New Photo: Trail Cam Photo of Bigfoot Blasting Through

This possible Bigfoot photo made it on Field & Stream's list of "The 56 Best Wildlife Shots from Our 2012 Fall Contest".

It was submitted by a Field & Stream reader Tom Banks as part of a contest to win a Bushnell Trophy Cam HD. You can check out other trail cam submissions here.


  1. best alleged bigfoot trailcam photo yet (if legit)

    1. fake or not, bears back legs bend in other direstion

    2. no they don't, you just don't see the knee joint due to fat and fur, you're thinking of the ankle joint. still, this looks like a bear with its head turned. Sasquatch doesn't lope on all fours.

    3. that is not a fkin bear, bears have a snout for a start and dnt have a head shaped like that.

    4. A bear has a muzzle or snout. Still, I'm not saying this is a real live Sasquatch; I just know what it's not.

      It could be fake, most are. However, I do believe that the Bigfoot Monster is real.

      In my opinion, Bigfoot is a Gigantopithecus.

    5. Hate to burst everyone's bubble but this is a photo of a Macaque Monkey taken in a Japan forest, not a bigfoot. I've seen these up close there. Sorry

    6. It does indeed look similar to a macaque. There isn't anything to establish scale in the photo, but looking thinking that it's a small primate, the size of the rocks and the twigs on the ground make more sense. Unless people are claiming it's a baby bigfoot...still, looks like a small primate to me.


    8. @Joe Muniz. hate to burst your bubble but monkeys have tale's and macaque "monkeys" are not that large. so nice try, at trying to be smart about this, you failed.

    9. Japanese 'snow monkeys' are macaques and they do not have tails. They are notably large, as monkeys go.

    10. The Feb. 23rd 2012 pic of the back of a hairy creature. One thing I find hard to believe. If this creature is living,walking, sleeping in the woods. With that much hair, it would be impossible to keep leaves, burrs,prickers, thorns,twigs, moss, dirt, foliage out of it. especially between shoulder blades. yet this if finely groomed, not one iota of anything... questionable to say the least. I am a hunter, and every trek I have something stuck to me.

    11. Maybe like monkeys and gorrillas, they groom eachother

  2. Replies
    1. Its a Hoax someone did it in Paint Shop Pro

    2. You say the same sarcastic " it's the real deal folks" remark everyday! Your a F'ing Moron! Its getting old!

    3. ^^^Why do you got to be mean all the time?
      Need to change your batteries in your butt plug.
      Or did the Jrefers kick you out of the Royal Changing of the Golden Vibrating Butt Plug ceremony for your Queen Randi?

    4. ^^^^^^^You need a ball gag!^^^^^^^^^

    5. For those that think it is a bear...u r correct. I will not go into detail with newbies to wildlife. Just know it is a bear and move on...

    6. Definitely a bear, on the run with head up and a bit blurry or "enhanced".....agreed, a bear but interesting

    7. 3.05.00 why bother dissing somebody anonimosly,seems a bit childish to even do it, even more childish when you cant write your name.that way we can identify the insightful, thought provoking commentries you give

      anyway. I presume this is a bear as its only 1 shot. since i doint know anything about trail cams can someone answer why there is only 1 photo. is that all you get when an animal is going past one?

      I prtesume the guy knowws its a bear[the other photos show that cleary] but this one shot ,at this angle, makes it look like a different shape.

      also why wouldnt there have been loads of Bf.s caught on trail cams if this one got caught? Ive heard the arguement they know its a man made device and avoid them[seems doubtfull to me] . so is this a dumb one,and if it is, why doesnt it do other dumb things like show itself more

    8. its not a bear, you can see the clear outline of the face like a humans, thats a pretty big fkin snout for a bear lol like the same width as its head! we need video footage of this

  3. It's just a hairy hippo yawning.. But the squatch is in the tree to the right.

  4. Replies
    1. You sound like my coysin. When ever something out of the ordenary happens he says its swamp gas go back inside nothing to see here'

  5. ol'Bob heironimus had a few to many again and almost went tits up in front of a trail cam.

  6. Does he have a travel boner? I get those sometime... I think it's the hum of the engine or something. Regardless it looks like Bigfoot on all fours with a travel boner.

  7. It looks like a plucked turkey being thrown in front of the camera.

    I have no idea what this is

  8. I dunno guys...somebody call Moneymakers jr. high hairstyle for a looksee

  9. Holy shit! I knew dogman exists take that you ignorant sob's.

  10. The creature depicted in this photo obviously has a head, large torso, arms, long thick legs, and it seems to be covered in a dark colored fur. No doubt, it looks like what people describe a sasquatch as. With that being said, I can't wait to here the nitwits and know it alls come out of their holes to snort, "it is obviously a tubby bear" or "hoax, proven hoax" I can't wait. It should be interesting because this picture looks pretty good.

    Waiting on the nitwits to reply now....

    1. I never snort out of my taterhole.

    2. You're right anon 1:42 it seems no matter the photo or video skeptics and believers call it fake.

  11. The subject in the picture does not appear to be bipedal and it also does not appear to have large human like feet. Blobsquatch.

  12. Clearly shopped. C'mon guys. Footers you need to stop being such fraudulent, 2 bit hoaxers like your con man pal patterson was. Its not even a GOOD photoshop for fuck sake.

    Dumb-ass footerz!!

    1. Spelled with a Z, to emphasize the stupidity of said "footerz"

    2. ^^^
      Look at these 2 shitheads pretending not to be footers.

    3. Studid fucking Libralz think they know everything! Want to think for everyone else, and in reality, they don't know shit from wild honey.

      Spelled with a "Z" to emphasize the, oh never mind. This asshole should be at least smart enough to figure it out.

    4. My comment was meant to be sarcastic.

      And I am a proud footer, and as far as I can tell, one of about 4 people on here who have actually seen one, and one of about 10 people who will put their name behind their statements.

  13. Except for the head it look like a bear. It looks like a bear with a baboon's face.

  14. Its photoshop!! Can it get more obvoius?!

    1. Get real dude it's really in the photo whatever it is, i's probably a guy in a too small ape suit or someone speeding home after realizing he forgot his pants.

    2. I agree its Photoshop. Its a real picture of the woods but nothing else the creature in question is a hoax. If people will notice your not able to see the arms as good as the leg also the leg is to short. The head isnt the right shape and look very close to the leg there is no foot to be seen.. 100 % hoax created by Tom Banks...
      Hawk Spearman

  15. It's just Bobo checking the forest for doughnuts.

  16. hey guys, look carefully...could it be some kind of small critter falling out of the tree? Maybe it isn't on the ground at all, but in mid-flight?

    1. Your onto's a drop bear.

    2. maybe. But I don't think this object is touching the ground at all. I was wondering if it could be a similar situation as the photo of the bird in the monster quest episode. That photo looked just like an ape in tall grass, but as it turns out, it was just a bird. Remember that?

    3. They should bring back MQ. Good show, no Moeymaker.

  17. This is a bear......something else behind the bear is making the head look funny

    It is possible some photoshop was done to the head area.

    I have many pictures of bears on trail cameras and this is exactly how they look when they are walking when the photo snaps ,,,,,except for the mis-shapen head.

  18. what happened to cone heads used to confirmed proo.f it must have shapeshifted to a round head or the moused bumped while sraying in the fuzz

  19. Do bears have elbows on their front legs??? Cuz that is a picture of something with elbows.

    1. You are right a bears limbs do not bend.They walk stiff legged.

      Seriously did you think before you you typed this or are you just that stupid.

      Look at this bears left arm(if the photo works-if not look at a few black bear photos).....kinda hard to do that without what I would call an elbow

    2. This can't be a bear because they don't have elbows?..........LMFAO

    3. Yes no bear but probably a man.

  20. Yes,bears do have elbows or whatever they are called on them that let their legs bend.On all 4 legs.The one I shot the hair was really long on it's front ?elbows?.

    1. Wait......What ......bears have elbows?

      When did this happen and why wasn't I informed?

  21. Photoshop? just because two seperate images are joined together means that its photoshopped. plenty of image editing software out there capable of producing such an unconvincing fake. lol so yes its a poor manipulation but just leave the faithful to it.

  22. Looks like a BIG FAT taterholed FAG! You weak prison bitches!! Muhahaaa.!

  23. Confirmed Hoax. Move along folks.

  24. This 100 per cent real photo of a real bear running with its head turned.

    1. Yeah, it's sad, but this is none other than Boo Boo Bear.

      Like many child stars, Boo Boo didn't adjust well as an adult. He squandered his TV money and now lives as a homeless recluse in the woods.

      Saddest of all, Boo Boo and Yogi refuse to talk to each other.

  25. well i must say i'm a believer in the bigfoot, but even i see that its a bear. the arms and legs are just not shaped right at all. even if it was a younger one its still not shaped right, at all. the texas trail cam shot of a bigfoot is more believable. the problem is its to close and it doesn't show use what i know to be true. if the texas photo is faked, its a damn good one!

    1. Dummy, this ain't no bear any fool can see that. Still most likely a fake though.

  26. A bi-pedal creature would fall over if it was running at that angle. This is not a bigfoot "blasting through."

  27. Some believers really are way to ignorant for there own good. I believe in the Bigfoot but that picture is of a bear. I won't go into the obvious details just wanted to piss on all these people that believe every stupid thing they see on the internet with a Bigfoot tag.

    1. Give it up cynic, it's no damn bear. But it's no Bigfoot either.

  28. If it is a bear, where are its ears? I see them on the dead one on the pick up truck. But you can never rule out shopping.

  29. But why does Shawn claim it's a bigfoot?

  30. Simply blowing this photo up will show more than a couple of issues.

    Most notably, the head. You will also see some areas that are deliberately blacked out.

    I won't go on, but suffice it to say, this is not a Bigfoot.

  31. Looks like a crock of shit to me, crooked as a dogs hind leg !!!

  32. Field & Stream accepted the pic and suggested it was a Bigfoot. It does not have a bear face, but I am not sure about it being a BF.

    This is from the comments on that site:

    from Filson wrote 1 day 3 hours ago

    That bigfoot one is sweet. I have a buddy who is 6'7" a few years ago we were camping, and he brought his monkey suit. Well around dark, when we were all hammered up a little he got it out and started walking near the edge of the woods by some other campers. Holly crap, all hell broke loose. It was one of the funniest things ever. Oh, the bigfoot pick looks like one of those Texas escaped monkeys from that research place. Or Bigfoot??

    Another comments on the above:
    People dressing in bigfoots suits need to be careful, some crazy is likely to shoot you so that he can prove he's real.

  33. Japanese or rhesus macaque? The color, face shape and posture are correct for a macaque. Where was the image taken? There are escaped macaques in Texas, Louisiana and Florida.

  34. It's that dang Sasquatch that ate the sandwiches!

  35. Not a bear. The limb proportions are wrong and the joints are bending more like a primate. It also looks small compared to what looks like a salt block in the background. I agree that it's probably a macaque. Not sure if it's photoshopped.


  36. Good Photo....To whoever said Bigfoot don't run on all fours don't know anything about the creature, some of the best footage shows the creature in an all out sprint, down on all fours in a "primate" type sprint...

  37. Great camera resolution, right down to the bark on the trees. Too bad the superimposed photo of the Macaque came out so blurry. I did find the photoshop attempt to add toes to the left rear foot amusing...

    When superimposing, be careful not to make the creature appear as if its flying :) add some leaf debris being kicked up or something.

  38. 100% photo of a penguin its flying south for the summer. That statement is just as unlikely to be true as the "its a bear" comments. I dont know what that is or even if it is real, but an unphotoshoped bear seems very unlikely.

  39. It's a leaf falling from a tree close to the camera

  40. The "bigfoot" is in motion and many features can't be made out, but the leaves by what appears to be his feet are perfectly definable. If the foot is captured in motion, why is nothing underneath it in motion? The object was pasted in, very poor effort as well. It's quite obvious, and sad that a fake won a contest.

  41. Why can"t people learn to spell? So funny to read people rip each other to shreds when they themselves just come off as ignorant morans because they never learned to spell!

  42. I believe in bigfoot but the image is blurry and I could see that being a bear. The head could easily be turned which would account for a lack of snout. I have seen better trail cam pics. I cannot rule out a bear or person faking it so to me its not a good piece of evidence.

  43. Almost positive it's a Macaque.

  44. Everything in that photo is in razor sharp focus EXCEPT THE BIGFOOT. Right.

    1. Have you ever taken a picture were the object u are taking a picture of moves so it comes out blurry? I dnt know about you but I have -and everything else is in razor sharp focus. Just not the object.

  45. I'm pretty sure we (Bro-in-law and me) saw a white Sasquatch running down a hill behind where I live. Moved way to fast for the terrain and slope, plus it looked alot bigger than a man would at that distance. Have camera ready now. Since sighting all dogs in this part of hill and been barking and howling at night. Usually between 2am and 4am. Hope to have photo/movie evidence soon. About 45 minutes from Shaver Lake, Ca.

    1. dat mista bigfoot be king of da hood. i bets he drives a convertible caddy, with white walls, a fuzzy dash and 3 ho-foots in da back seat!!

    2. I am sure the only reason I understood that was becouse I am usually surrounded by people who talk like they are rapping or in a posses -at school. High school at that.-

  46. Grow up and stop posting dumb shit!

  47. Jeepers, I gotta call that one a bear or a very large piece of dryer lint. Some videos are going to be fakes but, that doesn't mean all are. The mechanics of the legs in the gait, along with other features such as the skull shape are seen in videos by dif. ppl @ dif. places & decades apart. Either there is a common style among hoaxers or it's bigfoot to my way of thinking.

  48. It's a Turkey hunter. Thats a Turkey Hunter outfit. Thats exactly what it looks like and exactly what it is.

  49. Honestly this is what you really see here. First the woods are real. It makes a great place to put a bear from a different image in the middle of it (or captured a bear on the game trial camera in that same spot) and then they just blurred the bear out. But at this stage you still can make out that its a bear, so that's why they went further and changed the head, that's why the head looks so funny, its a blurry black and white photo so you really wont notice any changes like that.

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  51. This is not a bigfoot it's a bear taking a shit in the woods

  52. Seeing all the name calling and back stabbing, now I know why I have never made any of my big foot or ufo experiences public.

  53. I love how bigfoot can turn HD 1080p video into 19980's camcorder quality video/photo's. Lol

    1. LOL. The only thing that has changed is the "technology". Otherwise it's still a bunch of idiots who believe in this crap.

  54. I see that the true fans of this "animal" is ready to take any pictures edited in photoshop or using the service for reality. Of course, now on the Internet just thousands of these pictures, but it's strange, because not once he was never caught or saw the corpse of a similar animal)


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