Phil On The Colorado Burnt Bigfoot Rumor

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Phil Poling, proud member of TeamTazerBigfoot. You can visit his YouTube channel at

So it appears that our society hasn’t gotten any closer to the revelation of common sense. With the consistent bombardment of Ancient Aliens, Monster Quest and Finding Bigfoot type shows it’s no wonder that an anonymous post on the Bigfoot Evidence blog would be reacted to in the way it has.

Regardless of Shawn’s cautionary warning with his tongue firmly planted in cheek, there were still those who just couldn’t wait for the news conference proclaiming the discovery of a badly burned sasquatch from the Colorado fire. It makes me wonder what it’s going to take in the future to cause people to wake up and get a clue.

I still feel that Shawn should have preceded this entire posting with “This is a test of the skeptical inquirer. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emerging story, it wouldn’t have been so damned obviously phony.”


  1. And here we have the biggest ''EXPERT'' chiming in.He just can't seem to get enough of seeing himself.WOW.

    1. I'm just as much an ''expert'' as him,and so are you.Use your own mind and you won't need these so called ''experts'' that just like to see themselves on you tube..HAHAHA YOU TUBE..Love the hat though.I think I had one back in 1966 when the Wild Wild West was popular.

    2. Sounds like Phil is calling Shawn out.Phil should keep his ''OPINION'' in his head.Just saying.

    3. I rarely that I come here to feed the trolls but a good point had been brought up.
      1. I have stated on several occasions that there is no such thing as a Bigfoot expert. That includes me. I've never made that claim and never will.
      2. Shawn asked me to write a short opinion on this for him to post. I did so as a favor to him.

    4. Sure he did Phil.Sure he did.

  2. Phil, the bigfoot, camera, people saving the fella were all killed in the fire leaving yet another unsolved mystery for us to talk about for years to come.

  3. Does he ever leave that room?

    1. Only to change hats and when his mommy vacuums.Cause the vacuum scares him.

    2. Y'all ever see that episode of South Park where they were playing World of Warcraft,well Phil is the older version of Cartman.Perfect example of Phil.

    3. Dammit man,I can see his momma coming into his room and feeding all the Team Geekers Bigfoot.Lmao!!!They sure put this rumor to rest.HAHAHAHAHAHA.Calling UofC and asking if they have a burnt Bigfoot.Geez.

    4. Hey, Rick Dyer is back!Eloquent as always Ricky.

  4. Actually he is more of expert on bull then any one else on here. Plus many us new it was bull, but you know some of you wanted to think this was true just admit it, good job phil. Go Team Tazer! you guys are awsome, Michael, Phil, Damian, Voodoo and Ro. Keep up the good work on keep the bull out of the BF community.

    1. Geez,get a life.WOW.You remind me of a rabid wrestling fan.The sad thing about it is you follow these wackos for answers.Make up your own mind.Don't rely on others to do it.

    2. Keep the bull out of the BF community

      Full time job right there.

    3. Yep.Full time job.LMAO...

    4. Anon at 12:45 your just a hater, what are you doing to propogate truth about the search for BF, the Boys from Team Tazer atleast have an open forum and do not hide behind anonymous. Plus I do not see team tazer putting out bullcrap about we have a a great Photo or Video of BF. Michael is always out in the field searching for the truth and even if he does not find anything he still shares it with the community. I do not see many researchers doing this. Oh by the way Ido have a life, but glad your not part of it, you damn stupid troll.

    5. TEAM TAZER HEAD CHEER LEADERFriday, June 29, 2012 at 1:26:00 PM PDT

      Sorry,didn't know you were on a first name basis with ''Michael''.It will never happen again.


  5. To some extent, there is a misunderstanding of what this website is. Our impression is that the purpose of this website is to aggregate all breaking Sasquatch news in one place. But that characterization misses the mark. This website is better seen as a business whose mission is to generate as many mouse clicks as possible in any given day. Sasquatch just happens to be the attractant.

    Because mouse clicks are the goal rather than the delivery of "news", it makes no business sense to differentiate between credible stories and those that are not. Stories without credibility may trigger more mouse clicks than those that may be plausible. So, let everything run! The more mouse clicks, the better.

    By the way, by no means do I mean this as a criticism. It appears to be a good business model! Keep it up!

    ---Tom Nally, New Orleans

    1. Couldnt stop clicking even if Justin Smeja had a gun to my head.

    2. Dude, I'm the same way. I'm clicking like a maniac. So, it's clearly a very effective business model.

    3. you are corect and now, so?

    4. MMMM Smeja's Bigfoot Steakhouse.

  6. I would say Shawn likes a good laugh just as much as SOME of us.

  7. Hold on folks - it's only 2 pm mountain. Let's have some patience and see how this plays out.

    1. How about you wake up, grow up and become intelligent. That will prevent you from being duped in the future.

  8. Black Helicopters took it away. It's so obvious what really happened. The Bigfoot is alive and well in the base beneath the earth at Area 51.

    1. Area 51 has apparently been mothballed. Prob would go to Dulce

  9. another asshole with an opinion..Expert, not quite

    1. You know what they say ,every opinion has an asshole..oh wait a minute

    2. Matt Moneymaker is my Jesus.


  11. People forced to look at this ugly mug until Shawn posts and update or two.

  12. I was not too hard to figure out that this whole story was crap.
    Too many vague statements, too many "we'll have to wait" scenarios, and too many ways out of it.
    Then the story can continue....
    "The government covered it up"-plausible

    "Only the higher ups at the University

    "We didn't take pictures because we were too concerned for the Bigfoot"- Bullsh!t

    The list of many excuses are only limited by the imagination.

  13. I had this little fart of a story pegged from the first second it was released. Immediately after reading the headline I laughed and called bullshit. After that thought, I said: "there will be believers who will claim a conspiracy to hide the evidence." Of course, I was right, as usual. I also knew there would be people who stayed up all night writhing with anticipation of the news conference. Hahaha. Of course, I was right again.

  14. What about the WHITE helicopters? Mention them or their self esteem may suffer.


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