Justin Smeja: What We All Think About His Story

Guy Edwards sent us several questions to answer about our opinion on Justin Smeja's recent polygraph results. Whether the story is true or not, those involved in the investigation have become even more convinced that something did happen in October 2010. To those who are still on the fence about everything, you have to admit that it's a damn good story and it begs to be documented and retold.

Go check out Guy Edward's article about our thoughts on the matter. The questions were sent to Bart Cutino, Me, Ro Sahebi, and Carl Olinselot.

Click here to read at Bigfoot Lunch Club.


  1. Replies
    1. I will admit that, so far, it IS a damn good story.....now can Smeja please just pull the damn Baby Bigfoot out and show us some pics and real evidence? Maybe a scanned copy of the DNA report???

      Until that stuff happens it will remain a damn good story.....

    2. the evidence is not coming because there is none

    3. ^Jrefer vibrating butt plugger.

    4. If you believe this story your an idiot

  2. The nature of the story and how parts (and the parts themselves) of it are coming to light makes this intriguing. But remember, lie detector tests are only good at telling you the person believes what they are saying.

    1. Tyler. I'll tell you one thing i am very certain of, smeja is the father most of us never had

  3. But Justin said he never believed in bigfoot before this. So its not like a bigfoot researcher who has believed in its existence for the last 20 years. Sleeveless shirt or not,this event really happened.

    1. It did not happen. He shot a bear and one of its cubs. Then was paranoid about being caught, so made up this big huge story. Listen again to his account. AND, the DNA is "contaminated" with bear and human DNA.

      Duh. He's got a cult following now with all these dumbasses filming him and shit.


    2. People do not believe Justins story, but they believe other details? (like that he never believed or knew about bigfoot before the incident). SO people just pick and choose what to believe that he says?

    3. Wanking anon troll denier at 5:38.

  4. I believe that the majority of people who are on the fence are getting tired of the lack of hard evidence (body, bones, live speciman), the blurry videos, hoaxes, delayed reports etc. The main problem I have with Smeja is his name, I keep wanting to call him smegma..

  5. Smeja is a man among children he stands at least a foot taller then the rest of us

  6. At least Bobo is an easy name, sounds a bit like Kono from the original 1960s Hawaii Five-0 TV series (not the crappy PC remake where the character's now a woman), heck they even look somewhat alike.

  7. Glad not everyone in the world is a skeptic otherwise nothing would ever move foward.It always takes a certain amount of people willing to got out on a limb & believe in something for new discoveries to be made.I would have never been able to start my own business with an attitude that says show me the proof that it will work before i believe.Its called taking risks & if you're wrong at least you tried.

    1. some (not all) are afraid of change.

    2. Nothing would ever move forward? How about... Uh....Science? You are a fine example of how poor education is in this country, and a strong indication of where this nation is headed. Unfortunately, since simpletons such as yourself have no breeding standards, you are multiplying like rabbits while the rest of us suffer what you think passes for logic.

    3. Science usually starts out with the unknown & the belief in something that hasnt yet been discovered you imbecile.In the past you would have been on the side of people that said prove to me the earth is round. Until then you would just sit there saying look around its clearly flat.Science evolves because of people that arent afraid of saying something thats out of the norm.what would you call theoretical physicists.simpletons

    4. Since you are unable to see the flaws in your own reasoning, I have to assume you are retarded, perhaps severely. Happily, you prove my point with such precision no further statement is required on my part. Thank you for insisting on declaring your abject stupidity far more effectively than I could ever hope to.

    5. So where are all your scientists when it comes to this field.Hiding in their offices afraid of looking stupid for believing in something that hasn't yet been proven.I don't care how many scientists jump on board after this is proven real, the credit will always go to those who people like you call sleeveless rednecks.Besides even if the DNA comes out people will still not believe it until a redneck slaps the dead body of one these creatures on a scientists desk.

    6. Do you JREFer fools understand that this IS how science moves forward? That someone needs to make the discovery in the first place in order for it to happen?

    7. No further statement other than that one, right? @ anon 5:12. Also Dr. Jeff Meldrum is a perfect example of a scientist working in the field.@ anon 5:28

    8. Going out on a limb is not the same as Not Seeing the Forest Because of the Twigs. In this case, final answer, it's a lock that not all twigs are twirps; just damn good at stringing people along.

    9. I respect Dr. Jeff Meldrum & his work but he will never ever convince a skeptic or the public.

    10. I don't, he's a bearded twat.

  8. The truth about this story may never be known. What if all of the DNA samples come back negative for BF (excluding Ketchum's wonderfully amazing sample). What will become of this story at that point?

  9. Never helped any UFO witnesses.skeptics need a spaceship filled with bigfoots to crash into the white house to believe.

    1. if that happened it would be covered up by MIB

  10. I'm the truest believer there is & i hate to even mention this because i'll sound like a smartass skeptic but how would bigfoots sneak up on prey if they stink so bad? i hunt coyotes & know how important scent is in nature.

    1. The same way we do. With the wind in our face. There are stories of them ambushing deer at choke points, using boulders to drop on deer, and flat out running them down.

    2. That is a good point, perhaps they can control the scent and don't excrete it while hunting. Maybe they use it to mark territory.

    3. Big time farting because of diet???

    4. Probably, chances are they are post-gastric fermenters like ourselves but much more efficient and dependant on it.

  11. think about it:I don't know who is waving their arms at me, but i think i will shoot them and find out.

    1. THink about it. I was about to swat a mosquito once and the thing was waving it's arms at me. Like "don't do it. This is the universal sign for please don't kill me"

  12. The waiving arms part of the story is what makes it true. think about it.

    1. What? don't shoot, don't shoot you mad bastard this is a suit?

  13. I would totally believe it, if not for he involvment of the BFRO
    " I think there's a squatch in these woods"
    - the Moneymaker

    1. The BFRO isn't involved in it.

    2. Get a clue Kindred. Moneymaker screwed the pooch by missing out on this. He would have dismissed it as a hoax long ago based purely off of ego. I'm so happy he missed the boat!

      Props to Team Tazer for all of their follow up efforts. At least they were wiling to dig past their first impressions.

    3. moneymaker threw the towel in,the first week it broke, I think Shawn posted on this blog about it when the story broke, Team tazer(mike) isn't that much better, the stupid questions about the the gun and all the crap he gave/gives Randles,
      who is a good man and did a ton of work on the Sierra investigation. (hats off to you Derek !)Team Tazer will not receive not even one spec of credit for this story.

  14. I only watch that show for the eyewitness accounts.everything else is pretty lame.


  15. The lie detector,yes I know they can be beaten but I just don't see that being the case here, not because I don't want it to but because I just believe the guy I won't list all of the reasons why other than the people he has aligned himself with.If he went to Biscardi and dyer and came out with this I would have laughed my ass off and never gave it another thought.

    I don't agree with what Justin did at all you can't get much lower than that.The thing is he did do it and I think he feels bad about it he just isn't the kind of guy that will sit and cry and beg for forgiveness.

    All of the guys that went out last week I have much respect for and I don't think there is one in the lot of them that would be in on a hoax.I am not what anyone would consider "book smart" but I have been around long enough to read people and my personal opinion of Justin is the guy did what he said he did lie detector or not.

    1. I also agree. I also dislike it when he is called the derogatory word that sounds like his last name. J.D.

    2. Intelligence comes in different forms gnrfan, book smart or wilderness or just plain old common sense. Theres an old saying "If you want to sound smart go to college, if you want to be smart go to nature" don't cut yourself short man.

  16. My bad...
    When ever I see a bigfoot-related cluster f***, I think about Moneymaker. I share a first name with the steaming pant load...
    " If you really loved me, you'd touch it"
    -the Moneymaker

  17. Bobo reminds me of Gene Simmon's from the band Kiss.

  18. I think everyone has finally forgot about the Erickson project good thing as most of its Todd standings footage anyways (fact).

    The Olympic project well they have fallen into the shadows sense releasing justin. What have they brought us again? Ohh nothing besides some stupid trail can pics.

    Ketchum well we all figured that was a hoax somewhere around the blurry stick structures and playing with a family of 5 and the horse braiding. Not to mention her buddy's birthing station nonsense.

    Good thing team tazer is going strong or we would have nothing to look forward to but Sykes what was the release date? A year from now?

    1. dude you dont know your ass from your elbow,
      the only thing you got right in that whole post,were the names.

    2. Anon 5:26, you've been sitting on your trail can a little long. Please remove thumb from arse, wipe off the tidy bowl ring and repeat after me.... Toddster is my friend, I love pancakes.

  19. moneymaker threw the towel in,the first week it broke, I think Shawn posted on this blog about it when the story broke, Team tazer(mike) isn't that much better, the stupid questions about the the gun and all the crap he gave/gives Randles,
    who is a good man and did a ton of work on the Sierra investigation. (hats off to you Derek !)Team Tazer will not receive not even one spec of credit for this story.

    1. Read the last 300 replies to this story's article they already have

  20. Im glad he shot them and I hope more are shot so that the bodies can be studied. The whole Jane Goodall aproach will never work. Wishful thinking from a bunch of liberal tree huggin hippie environmentalist/animal rights a-holes!

    1. Oh whatever, old man. Nobody wants to hear your political bullshit. Take it someplace else.

    2. Thanks for the visit now FUCK OFF.

    3. And what's wrong with trees? If u chopped them all down you cant breathe idiot! It's like saying your pro pollution! What a nut job!

    4. Chop and kill ? Why is it the most sought after places people go involve trees and water ! So the general population are liberals and tree huggers? Hmmm asphalt for vacation or a tropical setting with a beach? Which would u choose?

    5. I love killing everything! I'm pro pollution, I'm pro landfill , and oh oh I love deforesting large tracts of the earths surface to alter it forever! Yeah ! Screw everything! Anon 6:14 go to h$&l

    6. Okay, footers take note of what a real troll looks like. Notice that a troll is not merely someone who disagrees with your opinion, but someone who makes comments like the one above.

    7. It was response to a troll comment !

  21. so,what does shit taste like when mixed with cornflakes?

  22. I was trying to ignore this whole polygraph thing because I thought it would blow over in about a day and this website would get back to blobsquatches but apparently that is not the case.

    People, a polygraph is a test of nervousness. If administered correctly it (theoretically) measures how nervous you are about saying what you are saying. They are notorious for giving false positives (which is the main reason that they aren’t admissible in court) but they give false negatives as well. A text book child abuser will usually pass a polygraph because they have spent years convincing themselves that it isn't abuse when they do it. Conversely a child who has been abused may well fail a polygraph because they feel afraid that they will be beaten if they tell the truth. Fear produces sympathetic nervous system stimulation (which is really what a polygraph is designed to measure) so it makes them look like they are lying.

    The point is that all this shows (if it isn't an outright hoax) is that Smeja is comfortable saying what he is saying or that he knows how to fake a polygraph. If Smeja was comfortable saying what he was saying then that presents a number of possibilities:

    1. He is a very comfortable liar.
    2. He thinks it's okay to lie to footers.
    3. He's schizophrenic.
    4. He shot a man in a suit.
    5. He shot a bear and decided that it was a Bigfoot.
    6. Etc..

    I am somewhat surprised how many footers have been jumping on the “Sierra kills” bandwagon. If “the steak” turns out to be bear flesh some people are going to look tremendously foolish.

    1. if "the steak" turns out to be Bigfoot you are going to look tremendously foolish. oh no that ship just sailed and there is no more room on the bandwagon.sorry.

    2. An obsessed asshole footer calling footers, footers. I'll guarantee the jackass who wrote the 6:30 post believes Smeja's story.

    3. anon 6:30 he passed the test a nervous wreck as Ro was there to film it. You don't know anything what your talking about and have zero expertise when it comes to polygraphs

    4. this is where 6:30 comes back and says he has worked for the cia.

    5. This is where 6:30comes in and says, "I confess, I'm the examinatrix"!

  23. A few questions about the polygraph that really need to be asked. Given the refreshing 'no bullshit' nature of the Team Tazer guys, I expect all of these to be answered:

    1) What is the background and experience level of the polygrapher?

    2) Is the list of questions and indications released the full suite of questions asked?

    3) Did the polygrapher conduct a preliminary interview with Mr. Smeja?

    4) Did the polygrapher employ stim questions?

    5) Did the polygrapher employ irrelevent questions?

    6) Did the polygrapher employ control questions?

    Polygraphs are a problematic vehicle to begin with, but from what has been released, this does not appear to be a rigorous or valid polygraph session. I sure hope that the polygraphy session was far more proper than the bits that have been released to the public.

    1. Well, I'll be damned. I just found the answer to question 1 so please ignore that.

      If you can address questions 2 - 6, that would be wonderful.

    2. You found the answer because you actually took time to read, though after commenting...see how that works? here's answers to the rest of your questions thanks to bigfoot lunch club


    3. Excellent. A sincere thank you for the URL.

      And a nice hearty, "Lighten up, Francis," for the snark, anon.

    4. He's right, your an idiot just like the other idiots that open there mouth before taking the time to read something themselves and get something answered...you just depend on others or blurt shit out. You probably don't even do your own f##king you troll

  24. Glad those things got shot. Serves that dumb beast right for waving its arms like that. The baby was a bonus. Even of they are related to humans so what, people get shot all the time, who should care aboutt these? Wish he took the baby back, wouldnt mind having that thing stuffed in my dining room

    1. sure,you cried like a scared little bitch when you heard about it.

  25. I'd kill and eat a sasquatch. I hate those damn things.

    Sasquatch as a American source for bush meat? Where I live, entire communities would erupt in cheers.

  26. If it's only a "story" then retell it to your heart's content. Just don't expect anybody to spend any money on it that has any "cents" because I'm all into Bigfoot for the nonfiction version, thank you.

  27. swap the word bear for bigfoot and hats how u pass a polygraph test.not that they are 100% or held up in court anyway!

    the clincher is bobo thecown pointing to the part where the bear ,er bigfoot,was shot and the thing went crazy!

    only in america

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  31. Seriously? I just stumbled across this story and not only is it filled with holes its ridiculous and laughable ... where to start?! If he (Smeja) is so concerned about his reputation and being "believed" ... after he allegedly killed the animals, given what he 'thought' he shot and killed, take a picture, take a sample? Take the body!! and being a hunter myself, I find the story offensive...as far as ethics go, what hunter worth his salt shoots and kills something and then leaves it not to mention shoots and kills something it allegedly doesn't know what it is? He didn't appear to be threatened in anyway, from what I've read and seen on TV, he shot FROM his vehicle! Then to return 35 days later?! I've killed deer and gone back to the site not 24 hours later and the end trails from the field dressing are gone...what did he think would be left?? Its almost laughable that this story is getting the attention it is. I suspect he drank a 24 while watching 'Fire in the Sky' and figured he would do the same thing with 'Bigfoot'. He said it bled "all over his boot" ... so have the boot blood analyzed? And he goes on above to say "I don't own a computer", yet he has a Facebook account and says he checks it? And does PodCasts? Is it me or are there some many inconsistencices and lies here its laughable. If your going to plan a hoax give it a little effort, I mean come on man, its 2013 not 1960. Your going to need more than a good story...even Patterson had video footage...


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