If You Have A Piece Of Bigfoot Flesh, You Will Probably Be Required To Sign This Paper [Ketchum DNA]

Thanks to Steven Streufert and The Bigfoot Field Reporter for posting this copy of the Non-Disclosure Agreement Dr. Melba Ketchum hands out to sample submitters. Once signed, submitters are purportedly prohibited from sharing samples with other labs and forced to not talk about the samples submitted to the Ketchum's lab.

High resolution image below:

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  1. Ooo I bet Melba is mad and gon' open a can o' whip ass on Steven!

    1. Ooooh Nooooo!
      Well, I never signed any NDA, anyway. An anonymous source sent this to me. IT's a pretty conventional legal document, so far as I can tell.

    2. ive got fish eyes and i can not lie, you other hoaxers cant deny, when mk davis walks in with a brand new tape and stevens eyes popping out of his face, Streufert gets sprung, cause he wants to get his jealousy on.
      So fish eyes, yeah fish eyes, Do you wanna be jealous of MK Davis, HELL YEAH!!!! Turn around, bug your eyes out. Even MK's got to boast, Streufert likes to hoax!!!!

    3. Holy shit!!!! I challenge anyone to smoke a fatty and read this.......hilarious

    4. Anon 6:31 That is mean BUT DAMN FUNNY!!!!!!!!!

    5. I picture Justin Smeja ryhming this instead of Sir Mix Alot, All bearded up flossing a jacked up truck on a logging road....

      For the didos who cant read words in 4/4 this is a well constructed parody of baby got back.

    6. Anon @6:31, I bet you were bullied when in school that's why you do it now using an anonymous. And you are probably a big baby if anyone looks at you cross eyed. Grow up and act your age.

    7. I call complete B.S. on this NDA. Their is no way that this is the real thing. This is something STeven made up and wrote. Their is no way that a real NDA is going to refer to Melba Ketchums buisness as KETCHUM. I think Steven got ahold of a typical NDA and then replaced names and added stuff, etc.

      After all who the hell is gonna send Steven anything reliable. He has no sources, he was involved in nothing, he has done nothing remotely close to the field of bigfoot other than make fun of others videos.

      Oh but wait, steven claimed that he rediscovered bluff creek. Too bad the coordinates of that site have been around since it was first shot. So basically what steven said he did was follow on a map to where the coordinates were and found some landmarks to confirm where the video was shot. Which amounts to jack shit. The whole place has changed ,so measurements of any kind would be absolutely worthless. Their was absolutely no point in even trying to find the site other than to say you did it.

      I find it very funny that Steven holds onto this as his claim to fame and his contribrution to this field. lol what a joke

  2. I am tellin ya'll there is ways around this in court. Disclose all you want and make her take you to trial. Most judges and juries don't like these things especially after the housing market and all that has gone on with the banks.

    1. How can a non-disclosure agreement apply to things ALREADY leaked and publicly known? I'd think that part of this NDA would be invalid to the extent we already know things (or, THINK we know, anyway). No?

    2. I got to know, Steven, what were you holding your breath for when the picture was taken?

    3. im proud of you streufert by not stooping to these idiots level by exchanging insults with one another.. if you FOOLS would stop slandering the guy you just MIGHT learn a thing or 2 from him..

    4. Are you kidding me. He posted like thirty times on the last post. Crying like a little baby the whole way.

      Are you proud of him then, nuts can only stay in the sack so long, and he is a nut! So I'm waiting for his next string of rants when someone thinks other than him.

      It was very entertaining watching him melt down the other day!

      Please. please Steven, can you melt down again?

    5. There's no mention of any consideration, for starters. This is an entirely one-sided document.

  3. If I had Bigfoot samples, I sure wouldn't send them to her.

    1. There's no such thing as a bigfoot sample. If people can supposedly get a sample then they can point a trail camera and get a photo of where the sample came from. If they can't do this then how do they know what the sample came from? Attributing it to bigfoot is just not rational or logical in any sense.

    2. Oh so sorry for not being specific enough for you.
      "Sample that may or may not be evidence of a Bigfoot".
      There you go smarty pants. Do you feel oh so bright now? You may put a gold star in your book now.
      Good lord, some people need to chime in just to nit pick.

  4. Absolute fucking Looney toons. Nephilim, picnics with a family of 5, blurry stick structures and braiding horse hair. Yep fucking Looney toons.

    1. I got a DNA sample that she can analyze, if you know what I mean.

    2. Yes sir!! Looney toons!! I started the looney toons thing and I'm glad it has stuck and expanded.

    3. Sooooo who are u then Mel blanc or elmer fudd.???f**kin ahole...

    4. takes one to know one ----- yep!

      So looney toons IS LOONEY TOONES!

  5. rictor and steven,seperated at birth?

  6. No disrespect intended but how serious is a judge going to take breaking an NDA about Bigfoot?
    I'm very surprised nobody has broken the damn thing and taken their chances already.

  7. Her NDA is bullsh*t, it will never hold up in a court of law.

  8. ^Because it has all been under false pretense, all based upon false information.

  9. Pfft, what a joke this stuff is becoming. Within the first few sentences you read "business opportunities".

    Everyone wants to trade mark a stupid picture.

    An about the jacobs photo, yes the Black bears exiting the Fires in Az or NM did look like the Jacob photos. Also the Chimp looked like the jacobs photo.

  10. In contrast, for the Oxford/Sykes study one simply sends in the sample with an explanation of how it was found and the testing is free. Results to be published by Jan 2013... not far off.


  11. "Every man for himself, winner take all"

  12. Someone needs to post it on that "lawyer blog site" that had so much to say about Moneymaker and Crypto's case with the Florida BFRO expedition customer.

    Or even a legal fund for those who didn't have a clue really what they were signing and find it now unreasonable.

    Team Tazer could manage it.

    Wonder how much Crypto did raise for their defense? Or did Moneymaker's Pa handle that one?

    1. We trolls could put our money where our comments are, in the toilet.
      Team Tazer Legal Fund for Abused and Innocent BFers.
      That seems like an oxymoron.

  13. Unequal bargaining power comes to mind.
    Ketchum had all the cards in this negotiation, and the lawyer, and fancy document. She called publically for samples even while stating she could prove bigfoots were real in the lab.
    A hope for "mutually beneficial business opportunities," like Bigfoot Proof, combined with her exclusivity and credentials to make the NDA irresistible.
    The Bigfooter already reaching deep for $200 to have the uncertain sample analyzed neglects to hire the lawyer for $500 to review the document before signing. Every Regular Joe would sign it under the circumstances, whether it said one year, or two, or three, or five years, like this one. This NDA could possibly be voided on such obvious grounds. The devil is in the details.

    1. $200? I heard it was much higher than that.

    2. Interesting the date on the NDA is about 3 weeks after Richard Stubstad began talking about some early results. Anyway, academia is not for hire. You can't knock on a professor's door and ask them to conduct an experiment or run a study. Ketchum was the only one(though not university affiliated) willing to look at this and she probably took advantage of that fact.

  14. How about she produces one single item of interest to the field, and then she can start calling shots.

  15. Remember folks Bigfoot chose her!!

  16. She had to do something. That way the coyote "steaks" still cause interest in the Footing world.

  17. Biggest fucking waste of a steak on record. It's probably delicious

  18. My sample, I also have to pay to have it analyzed and whoa...hold on, also sign an NDA!!!

    Bigfooters are really fucking dumb at times.

  19. required by who? She can cry to someone cares.

  20. Hi call me stupid but I have never heard the word recitals. Is that some sort of weird cross between a rectum and a pair of testicles?

  21. It's all there in black and white, clear as crystal.

    You get nothing, you lose. Good day sir


  22. According to a blog I read earlier, She is getting rid of her present company and going to have a new company name. Does this invalidate the NDAs signed under the original company name?

  23. That would be Melba Ketchum's company. Sorry.

  24. I'm surprised most are enforceable, as they must of been signed with an 'X'


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