New Footage: A Trapper In Alberta Canada Took This Amazing Photo Of Bigfoot

Holy Matt-Moneymaker-On-A-Pogo-Stick! It seems Canada is hot right now for Bigfoot activity with all the recent photos and videos surfacing lately. WhoFortedBlog  just posted a photograph of Bigfoot from a woman named "Penny" who claimed that it was originally taken by an game trapper from Alberta.

"I know this person. They are a dogsledder and would in no way be the type to try to fool around with fake pictures. They actually think it’s a bear and cub but for some reason they only have one photo. Strange."



  1. Not sure what it is, but obviously it isnt a bear with a looks just like the back of a gorilla, although what the hell is that to the left, a baby blobsquatch? anyway, here are some observations:

    "-for some reason only one photo, strange"......I totally agree
    -very clear, looks like the photos from a few days ago that are likely photoshopped.....and faked of course
    -person sending photo is supposedly a trapper way up in canada, not him submitting photo, and now of course the pretexted expectation of not being able to track him down
    -no corroborating evidence such as other photos, tracks shown....

    Its a fake......too good with all the usual suspicious flags ImO

    1. I get it....the creator was trying to demonstrate the "skookum cast" supposed Sasquatch posture.....LOL anatomically/ironically IF they are built as Krantz and Meldrum postulate they would NEVER sit like that, and instead would hunch like a gorilla and rise straight up over their mid-tarsal break....but, ok.......

    2. I'm shocked!! This photo is from Adrian Erickson's private collection and I can assure you it isnt supposed to be public yet!! Where did this photo come from Shawn??

      Bill H. McMinville

    3. @ Bill really? BC if so Olympic proj is utter shyte this photo is fake as hell pull it iup in Tinsel Photoshop etc its bluured around edges 100% FAKE bullshit but hey. o suprise because Bigfoot itself is fake bullshit.

      wait then the pics a
      ARE real then

    4. If it's from Erickson it's definitely a hoax. That jackass thinks Todd Standing's stuff is real.

    5. @3:14

      Are you pretending to think Bigfoot is bullshit ?

    6. As far as just one photo, if you are scared out of your wits by a bigfoot, then one photo is probably all they could manager before they took off running! Think about it!
      Chad W

    7. Does Erickson's collection feature more top secret photos of bears?

    8. Yes....especially one sitting on its arse sideways...and facing the opposite direction! Also goes against the "superb tracking/smarter than human/too stealthy to track and take pics".

      It is just sitting there waiting on a Smeja to come along......

    9. Who the hell is Bill H. McMinville.
      Googled him and he's been dead for 80yrs.
      We need Tim Fasano and his ghost crew to look into this ghost that's appearing on this blog.

    10. Who you gonna call, "CAB DRIVER"!

    11. "What is that to the left"? Looks like the creature's left arm genius. Now, if you mean, What is that to the right", maybe the creature's right leg.

    12. Why don't you trolls give it up now final proof's close tp publication, yes the Ketchum paper among other things. I'm not surprised to see this becoming a long thread, all threads where there's a good chance it's real content tend to get full of heavy troll traffic and this is no different. It's certainly an interesting picture and it doesn't look photoshopped, hence our nervous troll guest activity, so I'm guessing it's a Sasquatch on the ground with the legs bent in front. Yeah I see the gorillalike back and coned head but hey that's only how Sasquatches look. And that arm looks massive and realistic, unless of course this turns out to be a gorilla from some zoo. As usual these photos are no facial backside shots (Jacobs/Hovey) which can't be a coincidence, but it would appear that's all whoever owns these lucky snapshots is willing to show at present. Obviously because front shots - they must and do exist - show everything and for whatever reason the owner (or authorities) keep those from view so far.

    13. LMFAO! What does a paper have to do with this "individual picture" being a Sasquatch? It doesn't have dick to do with it, period. You're just mad that sane people can distinguish reality from well, what ever others want reality to be.

      Another thing, this paper will not PROVE the existence of Sasquatch. The conclusion will be "DNA from an unidentified source". News flash, we already have that at the moment and look where we are........At best this paper if it even exists will open doors for the subject to be taken seriously by mainstream science. PROOF, no way, no how, that's not how science works. Just watch....and learn. You can't dispute what I've just stated as much as you'd like to. Any sane person will agree with what I've said. If all she has is DNA from an unidentified source" is all she has then that will not be enough.

    14. ^^^^^^^^you are wrong^^^^^^^^

    15. ^^^^^^^^About what?^^^^^^^^

      Debate it......

    16. Yep the bitter anon at 5:50 is wrong and full of himself. LOL He quite clearly knows this is no bear but a real bigfoot, he's one the MIBs or loggers messing around here. All the sane people in fact see this is no bear, no way no how is it a bear. You really can't fool anybody into thinking this is a bear when it so clearly isn't, instead it's most likely from a series of trail photos. Same as some we've seen before that were all back shots too, we aren't seeing the front shots yet for whatever reason. I'm sure the people with pics like these don't know what to do, there they are sitting on proof but fearful for the impact and their own lives if they make the wrong decision. Hence these teaser shots all the time.

    17. then post those damn pictures or stop whining like a pussy!! prove its real and show another picture in this series or I call bullshit!!!!!

      No MIB no Bigfoot just a bunch of jack asses here on this damn board.....bigfoot my asss how about a blog for the fking tooth fairy???

  2. Why is there always just one picture?

    1. Because Bullshit evaporates in the sun quickly

    2. ^^^^^
      Angry closet bleever.

    3. because the photographer had to clean up the crap in his pants while running the eff away. if that thing is real, and to me, i think it very well could be, that thing is huge and in line with descriptions. no neck, sloped forehead. hair length and coloration. that left arm is twice the size of a linebackers leg. tell me you would hang out and shoot pics while waiting for it to turn around. yes, it sort of resembles a gorilla from behind ... because they are related. sasquatches are purported to be great apes of north america. i don't understand why people are so quick to call BS on a possible bigfoot pic that seems plausible. why are you on this site anyway if you don't believe in the possibility of bigfoots ?

    4. Poor lil' ol' "crit-it-cal thinkers" are losing more and more ground. What will they do next. They know that most of this evidence is real, but they are card carrying butt buddys with JREF so they hopelessly cling to the rantings that show their ignorance.

    5. That was the only shot in the camera when it was found beside the body of the camera! Who really cares. No place and time. No supporting data. No forensic examination of the metadata and image. Just another picture of what remotely might be, possibly, could be ... we will never really know. Nice picture but...Next.

    6. Well anon 6:29 if you don't atleast consider this being a bear you are certainly not a "critical thinker" and most likely an incredibly gullible moron.

    7. Personally I considered this a bear approximately two seconds, then I realized it wasn't nor could it be because of the body shape which looks exactly like the typically reported barrelchested male bigfoot. And dig that arm holy smoke massive guy.

  3. photoshopped back end of a bear, they just chopped the front of it off and cloned in some foliage. ):

  4. This may look like a Sasquatch if you look at is a profile shot.
    To me, it looks like the hind of a bear that is bent over playing or cleaning the cub.

    Left "arm" is left rear leg of bear.
    "Head" is arched back with fur standing up.
    Right rear leg of bear is in the shadow, obscuring it.
    That's my opinion for what it's worth.
    I'd like to know exactly where in Alberta this was taken.

    1. Its definitely a bear Sasquai. I knew before I even read your comments that you'd be level headed and make the correct decision about this pic. Its good to know that there's at least one person on this blog that isn't "ate the eff up".

    2. Sasquai,

      I'm the same guy on YouTube (who subscribes to you) who commented on your gift video and gave suggestions. I also informed you of the interview with the guy that had an encounter in WV. I would just create a profile here to post with but there's too many crazies out there.

    3. Oh man no way is that a bear, like the Jacobs squatch it'd be the funniest looking bear I've ever seen. Definitely a primate that much is clear, so unless someone shows more proving it to be a zoo gorilla I'd say it's a big squatch. You even sense just from this that it's huge, dig that arm !.

    4. Its not "definitely a primate". Where do you come up with that assumption?

      Its a bear, case closed.

    5. ?????? How in the worl is this a bear? I have bears hanging on my wall that I have killed with bow and arrow. Please, explain is a remotely plausible way how I am looking at a sow with it's cub here? Sorry, you are so afraid to call anything a possible sasquatch that you are now seeing "blob-bears?" The outline, hair texture, etc. suggests one animal.

    6. No I'm sorry you will call anything a Sasquatch. I have no fear of saying what I may feel could very well be a Sasquatch BUT this doesn't even come close to meeting the criteria needed. Its just another funny picture that morons will call Sasquatch to me, that's all.

    7. Bah. Actually it's us bigfooters feeling sorry that you should think everything is a bear, and so little convincingly too.

  5. looks like a suit ...why is it taken behind ? one answer its fake picture looks close up

    1. Best looking suit in a long time then. Sorry no suit here that much is evident. We don't know how close it is, could be cropped. Why behind? Because that's all we've been shown so far.

    2. Its not a fake picture. Its a bear with its head down. You can even see the nose of the bear if you look close enough.

    3. If it's a non-fake picture of a bear why do people claim it is blurred in Photoshop? The answer: it is a sasquatch that has been photoshopped to look like a bear. We are through the looking glass, people...

    4. What a stupid try at 5:57, there's no bear nose seen anywhere here. You geeks are pathetic history.

    5. Anon 7:34,

      Just because you're too stupid to see it doesn't mean its not there. Like 99.9% of the other douchebags here, I bet you didn't even see the watermark on the picture either, did you? Some fine analysis there chump.

    6. You're making no sense troll, not everything you see is a bear.

  6. My problem is, if u where there taking the picture, how the Hell do u think it was two bears???? Wtf????? did time stop, then u snapped a pic???

    1. "Trail Cam From Alberta Snaps Surprisingly Clear Image of.. Bigfoot?"

      This is the title of the post at the blog this story was taken from. It's a TRAIL CAM picture.

    2. Okay that seals it then. I think it's the real thing and so do many a troll evidently. LOL Just like the Hovey photo and the Jacobs juvenile, those are trail cams too right, reason they're all from the back means there's probably more we're not seeing yet - simply because they're too revealing of the bigfoot species and whoever own them are uncertain what to do.

  7. Replies
    1. You are correct!

      Behind is up in the air. Anyone that has good eyes can see what it is.

    2. Hope tater holee dont see it.

    3. Not arguing at all, but for what its worth that doesnt look like bear hair....not even in that province. Could be, definitely not a Bigfoot though

    4. Timmy- I live in Alberta so I'm wondering how you came to the conclusion that you did.

    5. I'm starting to think Timmy doesn't know anything about nothing.
      Does that make sense?

    6. Haha Timmy is starting to let the "everything posted just has to be Bigfoot" members here get into his head and its making him make big mistakes in his analysis. Its a bear Timmy. Stay grounded here.....

    7. Of course that's not a bear on its head, are you nuts, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Proportions totally wrong to be a bear, an octopus maybe but no bear. Most surely a Sasquatch.

    8. Proportions are not wrong, that leg to the left is well the hind leg of the bear. Its head is down, actually its feasting the top of its head on the ground and you can even see the bears nose if you look closely. Sorry but its a bear. Next.

    9. Stupid autocorrect. "feasting" ="resting".

    10. You guys are fools. You would say or see anything to refuse the obvious. If it isn't a sasquatch in this photo, it is a gorilla in an enclosure or an extremely well made suit. No bear no way, no how.

    11. Indeed, the ass clown cynics said the same thing about the obivous before - Patterson or Jacobs - everytime whenever it's too good to be fake out comes their easy excuse parade.

    12. LMFAO, the last two commenters couldn't win a chess match with a paraplegic. Too stupid to even warrant a thorough rebuttal.

    13. Bye then, this is the big league it's not for minor trolls.

  8. Armondo the Baker (of bread)Monday, August 6, 2012 at 3:27:00 PM PDT

    If it's a Bear as the photographer suggests than i can see the left forearm and shoulder clearly. It's neck creates that central ridge as the head looks backward at the cub over it's right shoulder. Most of it's body is covered by the dense underbrush. The Cub accounts for the smaller ball of fuzz to the right of the mamma bear. Just a really awkward perspective, probably why he only took one photo (not worth the effort to try and maneuver all the way around the bear to get a shot of it's face.

    1. No, the ball of fuzz as you call it is the Sasquatch's legs bent in front sitting down arm on the ground. No bear that's a definite, we're just not seeing the rest of the photo series yet it's always a back photo released first.

    2. ^^^^^LMFAO!! About to be sorely disappointed. The story says there's just this pic. So your series of photos assumption isn't going to happen. The person who owns the pic also thinks its a bear with a cub and rightly so. Furthermore, your statement about positioning makes zero sense from a possibility standpoint. If what your saying was true then what you think is a left arm would have to be broken to be in that position. Look at it, its simply the left leg of a bear.

    3. Nope you fool no one except yourself. It's not the person owning the photo saying there's just one photo or it's a bear, it's the person dealing it. Big barrelchested male bigfoot in the grass, legs bent and arm on the ground. No such luck for your bending over bear mom here, anatomy's not that of a bear.

    4. You're an idiot I never said anything about who said anything. All I said was that the story states there's "only one pic". I said that because in your little fantasy land, you have went ahead and dreamt a scenario where there will be a series of pics released. That was never mentioned EVER. What was mentioned was that there is only one pic. Get that through your head Captain Incompetent. Furthermore, the person who brought this photo to the Internet also stated that the people who took the pic also think its a bear with a cub.

      You're too dumb to talk to. Next moron please......

    5. No troll sense again, duh. No one's ever said there'll be a series of photos released only that they probably exist. Did it ever occur to you people might naively assume (or prefer to think) it's a bear because they're clueless? No? Well, there you have it you're just as clueless then.

  9. I don't think it's photoshopped, maybe a bear, cool photo regardless.

    1. It's a primate of some sort no bear, it's either an African Gorilla or an American Bigfoot. No doubt about that.

    2. PFFFT, clueless. Its a bear. The end, next.

    3. Sorry man but you guys are bad liars there's no way this is a bear, same as Jacobs'. Pffft. The end. Next.

    4. Oh, there's a way its a bear. You see, bears exist. Sasquatch is unproven to date. There's definitely a way its a bear because it is indeed a bear. Just wait, this little story and pic will be put to bed as the bear it is in short time and as usual the morons will be left looking like they do now, stupid.

  10. Finally proof that Bigfoot exists. This is a historic day.

    1. Somebody inform Linda Sedlak, she's gonna lose it.

    2. Who the hell is Linda Sedlak ? Saskeptic ?

    3. She's a big time bleever that also posts here under susiq2 and sweetsusi

    4. Saskeptic is a bleever too. He's just pretending to be a PHD with an incredible obsession with what he considers to be a mythical creature.

    5. a*swipe you haven't figured out yet that "beleever" is not an insult to a witness, but a badge of honor. And denial is not a river in Egypt. When I see comments like these I hope for more, deniers read so wonderfully stupid and foolish here. It is affirmation deniers are absolute idiots.

    6. Ain't that the truth friend. Like here now, they'll say and try anything but all for nothing the truth will out in the end. Bear my ass ! LMFAO

    7. Well a*swipe, I don't use the term bleever to mean "witness...cause there are no witness's ya do*che. Only people who need BF to be real so badly they makeup sightings.

    8. You mean like the lying troll geeks infesting this blog inventing bears into photos they aren't in?

  11. You can just make out the bears face by the ground.... Digging bear.

    1. I agree. I can make out the nose, ear and possibly some eye-shine.

      Also I'm fairly sure that the image hasn't been doctored, although it's difficult to tell on my tablet.

    2. ^And we should believe you because your an expert of........?

    3. You should believe anyone here who thinks its a bear. Why? Because that's exactly what it is and that makes anyone who believes its a bear more of an expert than someone who thinks its a Sasquatch. There's your answer and its spot on "Mr. Everything That is Posted Here Just Has to be a Sasquatch".

      Pull your head out of your ass for just 2 seconds and breathe some fresh air otherwise continue to believe shit all your life.

    4. Give it up troll(s), it's a sasquatch sitting down. Any fool can see it's the typical bigfoot back and long arm, legs resting before. All this desperate bear talk is only outing you and utterly lame but it's not fooling anybody.

    5. The "trolls" are right about it being a bear. So what does that make the people who believe its a Sasquatch? Dumb asses? Morons? Idiots? Clueless?

      I mean even level headed believers know its a bear. You're just an idiotic "fanatic" who thinks "everything posted just has to be Sasquatch ".

      You are the reason the field is scoffed at. You're as bad as MM who thinks every sound, twig breaking is a Squatch.

      This is a bear with its head down, you can even see the nose if you look down where the bears head is. Its looking back at the can and you can see the nose. Now, go look again and after you realize your an idiot, choke yourself for being so stupid.

    6. ^^^^^^^^

      Meant: "Its looking back at the CAM" not can

    7. You got it all wrong troll, bigfooters don't think everything's a bigfoot who ever told you that? LOL It's you guys that think everything's a bear. Well, it's not and nor is this. Funny how you only try your hardest at all the pics/footage showing the real thing be it the pgf or Jacobs pics, because you know very well they're not fakes or bears. Can't you understand, this truth is coming out whether you fight it with lies anymore or not.

  12. It's a bear digging and his taterwhole is dropping turds.Look real hard and you can see the turds flying out his taterwhole,seriously.

  13. That truly does *not* look like a bear to me. That looks like a Sasquatch because of the length of it's arm it is propped up on, plus the hair does not look like any bear hair that I've ever seen. If I had a choice I would vote Sasquatch instead of bear. Who took the picture, and what did the picture taker say about what type of animal is in the picture?

    1. no disrespect intended but its "arm" is a back leg and the fur looks like a grizzly bear.

    2. Linda,in all honesty this is just a bear taking a sh1t in the woods and burying it.

    3. Linda, it's the hind of a bear. I can see the tail. It's likely a Grizzly.

    4. As somebody who has had to study Zoological anatomy for years, I can state with confidence that the "arm" is a leg plain and simple.

    5. So the bear is sticking it's head into the ground anon 3:50? What an idiot. Sas nation doesn't have a clue what a bear looks like! There is no tail. Man get out in the woods so u actually have an idea what a bear looks like. Tie some bacon around your neck and get out of the city!

    6. Anon at 4:37- You obviously don't have a clue what a bear looks like,other than in books. You also make yourself look like an ass by ASSuming you know anything about me.
      I get out to the woods on a weekly basis. I live in Alberta and I've been all over this province. I have seen my share of bears in the flesh, so I know a bear when I see one.
      You mean you can't see a tail? Do I need to draw a red circle around the tail with yellow arrows pointing to it?
      The subject in the photo is a BEAR.

    7. Linda, I expected this very comment from you on this subject. Don't take the time to find the right answer, just assume first and go with that. Its laughable and one of the big reasons everyone laughs at this field. Sasquai is spot on and you should listen to him (and me, the anonymous with great comments) and learn something.

    8. Not the first mistake SN ever made, no offense this in definitely no bear. We heard the same excuses flare up with the Jacobs pix (squatch too) and the same campaign is at it again, to no use naturally because there's nothing that says bear here either. Were these bears where are the other photos? Cams snap away at movement so there should be others instead we only see the one always. And that's due to the nature of the beast so to speak, they basically prove the bigfoot species real and the good folks with the pix are in two minds what to do. Same here, big armed barrelchested male squatch in the grass, legs up and muscular arm on ground.

    9. I used to think the Jacobs photographs were legit. However after seeing bears stricken with mange at a point where they were skinny but not yet bald those proportions in the Jacobs pics are definitely bear like when they have mange. Also, even though you can't make out a definite tail in the Jacobs pics due to lighting if you look close enough you can see an outline of a tail. Trust me I'd like for the Jacobs and this pic to be a Squatch but they're not. This picture is so blatantly a bear that it shouldn't even be debated. Its laughable really.

    10. Again, forget it troll the game's up. Not everything you see is a bear you can't fool the public with that jive speech anymore. The squatch species is real and soon to be proven so, I'd advice cooling down and accepting that fact.

    11. Nobody is saying the species is not real you degenerate. We are talking about this picture you spazz. I know you're attention span is like a child with ADD but for once please try and pay attention. You have it all wrong, not everything is Sasquatch. (and stop using my line, come up with your own if you can?)

      You douchebags are all the same, when supposed evidence doesn't pan out, you resort to "you, you, you just WAIT and see Bigfoot is real" like a damn child would do arguing something.

      This is a bear, deal with it. You have to face reality.

    12. Why are you even here then? Go away from a Bigfoot blog you damn idiot you can't even see the idiot is only you. The species is real yes and one of them's probably in this pic so you better deal with that, too bad your stupidity outrage only proves you can't but that's the unfortunate reality of the resident Randi trolls. Not everything is a bear, you're deliberately seeing bears where there aren't any like here or the Jacobs pix.

  14. This is obviously a hoax. There's no watermarks

    1. Actually there is a watermark in the center of the pic. A 3 second analysis exposed it. Just blow the pic up some, its there but not really decipherable. It may say, not sure?

  15. Thats not a arm linda thats a female bear leg.

    1. that's no female bear leg, it's a male bear third leg. yikes twice

    2. If that's supposed to be an arm, the anatomy looks totally off.

    3. It's sitting down with it's legs to the right and the arm propping it up on the left. Duh ! There is no way this is a bear unless it's sticking it's head into the ground like an ostrich . People need to get out more often and look at bears.

    4. Anon @ 4:33- bears get their faces in the ground all the time. Could be digging, rubbing it's face, cleaning the cub, any number of things.

    5. I will agree with Sasquai on this one. I have bears on my property at least three times a week and I've seen them digging that deep.

      The left "Arm??" is very muscular and would be the bears rear right leg.

    6. Although for the first few seconds it sure looked like a Squatch! lol

    7. Yes Tim, at a quick glance it does look like a primate of some sort. All the shadowing on the right side of the body throws the perspective out, in my opinion.
      I'm going to stick with bear on this one. If I'm not sure I'll usually say inconclusive. I'm convinced 100% it's a bear.

    8. I'm convinced 100% it's a sasquatch - or it's the funniest looking bear ever and ought to have its own circus act. Funny how bears only look this odd when they're claimed to be bigfoots, isn't it. Normally you never see odd bear angles - but it's the preferred troll explanation. Not that you guys are trolls, you're just plain wrong simple as that or very naive.

  16. If the photographer believes that it's a bear and cub then that's what I'll go with too, the photographer clearly saw the "subject/subjects" in animated form and and made that judgement accordingly.

    However, for as much as we may want it to be bigfoot, with no frame of reference for size or enough depth of field of the composition, I'll go with bear and cub.

    1. Actually, I don't think the photographer ( game trapper) is saying it's a bear and her cub. I think the woman, Penny, and her husband who acquired the picture from the game trapper are saying it's a bear and her cub.

    2. Eaxactly. Why would he release it if he knew or thought it to be a bear, trail cams take more than one photo so he must have others but like other unwilling co-witnesses always present a back photo.

    3. No penny clearly says: she knows them and they think its a bear and a cub. Next.....

    4. Because they're just as ignorant as you no doubt? Yup.

  17. Yea i have walked up on cubs before with their heads in the ground.Most likely after larvae they will get in bee nest.I think thats how im able to approuch them, they cant see or smell you under ground.They can feel vibrations no dought

  18. Don't be so quick to call hoax. This is 100x better than the crappy Temagami photos.

    1. Im not saying hoax, but its a damn good picture. LOOKS LIKE CUB ON THE RIGHT,i could be wrong.Looks 50 50 to me lol.

    2. Its not a hoax. Its just a real picture of a bear. Case closed.

    3. Not so fast, case still open. There's nothing bear/canine about this picture at all but it rather screams primate. Bigfoot in fact.

    4. In fact you're wrong, not Bigfoot. Just a normal bear with its head down and fooling the turds again.

    5. Wrong you are troll turd, it's no bear but a genuine Bigfoot and you probably know it too or you wouldn't care at all.

    6. LMFAO! Obvious turd who was fooled again!. "If it weren't for those pesky people who think rationally and use common sense and facts I'd have my own thoughts never to be rebutted".

      How do you know its a Sasquatch? Have you seen one, has anyone seen a specimen as a matter of fact?

      I've seen a bear, plenty of them, 3 feet away in the wild actually and this is a bear with its head on the ground.

  19. It's clearly the dogman. If we had a better angle we could see the snout and fangs. Waiting on Joe black to confirm.

    1. You didn't hear? Joe Black committed himself to the crazy farm yesterday.
      Pics to come at a later time.

    2. FINALLY...someone I can agree with here!

    3. Anon 4:25,

      Are you serious? If so, I'm glad he's getting the help he desperately needs. I always knew that well he was a little out there. He was seeing Sasquatch in everything. So much that I wouldn't doubt him seeing Sasquatch in his cereal. His videos are sad. I mean I couldn't believe a grown person was thinking those things were Sasquatch. Anyway, if you're serious about your claim then I'm glad he went.

  20. Im waiting on joe dirt to confirm.

    1. He's the only person you should believe...this bear agrees, Life's a garden "Dig it."

  21. Not a bear. That much I know for a fact.

    1. Well then you don't know a damn thing. That much I know and every other sane person out there knows for a fact.

    2. @anony 5:38

      Are you out of touch with reality? It is in no way a bear.

    3. Agreed most definitely not a bear, has sasquatch shape written all over it and obviously why the cynics are all up in arms about it.

    4. You turds are so dumb. Not everything is a damn Sasquatch. Its a bear, next.

    5. Oh yeah troll geeks are turds but no one's ever said that everything's a Sasquatch. This one is though. Next.

    6. You don't have to say it turd boy. Just read the blog when a supposed sasquatch pic is posted. Don't deny it, you turds do it every time. Hell, just look now, you're doing it to this picture too. This is a perfect example.......turd.

  22. IF those were arms, they're massive! Would be a very intimidating creature.

  23. Looks like Fasano possibly smelled some half killed boston kremes buried in the area

  24. Sorry folks, it's a bear. Already been analysed by others a couple weeks back before going public.

    1. Thanks for bursting everyone's "everything just has to be Sasquatch's" bubble.

      I mean it was definitely a bear to every sane person who has seen it . However, you know how the looney toons are around here.

    2. It was discussed via emails by some researchers and one of the researchers made an outline of the bear that was quite conclusive in our collective opinions. The photo was not taken by a trapper to my knowledge, but via trailcam by a dog breeder.

    3. Larry LaPierre = Liar

      This is not a bear. It's either a fake or the real thing.

    4. All this "every sane person" nonsense just isn't flying, geeks. It's not a bear that much it certain, primate either gorilla (unlikely) or it's a Bigfoot. No two ways about it, a typical bigfoot male with barrelchest humped back and thick muscled arm.

    5. You stating over and over its a Sasquatch doesn't make it so. Its most definitely a bear. So obvious that I'm certain only a retarded person would think otherwise. This is laughable honestly. The bear is resting the top of its head on the ground and its actually looking back towards the camera. When you look at where the head is you can see the nose of the bear if you look close enough. It really isn't hard to see at all.

      People thinking this is a Sasquatch need to come to grips with the fact that everything is not a Sasquatch. This image isn't even close to making me believe its anything else but a bear. It truly is laughable.

    6. Of course everything isn't a bigfoot no one's ever said so, take the Temagami photo for instance it's not - but this most definitely is. This is so good I doubt it could even be a gorilla, a primate it definitely is and that leaves one thing it could be namely bigfoot. The crazy bear choir singing here only strengthen that opinion. Doesn't even have a bear's body anyway, it's not shaped that way and people's verbal attacks ain't helping any bear case either quite the contrary.

  25. It's always a fake photo. Never a face. Always an enigmatic rear view. Bigfoots never like looking at cameras, they don't want their souls stolen.

    1. No that's only what's always released.

    2. Anon 6:20,

      Oh yes, everyone is in cahoots and is hoarding them in a super duper double top secret place and when the time is right, they'll be released. Yep......

  26. this is not a great picture. no one can agree as to what it is. might as well be just another blurry big foot picture. means nothing. sorry.

    1. Well the people that agree its a bear are correct. Nothing else matters.

    2. Don't fool yourself. It's not a bear dude.

    3. Absolutely, the bear crowd's incorrect.

  27. This is the real deal folks.

  28. Nothing to see here. Its a person in a gorilla suit pretending to be a digging bear pretending to be a photoshoped dogman.

  29. Looks like bob hieronimous wearing the suit kit found

  30. "typical Sasquatch"? Based on what credible scientific quantifiable facts or evidence? No one can even be confident of how big any of the limbs of that thing are? There is no frame of reference.

  31. You must be new here. The crazies will put out this wild conjecture without batting an eyelid.

  32. This looks like a bear in an awkward position to me but at first glance I can understand why some would think it a possible I am going on another rant so those of you that dont like it when I do, now would be a good time to move on.I have been catching alot of heat lately for my poor typing,rudeness, commenting on things I know nothing about and many other things. so I am going to put it all on the line so some of you might understand why I am the way I am.I was born into a very poor family on the south mountain of Nova Scotia Canada,hell we never even had indoor plumbing until 1983 or 84.I had my one possible encounter when I was around 8 yrs old and have had an interest in Sasquatch since the 4th grade.I have been out on my own since I was 15 after being expelled from school for fighting,drinking,and using drugs.So yes I am what most of you consider uneducated.I have been homeless twice, have lived in a van and lived in a tent.when I had a chance to leave the province I took it.Myself and my girlfriend at that time moved to Medicine Hat Alberta where I started using cocaine and later heroin,after watching someone overdose I new it was time to get my head out of my a$$ and stop the insane behavior.I returned to N.S. and took any work I could but I kept drinking and smoking weed and partying so needless to say I have spent my share of time behind bars,nothing serious just stupid behavior, after being stabbed twice once in the knee and once in the forearm I had enough.I left the women I was with so I could clean up and have been clean for 9 yrs other than the odd case of beer and I have had to give that up recently because off health problems.I have been married to my wife for five yrs and I am finally happy.the reason I have spilled my guts about this is so some of you that are so quick to jump on everything I say and how I type or my spelling or rudeness or all of the other thing you feel the need to point out every time I post may understand a little better. I am not a rude person unless you are rude to me,I do not have any respect for hoaxers so I usually feel justified in my comments to them.the average person on here I think I am polite to whether believer or skeptic unless you give me a reason not to.The first time I used a computer for anything was two yrs ago and that was only to google things.My first time doing any amount of writing was when I found this site. I dont claim to be smarter than anyone here and I know I cant type woth sh!t but when you have had the life I have had being book smart isnt you number 1 concern.So the next time you feel the need to tell me all of the things you know more about than me remember there are some things I may know more about than you. I take complete responsibility for any of the bad choices I have made in my life and If i have offended anyone on here it was not on purpose. I will not be replying to any rude replies about this or any other post I make from now on and I know that I have been told I should leave because I dont know what I am talking about but until Shawn ask me to or gives me the boot I am not going anywhere. when you see GNRfan before a post if you are not interested in what I have to say or how I say it dont read it.even an old burned out hick like me can grasp that concept.

    1. Good post gnrfan. I sure understand your frustration.

    2. Oh and I don't want you going anywhere cept staying right here. Don't let em bring you down.

    3. Thank you Blondie,that means alot to me, I love this site and have no plans on going anywhere.

    4. Paragraphs are your friend. Yikes.

    5. I like your posts gnrfan. Grew up on the south mountain myself and spent most of my time in and around the woods. Never had any unusual experiences unfortunately. Moving to Alberta soon, so hopefully my luck will change.

    6. Good luck!Alberta is awesome but there is no place like home.

  33. It's a Sasquatch, not even close really.

  34. It's a high definition blobsquatch.

  35. The Crypto Crew has done an interesting analysis on the photo.

    1. How come I can't find a thing on their website about it?

  36. White headed squatch in the small trees in the top center

  37. trust me that is not a bear.I've been living by bears all my life for looks like we might accually have a good pick of the big fella.

  38. Was excited when I first saw this. Then examined the photo and was bummed, cause it's clearly a bear.

    1. Are you serious? It's no bear I've ever seen. Bears aren't hominids.

    2. Yes he's serious and knows bears are not hominids, that's why he said it was a bear and not an unproven species. You obviously haven't seen many bears then.....get some education and.come back when you have an open mind and NOT a conclusion that "this has to be a Sasquatch " before even doing an analysis of your own.

  39. Here’s some outlines that I believe clearly show that this is a bear and not a bigfoot….but it’s just my opinion.

    1. Both sides could argue "pareidolia", but last time I checked, bigfoot do not have tails sticking out their backside.

  40. not long ago there was a post here " If we filmed a Bigfoot, would you believe us ?. These replies just go to prove that no matter how good a photo/video is there will always be comments like gorilla, photoshop, bear, fake. Look at how many comments this one photo has gotten!... in one day ! that alone tells me this is a very good photo of what in my opinion is a Bigfoot. Long left arm, broad shoulders, natural hair, not a suit. Right leg looks too bulky, maybe a smaller creature sitting also.? And, am I the only one who sees a coned head ? Damn, this is the kind of photo/ videos we are looking for, I thought. For every 100 fake assed videos/photos we see, we get one like this that looks good. And what happens ? It feels real to me.


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