This Image of Dr. Melba Ketchum Is From The Erickson Project Documentary

According to Robert Lindsay, the Erickon Project is currently being worked on by a Hollywood production company. The project has been in the making for over 5 years and it claims to be ground breaking and explosive. Featured in the documentary are numerous professionals and people with PhDs such as Dr. Melba Ketchum. Dr. Ketchum is currently spear heading the Bigfoot DNA study slated for publication sometime in the near future.

Before her public Facebook page was deleted, her main profile had a picture of her in a white coat at a workstation in her lab in Texas. As it turns out, that photograph is actually a screen-grab from the Erickson Project documentary. Watch this original trailer and fast-forward the video to 1:45 minutes to see a blip of Dr. Ketchum:

Here's the latest news about the Erickson Project for those still waiting for the documentary to be released.

Erickson Project update – what do we know and how do we know it? There has been a lot of discussion about the Erickson Project lately. Yes, they have a video. Yes, it is or at least was in Hollywood being worked on. What’s being done with it? Mostly editing and fixing it up. How will it be released? Probably as a DVD or possibly as some sort of a documentary on TV on National Geographic or something of that sort.

Problem is that TV doesn’t pay crap for their stuff. Earlier this year, Erickson spoke to some Hollywood TV executives. They made him an offer that he thought was way too low, and he rejected it.

Is the Hollywood story true? Apparently it is. We know that Erickson has been talking to Hollywood people before, because Richard Stubstad went to a Hollywood studio with Erickson where they were talking about working on Erickson’s movie. It’s a great big Hollywood studio, the real deal. That incident occurred a couple of years ago. Whether it’s at the same studio or not is anyone’s guess.

How did Erickson get the money to have Hollywood work on his video considering reports of his dire financial straights? No one knows, but we do know that Erickson showed Wally Hersom his video early this year. Wally was very impressed and said there was no way the footage could have been hoaxed. Soon afterwards, Erickson shows up in Hollywood with a huge wad of cash, and Hollywood is working on his flick. It stands to reason that Hersom gave Erickson some money to take his flick to Hollywood to have them work on it.

There are also rumors that Dr. Melba Ketchum put extreme pressure on Erickson to shut down his leakers. In return for shutting down his leakers, Hersom was to grant him a huge wad of cash to help ease his financial apocalypse. These are just speculations, and no one knows if this is true. I have no idea what Erickson’s financial situation is now, but a while back, he was already being sued by people who bought his properties at his development in Canada.

The stars of the Erickson video are of course the Kentucky animals. Footage includes that shot by the residents and also by Leila Hadj-Chikh and Dennis Pfohl. The greatest footage of all is of Matilda, the juvenile female Bigfoot who got pregnant in the course of the study. There is also excellent footage of the large male, and he is so huge that it will completely blow your mind.

Whether there is any other footage from any of Erickson’s other habituation sites is uncertain. There may or may not be. However, no video footage was obtained from the Carter Farm that Erickson bought.

It is rumored that experts have looked at Erickson’s video and were not impressed. This is not true. Bill Munns was asked to review video shot by the Crittenden, Kentucky owners that Erickson suspected was hoaxed. Munns affirmed that it was indeed hoaxed with a Chewbacca mask and Erickson refused to buy the video.

However, several other videos were shot by the same owners after the first hoaxed one, and these were shown to a variety of experts who all thought they were real. Unfortunately it is true that the best videos in Erickson’s documentary were shot by confirmed hoaxers, who at least hoaxed the first video they shot. Surely the skeptics will use this information to try to discredit all of the videos.

However, some of our best evidence has come from hoaxers – Randy Brisson, Paul Freeman, Ray Wallace, the list goes on and on. It’s pitiful but true.

All of my sources regarding the Erickson Project have dried up. It was always hard to get people to talk about anything to do with Erickson. The sources all like him a lot, but they are also afraid of him. Erickson made all of them swear to secrecy, so getting info about his project out of anyone was like pulling teeth. In recent days, Erickson was putting extreme pressure on my sources as suspected leakers, and the sources dried up.

Erickson is at least as secretive as Ketchum, and probably a lot more so. I have no relationship with the man whatsoever, and both he and his wife are very angry at me for writing anything about him and his project at all.

If you want to know how I know all of this stuff, guess what? I can’t tell you! I had sources about the Erickson Project, and a couple of them were pretty close to Erickson himself. Others were close to submitters to the Ketchum Project. All of them gave me information under orders of strict confidentiality. All I can tell you is that the best information came from people close to Erickson himself.


  1. Leila Hadj-Chikh is hot. Put the Bigfoot Chicks to shame.

    1. Would Adrian Erickson "tap that"?

    2. Love the line "the best evidence has come from hoaxers". What a joke, and all you need to say.

    3. I thought exactly the same. Lol!

    4. Funny trolls care then.

    5. More like pound the meat to that !

  2. bigfoot is a waste of time. If folks would put more
    effort into the waste of lives and money fighting
    moose-limbs we could at least have some sort of
    light at the end of the tunnel.

    Iraq and afganistan ruined this country and we don't care.

    1. You must have a sad life commenting on something you personally feel is a waste of time. You my friend are an IDIOT !!

    2. What a freakin loser! what do iraq and Afghanistan have to do with Bigfoot? You should keep your political comments confined to the leftist websites.

    3. what do iraq and Afghanistan have to do with Bigfoot

      There the same color :)

  3. I would like to see a dna paper that proves ketchum exists

  4. How have I never seen that before? Is there more? Seems to just cut off abbruptly.

  5. This article is just a lazy reprint. Why bother posting this again when theres nothing new from the last time !!!

    1. Ok, I will explain it one more time.

      Shawn = Robert Lindsay

  6. Lol!!! So the landowners fake bigfoot, but then capture real footage soon after!!!!?!?!

    Bigfooters, consider yourselves victims of a hoax.all of it. Ketchum too.

    Erikson even LOOKS like a snake oil salesman. I wouldnt buy a car off him.

    This whole wacky thing is pure internet drama designed to sell a book or dvd. Thats it. Its a low budget internet marketing scheme. I wouldnt be surprised if lindsay, ketchum and erickson are all in cahoots together and all are getting a piece of the book/dvd/

    Confirmed hoax. Nothin to see here folks.

    1. Agreed. He looks like a used car salesman.

    2. Well said. All of this is a load of bullshit.

    3. Internet drama with occasional, intentional "leaks" to fuel hype. It's about selling an entertaining "idea", of course. The marketing method seeds bits and pieces of suggestive material which is readily used by the imagination to fill in evidentiary blanks.
      After all, to create a compelling picture, the imagination must and will unconsciously draw from some source when faced with any vague or ambiguous scene or story. Basically, the hoaxed people unconsciously gestalt something compelling for themselves to fulfill a desire.

    4. Anon 7:21, gestalt is a noun not a verb.

    5. LOL I just love how trolls write long replies to something they claim is a waste of time or hoax, you gotta adore all that staggering contradiction.

    6. I totally agree that these players are all connected, but you are missing the ringleader; Shawn. Why else would he post anything and everything that RL writes about Bigfoot? The guy has been proven a hype artist with nothing to back any of his claims yet Shawn continues to support this human excrement.

    7. Erickson doesn't look right. I wouldn't trust that guy as far as I could throw his 300 lb. ass. I knew what this was going to be and that is: "nothing more than a way to make money". There's no real intent to prove the existence. The only intent here is to get some more crap footage and make money.

      If Bigfoots was discovered it would be worldwide news. This is so transparent. A massive farce.

    8. Will you all come back and continue to comment when there is egg all over your face?

    9. Absoultely, I will open a blog for people to take personal shots.....because no one is gonna find Bigfoot

    10. Bigfoots already have been found Timmy Troll, keep living in your cozy dream world.

    11. If you think Erickson is going to finally prove Sasquatch exists then you're even dumber than Gump himself. The truth is: if he had "proof" , the WORLD would know. It would be too much to keep a lid on and that's the truth. All these clowns are doing is getting "suspect" footage and marketing it to make a dime. I swear, some people are dumb as fuck.

  7. The future of the USA won't be bright as long as ignorant people (arrogant at the same time) constitute the majority of its society. I see such people here all the time.

    1. "I gotta feeling your whole Bigfoot family is going down"-Justin Smeja

  8. So a question for anybody that knows law. If Erikson puts out a film that claims to be NON FICTION and purports it to show a real bigfoot. Can he have a lawsuit brought against him by people who paid money to see the film, if the film proves to be hoaxed bigfoot footage??? J.D.

    1. Even though i believe it will be obviousely hoaxed, there can be caveats like "we welcome you to make up your own mind" type stuff. Same as with alien autopsy, which i believe the ketchum/erickson hoax(imo) will be modeled after.

    2. To prove you must show they had intent to fraud. If they thenselves beleive it to be true you are SOL, unless you can demonstrate their belief is also a fraud.... In adverytsing/sales we allow considerable puffery which to many of us seems like false advertsing...BFdom is almost all puffery don't you think?

    3. Ignorance is bliss, what a bunch of total losers. LOL You really think Dr. Ketchum would risk her long career and good reputation by being part of a hoax? I truly hope the public's smart enough, though I have my doubts at times, to smell the grave troll bullshitting tactics and character assassinations going on here.

    4. Her reputation is not that good, just look up her standing with The Better Business Bureau.

    5. Anon 11:36,

      Lmao! "Reputation" you say? The only thing she has is a grade: "F" reputation and that's easily verifiable. This is a massive hoax.

    6. Unhappy customers ripped off for thousands, arla and her birthing station, the stick structures, the non-existent DNA articles, PHDs backing her up, and now all websites associated with her disappear. She is gone, she was never there, and anyone who thinks she will deliver the goods is an absolute joke of a human being.

    7. The Fourth Kind, Blair Witch, Cloverfield, etc.

    8. The double proof the Bigfoot species does exist and Ketchum's legitimacy is in the fact all these grown men trolls keep coming back. Best proof there is it's all real, you couldn't but this fantastic advertising with money.

    9. Not all trolls are men, and if there is proof, if anyone has it, Ketchum or Erickson or fuggin ANYONE then WHERe is it???? I would love for this to real but it just isnt. sorry. The fact Ketchum believes bigfoot is supernatural and also has a "triple F" rating from the BBB tells legit scientists the real story. Oh that and after thousands of pics movies stories not o e shred of bigfoot evidence exists. have a great day!

  9. Erickson's team was never able to obtain the clear footage of bigfoots that would have been the centerpiece of the documentary, so they went to plan B: use blurry footage shot by hoaxers. The final product is a crypto show that will feature blobsquatches eating pancakes.
    Erickson came up lame, that is really all there is to it.

    1. Joe Beelart once stated he stole 'VERY' clear pictures of bigfoot.

      Perhaps Erickson should contact him.

    2. Wrong! They purchased the Kentucky videos first, at the time they bought the property. Then they shot more of their own video later on at the same location.

    3. You and RL are very wrong.

    4. Did it come with extra Maple Syrup?

    5. No, Lindsay's right. It's the same story with Paul Freeman really and it's nothing that unusual for overly enthusiastic seekers earlier on, hoaxed a few prints once upon a blue moon and still got an excellent video years later showing genuine live sasquatches.

    6. I would guess it would be the other way around; after initial success, the investigator becomes frustrated and creates a hoax. Either way, credibility is decimated.

    7. No it only makes you even more determined to go on after witnessing or filming the real thing, there's no interest in hoaxing then knowing it's real. Doesn't matter who if the footage is good enough, any clown can don a cheap costume and those are always easily spotted for almost never walking in the open.

    8. Well, maybe your right. I do agree that any solid evidence would stand on its own no matter who presented it.

  10. I feel really bad for the bigfoot community. Im sure youve all got that "sinking feeling" in your stomachs now that all the indicators of a hoax are all predictably being dropped. Georgia boys was a big let down, and i think footers and bleevers must feel like that wife who's husband keeps coming home from "work" at midnight smelling like another woman, whiskey on his breath and lipstick on his collar;( .

    Im truly sorry it ended like this for you.

    1. And I'm truly sorry for you troll that it won't end that way, you can't wish away what's really there so it's actually your sorry troll ass ending up most disappointed.

    2. Nothing he said is trolling, only opinion. You have a major chip on your shoulder if you think every piece of evidence presented to us is the real deal. The guy is right, this smells like a hoax more and more every day.

    3. The guy's wrong like you. Nothing here smells like a hoax, it's simply taking time and you trolls take advantage of it simple as that but unimportant in the long run. Didn't say every piece is real either and so far the jury's still out on this stuff, and yes he's the typical troll.

    4. Anon at 147, you are either part of the hoax or a blithering idiot. There is nothing to see here, no evidence, no proof, nothing. Just more lies and hoaxes.

    5. That would make you trolls even bigger idiots for being here in the first place. LOL

    6. wake up you morons they are trying to cure your Bigfoot Psychosis

  11. If Erickson's footage looked good it would have been shown long ago. They are clearly trying to figure out how to turn a buck on a crappy product.

    1. I agree, and would not be surprised if it is never released. Cable channel executive " We have all seen most of this 100X. No thank you."

    2. I only agree there's troll action above here.

    3. and I agree with Anon at 11:48am

    4. Do you even understand the term Troll? 11:48 and 12:06 you are morons.

    5. Of course we do moron. You're one too.

    6. As usual, the loudest noises are coming from the ones with the least knowledge. The public and other scientists will be the final arbiter in all this. The troll mouth flapping is just a sideshow that continues ad infinitum and will do so regardless of what proof comes out. The fringe don't need logic to establish their theories, relying instead on a series of never ending proclamations. There is much rubbish in the world of hairy bipedal critters. It will be the good science that delivers the answers and sensible people will wait to see what eventuates.

    7. Nailed it OP. Here's the bottom line: if there was legit footage of its existence, it would've already been world-wide news. All this circus is doing is using old run of the mill footage coupled with newer hoaxed footage in hopes of making a buck. How in the world does everyone not see this? If Bigfoot exists and they had PROOF we WOULD (the world would) already know. The bleevers hearts are about to be ripped from their chests, unless of course, the bleevers choose to continue to live in denial, which of course many will. Its so comical.

    8. Nothing will happen but more hoaxes, and years going by with no Bigfoot...thats it.

    9. Love how trolls always worry about other people's bucks and think they're clever when it's anything but. Why would sane grown men spend time on bigfoot sites if there's nothing to this species, any fool can see through bigfoot trolls all against the very real possibility applying the no possibility misinformation act an ancient authoritative tactic long outdated and outsmarted. Most of them ordered to be here where silly pranksters would be long gone, hope that's what it is because if not then we're dealing with mass stupidity due to ignorance. Timmy's just one monicker but the bullshit's always the same like the mistake to assume the world would know or it'd be all over the news. No to both, come discovery it will of course. The reason it's not publicly known yet is very simple, authorities and powers that be are against it still. Makes all this commissioned ridiculing troll yapping very easy for them, but that's only the way it's always been which is a pity for the American people. Mainstream science may even be against it too this big hairy one that got away. Logging industry and the religious industry other possible culprits here. Really hope Dr. Ketchum's got what it takes to withstand the onslaught because it's most important that she does to vindicate all the witnesses of which she's one herself now making it even more personal.

    10. There is no evidence, none at all, not one bit, just stories and hoaxes yet all you can do is insult those who disagree? I am not a troll, but completely fascinated by those gullible fools who keep running to Dyer, Biscardi, Erickson, Chilcutt, Meldrum and PGF....together their evidence is a fart in the wind. Now factor in kooky cat vet to stake all your hopes and dreams! Im looking at Ginford Pinchot right now, for years, no Bigfoot. That idiot Moneymaker found them here though! evidence!

      Never ends, put up links or pics, or visit a Psych ward

  12. that footage of ketchum is from destination truth its not even from this doc.

    1. Erickson Project used footage from destination truth of Melba, I have noticed the same ask Josh

    2. I noticed the same thing, another bullsh%t story made up by RL.

    3. Is Robert Lindsay Bigfoot?

  13. Not sure that Melba acutally has her Phd, as stated at the start of this article.

    1. Just be happy you have one in trolling.

    2. 11:51, once again, just because someone doesn't eat every bs story from Robert Lindsay like the sh$t pie it actually is doesn't make them a troll. Look at yourself, there you sit licking the plate as we all laugh at you from the kitchen. NO she doesn't have a PHD, she is a veterinarian. Check the facts before you scream troll douchebag.

    3. Did I say she had one, troll? She's a scientist and that's all that matters here, okay douchebag?

    4. A DVM is no more a scientist than a moron with a BS in Biology. A PHD-starving grad student would know not to touch this fake, contrived, bullshit topic.

    5. Not true in general, maybe for the particular program she was enrolled in. In general vet school is very hard to get into, maybe harder than med school: there are less vet schools.
      A grad student looking for a topic would be ill-advised to choose this one, but a tenured prof? Why not?

    6. DVMs are not PHDs unless they have PHDs! She is a small animal surgeon, which means she took 2-3 required upper level genetic classes just like her classmates...nothing more.

  14. I've talked to someone that has seen the Erickson footage and project. They were not impressed by his footage, and even mentioned what is said above on here, there is lots of footage from many different sources that you all on here have already deemed fake done by 'hoaxers'. So agreed with most, it will probably never come to fruition and if it does, it will be passed on with all of the other BS.

    1. Nice to see so much enthusiasm from trolls only wish they'd spend it elsewhere not where it matters none.

    2. I totally agree Anon at 11:53 but I hear that while getting their Ph.D in trolling they are required to troll sites like this as their Practicum. Unfortunately they all like it here.

    3. Don't you understand that by not actually joining the conversation and just yelling troll every time someone doesn't agree with you that this makes you the troll? That is the definition of troll, nothing to provide so you will just keep inserting the same defensive comment over and over. Put on your big boy pants and learn to debate a subject F-ing douchebags.

    4. Says some anon douchebag. Too funny. Actually, if you disagree bigfoots exist it per defintion makes you the troll on a bigfoot related site. Understand that, douchebag? This is the big league and calling the obvious trolls by their true description is our revenge on you MIBs trolling these sites. LOL Who else in his right mind but you boys would spend the time, damn teens would've given up on the subject ages ago.

    5. if I had the best bigfoot footage ever I would share with everyone right away and I would take all the credit & not hide from the world

    6. The same trolls would only laugh at you then. Only one way to do this and that's via science exactly like Ketchum's doing.

    7. No I am very interested in this site, but dont believe Bigfoot is real. I am not a troll but a realist. From a psychology-based perspective this trainwreck-blog is fantastic.

  15. I cannot imagine why a Hollywood studio would want to associate itself to this if it smells bad, but if true, don't be surprised if cgi is heavily involved now. I think truthfully if it was clear and undeniable, it would have been released a long time ago.

    1. Plain old common sense; they would have released something besides that buzz killing photo of "Matilda".

    2. CGI? LOL Nothing's easier to detect so worry none.

    3. What...So Shreks not real? F*ck man that sucks.

    4. Yeah nor is the Hulk. Sorry.

  16. Aha...a pic of the elusive Dr. Ketchum seen in her native habitat. A real treat, not.

    Almost as rare as a sighting of the beast itself.

    1. Not all that rare.... I see her a couple of times a week at the local BurgerKing frantically stuffing 4-5 orders of fries in her mouth, her face smeared with BBQ sauce and burger grease.

    2. Dummy, where's the photographic proof of that?

    3. I have the BK video evidence, but will not release it until it has passed my peer reviewed study and is published in a scientific journal.

    4. Witness testimony is strong enough evidence for me at this point.

      Plus, the new Bigfoot Steakburger's on the BK value menu now. Limited time only. Comes with a miniature toy Smeja.

    5. Toy Soldiers remember that 80s hit not by Smeja but Martika.

    6. Ive submitted a stool sample of the BK incident

  17. Why do these comments always align with the red bikini?

    The short one will certainly send me blind. Must leave alone...Must leave alone.

  18. Hoaxing is like athletes on steroids they want to be elite so they cheat but it's entertaining got all of you to take time out your life to look at fake pictures

  19. I highly doubt I'll be parting with my money to buy a DVD.
    Once someone is deemed a hoaxer, nothing they produce in the future can be considered valid. That's my opinion and it's what I stick to.

    1. Pretty dumb opinion when you consider someone like Paul Freeman faked tracks way back then actually taped the real thing years later. Personally I couldn't care less who's done what before, if the evidence is good why not accept it when we know (some of us that is) this species is real.

    2. That wasn't Freeman's son in a ghillie suit?

    3. We don't actually know he filmed a real sasquatch, do we? If Freeman faked foot prints in the past, why should I accept his video footage as the real thing? Once again, nobody can PROVE with 100% certainty his video is of a real sasquatch.I do think sasquatch exist but I can't blindly accept evidence from known hoaxers
      You may think my opinion is dumb (nice way to prove your point btw), but if someone has hoaxed once and got away with it,they will hoax again.
      You are entitled to believe anything you like. I may disagree with you, but I won't call your point of view dumb.
      Have a nice day.

    4. I believe that there is DNA evidence for at least one of the Bigfoots in his video - Matilda from Kentucky. Pfohl and Leila Hadj-Chikh both shot video of the Bigfoots at that site too.

    5. If that's true Robert then there might be a few minutes worth of good material in the entire film.
      I still don't think I could shell out money on this project because of the known hoaxers involved. Ketchum appears to have gone off the deep end in my opinion. If a credible scientist(s) can duplicate any findings he may have, I might give it a second thought.
      There are way too many shady people in Bigfootery and that's a shame.

  20. Hello all:

    Just got off the phone with Jack Bindernagel and we spoke about this topic. First Jack said "credit must be given to Bob Lindsey, he has become the most credible source of all things Bigfoot, or the North American Sasquatch, as it is called.""Bob Lindsey is the Walter Cronkite of the Bigfoot Community and Matt would be wise to take note of this"

    He went onto say "that picture of Ketchum is from 5 years ago, now she is almost triple that size and is pushing 400 pounds.""The reason many samples were contaminated is because she inadvertently would drop musturd and catsup on them while snacking".

    He went onto say "the documentary will be ground breaking in more ways than one, if Melba keeps getting bigger she will crack the sidewalk at the premiere".

    1. Yea, the disgusting Jack not the original Jack.

    2. Correction, that would be a mustard tigress

    3. Ketchum is testing her own stool samples to determine the DNA of the Bigfoot she ate.

  21. I would bang her. Then again I would back just about anybody (I banged Janice Carter).
    Jeff Teagle

  22. good grief the hole that this Erickson / Ketchuma DNA tirade has been digging just gets deeper and deeper and deeper...I am now officially expecting little to nothing from this effort...too much damage has already been done. I think our best bet now it to look forward to a truly professional effort by Meldrum and the Oxford bunch. This Ketchum Erickson thing is just too dissappointing to say the least.

    1. Oh yeah, a lot of evidence that Ketchum is legit out there anon above....fuktard

  23. I have seen the same flawed argument presented four times on this thread alone and then I stopped counting. I'm fairly sure that it's the same subhuman filth who's doing it each time so I'm just going to go ahead and explain the fallacy once rather than commenting on it each time. So let us consider the following example:

    reasonable person: Searching for Bigfoot is a waste of time, and people who believe in Bigfoot are stupid.

    Subhuman filth: I guess that must make you stupid for wasting your time on this site.

    Now let us consider a hypothetical conversation which takes place on a website full of thieves in which the second speaker uses the same flawed logic as the the second speaker in the first conversation:

    reasonable person: Stealing is a waste of time, and people who steal are stupid.

    Subhuman filth: I guess that must make you stupid for wasting your time on this site.

    The point is that just because believing in Bigfoot is stupid does not mean that decrying people who believe in Bigfoot is stupid, and just because searching for Bigfoot is a waste of time does not mean that defending the truth (that there is no such thing as Bigfoot) is a waste of time. I would also like to add that the following argument (which I have seen presented many times on this site) is flawed logic:

    retard: You can't PROVE that Bigfoot doesn't exist therefore Bigfoot MUST exist.

    And if you can't figure out why that's a fallacy then you should just end your life right now.

    1. More drivel from a closet bleever.

      Have you considered seeing a psychiatrist for your obsession ?

    2. Wow, can I borrow your gun?

  24. Mark this post down.

    If PROOF of Bigfoots existence was FACT. The WORLD would already know. Therefore, what Erickson has is absolutely NO PROOF and what he's doing is attempting to make a dime off of rehashed videos coupled with new BULLSHIT videos.

    There is no proof, none, the world would know by now and I don't remember any world wide news releases regarding Sasquatch, do you?

    I know it hurts BUT come to grips with the reality that Erickson is going to reel in the fish with BULLSHIT, NOT "PROOF".

    1. No doubt. Erickson's project is going to be loaded with hoaxed footage including Todd Standing's clay headed Bigfoot nonsense.

    2. Starring Erickson's very own ape-costume wearing, pancake eating, lying hillbillies.

    3. Not true at all Mark Troll nor do anybody care for such thoughts wasted on a bigfoot site. The world doesn't care anyway, that is basically why it's not on the news and when only with dumb smirks by anchors they know the public doesn't seriously care and nor do they themselves. They're as naive as their viewers. It's only a small portion of the public seriously interested in Bigfoot or it being real, making troll action even more obvious like sore thumbs, it's unfortunate only that the species actually is real but this modern world's just not interested or needs this other primate brother's presence presently. And trolls are part of that dark cover game of misinformation but still sightings will continue until the troll bluff's called.

    4. Seriously, dude, seek help or get back on your prescription.

      "attention all posters on opinion-based blogs must now and forever agree with each other on the subject at hand. thank you"-the department of homeland internet security

    5. Like I said: "mark it down", fishy.

      There is NO PROOF, NONE. If there was PROOF, the WORLD would know, not just people dumb enough to shell out $30.00 for a DVD. I swear, you are Forrest Gump dumb if you believe otherwise. "The world doesn't care". LMFAO, you're right, the world would not care about the biggest discovery in the history of the the universe (sarcasm) .

      Are you listening to yourself? That's your answer; "the world doesn't care"?

      You should seriously consider medication. You have been EATEN ALIVE by the subject. There may be no helping you!

    6. Mark, people ask me all the time about proof. Even being educated and intelligent, I don't know why we don't have proof.
      However my friend, if you had seen what my wife and I saw (way too close for comfort I might add) in northern California in September of 1990, you wouldn't care about proof either.
      They are, or at least were in 1990, REAL.
      I'm not taking offense to your statements because before that day I would've echoed your sentiments from the rooftops.

  25. What exactly is Ketchum's role in this alleged documentary? Might not be much more then the lab shot in the trailer. What else could it be? "Everything you are about to see is real, because Dr.Ketchum said bigfoot exists."?

    1. fukin LOL on that one...almost spewed coffee!

  26. It's amazing what a lightning rod this whole thing is. I'm going to hold off on judging it and wait for it to come out. I'm actually really excited for it, it's like the ultimate marketing campaign building the suspense.
    Say that you believe it, or say that they're hoaxers, one thing is for sure, everyone here is undeniably entertained by the whole thing, and all have curiosity to see the video once it's released.

    1. See it, not buy it; unless its revealed there will be clear footage of bigfoots, most people will continue to only be interested in the story behind the scenes. What the insane "Why are you here spammer" does not understand is that things like that, the science related to bigfoot(anthropology, evolution etc..), and plain old curiosity draws people to this blog regardless of belief.

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