Powerful Story About Scientists Who Believe In the Possibility Of Bigfoot

How many scientists have faced ridicule about their ideas and passion for discovery? As with many professionals like Dr. Jeff Meldrum, who have been regarded as "eccentric" scientists, these poor souls have all been ridiculed by their contemporaries-- Their ideas frequently mocked and their studies considered a waste of time.

Here's an article by Scott Sandsberry, about Dr. Jeff Meldrum and others like him, where they suffer for being open-minded in a field where evidence such as eyewitness accounts and prints are not enough:

Sasquatch researchers face unwilling peers
June 26, 2012 by Scott Sandsberry

AKIMA, Wash. — It’s easy not to believe in Bigfoot. It’s harder to accept the possibility, and harder still to go public with that acceptance.

Fingerprint expert Jimmy Chilcutt says he has “had that used against me, or tried to use against me, in court.” Members of the jury, how seriously can you take the testimony of a man who who believes in THAT?

Earlier this spring, while up for a promotion within the faculty of Idaho State University, Jeff Meldrum found “the bias and closed narrowmindedness of a few of my colleagues rearing its ugly head once again.”

Meldrum’s promotion was approved, but he, Chilcutt and others researching the Sasquatch phenomenon remain frustrated by those peers who remain unwilling even to consider their findings.

“It’s baffling that academics, who one would think would be objective and open-minded to questions on the fringes of knowledge,” Meldrum said, “would instead not be fair-minded and egalitarian in the treatment of their colleagues that delve into that realm to explore where the evidence will lead.

“But the scientific community is a community of people and individually they are subject to all the biases and prejudices of any other cross-section of humanity.”
A number renowned scientists — notably George Schaller, one of the world’s preeminent naturalists, and primatologist Jane Goodall, known for her chimpanzee research — have publicly called for more a open-minded approach by science to the research of Meldrum and others.

But perhaps no scientist has undergone a more dramatic transformation in terms of that open-mindedness than Daris Swindler.

A long-time professor of anthropology at the University of Washington, Swindler quite literally wrote the book on the comparative anatomy of man, apes and chimpanzees. His masterwork, “An Atlas of Primate Gross Anatomy,” is considered mandatory reading for all primate anatomists.

And for many years, Swindler was publicly adamant that Sasquatch did not and could not exist.

“He was the required poo-poo guy when it came to anything Bigfoot,” says John Green, a retired newspaper publisher and editor British Columbia. “If invited, he would give the scientific comment that there simply couldn’t be any such thing.”

In September 2000, though, a group of researchers took a 31/2-by-5 foot cast of what appeared to be a partial body print of a large animal reclining in the mud in a Skamania County area of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest called Skookum Meadow.
Soon after the discovery a number of scientists, including Meldrum and Swindler, were invited to an Edmonds, Wash., hotel to study the imprint cast and discuss their findings as part of a documentary film, “Legend Meets Science.”

“He looked at that cast and saw the very same thing I did,” recalls Meldrum. “His attention immediately was drawn to this remarkable Achilles tendon and very broad heel imprint, and what we interpreted to be the prominent buttock.

“The combination of short, pronounced buttock and a well-developed Achilles tendon equals biped — and nothing else.”

For Swindler, though, that realization was profoundly affecting — something that became obvious to the documentary film’s producer, Doug Hajicek, when he went to Swindler’s suite to find out what his on-camera testimony would be.

“He got really choked up,” Hajicek said of Swindler, who died in 2007. “He literally had tears coming down his face.”

Hajicek said Swindler had calculated, based on the size and structure of the creature’s leg and well-defined Achilles tendon, that the weight of the animal had to have been between 600 and 800 pounds. And that, as Meldrum said, the animal had to have been bipedal — that is, moving around primarily on two legs.

Swindler’s emotions, Hajicek said, came from having just talked over the phone with his family to tell them about his findings, “because what he was about to say on camera was probably going to change his life … that, basically, these things were real.”


[via sportsyakima.com]


  1. Academic depts have rankings, kinda like law firms-assistant,associate and full. They are all professors, but there are differences in pay and teaching loads. Meldrum was probably promoted to full(think he was already assc). I am not an expert, but believe he has enough non-bigfoot activity to warrant full at that college.

  2. Good article. None are so blind as those that won't see.

    This is either the second but probably the third of six article by Scott Sansberry who is with the Yakima newspaper and is publishing one each week with the first being I believe on June 11th, and well worth the read. He does not seem to have a dog in the hunt, only putting out some information that all other newspapers in this country have failed to do.


    1. I gotta say, I saw Swindler on the PGF digitalization Monsterquest, had no idea of his background or much info on the Skookum cast. So why isnt this cast brought to attention of mainstream? was the dvd proprietary?
      and did anyone see that minsterquest where Pattys face looked like a baboon? Was that altered/enhanced-must be why no one else ran with it?
      Anyway, this article, if accurate, very impressive......the EXACT kind of article I always bitch about not seeing here...it even includes great physical evidence I can go research, although I still have some concerns...great article though keep this stuff up and stay away from Ketchum, Fasano, Smeja, Lindsay. Thanks!

    2. Report back what you find.

    3. You can watch MonsterQuest on youtube.

      No one cares what you think anyway troll.

    4. Didnt take long! As anonymous said below "elk lay"....sad that they put the pressure on ol' doc swindler, reeling him into bigfoot world. I honestly cant believe he was convinced that a giant wild-human evolved just to evade us LOL....sliding for miles on its ass for a few apples! LOL why would they fear us anyway...short investigation leads to more lies, coverups and BS. I take back my previous post.

    5. It is amazing to see how angry losers like Anon 6:26 will come up with the most creatively absurd ideas to explain the conclusions of people who are intellectually and academically superior to them, in every way.

      Fools like Anon 6:26 can't understand the world as it is, so they make up and propagate all manner of distortions ("slid for miles on it ass" ...??) and ridiculous conspiracy theories.

      Anon 6:26 is probably a Birther too.

      Here are the facts that Anon 6:26 can't handle:

      1) Dr. Swindler was at the top of his field.
      2) He examined the Skookum Cast many times, and had a duplicate of the heel portion in his home to study.
      3) Several other elite academics agreed with him that it was legit (and DEFINITELY not an elk lay).
      4) The people who say Dr. Swindler is wrong have no academic qualifications whatsoever, but DO have a rather large grudge against the BFRO and Moneymaker.
      5) Dr. Swindler was right about the Skookum Cast. The Skookum impression was DEFINITELY made by a sasquatch, and ALL of the academic experts confirmed that.
      6) The Skookum Cast is unimpeachable, scientific, physical PROOF of the existence of sasquatches.

    6. Q: How can you identify someone who is trying to spread misinformation about BF research?

      A: One sure-fire test: Ask them about the Skookum Cast. The misinformation-mongers will tell you that it was an "elk lay". They will even say it was "proven" to be an elk lay ... but they won't say who "proved" it, or when, or how.

      Those liars do that to deter people from appreciating the work of the BFRO (and especially Moneymaker) over the past 20 years. The cast was obtained during a BFRO expedition, led by Moneymaker.

      Many people have attended BFRO expeditions, but there are a few handfuls of unstable people who have been banned from them, and banned from the BFRO. Some of them have made it their mission to misinform and lie about things like the Skookum Cast and BFRO expeditions.

    7. Is that the pitch you come back with to skeptics at your Bigfoot Multi-Level Marketing Opportunity gatherings? Right out of the official manual.

    8. Anon 9:48 coment:
      There are more researchers banned from BFRO than have ever belonged.
      There are more than that who never sought membership.
      Ask Paulides if he was banned or wanted to join.
      BFRO may have started out with a model that could have worked, but it failed miserably, and not because of the faceless dedicated researchers.
      But, for the famous one and his personal agendas, and who now can no longer claim "the only scientific Bigfoot research group."
      Or, any other group's, and is disrespected as you see here.
      But, man is he popular on Finding Bigfoot, way big on Animal Planet.
      Surpirsed Dr. Meldrum isn't featured more.

  3. The skookum cast is. PROVEN elk lay. Fotters need to STOP touting this elk lay as evidence. It makes them look dumb. Real dumb.
    Meldrum's best foot cast is a freeman hoaxed track(admitted, proven, exposed hoaxer). I will give it that meldrum has an education and has primate knowledge, but he is just WRONG about his skookum and foot casts. He knows this now, but cant back out as he's in too deep.imo.

    1. Exactly,just your opinion just like Meldrums opinion.So where does it go from there?

    2. Meldrum goes to the next BFer with media attention. He is poised now with OP, and the famous Bigfoot Killer Justin Smeja, his newest amateur associates. Should that sample test out as BF he will be the first to sing their praises and claim intimacy with all, and a deeper view. He may even write a forward in his new book, much like that he wrote for Matt and the BFRO, praising their amateur and roughshod efforts, brought to fruition by his expertise. He should manage some spring forward in the near future, but when he finally has to play with the Big Boys of Science, if ever, he may appear undereducated and a little slow. He has no legit peer review paper anywhere on this topic.

    3. Maybe an elk, definitely a touchy subject:

      If anyone is interested and has not seen these.

    4. Definitely NOT an elk lay. Definitely NEVER PROVEN as such. Only argued as such by some very UNQUALIFIED WANNABES.

    5. To Anonymous 5:48:

      "He has no legit peer review paper anywhere on this topic."

      If your peers are biased against you, what value are they as reviewers? If your peers have an agenda, what hope have you of ever getting your paper approved by them? I'm fed up with this new-speak cliche "peer review"--everything must be peer-reviewed. If your peers are predisposed against you, the practice of peer review has no value.

      How often have those who imagine been correct and scientists wrong? From Jules Verne to Ray Bradbury and Arthur C. Clarke, those who imagine are so often consistently borne out, eventually, as having been correct.

      Beware of those who spell science with a capital S--for them it's a religion. You'll find that these people have impractical ideas incompatible with hands-on common sense.

      Beware of the hopeless naivete of some scientists and those who worship at the alter of science and spell science with a capital S.

      Beware of Dr Eugenie Scott and alike colleagues who lisp from behind their desks: "There's no such thing as bigfoot; I think bigfoot is a man in a suit."

      Take note of those who post here and elsewhere in an urgent panic stating there is no such thing, there is no evidence, etc., and consider who may be paying them to write these comments, and why they seem to have so much time in which to write them.

      Their dismissals of the PGF footage ignore the size of the individual's ribcage, breasts, traps, thighs, hips, arm-length, and notably its obviously massive weight evident when as it turns it stumbles slightly. The almost slow-motion aspect to the stumble bespeaks great weight and mass.


      If your peers have closed their minds, their review of your work is of limited or no value. The Eugenie Scott lispers would never fairly review such work.

      Science is spelled with a lower-case S.

      The imaginers are often eventually proven correct.

      Science and scientists are often proven wrong (e.g., the endless studies, cholesterol is bad for you, no it's good for you, no it's bad for you, no wait, it's good, no, hold on, no we're sure it's bad, don't eat the yolk, no eat the yolk it's full of protein, wait, we have to do another study. Who would ever trust such people or studies? Why should science be always trusted? Who would ever trust such methods which continue to yield opposing results?).


    6. "Altar" with an A, not an E.


    7. And "Zorro" with an O, not a Y. I'm so "zorry".

    8. Anon 10:11: I wonder if you are Melba Ketchum's publicist tossing out trial balloons, or OCD Conspiracy Freak James. Please, please tell me who is paying skeptics! I can work in an urgent panic!

    9. Who is Dr. Scott that sneers so?

    10. Skookum is an Elk bedding. There are more QUALIFIED people who came to that conclusion than there are MISGUIDED colleagues who claim its Bigfoot.


    11. You don't know fact from fiction!

    12. Meldrum would've proven that a long time ago if it was true. I highly doubt someone like Meldrum would miss that. The naysayers love to say how they know its not real when they haven't done any research to prove otherwise.

  4. Meldrum was fascinated with Bigfoot as a kid and is therefore predisposed. He's just another 'everything is Bigfoot' fanatic, with a degree. Skookum is pure hokum, but it will be whatever you want it to be.

    1. Gee, what do we have here? An expert on one hand and a legend in his own mind on the other. That is a really hard choice - NOT!
      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Meldrum for starters. And your qualifications are what exactly?

    2. Most kids are fascinated with Bigfoot anon 5:00 so whats your point?

  5. Focus on the body cast in his book was probably an error, real or not. It is unique as a Bigfoot cast claim, noting to compare it to. Most "elk experts" believe it is from an elk, found with elk tracks in association. No Bigfoot tracks were found. He reasoned it's because Bigfoot didn't want to be detected by footprints and so laid down and reached in to grab an orange. The "smart, but not so smart" theory advanced for his "ape theory." Hogwash all around. Unfortunate association in the past of Matt Moneymaker/BFRO and Meldrum, but then he picked them. He also dumped them eventually, and has shifted his hopes to OP and Justin Smeja. But that decade of Matt's dominance and Meldrum's own bias set him back, tarnishing his halo, maybe he is just figuring it out. Doesn't seem to have changed his ways though, and has adopted the BFRO paid expedition model himself, and penchant for media. Expect a twitter account soon.

    1. Yes Skookum cast fits right into mythology of squatch "the shiftiest primate ever, no tracks trails or even a hint...but it snuck in like Predator to slide on its ass for a few apples. Apples are crap for calories and nutrition anyway, so why didnt it just eat Matt Moneymaker? What biologic logic can exist for a smart primate person to expend so much energy to hide among elk tracks for a few precious apples? The researchers hear elk, see elk and prints, leave out apples, find giant smudge covered in elk tracks...then go next day and say "Look a Bigfoot laid right there". Geez....just like Ketchum

    2. Citrus is not an indigenous fruit of the PNW. Must have been the reason a Sasquatch went to so much trouble, laying its whole body in the mud, to avoid stepping in it.

    3. OMG really? Uhh, how about the more obvious answer....no one saw Bigfoot tracks because there was NO BIGFOOT. They did seee elk tracks everywhere, found elk hairs in the cast itself, etc. NOT BIGFOOT OBVIOUSLY ELK.

      Make sense?

      The crap about Swindler calling his family crying, etc probably just pure hype. He's not here to argue

    4. Marijuana isnt indigenous in PacNW, wonder why those kidnapped mexican growers around here dont all report their crops getting stolen by giant hairy bipeds or report encountering them in the middle of nowhere? Stinkier than oranges. Makes no sense except it isnt part of their culture or expectation, so they never see...and plenty have been apprehended and told their harrowing stories about cartel threats and kidnappings. Any excuse would work for them when they get busted and lose money, but no bigfoots ever. Send Ketchum and Arla however, and there are birthing stations, psychic conversations, etc

      Like a public hypnotist, magician or clown, Bigfoot's roots are strictly psychological, and as a phenomena it is more fascinating than aliens, religion and politics.

    5. Don't say those things. I'm not crazy, I know I'm not crazy. Bigfoot is real.

    6. Anon 5:35 there is nothin wrong with helping other bf enthusiasts get involved that's how u raise awareness, wether this is hobby or lifes work everything costs $. Dr. Meldrum should get paid, only credible cat out there

    7. Paid for what Joe? He is a paleo-anthropologist and teaches and is paid for that.
      TV Bigfoot appearances might even have some stipend and sure help sell his book.
      Bigfoot conferences pay his expenses and he keeps his merchandise sales.
      Public Bigfoot expeditions, teaching the techniques of successful Sasquatch tracking to amateurs, will begin to pay this year.

      What else might he get paid to do in this hobby of his?

      It might seem where Wally Hersom goes, so goes Meldrum, from BFRO to OP.
      He definately does follow the media and money, so maybe you are right.
      This is all about getting paid, even when it doesn't have much to do with one's employment or education.
      That does make him a Bigfoot Professional.

    8. ^^^^^^ THAT ^^^^^^ +1. Follow the money.

    9. Timmy obviously is a troll, two kinds of trolls out there, the ones with short posts calling everything fake and the mindlessly long ramblings of a madman like him.

    10. It's the Hogwash guy again! Your Hogwash is opinion and soap box preaching .

    11. Timmy comparisons make about as much sense as sponsoring a blind guy to drive your race car. A perfect example of todays typical indoctrinated/tranny porn watching/fudge packing degenerate. I blame his parents.

    12. Paid for his time creating the cast and for giving other bf fans a chance to own something that they would probably never b able to get on own, not to mention best chance that its a copy of real print stop giving him sh*t u don't have to buy one no one does. Jealous people will always hate on those who get ish done

    13. Boohoo the anons are all pissed because every last ass-berry of hope for Bigfoot is flushed away....wheres Ketchum when you need her?

    14. See, everything comes back to Bigfoot for Timmy (aka Bigfoot is Boring) even when the comments hes responding to have nothing to do with Bigfoot.

      That's the way the indoctrinated mind works. It has been rendered useless.

    15. Timmy, why all the anger towards people that believe in bigfoot? Does wether or not they believe affect your life? No. Who cares if people want to believe in bigfoot or leprechauns and unicorns. Stop killing peoples joy. You're taunting people like you're a five year old. I'm sick of your whining day after day. STFU you asshat.

    16. I like "Timmy". You people want to live in Bigfoot world. Those who disagree are not your enemy just expressing opinions. Plenty of disagreement and yes trolls here too Timmy seems to be both.

      Not defending but I kind of agree with most of what "Timmy" says about Bigfoot. They dont have to be such a prick about it though.

    17. Timmy is a douche and if he doesnt believe in Bigfoot needs to leave! Troll hanging on site where he isnt wanted!

      Timmy why you care if we believe? you know a lot about subject yourself to be ordinary troll

  6. It's not an elk. Some guy who didn't even examine it shot from the hip after he looked at it for less than 5 minutes. Plus he was a sceptic and didn't even bother to try and prove it.

    1. A fan's response, seeing what isn't there to defend the myth. Did you really mean to say "picked?" Continue to focus on the non-essentail, invent some evidence, praise Meldrum, and you will climb the ranks of amateur Bigfootery

    2. - comment above misplaced, Your answer is in response to anon 5:52

    3. Not a fan. I work with the subject. I work a lot in the field and not from news articles or opinions of so called experts on the Internet .

    4. Is this cast available for inspection and study now? Where is it? What other elk experts did not take but "five minutes" to come to their conclusion, not including the "one" noted by Meldrum?

    5. No, they won't let anyone see it that's skeptical of it's origin. What's that tell you?

    6. If it isn't available for examination, that tells me it's parked on the altar at the Most Holy Church of Bigfoot Multi-Level Marketing.

    7. Of course they won't let the agenda trolls see it.

    8. LOL "agenda trolls" = logical, intelligent, educated folks who see no evidence to believe in tribes of 10 foot 600 pound ape men living in USa

    9. The turd still hasn't told us where to apply for those 'agenda troll' jobs.

    10. Strange you don't know you're already doing it, Turdy.

  7. I know one of the guys on the expedition and the guy who said hogwash doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. Hand picked? Where do you get your info?

    1. Many of those on that expedition have very long, detailed write ups about that trip and aftermath, and they don't all agree. Where is the cast now? On display somewhere so more patient and investigative elk experts can study it?

    2. -comment misplaced, your answer is in response to anon 5:48 above.

    3. An "elk expert" should examine it? Do you mean a backwoods hunter who didn't even graduate from high school?

      Perhaps a PhD anatomist should examine it, or perhaps several PhD's should examine it, with a keen eye toward determining whether or not it was mad by an elk.

      Oh wait ... that already happened back in 2000. Several elite PhD's examined the Skookum Cast with a keen eye toward determining whether or not it was made by an elk ... and all of them said it was definitely NOT made by an elk.

      But how do you tell that to some worthless drunks who need to post their wasted-life hostilities to a message board.

    4. See anon comment 9:22 above. As trustworthy as any here I reckon.

  8. The history of the Piltdown Man hoax and the difficulty Dubois had, among others, in the face of established science is enlightening. Back then Meldrum might have joined the praise for Piltdown Man because it embodied prominent scientists bias of what a missing link should look like. Kind of like he does now, fussing over evidence that meets his perceptions, even lousy evidence, and ignoring data that doesn't. Proving Bigfoot won't neccesarily vindicate him, and may make him look even more foolish to those who paid attention the last 15 years.

    1. Comments based on what information exactly? Or just more investigation by pronouncement! You, Sir, are a hypocrite!

    2. Based on, "Sasquatch: Science meets Legend," by Jeff Meldrum.

  9. Timmy, Why shouldn't they b afraid of us? As a species history tells that we aren't good with other intellegent species, we always eventually kill them so self preservation is always a good reasoned if they've been around as long as most think they have probably witnessed our selfish actions toward any other pedal species

    1. Think about it. Skookum meadow is way isolated, and sasquatch lives where humans dont typically go. so, by statistics alone this giant primate has likely never seen or smelled humans. We also have stories from "credible witnesses" of Grizzlies and Goldens running away from Sasquatch......
      With me here? This 1,000 lb beast is top predator in N America if he exists. He kills elk and bear, he scares cougars and bears away, he has seen humans seldom if ever. NOW HE IS going to suddenly come across a new smell, then food, is going to get scared and waste his motion and effort to get the new food like a piss-ant thief???? because of a few puny humans? keep in mind supposedly he is at least 1.5-2 times larger

      Do wild lions, tigers or even most secretive leopards fear us? Not much if we stay back, and they get used to killing/eating right in front of safari jeeps in no time. If Squatch was real he would not fear us, although might stay out of sight....would definitely go pick up oranges, not act like a scared little shoplifter LOL. Even wild chimps will rip our nuts and face off...Bigfoot just throws small rocks then slinks away? sure

    2. Timmy may be an asshole but great points from him. Why the hell would it be scared of us all the time.another point even those natives in amazon were easily tracked and found, had never seen outsiders.

    3. Yeah sure Timmy, if that's all there is to it throwing small rocks why are you still here. LOL Gotta love that character contradictory troll agenda this guy's even a teenager only.

  10. Step right up folks, get your Bigfoot print casts here. That's right, you too can have the same print casts owned by Jeff Meldrum and seen on numerous Bigfoot documentaries. These casts have been verified by the Franklin Mint as being 99% pure Bigfoot prints and come with a signed certificate of authenticity. Supplies are limited so be sure to order soon before they're gone. Operators are standing by.

    1. If you order right now, you'll also receive a big pile of skookum.

    2. I bought one, but the mid tarsel broke :(

    3. DNA tested and verified by Melba herself!

    4. Yea right Timmy-AKA Bigfoot is Boring.Ya jackass.

  11. The Bigfoot myth is on life support and not even a transfusion can save it now. BFF is even falling to pieces and crying about gov't conspiracies. Alas poor Bigfoot, I hardly knew ya. And darn it, Ketchum didn't even make it to step five.

    1. I think I'm going to cry.

    2. Dry your eyes trolls the Ketchum study is out soon. Yes in this field soon can also mean a long time so deal with it.

    3. That study is worthless. We have no Sasquatch. Therefore the DNA cannot compared to a living entity or body, making this study a 110% waste of time. Here's what matters: "mainstream -science" and if they're not convinced then it doesn't exist. That's how science works. Get used to being an idiot for as long as you live. I'll bet you anything that you die before ever seeing a living or dead Sasquatch. Deal with it.

    4. hey 1128 anon, so will any of us be alive by the time Melba releases her earth shattering DNA study?

    5. Of course we will, even eternal geeks like the douche troll at 11:55 will see it when DNA proves this species real via the Ketchum study. It's how science works.

  12. back to the title of this item. The fact scientists beleive in the 'possibility' of something is not news. When they start saying there is a high probabiity BF exists then it warrants a story. I don't beleive in sasquatch because it hasn't been proven in any convincing way. That said I would love to live in a world where there was a real sasquatch, so let's not put the whole thing on life support just yet...this isn't the 9/11 'Truth' movement is it?

    1. You just gotta believe...beleeeeeeeve.
      Nope, the believers killed Bigfoot, by trying to force proof, which turned out to be vapor.
      This is a shame, because the idea of Bigfoot used to be a fun thing. The believers ruined that though, with their hate, mistrust, lies and backstabbing.

  13. no real scientists believe in bigfoot

    1. No, and no real scientist sells Bigfoot print casts.

    2. It's the opposite trolls, it's yes to both.

    3. love how you think the "troll" moniker covers up thousands of hoaxes and misunderstandings like they never happened...yes moron we are all wrong but you, and someday santa's sleigh will stop by with rudolph, the unicorns, lucky the leprechaun and good ol' Bigfoot. I hope you feel vindicated by that fantasy

    4. Who seriously cares what Timmy the moronic Easter troll thinks about Bigfoot? Nooobody.

  14. Beleeveers want to Kill Bigfoot, to prove for Science and us. You are right figuratively and literally.

  15. of course no real scientists believe in bigfoot. Thats not what the article says. Scientists should beleive in the POSSIBILITY of bigfoot. If something isn't impossible then it has a probability attached to it. The probability of BF existing is very, very,very (add as many as you feel is appropriate) small, but it is possible.

    And another thing. All this anonymous posting is cowardly so man up and use your real names:). Psychologically you will all find it liberating. I had said I would not post any more on this site due to the trolls and the nastiness that can arise but you knwo what. F*ck em. I'm back and I'm staying.

    1. Bigfoot believers have been known to threaten the children of skeptics. Its safer to stay anon. Sorry.

    2. Bigfoot believers have been known to threaten the children of skeptics. Its safer to stay anon. Sorry.

    3. You are a puss then anon.^^

    4. If a person is not a known name in the field, who would give a rats ass to learn who it is? Anyway, I agree; cryptozoology is all about the probabilities one assigns, and these are personal. I'm at less than 1/2 of a 1/2 for bigfoots existing, say 15%.

    5. Ohhh a first name ! That really identifies you. Oh and my name is let's say "Bob "! Ok Gareth why don't you ost your real full name and address then you will man up! Otherwise anonymous will do just gone!

    6. Fine! Not gone. Dang auto correct

    7. Gareth is an idiot. Use your REAL FIRST NAMES! How the fuck does that identify you are? My name's JimBob Jesus Copernicus. Boy do I feel liberated!

    8. @ Anon 2:16

      Pretend skeptics are known to lie about being threatened and stalked to cover up their own psychopathic behavior.

    9. My names Shirley, what can I say? Both my parents were short sighted.

      I always wanted to be called Derek.

    10. I was named Dick


    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. You know what? You're right. WHo cares whether its Anonymous or not? Sorry - guess I kinda went off on a tangent there. Right - back to bigfoot...

    13. No problem; the anonymous option is convenient, too. What the hell is an AIM?

  16. As posted above, pretty objective stance by the reporter. This is apparently part 3 of a 6-part series from the Yakima Herald Republic.

    The region is ground zero for all kinds of anomalies. Older Discovery Channel clip:


    The Indian Rez connection is there as well.

  17. Why did they have so much Plaster of Paris with them?

    1. They had a big Lemon Party planned. Standard operating procedure.

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