FB/FB's "Camper" Video Now Wrapped Up In Confidentiality-NDAs

We'll say it right now; the guys at FB/FB for are being taken for a ride. The owner of the video must have taken some cues from the Ketchum camp in how to keep people glued to their seats and turn everything into a waiting game. According to Steve Kulls aka TheSquatchdetective, the poster of the video ShootingSasquatch is now claiming that there was more than one camera and they are now "bound by Confidentially Non-disclosure Agreements" to not discuss the video.

Kulls, who is quite familiar with this type of showmanship, smells something rotten:

Now we are dealing with Confidentiality-NDA’s?

More than one camera now?

The fact the original video has been altered?

One of the more interesting things I have learned as an investigator, with things that are not true, as the story unfolds it tends to get more grandiose.

The fact that there is more than one camera, better shots, after two weeks, and some major league attention sparked by the FB/FB hype, NOW we here of more? Hmmm…

I will tell you readers, that I’m beginning to smell something afoul here. I could be wrong, but something isn’t clicking right here about this video.

You can read Steve's full post here.


  1. Replies
    1. The next sequence in the video is Smeja firing from his Bigfoot blind and poor old Taterhole going down!

    2. yep you guessed it LOONEY TOONS

    3. What is this looney toons u speak of??? Is it some form of cartoon???and where can I watch it??? I just don't understand.....please help.

    4. The guy who says looney toons to every single post on BEvidence is a serious troll who never believes in Bigfoot and rips people, try's to change peoples minds, and thinks he is intelligent. Then there is another commenter who calls him a moron on every post Looney Toons comments on. Mr Looney (the moron) is referring to bigfoot as a goofy, crazy , unreal character.

    5. I can't stress it enough... real or fake, it doesn't matter, as it is a freaking blobsquatch, no less no more. It's worthless as evidence and not worth worrying about, just a curiosity to view once then move on.

  2. "sequce" you mean sequence? hmmm.... credibility goes right out the door when you can't spell check correspondence regarding such an important issue.

    1. ^Wow,takes it up the taterhole and LOVES it.

    2. taterhole guy, would ya just get over it already? We know why you have an obsession with male anatomy, obviously due to childhood molestation.

  3. Can anyone say Rick Dyer?
    He sure has been quiet lately.

  4. "barzare" Bizarre you mean? LOL.

  5. The video has officially lost credibility.

  6. If Tom Biscardi shows up.......

    1. This thing wreaks of Biscardi.

    2. the beaver leg that was frozen until just right before Biscardi shows up to retrieve it is my favorite....."Look how far it bends, defnintely not built like a human!". "Its all in theses vids unfortunately we buried it now cant find it....darn the luck"

      Even when found IN A CREEK, Biscardi and those Native Americans didnt get that it was just a regular old beaver leg, not a young sasquatch geez...

      Even someone with marginal outdoor experience could see it was a beaver, but he tried to sell a movie about it and claimed to have it DNA tested....probably Ketchum LOL! Maybe this vid is really from Sally?

  7. I lost interest very quickly in this one so they can play it out with one less observer.

  8. Waiting for Fasano's promises of a "blow your mind" video that never materialized (well it did, but it was idiotic and lame)....waiting for Ketcham's report...waiting for the Ericson Project....now waiting for this guy to show his video....waiting, waiting, waiting. I definitely call BS on this one. I am SO sick of all this waiting and stalling...either you have something or you don't! If you do, get all your legal "ducks" in a row BEFORE you go public. All these people are just ruining work of the legitimate researchers.

  9. It's little wonder why NO ONE takes this community serious.

  10. Oh SHIT DUDE we got nuthin how the hell do we get out of it,I mean we built it up and everything what the hell are we gonna do?
    I don't no dude I think we're up Boggy creek without a paddle.Damn Bigfoot it's to bad we couldn't really catch'em.
    Yeah to bad, wait Dude you're brilliant we can fix this whole thing with what you just said let's just pull a Ketchum.

  11. I agree with the article. This whole thing has got to be a hoax. The moment I see NDA's go up concerning alleged videos of bigfoot, red flags go up for me.

    I've been around NDA's most of my career. And those are put in place to protect both companies from a business perspective, which makes sense.

    I don't see any reason why anyone would be asked to sign an NDA about a video. What happens if FB/FB doesn't sign an NDA...the owner doesn't' allow them to see more of their videos...FB/FB talks about what they've seen...which causes damage to the owner of the video in what manner??

    Doesn't make sense at all. Seems like FB/FB's mission is to bring light to Bigfoot. By someone asking them to sign an NDA, that action seems counterproductive to that goal.

    If I'm FB/FB...and if someone asked me to sign and NDA (when they know full well our groups mission), I would tell them to take their NDA and stuff it.

    Heck, why don't groups like FB/FB have a policy of not signing NDA's and just let people know that up front?


  12. Lionel Hutz representing Bigfoot, your honor.

  13. bigfooting is fucking retarded.

    at least when patterson hoaxed a video he actually showed it to people.

  14. In the voice of morpheus: "What if I were to tell you that bigfoot does not exist?"

  15. Prediction: FB/FB is getting punked ala BUGS! How old are the kids this time?

  16. There is the chance that Melba and Erickson got their fingers on it and introduced their famous NDA.

  17. Thanks to everyone who (like me) hit these guys in the mouth with some real questions. That always chases the roaches back under the fridge. Good riddance. -- d3w177

  18. More bigfoot BS footage.
    Face it, we'll get suckered in again.
    We care too much, and people take advantage of that..

  19. Okay we will evetually see the real video in full and right at the end, it will show us a close up of Bigfoots face.Then the Scooby Doo gang will show-up and rip the mask off, to reveal Tom Biscardi caught red handed again.

  20. even the closet bllevers are pissed!

  21. I told you all this was the case. At least some one wasn't run over by 2 cars as in Montana.

    On to important things, Im trying something. From the Painted Cave and other places I'm saving screen captures of the best pictures on my phone and viewing them often. Then when the moment of truth comes you won't be a coward, shaking in your boots. Rather you'll casually take 3 seconds to fire up your camera/video. If you see one get the video going and slowly chase it. I promise it will attempt to evade.


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