Glenn Soutter's Melissa Hovey Bigfoot Photo Recreation

In early 2008 Melissa Hovey was contacted via email by a person claiming to have photographed a Bigfoot. Hovey sat on it for 4 years until she finally decided to release in February 2012. Since the release of the photograph, it has been analyzed by M.K. Davis and numerous other Bigfoot researchers like Bill Munns, who noticed some problems with the photo. Munns concluded that the figure seems suspicious, and while it cannot be called an outright fake, it could easily be faked. "If it is fake, it does represent a fair amount of both skill and expense on the part of the fabricator," Munns said.

My immediate concern was that the photo, if a game cam type, is cropped, since such photos usually have some time/date material included. So I must assume this photo was cropped. I have been told that the cropping was because something in the wider landscape would identify the location, and there was concern to keep the location secret. I find this explanation lacking, because the full image could be shown with minimal Photoshop re-touching of any landscape element which might identify the location, while still allowing more of this subject's body. So that issue immediately raised suspicion in my mind.

The subject, as we see it, is just hair and the hint of skin through sparse sections of hair, in the shape of a head, shoulders, torso and one upper arm. This can be so easily fabricated that it would be impossible to falsify the alternative, which means it would be impossible to validate this as being real.

The hair is curious for its length and sparseness, with a pale flesh tone through the hair. This is not standard cheap fake fur. Such is occasionally seen with custom hair made by National Fibre Technology (NFT) for movie creatures, but it's not cheap. The mixture of greys and black hair colors is also something NFT can produce on order.

The disheveled lay of the hair reminds me of fake fur that's been mussed up rubbing against things and not brushed out. The fact that the hair tends to be consistent in density, length, and color tones, also is a characteristic common to use of artificial fur. Real mammals tend to have more variance of the hair (length, density, tone, or combinations of these traits) from the head into the torso and arm, but this does not.

Many others have attempted to match the photograph with Bigfoot costumes from different movies such as "Clawed" and "Abominable". To this day, no one has conclusively proven that it's a costume.

Recently, Bigfoot enthusiast Glenn Soutter did what no one has done. That is-- to recreate the photograph using a real costume and a real tree. It is believed that the tree in the background resembles a loquat tree, so in Soutter's recreation, the photo is taken using a toy Yowie and a Loquat Eriobotrya Japonica "Japanese Plum" in the background.

Although the photograph is realistic enough to pass muster, it still doesn't look anything like the Hovey photo.

Glenn Soutters's
High resolution Hovey creation photo

Still. It's not too bad, right?

The original photo:


  1. It looks bad. Not even close. Why even try to talk it up like they look similar.

  2. The original picture has details like wounds and well defined body muscles on the skin. A normal fur suit isn't going to be anywhere near as realistic.

  3. Soutter needs to get either his eyes or his frikkin head examined!

    1. No Sir, you do. The photo WASN'T made to recreate the bigfoot as much as show that it was a real tree in the background, The Loquat Tree.
      Please, before you open your mouth, make sure you have a clue :P

  4. None of the suits people claim were used look even close to supposed bigfoot in the Hovey photo

  5. Doesn't match the original, but ironically loos closer to what you would expect for an undiscovered ape.

  6. I bet Tim Stover out of Ohio knows the truth behind Hoveys photo. He is going on an expedition with her this weekend at a undisclosed location. Info is being posted in Ohio Bigfoot Hunters Group on Facebook. Rumor has it he talks to her all the time

  7. @4:31, And your point is??...

  8. Maybe timbo will find out info nobody else knows is what I'm saying. Will he share it? I don't know but from what I heard she will present him with more photos to put under his YouTube account. She says he will know a better way to present them and cover his butt while doing it. I heard this from a very reliable source inside obh group.

    1. I know all the reliable sources in the OBH group. I can assure you that none of them told you this. If they did it is just a rumor. Melissa Hovey has consistently said she does not have any other photos. I know Stover and most of the regular posters in that group. I Have spoken with Melissa on numerous occasions. I know everyone going on that expidition today. This is just a rumor.

    2. And if you have proof otherwise, look me up on Facebook and send it to me. I will look into it further.

  9. Succeeds only in making the Hovey pic look more real.

    Epic fail.

  10. I guess tcs is with Hovey now somewhere near Columbiana county investigating a horse with a broken neck and large footprints found. Sorry dudes but my money is on that team to come up with something good

  11. The perspective is off a bit. But more than that, the lighting is different. The original looks like it was shot in low light with fill in flash, while the copy attempt looks like it was done with daylight. While I think they would look different regardless, I think the copy suffers from a harsher light that doesn't help with detail. IMO.

  12. They both are fakes.

    The only real one on this site is that tent cell phone one.

  13. What was cropped from the Hovey photo was probably the film studio building on the Los Angeles lot, next to the non-wild loquat tree.

  14. The problem for me is the perfectly centered photo not the creature/costume.Nobody can get anything even close to this but this one is Bigfoot in a perfect pose for the camera.Not bloody likely.

  15. Replies
    1. I agree but we both read it...what does that say about us??

  16. Its not.close but the Hovey photograph is a suit too.

    1. If/Since the Hovey pic is a suit like you imply, where is the suit now? Why can't anyone come REMOTELY close to reproducing the picture or unveiling the suit used? According to a Hollywood makeup artist in a prior article about the photo, he stated that the suit could be created at a cost of around $250,000. I can't imagine someone with enough money to do this would even care to do it.

  17. the muscle mass always impressed me, it's not bulky
    muscle that a body builder would have, it's more lean muscle mass that an animal would have, developed from
    pulling,digging, turning over rocks, etc...

    1. one more brain dead cultist dipshit that is easily impressed by basically anything

    2. Anon at 12:40, are you talking about people voting for Obama?

  18. "Many others have attempted to match the photograph with Bigfoot costumes from different movies such as "Clawed" and "Abominable". To this day, no one has conclusively proven that it's a costume."

    When the director of 'Clawed' says 'yeah that's from our movie', it's time to throw this one on the pile.

  19. smells like teen sprit to me!!!!

  20. Both fake. One is more convincing but both fail.

  21. If they know what type of tree it is,then why don't they use the tree leaf length to calculate the size of its shoulder width?

  22. The author of this article speaks a bunch of technical jargon about this and that and how easily the photo creature could be recreated; Then he takes post a photo of his recreation and it looks like a Spencer's Gifts cheap gorilla suit that has been wetted down. Ha. Also, my dog is a mammal. My dog's hair is even in length. What gives? My dog must be an abomination!

  23. In case you guys COMPLETELY MISSED THE POINT of the recreation photo - Soutter took the photo to show that it was a real tree, the Loquat Tree. He just added the toy gorilla for fun :P
    In typical bloody fashion, die-hard bigfooters were saying the TREE was a fake and he just wanted to show that it was not.
    He even said that on his original facebook post.
    Geez everyone, get your head out from your butts and stop ACTING like you know everything!!


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