Enhanced Images Of The Alleged Camper/Tent Bigfoot Footage

"I see big sunglasses and a Groucho Marx nose and mustache. What about you?"
- Steven Streufert

We just got off the phone with TheSquatchDetective, Steve Kulls and he says he definitely on the case now. We've also spoken with Steve Alcorn of SasquatchScoop and he tells us he will be working with Kulls to uncover the truth about the video camper/tent video. On the surface, everything about it appears bogus, and seems to play to the same tune as other hoaxes we've seen in the past. Extraordinary claims, delays and setbacks are typically what see before something materializes into a hoax. While we're waiting for the two Steves to break things down for us, here are some enhanced photos showing a Patty look-alike and what looks like a man with sunglasses.

"Side by side comparison. The eyebrows, nose, lips, mouth, jaw, shoulders all line up."
- Carl Olinselot
"Not a Bigfoot."
- Steven Streufert

Zoomed and rotated by Carl Olinselot:


  1. Don't mess around with the guy in shades..oh no

  2. Man, that really looks like what I would imagine BF to look like. Interesting at least....

  3. That is some good work Carl. People are going to see all sorts of things though. Originally I thought I saw sunglasses and now I am not so sure. It could just be dark pixilation of the eye socket that would be set deeper than in a human. I also do not see much of a neck. If they do have better on this I would like to see it.


  4. From the beginning I've stated its a guy wearing shades. However, I may be wrong. It looks like a mask.

  5. Sorry Steven, your wrong. Being reasonable goes both ways

    1. Sorry moron, you are wrong. However, I had NO DOUBT the entire time. It must truly suck to be as dumb and gullible as you are. Clown-face!

    2. wow, some real adults on this site I see.
      How do people deal with reading this blog? Troll city. Shouldn't these high schoolers be in school by now?

  6. I dunno. This may indeed be a hoax and maybe some advertising campaign for a future movie. It really does look like it's wearing sunglasses but that could just be the shadow part just like the part under it's nose. When the person coming forth with video starts becoming evasive and flaky it's always a red flag that something is not right. I'd like to think this is real but the poor quality of the video makes it hard to tell (that could have been on purpose?)

  7. It looks like the guy from ZZ Topp.

  8. Lol its his friend taking a piss outside the tent, its not even a mask or anything just a human.

  9. The eyes just aren't right and neither are the ears. Combine that with the fact that the backstory is hush hush, wants a press conference based off of deliberately shitty video and this is a hoax all the way. Book it, its done. Too many red flags.

  10. "We just got off the phone..."


    Who is we?

    Me, myself and I?

  11. I'm off to the bff to have a good laugh at the footers. I bet they are lapping it up over there.

  12. "They all look alike to me."
    -what Bigfoot says about people.

  13. Looks like a better suit than the pgf. Hair doesn't look so fake and clearer factual features. Good work on the make up kids I hope your film does well.

  14. The biggest red flags for me aren't the video itself but all of the bullshit drama with the press conference,NDA, and now the cheap shots at kulls.
    I can think of at least 2 assholes that have a grudge against Steve and they both love the media and are chronic hoaxers.
    Thanks for posting this Carl&Steven.

  15. Not a full face mask because you can see the cheek muscles bulging and moving as if he's either clenching teeth or moving jaw up and down. Definitely looks like sun glasses but hard to tell if thats really the ear piece bow running along the side of the face or a crease in the upper cheek. What's interesting is that sketches in David Paulides book about the Hoopa Indian Reservation sightings look similar. Bald forehead, deep set eyes, mustaches and beard. Many reports on BFRO describe the same.

    1. Uh huh, yeah boy, wake up dreamer. Face the fact that you've been hoaxed AGAIN. STOP BEING SO DAMN DUMB and GULLIBLE! THINK for TWO SECONDS. Damn.

    2. I'd rather look at evidence without prejudice for what it's worth than to sit and call BS on everything without looking. Try being observational instead of judgemental.

  16. Not too damn shabby! There's some interesting definition going on in the neck. Would like to know the back story of this though. The original video was taken down.

    I love the retards on here who love to make declarative statements like "it's wearing sunglasses", or "it's a mask", when there's no information to make that assumption. You don't believe in bigfoot and believe this is a mask, that's fine. And really? Sunglasses? Do we understand the concept of shadows? Even if it is a mask....

    1. Nobody said: "it's a mask" on this post/topic. They said: "it LOOKS like a mask". Stop making stuff up or do you just like to arefue with yourself?

      If so, that's your choice. Its just psycho.

      People make statement based off what it looks like to them. Get over the fact that people dont always agree with you. Now, back to your delusions of grandeur.

    2. Anon 5:13,

      Eat that crow son!!

      Uh huh, yeah boy, wake up dreamer. Face the fact that you've been hoaxed AGAIN. STOP BEING SO DAMN DUMB and GULLIBLE! THINK for TWO SECONDS. Damn.

      Sorry moron, you are wrong. However, I had NO DOUBT the entire time. It must truly suck to be as dumb and gullible as you are. Clown-face!

      The fact is, I was right and you were wrong ALL along. It feels good being me.

    3. wow anon 7:30 you're really special. I bet you're real cute too. Mind if I come over and drill you in the ass?

    4. I drilled your whore mother in the ass. The bitch stank, tell her I want my $5.00 back by Sunday.

  17. I've finally had a chance to read everything here related to this video. That turned out to be a huge waste of time.
    I really need to stop reading anything about, or related to FB/FB. The video sucked and it confirms nothing. The self appointed authority FB/FB are idiots, and that's my opinion. These guys are as bad as the known hoaxers and it is probably one of the hoaxers who made this sad excuse of a video.
    Truly, truly pathetic.

    1. They're awful as an analysis group. Just pure "make it up as they go along".

      Video wise , these guys are a MASSIVE waste of time.

      Having said that, Jeff does conduct a good interview. Sharon Lee should take notes. To her, the interview "centers" around her, making her show "unbearable" to serious people looking for a good discussion.

      That's about all the "props" you'll EVER hear me give anyone associated with FB FIND BULLSHIT.

    2. I get the feeling Dyer is behind this, given the Kulls mention. Dyer has a hate on for Steve Kulls.
      Dyer's whole "I'm sorry" ruse was just that.
      That's the way I see it. I hate to even mention his name but it's the first thing I thought of when I saw the video and read the hype.
      The entire thing smells of BS.

    3. Yep, good call. No matter how good the stuff looks on film. A shitty backstory or strange backstory ALWAYS ends in a hoax. I knew it was a hoax from the time I read the story, the video never mattered at that point. FB Find Bullshit is a sunken ship. Total amateur hour over there. By the way, these two posts are by diggs59 on YouTube ;) Hi Sasquai

  18. Good video I say its the real deal...

  19. Type in "The Ben Matine Story" . Do the faces look the same?

  20. Looks good, but lets face it there is a lot of detail we can't see. Just a head turn a la Patty style - can be easily hoaxed. But I will say this in its favour. The original if you remember was shot in portrait format (upright position) and the video had to be rotated. If you were to hoax something like this, would you think as far as shooting in the upright position to add substance to your claim?

    It adds substance because it shows two things in my mind:

    1. Unpreparedness
    2. Fear

    The first one is obvious but I say fear because in order to film with a phone horizontally, usually we hold it in such as way that our fingers are running over the top of the phone - in this case exposing some of his body. Holding it upright we can duck down, view the screen from a lower angle and not expose any body parts. Not that that would probably have mattered if it was a real one because I'm sure they have a good sense of what is around them, but that does;t stop us from being scared and doing what we would do naturally to protect ourselves, hide.

    1. Photog, great post. I was thinking along the same lines, usually hoaxed vids are way to well framed, you basically just delivered the breakdown fb find a butt f**ker wishes they could.

    2. LMFAO @ all 3 of you^^^^^^^^^

      Eat that crow son!!

      Uh huh, yeah boy, wake up dreamer. Face the fact that you've been hoaxed AGAIN. STOP BEING SO DAMN DUMB and GULLIBLE! THINK for TWO SECONDS. Damn.

      Sorry moron, you are wrong. However, I had NO DOUBT the entire time. It must truly suck to be as dumb and gullible as you are. Clown-face!

      The fact is, I was right and you were wrong ALL along.....It feels good being me.

  21. Huh, I was making fun of this yesterday but looking at it further today I gotta agree with the poster above. There's some interesting definition/movement in the checks and neck.

  22. at lease it is a step up from the last guy on a boat saying a zoomed in pic of leaves is a b'foot. of course a hoax is a hoax but now its color and a guy (his buddy) caught taking a dump. they probably said hey its blurry and it looks like b.foot

  23. Looks realistic enough, I will give it that. Problem is there is nothing which could rule out it being a mask.

  24. An interesting video but especially the side by side pics showed the same slope of the back. Good post!

  25. Changed my mind. After many passes thru the vid, I'm convinced the "sunglasses" aren't. As the footage progresses the position of the head changes and the lighting changes on the side of the face and the supposed "bows" of the glasses disappear. I'm convinced not sunglasses but deep set and shadowed eyes.Look at the side of the face just as he draws his head from behind the tree. No earpiece there because the light is hitting directly on the side of his face. again as he changes direction to put his head back down, no earpiece. And then the "earpiece"
    actually grows wider. This is a shadow changing shape as his head changes aspect to the sunlight. Also, the brows can be seen as overreaching the eyes in his head down and toward the camera aspect.
    This along with the cheeks changing shape from a round bulge to a more flat shape, is making me believe this is what it is. Either a human or something close. But, not a mask or with sunglasses.

    1. Eat that crow son!!

      Uh huh, yeah boy, wake up dreamer. Face the fact that you've been hoaxed AGAIN. STOP BEING SO DAMN DUMB and GULLIBLE! THINK for TWO SECONDS. Damn.

      Sorry, you are wrong. However, I had NO DOUBT the entire time. It must truly suck to be as gullible as you are. Clown-face!

      The fact is, I was right and you were wrong ALL along. Feels good to be as smart as I am.

    2. anon at 7:44pm you were being played

    3. I didn't say Bigfoot asshole and as far as I'm concerned until we hear from FB/FB as what this really is then you're fucked up. No sunglasses and no mask is all I said.

  26. It looks more like a Bigfoot than a guy with glasses

  27. whoa! that side-by-side comparison makes me feel dirty - like I'm watching voyeur bigfoot porn or something. poor Patty looks she's about to get jackhammered from behind! I need a drink.

  28. its a guy with long hair down his back and wavvy hair on top of a slightly reseating hairline.. you can see the shorter hair cut at on top. unless bigfoot gets his haircuts at supercuts. next hoax please.

  29. The video now says it is a confirmed hoax.

  30. Dont worry guys, it is just Paul Teutel Sr from OCC. They are building a wilderness bike and the camera man caught him takig a leak...next...

  31. Its a good thing Carl downloaded this video because the owner removed the video from YouTube. Looking like a hoax after all.

  32. hear me out,what if there smart enough to use some things us humans leave behind or lose.maybe he sees humans wear shades and found a pair,so hes wearing them after watching people in the campground always having them on...just a thought because that looks half human half big mother F-ker.

    1. Oh lord......oh well, here it is, short and sweet:

      Uh huh, yeah boy, wake up dreamer. Face the fact that you've been hoaxed AGAIN. STOP BEING SO DAMN DUMB and GULLIBLE! THINK for TWO SECONDS. Damn.

    2. Sup Rick! Got that cut and paste down I see!

    3. This guy anon 7:42 what an asshole. GTFOH.


    1. that's Dyer. He's on a cross country tour of making up hoaxes since being ridden out of Georgia on a hitching post.

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