This New Skunk Ape Documentary Won't Disappoint You Because You Won't See Any Skunk Apes

This documentary is about Dave Shealy, a Skunk Ape expert. Unlike in Tim Fasano's documentary, there are no Skunk Apes in this film. It's really about Dave more than the apes and it's interesting to us how you can make a "good" Skunk Ape film without showing any footage of one.

Shealy claims he has already proven the existence of the Skunk Ape and it's up to people like him to help keep the species alive-- he believes they may be on the edge of extinction.

This short-form student documentary is a character study of a man who dedicated 40 years of his life to finding the skunk ape (bigfoot of the Florida Everglades). We had a crew of four, three months, and a $500 budget. We made two trips to the Everglades and camped there overnight. I used the Canon XH-A1 and split shooting with a crew member. We jointly edited the piece using Final Cut Pro. Great collaboration helped pull everything together and make it the superior piece (out of seven) of our documentary production class at Florida State University.

[Thanks to Leon W.]


  1. lol,classic, a documentry that doesnt even attempt to show a skunk ape or evidence. I love it. thats how to prove an animal exists, say we arent going to show it. Also its on the egde of extingsion so we willnever see it

    quite convient that. i can hear it now. 'they were there' but science ignored them,'now they are extinct ' but they were defo there! wtf.what utter nonsense and they wonder why people/science ridicule bigfootery

    if they never find it or film it that will prove it otherwise it is a nonsense

    1. So, you're saying they don't exist? He is an expert and he's already proven that they exist, what more do you want? Some people are never satisfied, even when the proof is staring them right in the face.

  2. I really enjoyed that, seems like he knows his shit and really cares!! what a difference between him and Dim Fatsano!!

  3. 2they live in trees". No they dont, They live in fields". anybody can say anything!

    After the Fasano debacle bigfootery is open to ridicule right now. There was a bit of excitment generated by cab drivers annoucment of 'shock and awe' footage. Of cpurse those of us who know fasano is a know hoaxer and mentaly ill as well as full of hgate towards the world. meant we all knew the film would show shit

    why is game reserve workers etc...who have worked for decades in these areas never see it ,photograph it etc...surely they are the people who would get closer,if they r there, as BF's would be used to them everyday for years and would realise they arent a threat.

    reason- there aint nothing there guys. surely once these ketchum/oylimpic reports come back [ala fasano] with zip in the way of shock and awe film[that is the claim ive read too] and dna is inconclusive[ as we all know it will be] and justin story[ is proved to be just that; a good story]. Its time to admit there arent thousands of 8-10ft 800pd ape men walking about North America. Of course we would love it to be so. simple truth is its isnt. very sad but th eye witnesses are either liars[yes they do exist] confused by a bear acting/looking differently.
    surely we all know this right. If not and im ridiculed as per. P,ease please let me into the facts/film that makes you believe they are there. i would love to see the proof that makes people belive. surely it isnt a case of'i just know' lol

    1. it is really easy to laugh about wankers like Fasano, Standing, Smeja (?) & Co. Below you can read what real science and smart people have discovered in recent times - and how it will change our understanding of human evolution step by step. This does not (yet) mean there are still archaic humans around, but science fiction is becoming more and more scientific reality.

    2. Well anon 3:20 you just summed it all up !. Well everyone can Pack up and go home now ! Your the so called expert! Oh we have a couch patato medal for u too! Thank you for all of your scientific research and insight.

    3. Here is a sighting posted by a game officer. that make a difference?

      Probably not cause nothing anybody is going to say will make a dent in your BS attitude.

    4. so since game reserve workers havent reported seeing unknown things out of fear of ridicule by people like you they cant possibly exist. awesome argument

  4. very sweet is the comment by the baptist reverend...he honestly says: Some people just want to believe in it (the skunk ape), it makes them feel better." A reverend!!! ;-) Ah yes, but he knows for sure that there is a "entity" which created you and me, all of the universe and his job..he calls it god!!! Won`t say that this entity does not exist (exactly like the skunk ape), but it is sometimes very strange in what "sceptical" people believe in, who otherwise rule out categorically the existence of BF & Co!! And they call BF believers irrational and unscientific!!! :-)))

    1. Skunk Ape IS God. Yay, all praise Skunk Ape.

    2. I agree, in many respects the myth of Bigfoot is no different than most religions. The most obvious similarities are that they are both based on belief and anecdotal evidence.

  5. Dave Shealy and Tim Fatsano both owned "Florida Skunk Ape" site back in 2008.Google it.
    Take what you want from that but there it is.

  6. Shealy's gotta eat guys. Let him have his little imaginary friend.

  7. The alleged skunk ape footage was hillarious. Total gorilla suit . What is he swilling out of that mason jar?

    1. That's his poop,he keeps his poop in a jar.

    2. He eats skunk ape poop? Wow, hardcore!

  8. The gorilla suit shot was not attributed to Shealy. It was an archive piece. All in all technically a good job. I see why they got top honors in their film class. Good scene fades, music, editing, color, crystal clear resolution and focus, story moved from beginning to end.

    Shealy is right even though he may be just a scammer and a smuggler at heart, he is right that there is no interest from the people that matter. The people that can make a difference in whether this animal is discovered officially and preserved or let whither and die off.

  9. He needs to upgrade his camo suit.
    I had one like that back in the early 80's.
    Looks like he's carrying a load back there also.

  10. Tim Fasano and Dave Shealy are both hoaxers and liars. They aren't researchers at all.

  11. Thought this guy was gonna have a show on the travel channel, but have not seen anything about it since a post on this blog. Maybe the channel decided not to air it, and the producers cannot find another station to buy it.

  12. And just what the hell are you OntarioSquatch besides a poor lonely boy who spouts off crap to get attention? You are no better than them.



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