FB/FB's Camper Video Was Filmed Using a "Galaxy Note" Not an iPhone-- Details of Bigfoot Eating, Walking, Running To Come

We want to apologize for saying the iPhone camera sucks. According to FB/FB's latest posting, the blurry "Camper" video was filmed using a Galaxy Note, an Android phone. This is straight from the horse's mouth, and yes, there will be a "full press conference" concerning the footage:

HEY!! You have questions here are answers... Below is FBFB's Q & A w/ Flimer of "#9/79 "CAMPER" video. Not an iphone after all! Better name might be "Camper films Sasquatch from tent w/ a Galaxy Note" Much more to the story.... read his statement below.

"I'm very well respected in my field and wouldn't risk my reputation.There are inconsistencies popping up on blogs
all over the net." eg.

1. I have never communicated with anyone that hasn't contacted me first.

2. The first video was filmed with a Galaxy Note.

3. The cell phone film was intentionally altered.

4. The cell camera was the first to start filming. There are many other moving parts.

5. People this is more than Sasquatch caught on film, This is Irrefutable Historical Evidence of the existence of Sasquatch.

Q. Is this a hoax?
A. There are many different people and organizations with unstable relationships involved to ever be a hoax.

Q. When and where will it be released?
A. There will be a full press conference TBD.

Q. Will any of your films show a detailed body?
A. Yes eating, walking, running and more!


[via Facebook Find Bigfoot]


  1. Who cares? It's a bogus video anyway.

    1. No it's not you dick! It's irrefutable historical evidence! Anyways, King of Queens is on, gotta go.

  2. This just in: incredibly clear footage of man shooting bigfoot in the rain.


  3. I was just arguing with one of the FB/FB pinheads on Facebook. I don't care if it's Galaxy or IPhone, they both shoot in color with sound. I was told by the FB/FB individual that the video was intentionally altered to look like this. (to look like shit?) How much sense does that make?

    I'm told that the person wishes to remain anonymous and that the clear, inarguable, unequivocable video will be shown at a future press conference.

    How does shitty bigfoot footage protect your anonymity. And if you're trying to remain anonymous, how on God's blue marble are you going to accomplish that at a PRESS CONFERENCE.

    They really and truly think we all have rocks for heads. This is the dumbest thing since Dick Dyer and the freezer suit.

    -- d3w177

    1. or the smeja bullshit. or the ketchum bullshit. or the erickson bullshit. or the patterson bullshit. or the freeman bullshit. or the moneymaker bullshit.

    2. "or your bullshit". You trying to convince a abundance of Bigfoot believers , on a "Bigfoot blog" lol almost all the Bigfoot footage ever shot is faked or "Bullshit" wow .... you really have nothing else better to do? Sad and pathetic

    3. I agree with anon 9:48, if your following a Bigfoot sight to the point of naming off all the projects going on and and seem to think you analyzed all of it to be "bullshit" then you got some issues! Cmon there isn't enough hoaxers to make that much crap up!

    4. The only thing to do with trolls like this anon at 18:18 is to expose them and send them back to the girl's school they came from. And since this one is posting anonymously, I will help you out. He's 43, lives with his mom and sleep in bed with her ever since dad left. He jerks it to popular mechanics. His favorite show is still the Smurfs because everything else is over his head. He hates intellectuals, music and puppies. At the age of 32 he shat himself while on his first and only date. Right now he's crying. -- d3w177

      Seriously. It's called a hobby. You can pick pretty much anything.

  4. he had his 15 minutes of fame. now he wants to milk it like every other bigfoot hoaxer.

    "3. The cell phone film was intentionally altered."

    that's just plain dumb.

    1. Not dumb if then intent is to create a teaser.

      The low-quality video would increase perceived value of a higher-quality version, which then could be $old to highest bidder as an exclusive.

    2. A teaser would be to show a short clip of video that wasn't a piece of shit so that people would be interested enough to see the rest

  5. "People this is more than Sasquatch caught on film, This is Irrefutable Historical Evidence of the existence of Sasquatch."

    If this is evidence, they ought to consider bringing ButchyKid onto their team - at least some of his evidence is entertaining. As a someone with an actual encounter, I want to throttle every member of team FB/FB. Like this subject isn't ridiculed enough.

    1. I see that they subscribe to the "undersell and over produce" school of Bigfoot pub.

  6. "Press conference TBD".

    LMFAO What a load of horse shit.

  7. TBD, because they aren't done animating it yet

  8. A press conference??? Must be a crystal clear video of what who knows?

  9. Why not show a snippet of great footage instead of a bunch of monkey balls? Speaking of balls, I wonder if they got a shot of bigfoots ballbag... things got to be the size of a laundry bag.

  10. No offense but TBD? Wouldn't that be TBA? Nit picking I know but TBD is unusual in my neck of the woods.

    I hope it really is irrefutable evidence found in a crystal clear video.

    Is this the one FB/FB thought they were going to show and then it was not released to them?

    1. Blondie its to be determined because nobody is buying this BS and nobody will show up at a press conference. If it was TBA that would mean people are interested and they are trying to set up a time and place.

    2. Ohhhhhh THANKS Broski! I see and that is a real difference isn't it? ;)

    3. NO Blondie this is Not the footage first announced that footage is being with held till further data is collected.

    4. NO Blondie this is Not the footage first announced that footage is being with held till further data is collected.

    5. I heard you the first time.

  11. Just when I could not think of it getting even more screwed up. I agree with the guy up there, I had a brief encounter to affirm my belief and this topic is treated like comedy hour by some and then these FB/FB guys pull this. And now there is video of bigfoot eating?

  12. FB/FB's holier than thou bullshit is getting old.We research bigfoot and know a lot,BULLSHIT.You write a completely theoretical book and then try to pass yourself off as experts,I hope there is a bigfoot and he catches you jerkoffs in the woods and beats the lot of you til your mothers howl.

  13. Replies
    1. To you no, to people that have seen them, yes. It then comes down to trying to learn more about these wonderful creatures.

    2. once the scientist prove the foots don't exist then its on to parnormal bigfoots. .

    3. Mike Rugg really lit a fire under your ass with that one diddn't he.

    4. I dont know how people can say something doesn't exist. When people have seen it. It is like me trying to tell you dogs don't exist, you know they do, so i just come of as ignorant and rude. I know a lot of tv shows and youtube videos might make people think that any shadow or sound is misidentified as a bigfoot. But some people have seen these things up close.

  14. I knew the footage was to good to have been taken with an iphone! The way this is being handled is odd. but the footage is ok (HD). Even odd people can see bigfoot. So it is possibly real.

  15. Press conference eh? Sounds to me like Facebook found Biscardi.Don't get your hopes up people.

  16. Iphone should sue the lot of them

  17. The woods have wireless now too,bigfoot is drinking lattes.

  18. attention humans,we shall call our drinks tall,vente and grande

    1. That wasn't really bigfoot FB/FB, it was just me

  19. The future's so bright bigfoot has to wear shades !

  20. I, for one, welcome this turn of events because the way I see it; When this too turns out to be a hoax, just as all the other "irrefutable proof" has turned out to be, FB/FB's reputation will finally and irrefutably be destroyed. Maybe then they'll just go away.

    1. Big doses of reality has not yet changed anything for them. Unless you count deleting critical posts on their page.

  21. Why does the footage look like animation ? Like a bad cartoon in black and white....oh...it is animation !

  22. Why did they superimpose the face of that inbred kid from Wrong Turn 2? ... haha that's funny. Is that supposed to be the kid that filmed? lmao

  23. Obviously the young man purchased the Galaxy Note for it's super high quality video abilities.

  24. Why is it that all the Bigfoot hunters search high and low for this thing when all they have to do is go camping and leave a pair of sunglasses and a Zagnut on the picnic table?

    1. Shhhh...not too loud. I was recently berated for questioning the tactics of highly-trained, uber scientific researchers. Apparently, their methodology is far too sophisticated for the likes of you or I to understand...unless you give them $$$. Then you too can be in know and look down upon all the rest of us for asking questions like "Why is it that all the Bigfoot hunters search high and low for this thing when all they have to do is go camping and leave a pair of sunglasses and a Zagnut on the picnic table?"

  25. That is a real sasquatch.
    They are out there. You have just seen one.

    1. I still say if you want to lure this thing out you have to bring a bag of freshly used tampons with you. String those babies up and you'll have your self the money shot in no time.

  26. Did it occur to the hunters to ever look in the trees? Maybe Bigfoot has the ability to bury itself in the dirt really fast like a sand crab. They should try to dig a hole.

    1. Not sure which one has a more realiatic chance of happening..... The 500lb monkey man in the tree and a hunter not see him. How about the hole a Squatch would dig!!!!!

  27. Holy shit, that looks like the Trolls from Troll 2.

  28. It seems as though every second week we get these high quality, fantastic proof, sensational video evidence.......blah blah fn blah....press confrence tomorrow or TBA/TBD...kinds of stories and yet it we never actually get to see anything. File this one on the same list as the Ketchum DNA report, Burnt Bigfoot, Smeja shoots two and nodody in the real world can see the bodies and the "Better films out there than the P/G film" that none of us have ever seen. Time for somebody to actually produce the goods as the whole fn world is tired of waiting......

  29. I've heard that Full Press Conference crap b 4. Maybe they'll show up with a cooler and a wet costume in it. This is BS until I see color and hear sound.

    Fb/Fb beware you will be duped, this could be it.

    They now know this genius morphology and will attempt to replicate it.

  30. "And more" ... sounds hot. Hopefully the bigfoot strapped on a go-pro before he hit the t-hole on the dipshit in the tent.....

  31. Ah, it all makes sense now... the Galaxy Note's camera does freakin' suck lol.

  32. "There will be a full press conference TBD."

    That old gag.

  33. Btw, tell this awesome researcher that they are on the right path and that by the end of the month he'll have Kim Kardashian fame, maybe even more popular than topless Kate from the Royal Family and he'll be swimming in money.

    Can you please just release the films?

    Don't do it and the Hoaxer title solidifies. At least, someone wasn't killed by 2 cars as they ran across the road in a costume like in Montana.

  34. Well, if it's real and the govt. is covering up BF, then they will do something to stop the release and a press conference.

    If it isn't real, then they can say the govt. is covering it up and stopped them or threatened them or something.

  35. And of course an I-Phone is going to be so much better. Pfft! Give me a break!

  36. Dynamite interview... that journalism school is really paying off !!

  37. Somebody please tell who is the ones that's making the statement that was just published? Was it the FB team or the people who filmed this purported Bigfoot?

    I'm a little confused as to who's saying what.

  38. Hmmm My Note doesn't take a video that looks like that... HMMM I will have to go try it again. "Son.. get your hoodie on..."


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