Sharon Lee On Cell Phone Video Hoax And Facebook Find Bigfoot

Here's an excerpt from the Bigfoot Field Reporter, Sharon Lee regarding the latest development concerning the "Camper" video that was recently confirmed by Facebook Find Bigfoot as the real deal:

We all smelled a rat. Typical blurry video. Lame back story. Press conference scheduled.

Steve Kulls ferreted out the rat.

Our hoaxer is not new to this game. He has hoaxed before. This time he dragged in the big guns.

There is a very gullible man who runs Facebook Finding Bigfoot. FB/FB.

Rick Dyer was smart enough to know that FB/FB believes anything and everything. He found his sucker.

Go read Sharon's full post on her blog at

FB/FB's breakdown confirming figure in video is a Sasquatch:


  1. FB Find got egg on yo face you a big disgrace kickin yo ass all over this place!

    You stupid morons, just quit, you're ALL idiots. Every one of you.

  2. In their defense, they get over excited (I think) and they put the caboose in front of the engine. I love their enthusiasm but its starting to make them look kinda bad.

    1. I can't wait for a parody video showing how Dyer hoaxed them.

      Then a montage needs to be made showing how many times FB Find Bullshit has undoubtedly been exposed by children and now Dyer. I'm willing to bet there are MANY others out there they've "confirmed" as authentic that are hoaxes too, practically all of them but i digress. The bottom line is: They're all total amateur clowns who are taking douchebaggery to new heights.

    2. Rictor, there is no defense. These guys are now and always have been frauds. They are experts in nothing, with the exception of swimming, given their leader Jack Barnes a.k.a Jon Foss of Foss Swim Schools has no degree whatsoever in any feild of study that would merit him being taken seriously among scientists. Jeff Andersen is just barely a reporter as Yahoo Blogging doesn't exactly count. My suggestion to you would be to do a little research before you toss your name into supporting these aquatic ape agenda pushing wannabe's.

    3. I guess we know now was TBD meant. It did not mean To Be Determined - it meant To Be Duped!

    4. Seriously? How many times are you going to say the "to be duped" comment. I've read it in several threads now. Let it go.

    5. Leave her alone you dickwad, she's making a point!

      TBD-to be duped
      TBD-to be duped
      TBD-to be duped

      Now say somethin to me, asshole.

    6. Okay,you're an ass,now shut your piehole,seriously,what are you going to do?

    7. Have some rum on the rocks!

  3. bottom line is you can not confirm a blobsquatch is a sasquatch. so they should just call them what they are,
    blobsquatch hoaxes.

  4. The cheap shot at Kulls said Dyer or Biscardi I said that earlier today. nice job busting this dickhead again guys.Shame you spent all that money making that vehicle of yours all pretty Rick you fuckin idiot.

    1. Let me tell you something. Dyer is what you said he is but what's worse is that Kulls WAS in on the freezer foot gag too. Kulls has denied it but just like the real researchers know the PG film is a hoax, real researchers know Kulls was in on the 2008 fiasco. Don't you ever forget it either.

    2. Really where's the proof. It's easy to talk big but where's the facts!!!!!! Or is that you RD?

    3. I keep that in the back of my mind and if and when it comes out that Kulls was in on it I will call him on it the same way too but I need to know something as fact before I pass judgement.
      I'm not disputing what you say I don't know you so I won't judge you on your opinions you could be right on both.

    4. Wait a second anon 7:49 you sound like someone I have heard before with the" let me tell you something" and the dislike for Dyer and Kulls and the" don't you forget it either"".The real researchers know the PGF is a hoax."
      I do believe Mr.Biscardi is paying a visit tonight.
      Hows that expose on the PGF working for you Tom?

    5. The 7:49 Anon is clearly Dick Dyer. He's always on here trolling, pretending to be the one guy defending Dyer. That's where he makes his mistake. The only one defending Dyer is Dyer.

    6. I say Biscardi because when Rick trolls he doesn't run himself down and he agreed with Herby that Dyer was an idiot.

    7. I love slapping you piss ants around. This is big boy stuff. Amateurs like you two directly above have no chance in the ring with the real researchers.

    8. Don't forget RD loves to deflect things and accuse Kulls too. Just for fun.

    9. So far I haven't seen any "real" researchers beyond Joe Black.

    10. ^Is Joe sharing his mescaline with you?

  5. i dont understand. how did they think it was a hoax?
    what made them decide that?

    1. Sun Glasses !!!!that was the big tip off !

    2. Sequence of events, motivation, style of delivery.

      FB/FB actually has a photo of a rock on the side of a road they claim is a Bigfoot. And they've been hoaxed before but never retract.

    3. The same tent in the video is shown on more than one photo on Rick Dyer's website. The odds of that are insane. This video was filmed from inside Rick Dyers tent. That's how everyone knows it's a hoax.

    4. It may be Rick Dyer's Tent but I don't get where you say the odds are insane. Unless it's not a custom tent, it would fall under being a possible coindcident.

    5. Its just scary being in his tent,forget the Bigfoot.

    6. I think they have "proved" it is a hoax because the tent looks similar to a tent someone associated with a previous hoax had a photo of on a website he was associated with at one time. In other words, they haven't proved anything, they are just hoaxers pretending to have proven the camper films a hoax. Why? I do not know, it seems though that they have some sort of vendetta against fbfb for some reason. Alternatively they could just be skeptics claiming everything is a hoax on the flimsiest of rationales...i do not know.

  6. Does anyone think the tent maker could have actually made more than one of these tents???

    1. It seems that thought never occurred to anyone. Come to think of it, you know, my x has a tent like that. I don't even have to check his passport, even though he lives in Australia, it must have been my x, the tent proves it.

    2. Yes of course, but Dyer bought them all.

  7. Im sure the tent maker made hundreds of those tents, but the real thing is FB/FB says its a anonymous poster and Ricky has the same tent, just put two n two together and you get hoax.

    1. Don't forget press conference.

    2. Don't forget the video spending more time trolling Kulls than showing the footage

  8. "Our hoaxer is not new to this game. He has hoaxed before. This time he dragged in the big guns."

    What does this even mean?

    1. In essence it means they have bigger tallywackers than Dick Ryder.

    2. I thought Dick Ryder WAS the hoaxer. I'm so confused. Time to lie down with a cold compress.


  10. The shadows from bushes outside the tent are as though the sun is overhead rather than early morning or late afternoon. Why are these campers in their little tent in the middle of the day?

    1. There are a lot of reasons, i think the most obvious would be to get something from the tent.

  11. I love Sharon Lee. She got drunk one time of an expedition and showed me her tits. I would like a shot at her! Skeet skeet skeet!

  12. Ok, i followed the link and wanted to see proof that this was a hoax. I got hoaxed, there isnt any proof at the end of that link. Having a similar tent doesn't prove anything, the website stuff could be completely coincidental. I got hoaxed by that website. The camper footage looks good, i will not be gullible i will await the full release.

  13. whoh whoh whoh stop the clock. that is ronnie mund "aka ronnie the limo driver" from Howard Stern, right?!

    Baba Booey!


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