Farmer In Orick, California Claims He Shot A Bigfoot writer, Stephen Wagner received a report from a farmer named Jeff S. who claims he probably shot a Bigfoot on his farm near the town of Orick, California back in May 30,2007. According to Jeff, the trespasser came onto his property at night while he was watching TV:

It was dark out and I was inside my home watching television. I heard some strange noises outside, so I got up and looked out the back window. I saw a large man covered in black fur run past my yard light. I grabbed the shotgun and ran outside. I heard a ruckus in my chicken barn and started walking over there when I saw a big, dark figure come out of the barn. It started to walk away, so I aimed the shotgun and fired.

When I shot, I heard a loud scream of agonizing pain. It sounded non-human. In the morning, I went to the chicken barn and saw at least a dozen chickens dead, some of their heads torn off. I went to where I shot the dark figure and I saw a blood trail. I followed it for miles before I gave up. The blood trail still continued, but I didn't follow it all the way. I have never seen the figure again.

Stephen Wagner has some great questions for the farmer. Here's one:

Is it common custom to shoot at trespassers in Orick? Shoot and ask questions later? After all, it could have been a man in a heavy coat.

You can check out Wagner's article here.

Orick is a tiny northern California community along highway 101 next to Redwood National Park and Prairie Creek Redwoods. 43 miles north of Eureka.

Take a look at this video about "Orick, CA, U.S.A.":


  1. So why didn't this bigfoot use emf or infra sound?

    Inconsistencies in big footing much?

    1. Wow...right up the road from my land. Like I've said many times, a BUNCH of folks here in the Redwoods claim to have seen Bigfoot.....but I havent seen anything convincing with my own eyes yet...and I didnt in this vid either.

    2. Timmy,I didn't know you were into Burl art?


  2. They avoid humans. By getting caught in yard lights. Then they enter barns and tear the heads off chickens. They hate chickens so much they are willing to risk getting shot ( because they know what guns are and cameras too).

    1. Did it happen to you too ?

    2. these giant mythical apes are twice as smart as any humas

  3. He waited till the morning to go see what he shot ?

    Blow it out your ear.

  4. Chickens are people food?

    Wait I though bigfoot was human now and therefore also people?

    Wait I'm lost can someone explain which are the lies?

  5. My favorite part of the story was the part where it screamed in agonizing pain and ran off. So much for the rip your head off for revenge theory I wonder what size shot he was using as it sure does not seem like small bird shot would allow for much of a blood trail if the thing had long hair. So they know what cameras are and now they know what shotguns are.

    1. Bigfoots are known to always casually stroll away ie bob hieronimous' interpretation of a bigfoot

    2. That's called the Bigfoot Side-Eye.

    3. From the looks of the video, he probably shot one of his long haired, dope smoking, liberal card carrying Obama loving, tree-hugging, everything anti-American buddies. (Might I ad "critical thinking" "world is flat", "we never went to the moon" weirdos to the list?)

    4. nobody there likes Obama he shut the pot clinics down. was it before or after that this guy saw Sasquatch

      the rest is right

  6. They are in orick no doubt and many CA researchers I wont name go there often

    1. I live in Eureka please do post those names. I've hunted around Orick my whole life and never seen a Bigfoot

  7. i met someone who lived near hayfork and he told me that he shot a bigfoot with bird shot and all he did was piss it off. he swears he hit it and it walked away slowly making some growling noises. he said it threw big rocks at him too as it walked away. he got quiet when i first asked about bigfoot in the area, i guess for me not to think he was crazy. he said he had seen stacked rocks in one area and heard something howling like an ape and that was a way that bigfoot communicates with other bigfoots. he said the day before he shot at it something was chunking rocks at him near some river bank. he also told me to "watch out for dem dare stump fu*k3rs" what ever that means???

  8. AnonymousMonday, July 30, 2012 7:23:00 PM PDT

    me again:

    its not my story, and it sounds real to me but i just dont know? does that sound right for that area? im from the southwest united states, north california is a beautiful area.

  9. A shotgun blast to the face would blind the squatch. A rifled slug would knock it on its ass for good.

    1. Yup a punkin ball would tear his ass up 4 sure

  10. Anyone watch that redneck movie? Jesus H. Christmas!! Hilbilly heaven!!

  11. Um....nice pic.on the home page.did y'all see deliverance?Little banjo players uncle/bother/father.

  12. I live in Eureka about 40 minutes or from Orick...that town is FULL of meth addicts and weirdos. I wouldn't trust this story at all...and YES,They shoot first and ask questions later. There's a lot of mtn range out there if you know what I'm saying.

  13. I hope he killed it. I wish more people would try to kill one or two so that we could could solve the mystery. Hopefully by doing this it would shut up people like Jeff Teagle & Jan Allen. These to idiots have done nothing for the bigfoot communitiy.

  14. The Tooth Fairy is making a killing in Orick!

  15. If you ever get to ORICK, ask how to get to Fern Canyon, IMO one of Californias' most beautiful places. ptangier

  16. Appalacia aint got nuttin on Orick!

  17. I thought Orick was a vacuum cleaner?


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