Biologist With 50 Years Experience Comments On Sierra Kills

What does a hardened biologist with 50 years of experience think about Justin Smeja's story? Michael Merchant gave him the gist of it and here's what he says:


  1. Two ignorant kooks conversing. SWP's still as naive as always with his box bull, Bigfoots aren't animals. Period.

  2. 100% agree! Bigfoot is not an animal. Its also not a human.

    It also doesn't exist.

    No body = No Bigfoot.


  3. I gotta say, as a skeptic, biologist and long-time hunter here in NorCal I totally DISagree with everything said about the 25.06, bullet grains and ballistics. The gun is very similar to a .270, but has a slightly smaller diameter and bullet weight. Right below it the .243 and 22-250, with smaller bullets weight than the typical 25.06. of course, keep working down in powder/cartridge gets ya to the good 'ol .223 and .22LR ranges.

    I said all that to say this: ANY of the calibers I just mentioned, bullet weights from 47-180 grain with any of them, will kill you, a bear, a dog, an elk, a bigfoot, DEAD.

    Ive killed all sizes with all sizes of guns....velocity, spin, foot-lbs energy, etc aside you can kill anything with good shot placement.

    25.06 may have gone right through possible Bigfoot, giving it time to run 40-50 yards before cardio-vascular crash. Would also explain why neck-shot did not sever spine or head....small fast bullet. These guys know little about hunting to be "hunting" expert....and wildlife mgmt is a joke. Sir how many actual deer are in your preserve? He'll have NO clue but a big BS equation.

    1. That 25.06 is avery accurate gun, very capaple of dropping big game at long distances.

    2. this is ballistics for 100 yds 25-06
      Velocity / Energy
      2955 / 2229
      once a bullet reaches this velocity it inflicts
      heavy soft tissue damage, it's like a grenade,
      the bullet flies apart at impact causing massive trauma. it has over a ton of hitting power,
      That's far more hitting power than needed for coyotes and wood chucks. Maybe this half-wit
      should call the army and tell them they don't know what there doing either, they use an inferior round to a 25-06.
      The days of large calibers that break bones is old school,today it's about shot placement, where 10x is upper ribs,so heart and lungs are severely damaged.
      If you were hunting grizzly bear,elk,or moose, i'd say this gun is not a good choice,
      but deer and black bear , it's very good .
      And to the comments knowing the ballistics, if your shooting animals out past 300yds then you would want to know bullet drop, but 95% of deer and bear are shot with in 70 yds.
      sighting the gun in, if you have a good scope and mounts, the only way the gun would be off is if you dropped it from a treestand or dropped it on rocks. I have guns that i didn't touch the scope in 20 years and still shoot a 1 inch group at 100yds.
      Snowwalker you don't know your ass from your elbow, your a clown in street clothes,at best.
      I'd say hand it up, but you don't have nothing worth hanging.

    3. @Anon 8:13

      That is being debated. The military always goes with the lowest bidder. Studies now so that our standard 5.56mm round is pretty much garbage as it does not seem to do what it is supposed to do.. Fragment on impact. It is accurate as hell, but is failing to reach terminal velocity.

    4. military rounds are not meant to fragment,never were, if you want them to fragment you just have to change the head from ball to soft point or core-lock. but there is a reason why the ammo is not meant to fragment,ball ammo is more effective on vehicle damage and when you shoot someone you are more likely going to wound them than kill them, because it takes more man power and resources to take care of wounded people than dead ones.
      as far as it being a "garbage" round,
      many Iraqi's and Taliban would not agree with you.

    5. "That 25.06 is avery accurate gun, very capaple of dropping big game at long distances."

      Actually, that's not true. While a 25-06 is plenty good enough to drop a Bear or Elk with a good placed 110 grain shot from 200 or less yds away, your odds go down over 200 yds.

      However, when the "biologist said you could empty your gun on a Bear and it would keep coming, I knew he was full of shit.

      I know people that hunt and swear by their .223s. I've even killed deer with a .22 shot right behind the ear.

      Armchair hunters are just comical.

      Scott McMan

  4. What does this prove? I'll tell you what it proves is that Merchant and this other biologist are clueless when it comes to what you need to kill a bear.

    1. Clueless is right. Spoken like a couple of people who speak without any experience with hunting bear. I'd be willing to bet you anything that neither of these two have hunted bear, however, they speak as if they're experts. What a couple of frauds.

    2. I wonder how many bears Michael's killed? I wonder how many bears Justins killed?

    3. Between Michael and the unidentified biologist -Total =0

      Smeja -Total = above 25 with a 25.06

      Who to believe here? That unequivocally =Smeja.

  5. A .22 caliber has killed more bears then any other caliber. Study that mike

  6. I trained a few beavers to eat sausage.

  7. With something extremely large & pissed coming at me I'd want a .308 or .300 win mag but you cannot argue a well placed shot, even in smaller caliber, will do the job.

    1. Exactly. Its all about placement. There's nothing unbelievable about someone using a 25.06 to kill bears and to do it regularly. What we have here is a couple of people who have no idea what they're talking about.

    2. But, but, but thier scientists?

  8. looks like SWP has an ego after all. He's pi*sed that he got his arse handed to him my Justin.

    Watch the interview again and listen carefully to each loaded question and the retort off Justin.

    Yes I think Justins a lieing f*cker, but he handled SWP very well and boy is he pi*sed.

    1. What do you think he's lying about? Just the whole story ingeneral or other aspects such as what was done with the bodies?

      Personally, I believe 100% that two (of something) were shot that day. Now, whether the bodies were held onto or left there like he said and only pieces retrieved later is up for debate.

    2. To debate? mmh!! methinks not. I agree with SWP this 'IS' and 'ALWAYS' has been BS.

      Just the people involved like 'YOU' are trying to cover your ass from the fallout.

    3. Anon 3:18,

      Sure it is, as a matter of fact we're debating it right now. Do you have proof for YOUR claim that it didn't happen? OK then, its merely your opinion.

      "I'm" trying to cover my ass "from the fallout"? Gee, well, its cool to just find out on a forum (from you) that I was either there when it happened, involved in the study in some capacity OR that I simply have something to lose when all of this is finally out for all to read.

      I think you're looney and probably reside up in Tokus.

    4. Actually I think Derek Randles has problems with criticism.

      I guess he or you just don’t like it when people do not believe his line of bullsh*t.

      Prove me wrong, cut the sh*t, put what you have on the table and let all the world see, or shut the f*ck up.

      So put up OR shut the f*ck up.

      What> you thought you were the only one who could give it out? man I'm being present.

    5. Anon 5:18,

      No, what you're doing is showing just how big of a douchebag-lunatic you really are. Do you realize how retarded you look? You are: claiming Anon's are people they're not; asking Anon's prove you wrong about something when they have absolutely NO impact on the outcome.

      I'm pretty sure Justin and Derek have both identified themselves when they've posted here but I digress. You think you're scaring me by stating you are being nice at the moment? Haha, you really are a freak man. One of those loonies who make this very field a laughing stock according to the mainstream.

      WTF are you talking about when you say "give it out"? I swear you really are a clueless degenerate. I only called you a looney AFTER you accused me of being someone I'm not (because that's just WEIRD). Why else could you be making ignorant claims like that if you're not a little whack-o?

      Usually people will SIMPLY ASK who someone is before they go making wild ass claims about them...... but not you, nope, you just shoot first and ask questions later.

      I don't give two sh*ts whether you believe it or not son. In my first post I simply asked what part of the story you weren't buying? Then I offered my (just another Anonymous poster's) opinion on the story. Then you went all padded room/shitting on the floor crazy and start accusing me of being someone I'm not. You did that for what reason? Because someone felt differently about the story?

      Go take your medicine.

    6. I rest me case Derek :)

    7. The Vehicular is sooo Randles..........The guy just can't help himself.

    8. You were never breast feed were you Derek? It shows...

      Gloves are off now pal...But the above is true :)

    9. Anon 6:08/6:14/6:25,

      LMFAO! I guess there's only one person who could tell you morons that those posts at 2:57, 4:56 and 6:06 was NOT Derek Randles. I'm sure he can see I.P. addresses and knows who's telling the truth (which is me) and who the lunatic is (the turd above who accuses people of being someone else). That person is Shawn. Let em in on the truth Shawn.......

    10. Erm not all could be using a VPN. So whos the moron now Derek?

      If only we had your skills. :)))

    11. By the way, Randles has a habit of being crass and attacking people. Yeah, it makes me want to cry also....oh booo hooo......

    12. Are you retards serious? That's NOT Derek Randles. Yes, Randles does like to fly off the handle, but he ALWAYS does it under his real name. You kooks are probably the same nitwits that think that MIBs get payed to post on this site. Buy a clue. Dumbasses.

    13. No I don't as they stopped my pension after I left. Oh the stories I could tell you of Bigfoots and UFO's. :)

    14. Anon 9:39,

      I tried to tell those fools that above. They're just so blatantly retarded that Forrest Gump looks like a genius next to them.

    15. Whether it's a skeptic SWP or any other bigfooter there'a an awful lot of denial and misconception going on in this field.

  9. Hey SWP, the King Kong legend came from Bigfoot! The stories of Bigfoot taking women for their pleasure are true, just like King Kong!! Lol.

  10. He must have gotten a bad shroom!

  11. this is ballistics for 100 yds 25-06
    Velocity / Energy
    2955 / 2229
    once a bullet reaches this velocity it inflicts
    heavy soft tissue damage, it's like a grenade,
    the bullet flies apart at impact causing massive trauma. it has over a ton of hitting power,
    That's far more hitting power than needed for coyotes and wood chucks. Maybe this half-wit
    should call the army and tell them they don't know what there doing either, they use an inferior round to a 25-06.
    The days of large calibers that break bones is old school,today it's about shot placement, where 10x is upper ribs,so heart and lungs are severely damaged.
    If you were hunting grizzly bear,elk,or moose, i'd say this gun is not a good choice,
    but deer and black bear , it's very good .
    And to the comments knowing the ballistics, if your shooting animals out past 300yds then you would want to know bullet drop, but 95% of deer and bear are shot with in 70 yds.
    sighting the gun in, if you have a good scope and mounts, the only way the gun would be off is if you dropped it from a treestand or dropped it on rocks. I have guns that i didn't touch the scope in 20 years and still shoot a 1 inch group at 100yds.
    Snowwalker you don't know your ass from your elbow, your a clown in street clothes,at best.
    I'd say hand it up, but you don't have nothing worth hanging.

  12. swp is a big douche and justins answered every question DoucheWalkerPrime gave him perfectly fine..

    1. Yeah he did. I was impressed and think he seemed basically honest. We'll see what develops, I get the sense that Justin is not lying, but is still withholding some info too.

  13. So here is how I see it, Smeja has the goods, maybe, if this is tested as something unusual and that fact is published by Oxford then he has had contact with something unusual, the exact story behind that contact will always be controversial.

    SWP has nothing and seems to enjoy playing devils advocate perhaps but is saying nothing more then has already been said on different forums so bottom line is test results will tip the balance one way or the other.......yeah I know more waiting but unless any new substantiating evidence is brought to the table it is just shooting the breeze.

  14. What a one way interview. As many people here have said, a 25-06 is NOT a varmit caliber! I have seen well over 100 elk, 20+ bears, and God knows what else taken by much smaller rifles. According to my reloading book, 25-06 with 87 gr bullet (lightest bullet listed) moves 3552 fps (max safe load), 18.10 ft lbs per gr impact at 200yds (suggested range by the reports of incident) therefore the impact would be approx (depending on environmental factors) 1574.7 ft lbs of impact, more if the bullet was bigger. Varmit gun? Indeed, this is what happens when a "biologist" tries to be a gun expert. According to the U.S. Army, it only takes 59 ft lbs to kill a human being (approx 1/2 inch pine board)making a 22 longrifle deadly to within 400 yds. Do the math people. Anyone that has hunted knows that shot placement is far more important than caliber. I'm not saying I like this Sierra Kills story one bit, I totally disagree with what they claim happened, but don't believe uneducated dibble from people just looking to grand stand.

    1. And lest we forget, people used to take game animals down without firearms at all...

      There's nothing about the type of rifle or ammo Justin used that discredits his story. It's perfectly possible, and SWP, though I like him, seems too hung up on this aspect of the story.

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