a novel but it's not going to change the truth. A conman who was working for ANE took all of you fools for a ride, big hairy ass titties and all!

    5. you DONT want it to be true...all of us CLUELESS people can tell that from a mile away

  5. Robert 'stranger danger' Lindsay does it again! Apparently he also has footage of dogman humping his leg. The man is a bottom feeder. Blogger..yea basically can't hold down a regular job because of personality 'issues'. So 'works' from home writing vomit that only he thinks is interesting. A legend in is own lunch box. tit head. The world of bigfoot could do without him

  6. This site needs to be called Bigfoot Lack of Evidence, not Bigfoot Evidence.

    1. He! He! He! He! SNORT! HE! HE!

      -A Six Year Old

    2. A six year old? I though it was Steve Urkel.

  7. LMFAO! You retarded footers! I warned you dumb fuckers! Ah ha ha ha ha I can't stop laughing! This is NOTHING more than a circus contrived to line Ketchum's pockets. She's got nothing! I hope this one rips your idiot hearts out. Fools! Retards! Buffoons!

    1. Anon 5:04 consider the source . Apparently you believe everything u read. Who's the bafoon you shithead!

    2. Anon 5:04 is one of the worst posters on here . Huge follower of Bigfoot with a crude mouth and believes all negative vague stuff like this and rips all other stuff down. Who's the idiot ? I guess u do because just for the simple fact that your here! I would call you a follower. Nutjob!

    3. How can u warn anybody on something you have no knowledge on? Oh yeah you warned us! Of what? Taking Lindsay as truth? Gullible idiot u are. Your post just makes you sound stupid anon 5:04. I'm actually laughing at you.

    4. It's the poster who uses retarded again! He's a huge follower of Bigfoot because he's always on here! You must have a lot of time to waste. LMFAO! Look at yourself Fool!

    5. The closet footers are at it again, must be another boring day over at randy Randi's.

    6. Retards retards retards! All of you. ZDon't hate me because I'm waaaaaaaay more intelligent than you will ever be. Clean that egg off of your faces.

    7. A spot on 100% correct self-absorbed prick to boot1

  8. The Erickson videos are the best Bigfoot videos EVER. We don't need no stinkin' paper, the proof lies in the footage.

    1. Well, Patterson's real too and still the clowns ridicule it so we do need more proof than footage which a DNA paper will do.

    2. Um, I was making fun of it all and now also you.

  9. People, read. Think. This is not "news." This is nothing based on nothing.

    "...I don’t have the faintest idea, but I do have a guess. My guess is..."

    Oh, well that settles it...

  10. Regardless of your opinions on this news, I think we can all agree that the possibilities are exciting.
    So far, it's been a pretty interesting news day!

  11. Your correct ! All this stuff is really cool.

  12. I can reiterate, from what I know, take it as you will, the Ketchum camp is broke. I mean dead broke. So, unless someone like Hersom was behind Ketchum to 'buy out' the Erickson project this is likely BS. Erickson probably just said good riddance with it all and went back to real estate and hunting. Robert Lindsay is not well respected by men like Standing and Erickson, or by most for that matter.

    1. Respect from Standing is like being respected by a personal injury lawyer, politician or used car salesmen. Pulling shit out of your ass again.

  13. Ohh Robert... you are so far behind. I knew Erickson was done with bigfoot last year, I even posted on here to not get your hopes up with Erickson, this is exactly why. LMFAO!

  14. This is simply not true. It's really apparent people are just feeding RL a load of crap and he's chugging it down with milk.

  15. I am in Houston. Someone give me Ketchum's address and I will track her down and get to the bottom of this.

  16. I found some really big poops in the woods, way to big for Bigfoot. Where can I get it tested for Godzilla DNA?

  17. Fraud Standing? Erickson project now Ketchum project? You know Matilda does kind of remind me of the same Wookie costume that Fraud used in that short video clip of his movie documentary. I must say, Melba is planing on using some of Fraud Standings hoaxed material...this is DEF not a good sign for her and the rumor mill. I am concerned with the whole thing...especially the so called "footage" and when it is released will we see some of Frauds footage being passed off us as the "real deal"? I have been hearing on the radio shows it seems that Randles, Cutino, Smeja are slowly distancing themselves from Ketchum and her study ....I think this is gonna go down as really hurting their reputations in the end and damaging their credibility as genuine researchers if this goes horribly wrong...also when I saw the sketch of Matilda I was like "dude...where is Han Solo!!"" did anyone else think the same thing...?

  18. Slowly distancing themselves? Have you checked the Olympic Project site lately? She has been completely erased from it.

    1. The whole thing was probably a hoax that was intended to make some money, but the hoax didn't work out.

      It wouldn't surprise me at all if one of the serial bigfoot hoaxing jackasses (take your pick) was the mastermind behind this.

  19. Please...someone tell me this Matilda is not a dog. Cause it sure as hell looks like it.

  20. is there anything in bigfooting that is not completely retarded?

    1. No and that IS because it's chock full of retards itself. Just look at them. It's so funny to laugh at them . I cannot believe people are actually THIS stupid.

    2. I can believe it. In the absence of proper natural selection there are very few limits on human dumbness.

    3. Your life is retarded anon 10:55. Your a waste of life and space on this earth. Its even funnier reading your posts because your such an idiot with about 2 people agreeing with you and you responding to yourself!

    4. You + are = you're

      as in

      You're an illiterate retard.

    5. It's called auto correct and some times it does it without my knowledge You fucking dork. Man your stupid! This isn't a fucking spelling bee jerk off! If that's what your hung up on then your a pathetic waste of life! You must love to waste your time! I can't believe I just wasted my time responding to your post anon 7:44!

  21. I can't believe all this traffic is generated from just one mans idle musings I need to start a BF website so I can have a second revenue stream.

  22. I'm really ashamed to admit it, but I got taken on this one too: I read all the details about Ketchum buying out Erickson, and I neglected to read the opening paragraph very well: this was all just a GUESS by Lindsay.

    Dear God. I'm ashamed. Anyway, nice work, Shawn: you fooled me this time.

  23. Call me silly, but if Erickson is distancing himself from the...uh.... Erickson Project, then my guess is it isn't worth squat(ch).

  24. Robert Lindsay is full of shit!

  25. LMFAO! and footers actually THOUGHT that this would go as planned? I mean you "supposedly" have a millionaire sinking dumptruck loads of cash into research and a documentary that coincides with a separate DNA study gathering mountains of evidence driving toward one common goal of: finally; after 2,000 years; putting the final nail in the coffin and ending the debate once and for all by proving Sasquatch exists. All of that and you REALLY thought it would happen? Hellooooooo........McFly, McFly!!!!!! Did you forget this was Bigfoot we were talking about? Buy a clue you gullible schmucks, if Sasquatch were proven, the money machine is NO MORE. Do you really think that is going to happen? Well nevermind, I guess some of you did. These people have Bigfoot (you could replace the word Bigfoot with "you" right here and the following sentence is even better) right where they want him; "oh so close but yet oh so far away". Why would they ever give up all of that MONEY? They're not, not EVER. Its not happening people. I warned you guys (and other sensible people did too) about this a long time ago. This is a charade, all part of the game. I told you, this thing is going nowhere. Hurry up and wait and then wait some more. Cliffhanger at the end, anyone? You betcha.......Ah ha ha ha ha

  26. Anon 8:32 your one of the dumbest idiots around. Your retarded ! Your warned shit you waste of life ! I warned you---- your full of crap u freakin asshole! You don't know squat freak machine jerk off! You have no sense in your pea brain cranium !

    1. LMFAO! You can see it, all slipping away with every RL post can't you? I smell something, you know what that smell is? Its your fear of that HAPPENING. Hahahha. I told you, long long ago.

    2. Stings, doesn't it? Ah ha ha ha ha

    3. Are the voices in your head telling you to spank yourself?

    4. ^^^^^8:54 and 8:56,

      Ah ha ha ha, Its eating you alive. Just look at you, all you have left is posting one incoherent thought at a time in hopes that people reading the forum will think "other" people are agreeing with you. Give it up girl, you're not "protecting Bigfoot" no matter how much your twisted little mush headed mind thinks you are.

    5. It's all me ass! Never claimed anything different! U know what's even dumber? You on a Bigfoot site u freak!

  27. Find something original anon 8:32! Your getting repetitive and boring! Same boring message falling on deaf ears! Why don't you do something productive with your life? A job comes to mind!

    1. It doesn't get any more original than the cold hard smack you in the dumb face you have, truth. Stings doesn't it?

    2. What are you fucking talking about ? What stings?

    3. And you know what truth? You gullible idiot! Anon you have no idea what the truth is! If your taking RL at face value then your even more stupid! I'm LMFAO! Ha ha ha!

    4. 8:57 and 9:03,

      You know exactly what stings, that's why you're cussing now. You're frustrated that I've read you like a book, in your head. "Know you" just from reading your sad attempts at trying to "protect" you religion by posing as different forum readers and posters.

    5. Again it's all me jerk! Your repeating yourself again and again! Your moms calling u!

  28. Anon 8:32 is a rambling idiot! Are u writing a manifesto ? You seem like a very angry individual. Your stupid non-grammatical rants are a yawn and are not based on reality! How's your social outcast life?

    1. Why don't you just post everything you want to say in one post? Oh, I get it, you're one of those cuckoo weirdos who pretend to be different people on forums to try and make it look like people are agreeing with you.

      That hurt, didn't it. Damn that truth, just hurts.

    2. I'm not pretending because it's all me fruitcake! Bring it on ass! I never claimed to be another poster and I havn't responded to any of my posts! ! You said that ! Keep making crap up! Your the worst person on this site because your an idiot!

    3. ^^^^^^

      Ooh, that stings, you done went and shot yourself in the foot there. It's "you're" NOT your. Good grief, drink Drano. I blame your poor downtrodden parents. What's "your" (<<<<see how that works) excuse? LMFAO, imbecile.

  29. Why do you keep thinking things hurt or sting? Have u been butt plugged?

  30. I'm bored with arguing with u. I can't have a conversation with a mentally ill person! I guess what stings is that your alone on this site with your rants and nobody agrees with u. So long idiot!

    1. LMFAO, so IT IS all about the perception of "who's agreeing with you" when it comes to this site. Freudian slip there? I think so. Looks like I'm right again "Mister Post Several Times and Hope Forum Readers Think Other People Are Agreeing With You". I don't give a damn whether people agree with me. You don't need to care about such trivial things when you KNOW you are right. Obviously, you need to work on that.

    2. Did u even read my posts moron ? I Never claimed to be anyone else!!!! Why don't u go read the new article about The Erickson project- now who's the idiot!

  31. this article is complete speculation.Fckn people are so stupid.

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