FB/FB: Camper films Sasquatch with iPhone (Updated: HD Version Available)

This isn't the thermal footage we were expecting, but it's still a good breakdown by FB/FB:

** New Bigfoot Video** (In the Top Ten of 79) "Camper films Sasquatch with iPhone" Uploaded 9/13/12, FBFB saw it with just 6 views. Camper has activity and pulls out his Iphone and films something behind a tree from within his tent. Confirms on Huge Nocturnal eyes, tree hiding peeking, Heavy Brow Ridge, Gorilla-like shoulders with human-shaped face and nose, Long upper lip. Many features of archaic humans. This is a preliminary analysis with final soon. Will be released in color.

Here's the YouTube version:


[Update #1] Color HD version coming out in a few minutes. "The HD Version should be loaded in about a half hour, it is much better than this preliminary version. White balance is improved and it is at 1080p" - FB/FB

[Update #2] Here's the "HD" version:



  1. Replies
    1. WHY???? Is it wearing sunglasses?

    2. If you paid attention, those were "large nocturnal eyes" merely the size of sunglasses. I'm wondering if FB/FB didn't add even more compression artifacts when re-encoding the video.

    3. So just because a Squatch is wearing shades all of a sudden it can't be real? Matt Moneymaker told me that all the cool Bigfoots are wearing them this season. It makes them look "Squatchier". I swear some of you people are way too cynical.

    4. I think that was me mum sucking off a gent for 'er bingo money. Toothless sow is always wearing those big shades. Hi mum!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Interesting video.

      But as Bigfoot videos go, again its low quality.
      One thing is for certain, its as much proof as any Professional Bigfoot Researcher(s) (would) and (have) presented. Keep in mind (so far) the best proof is poor proof.

      Since a good "Hoax" = 0 evidence and good "Proof" = 0 evidence
      the results in either case = 0 evidence.

      Whats the difference between a "Hoaxer" and a "Researcher"?
      The "Hoaxer" might make money, while the researcher will make money.

      And yet both = 0

  2. Replies
    1. Bingo! That is the standard, required method of filming a bigfoot. If it was clearer, we could see it was fake, so the object becomes finding ways to creatively and innocently hide the details and still get a video that is fairly convincing. Hide the face because the face will not look good, nor will it look like the same bigfoot that lives in people's imaginations. Bigfoot in video always has to be blurry for some reason, but the truth is so they can hide the details of their fake feet.

    2. Even though it is classic smoke and mirrors, filmed through a tent fly to hide mask details, it does look pretty good considering what the standard fare has been. I give it a plus for raising the bar a bit, finally giving us a face shot instead of the constant walking or running away, hiding the face crud we generally get. Still phony as can be, but a decent effort. Had they really wanted to film it, they would have put the camera up to the hole so you wouldn't get all that tent in the frame!

    3. Actually it's the all too human body swaying giving it away as a fake.

  3. Where's the thermal footage???

  4. hopefully the color version shows a clearer image.
    I guess that will be released soon..............

    1. Adding more periods will result in a faster release.

  5. Where's the thermal footage???

  6. Bald guy in a pullover sweatshirt with hood and sunglasses on.

    1. YEP. I agree. I think you can actually see the bars on the side of the sunglasses. Looks like old school Ray Bans. And the dude looks like he has a big grey mustache.

    2. It looked to me like sunglasses too - and it looked like the bars on the side. It looked like a guy in a hoodie. Too bad.

    3. , hoodies and sunglasses. C'on give me a beak. It's not wearing sunglases or a hoodie! Your grasping for crap. If I was going to go to lengths to hoax I sure wouldnt wear sunglasses and a hoodie !

    4. This is definitely not a hoax.

  7. Was this taken with the IPhone 5? If so, he should have used a IPhone 4G.

    1. There's no such thing as the IPhone 4G.

  8. Actually, I think it's the second coming of Jim Morrison.

    1. Jim Morrison faked his death. Everyone knows that

    2. What? When did that happen? I saw him the other day in a video on MTV.

  9. Should have used the Samsung Galaxy S.

  10. I'm smarter than you. So, conclusion: Confirms on all points, the real deal folks!

  11. Looks cool. Can't wait til the color version.

  12. Stupid smug laugh at the two minute mark as if he proved bigfoot's existence, ugh.

  13. Cant believe no one knows about this footage...

    it was made my Tom Winters earlier in the year. Its widely considered to be a hoax, as he did this before, most likely him standing out there.

    Do a bit of research people.

    1. I could have sworn I saw this on you-tube already, not too long ago actually.

    2. Isn't "Tom Winters" a reference to the six million dollar man Bigfoot episode? One of the characters?

    3. Actually I was just googling Tom Winters and Bigfoot, trying to figure out what 9:17 was talking about. I had to go away, but I didn't see anything about a prior video thus far.

    4. Maybe I missed it, but I could not find what anon@9;17 was referencing. Tom Winters was just a character played by Lee Major in movie- that's where the confusion was on that.

  14. Where's the original video without the hugely biased commentary?

  15. Good job FB/FB! Hit another one out of the park!

  16. I thought it to be very interesting until Anonymous 9:17. Got a link?

  17. How about a closeup of the face?

  18. anyone need a rope. perhaps i can provide a name of good 12 step (no pun intended) program to get a glimpse of reality.

  19. Sally here. After that bitch Melba axed me I have nothing better to do then troll this shitty blog.

    Dont like it? Dont eat crow, eat shit.

  20. Someone go back in time and throw that cocksucker out of the tent!

  21. Wrong: "[Update #1] Color version coming out in a few minutes."

  22. Damn Bigfoot's getting sloppy lately getting caught at all these campsites looking for dem cookies.

  23. Thats what we were waiting for? I dont know how colour is going to do this any justice. HD didn't help.

    1. I take my comments back. The more I watch it, I now see what they are taking about. I think the colour HD version could definatley solve this one.

    2. Yea Beer-Man I agree.After a case of beer it just might help solve it!

  24. I see at least 3 "faces" in the imagery with the tree on the left with a moving arm like branch...so the trees have human appearances.. pareidolia. The figure called sasquatch has sunglasses, a beard and balding head. "Tree peeking?"..in the middle of a campsite while hugging a tree or whatever it was doing...taking a leak? A squatch just wanders into a very human campsite yet we are told they are reclusive. He doesn't bother to "peek" into the tent? Did he leave a gift or a huge stinking pile of dung? Footprints? I get sick of seeing their "you are sasquatch" hypothesis...it tells me everything I need to know about their efforts.

    blursquatch anony

    1. Dude taking a leak at the tree probably wondering why he was getting stared at and filmed. You know he had to have seen the light from the cell phone through that crack. Probably thought the guy in the tent was a pervert.

    2. Colour version will show red and yellow jocks and hulk hogan squinting because he can't find his lil' pecker......

  25. is that you paul freeman?! thought you died!

  26. Um I filmed this six years ago, but didn't release it because I didn't want to embarrass my family!!!!!! And Idk why he ducked just outta view of the small space I was filming him thru, when he could've easily walked away or forward or right or left!! Get the fuck outta here! This shit is animated

  27. I think that was Snowball puking after he ate too many shrooms.

  28. they do look like sunglasses. even if they arent this film is full of the usual red flags for me. The blurry images. no defination of face other than eyes. it the classic way to hoax a BF[probably a couple of mates camping having a laugh id imagine], show a blurred ape like figure[ the net screen was usufull for this], no footage of ,difficukt to fake pelvis,legs and feet! just a blurred face and shoulders

    All very dissapointing. Ive given up on BF researching from the comfort of my PC,as i dont get to washington anynmore these days, with idiots like squatchmaster,fatsano etc why bother. ow we have FB/FB proclaim ing they have footage of a BF,then announce a delkay,the usual nonsense. i hope this isnt the procliamed footage they were going on about

    give up guys

    1. Only if you give up trying to type in English.

  29. Let me get this right this is not the earth shattering footage they were going on about a few weeks back is it?

    1. No Herb it's not.
      Supposedly they're waiting for one of the two guys that "owns" the thermal footage to let it be released.


    2. Okay thanks for clearing that up for me.

  30. I don't think it's real either, but why would someone be wearing sunglasses in the dark?

    1. Corey Hart made a few million from doing that in the 80s.

  31. Why wouldn't you open the tent to get a better view? Oh yea because then the video would show his buddy running around in a suit he bought. This isn't the footage fb/fb was telling us was going to conclusive evidence is it? I sure hope not.

  32. Oh man I felt like I was time travelling when I saw the face. AWESOME!!

    1. You mean when the dark grey shade morphed into a similarly-undefined mass of black and grey pixels? Sorry to be snarky (honestly) and I don't mean anything personal, but I simply don't understand how FBFB can find a "face" in this video. A blob of shadow and pixel that suggests a face to the mind? Sure. But a face? No, it's not there.

  33. Fantastic! Another groundbraking bigfoot video. They got the 2 simple rules of any bigfoot footage right. 1. Shake the camera like you are in an earthquake
    2. blurry out of focus filming like you've never used a camera in your life.
    Excellent work.

  34. To bad this culture has lost the abillity to seperate fact from fantasy

  35. Too bad this culture is filled with many egos. One common goal, no unity.

  36. This doesn't look like it was filmed at night, therefore sunglasses would be needed to protect the large nocturnal eyes. DUH!

  37. So, oddly the guy stands back from the tent wall instead of putting the lens right up against it to get an unblocked and clear shot.

    Funny how all these videos are just slightly off, isn't it. Think about it, if he had the presence of mind to steadily video the "Bigfoot", why not do it in such a way as not looking contrived?

    Something tells me that if that were a deer out there, there would be no fuzzy and it would be clear as day. Take a look at comparable videos with known animals and you will see the obvious differences.

    Meanwhile FBFB is rattling off all this detail like it's actually discernible.

    As much as I want to see this creature, I'm not going to be drawn into every blobsquatch that comes along.

    I hope the color footage proves me wrong, I really do. I'll be more than happy to eat my words.

  38. Did everyone else already forget, that according to someone who saw the video, is shawn reported, that this new amazing bigfoot footage from fb/fb was on par with the memorial day footage. That would indicate that it was a daytime video. So now its turned into thermal video? Get the storty straight if your gonna play this game fb/fb. Their is no way you can make the comparison between the memorial day footage and thermal video taken at night. So what was this guy talking about when he said it was about like the memorial day footage as far as detail? Shawn published it, so maybe we should ask him.

    This is starting to sound like another elbe trackway. First they casted a family of bigfoot tracks. Then once people called them out, some guy said he forgot some were his tracks and he casted his own footprints and said they were bigfoot tracks. Then quickly backpeddled and said he just forgot. Now weve got a similar situation with this video. Some person first stating the video coming out will be similar to the memorial footage, and then it turns into thermal video that was supposed to be released a few weeks ago. Then now we have this pop up to try and satisfy people, even though on all probability its fake. Whats next? Will their be a retraction saying the thermal video was of some guy and they just forgot? thats what the elbe trackway hoaxers did. FB/FB has nothing at all close to good evidence, they never have. They claimed some kid clicking in a jacket was a bigfoot. These are all tactics to try and keep them on peoples tongues. If a video is released it will be grainy and prove nothing at all.

  39. Looks like he has on black sunglasses! Eyes dont look natural,waiting for a better video,could be a costume, this is not clear enough (again) to tell.

  40. This wasn't the one they were talking a few weeks ago. This one showed up on youtube last week.

    From what i have gathered FB/FB is still waiting for permission to release the "thermal/memorial day comparison video" from the owner of the video.


    1. Yes, i was aware this wasnt the video as i stated that above. But their will be absolutely no comparison possible between the memorial day footage and a nightime thermal video. It wouldnt make sense and it wouldnt be significant on any level. How can a video shot in broad daylight of an animal running across a mountain at some distance, be remotely related to a thermal video shot at night where the animal is peeking around trees? Their cant be any comparison.

      What has happened here, is fb/fb told everyone they had something good, put out the word, and then realized either it was a fake, or that people would know that it was a hoax created by them. Thus the comment about how its similar to the memorial footage. B/c the person who was giving this opinion had to have been looking at a daytime video.

      So after realizing this crap, they give us this excuse of how they are still proving authenticity. Yet they already announced they had something big, so they had to come up with something. And thus the thermal video word is put out. Extremely easy to fake, unambiguous, and doesnt take much money to do. This is why no video has been released.

      Their is absolutely no way possible the person who said they saw it and it was on par as far as detail with the memorial footage, was speaking about thermal video. Thats obsurd. Either he was lying (and shawn backed him by publishing it), which would seem odd, or he was looking at another video which was a hoax.

  41. Is this a joke? You can't see jack **** in this video.

    1. Sadly, it's not a joke. This is what passes, uncritically, as evidence to the FB/FB group. It's extraordinary: the narrator is simply doltish in his unquestioning acceptance of every blobsquatch that comes his way, and in his ability to find anatomical detail in a stew of pixels. Again, this is precisely what's wrong with this community. I would respect him more if he stopped for just a second to consider that -- perhaps! -- this is just a CGI hoax? (my Iphone certainly takes higher resolution video than this, so why so grainy?). Perhaps it's just a guy in a costume? These guys are laughably gullible.

  42. Is that a face at the left of the tree, looks like a dude with a beard.

  43. Where's the thermal footage? Didn't come out eh? LMFAO, and people still stayed up all night writhing with anticipation FOR NOTHING ONCE AGAIN. Ah ha ha ha

  44. One of these days, someone will have the spine to unzip the tent as it were and go after the thing while filming.

  45. While I don't agree with all the nay sayers do keep in mind that a guy in Montana, I believe was recently killed when he was hit by 2 cars as he hoaxed a Bigfoot. Also remember those fools that were Police officers that fools FoxNews into break a story on a Bigfoot body. National news
    My problem with this is give the Freakin audio and the color.
    Doesn't compare to Patty, go cart video or Fasano's ninja. Give up the goods otherwise it's Fake!

  46. Don't masquerade with the guy in shades
    oh no
    You got it made with the guy in shades
    oh no
    And I wear my sunglasses at night

  47. Finally, after all of these years... actual High definition Video of a real Squatch! (sigh)

  48. You need to look at the color version. There are no sunglasses, it's daytime and the picture is pretty clear. Questions: How tall is the tent opening? It looks like it's at the same height as the subject. Why does he stop filming? At some point you must have left the tent. Any urine, footprints, food bags torn open, smell,sounds, broken branches etc..?

  49. This is a hoax by Rick dyer - stop analyzing it.

  50. If there was someone outside my tent I'll be damned if I would just peek out to see who the hell it is! If I thought someone was out there I would be coming out of my tent in a hurry with my firearm. Especially during the day. I think most people would think its a person trying to steal shit not a bigfoot doing it. The new talk about this video, the guy shoots it in the head. Why didn't he do that first and then video tape it. For that reason. I think its a hoax! It's another fake!

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