Kids See the Abominable Snowman?

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Vicki W.

This video has been around for awhile, but I have always kind of liked it. For one thing, the kids are out playing in the snow, and I really love snow. Besides, it's hot now and the snow looks crisp and cold, you know...a York peppermint patty moment. But moving along, the kids spot a dark figure in a wooded area a few feet away. They surmise it to be a "yeti"; not a Bigfoot, not a Sasquatch--a yeti. So they choose the term best fitting their setting. It walks away into the woods and eventually disappears from view. Is this yeti all that remarkable? Not really. Is it a blatantly obvious hoax? I wouldn't say that either.

Whether they saw Dad or their abominable Uncle Bob, I think they do a pretty good job. They don't over play it, and it comes off with just the right combination of surprise mixed with a heaping tablespoon of curious disbelief. "Don't tell me that's a yeti!?" quips the cameraman, or in this case, camera boy. He also manages to film the figure without a great deal of nausea-inducing shaking and bouncing. Okay, not the whole time at least. It's actually stable when focused on the subject. Notably, this clip earned a quick moment on the History Channel's two hour special "Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide". It is featured when the esteemed panel of who's who in Bigfoot are shown watching a montage of popular Bigfoot videos. You may have missed it if you blinked. And who knows, it could be real, maybe. At least it doesn't need to be slowed to 25 percent speed and circled in red to find it.


  1. The arms on it look too short...

    1. Yes and the gait looks a bit forced, like someone who is trying to buff up.


    2. Lefscompare it to the known standard, the real deal, the PGF .....oh wait that is fake too!

    3. Because you know how long a bigfoot's arms should be.

    4. Why attempt to compare 'THIS FAKE LIKE ALL THE REST' with something that has never been proven to be real or fake?

      Forget the PGF, then what do you have to compare to?

      I personally think the PGF should be removed from bigfoot lore TOTALLY...Then you guys are f*ked...

  2. You know whats great about this vid is that even if the "Yeti" is just a person those kids thought it was a real creature. That being said i see tons videos of grown men with buddies dogs bows arrows guns and knives looking for this creature for years and years some claimed to have filmed it.... and in all those sightings and all this filming i have not seen one person attempt to chase down one of these creatures. It took 3 10 year old boys to have the guts and realize how important that video was as said by the kid filming "this is history in the making" and they run after it to get better shots. My point is first +1 to being a kid and not knowing any better lol and second all you researcher's out there take note thats how you flush out a MF "Yeti".

    1. Excellent comments! I like how the one boy said to the others, "Be careful."
      The kids were believable. The "yeti" - I don't know. Maybe.

    2. really, believable not in a million years. they were in on it. and as for the guts to chase it into the woods. come-on man you wouldn't be scared if you knew the "yetti" was your uncle.

    3. True. No one ever chases the beasts. They just get scared. These kids got balls. Plus the kid had the camera on a tripod so when he stopped and filmed he got nice still shots.

      Maybe FB/FB should analyze this. Or CryptoCrew. It should be examined further. The creature looks pretty tall and looks to have large shoulders. The gait looks a little forced but could be legit.

    4. No on ever chase them because the filmer
      already knows its his buddy in a gorilla suit, or horsehair, whatever. no chase=known outcome=no point.

  3. At first the kids said it was an animal. And I think I heard them say a wolf, which means they first saw it on all fours - probably watching them. It fits reported behaviors.

    1. Well some say it is an ape knuckle walking, some thing a giant neanderthal, etc. Which behaviour reported? So many to pick from..

      Let me help- this is fake like all of them

    2. Here's an idea then...Get a life and stop trolling bigfoot sites.

  4. It seems real? Like how one of the kids just seemed unintrested and said "its probably some animal." I love that the kid with the camera runs after it! Omg How F*ing brave. You never really see grown ups running after a bigfoot.

    Either way, it could have been a guy (the arms seem a little short) or it could have been a Yeti.

    Also, has anyone else noticed that Bigfoots and Sassy's seem to be intrested in kids? Or kids playing? Or women? Maybe they are intrested in us but feel threatned because most of the time you hear about encounters their usually with men like hunters.
    I say we bring more kids and women when looking for Bigfoots or Sassy's.

    1. I'm sure the researchers that have kids take them out for some overnight camping, if not a long term expedition.

    2. Native Americans say they kidnap women for mating and steal children for their dinner. Maybe that's why they like women and kids.


  5. What seems useful here is the method employed in filming, I would say that the kid had a tripod attached to the camera as when he stops to film the image goes rock steady and you can hear the tripod hitting the ground immediately before this, a useful tip for any one venturing out keep your camera attached to a tripod or even a monopod would be better then hand held.

    Is the subject in the film a Yeti aka bigfoot, personally I would say not.

  6. Sally here,

    Have you ever seen a red-eyed squatch do a belly crawl than morph into 4x4 mode? then run to another dimension? With braids in its hair? Then you clearly have no experience with these playful homo sapiens and should reserve judgement.

    1. You are correct Sally, amateurs need to leave the speculation to trained experts like you and I. It's clear to me that these kids witnessed an actual Sasquatch, in mid transition, changing from a wolf to it's primary life form, simply amazing. This is a rare event, witnessed by very few and to my knowledge is the first time it's been captured on video.

    2. Rule #6 at it's best :)))) well done!!

  7. At least do me the favor of putting on the monkey costume. Bad acting and a dude in a columbia sportswear jacket and mittens. WOW.

    1. Confirms on saggital crest, mid tarsal break, tree peeking and throwing feces.

  8. Bigfoot 101

    Rule #1: EVERYTHING you view or read on-line is hoaxed or a lie.

    Rule #2: anybody?

    1. That's because there is no Bigfoot. Duh.

    2. I love how the trolls bitch all day about the way bigfooters will believe anything. Then after seeing 26 consecutive comments revealing the latest video as a fake, they say told ya so. Good work big boy, just remove logic and take a step backward.

  9. Rule #3: you are an asshole.

  10. I see jeans and a 45-50 degree shin rise.

  11. So many retarded people post here. Why waste your time if you're not interested in Bigfoot?

    I don't like a lot of things but I don't find blogs for things I don't like or believe in and bash the people that do.

    Just go away mother fukas!!!!!!!

    1. Just go away mother fukas!!!!!!!


    2. Totally Agree.....yet i get confused why we see clear pics of mother fukas, and not the Sas...must be because there are sooo many more mother fukas out there !!!

    3. Muthafuckas outnumber black bear three to one. -- Matt Moneyraker.

    4. well I am retarded and highly offended by your post

  12. Rule #4: Get used to the typical asshole replies when you post logic. :)

    Rule #5: Anybody?

  13. Rule #5: Agree with Rule #3 as it pi*ses them off :)

    So Rule #6: anybody?

  14. Rule #6: Have at least a sense of humor :)

    Rule #7: anybody?

    This is going to be a long thread.

  15. Rule #7: Don't pretend to know everything. If you've never seen a fox, a koala or a bush baby, don't tell me there's no bigfoot because YOU haven't seen it. You haven't seen anything. Show me the snapshots of the Giant Panda you took last week or the amazon river dolphin, then tell me how easy it is.

    1. Rule #8: Sit back and watch them squirm

      Rule #7 is like Rule #2 it doesn't exist :)))

      Rule #9: anybody?

    2. They have found living specimens and dead bodies of all of those animals you mentioned. Not once has anyone found a Bigfoot. Why would i assume that Bigfoot is real like those other animals just because I haven't seen one in person? That is simply moronic.

  16. Rule #9: Comparing people who troll Bigfoot blogs to mentally disabled people is an insult to the mentally disabled.

  17. Rule #10: Ignore peoples opinions and comments as they always feed the trolls. :)))))

  18. Rule #11: To really insult a bigfoot researcher, question their honesty, their integrity or if they purport evidence? Just call them an out and out-right lying hoaxing b*stard.

    This will normally stir up a hornets nest and result in many posts about how honest they are and how stupid you are! Some may even resort to threats or personal insults.

    Re. Rule #10: To best deal with them. :))))

  19. It wasn't the Yeti. It was Jerry Sandusky! Guard your cornhole, kids!

  20. Rule #11: Once you start a bigfoot radio show, block the 662 area code. Nobody wants Henry May calling in.

    1. get with the program bud, this should be Rule #12

  21. If you don't like my Rules...

    Give me what I want, and I'll go away....

    Whoaa there's that humor again. mmmh! not Stephen King Fans I gather :)))

  22. This is an eerie reminder of an expedition I once was on in the Cascades. It was early spring and leaf buds had just begun emerging on the trees. The fog was so thick that I could barely see the person ten feet in front of me on the trail. We were walking along a trail that was just above a creek in a deep ravine and we were trying to find a route to take us up the mountainside. Suddenly, out of nowhere I here a very audible Whoomf sound coming from down by the creek. Both persons in front of me and behind me heard it as well. We figured it was probably a bear and continued on. After walking another five minutes or so, I started hearing a crackling sound like someone or something was stepping on twigs and branches. The sound seemed to be coming from my left, about fifteen feet away, in the direction of the creek. I had been focusing on the sounds that I was hearing when I looked up to see everyone in the group had stopped ahead of me. We were stopped at a water drainage from the mountain that appeared to be a possible route to the top. We hadn't been standing there two minutes when a football sized rock came tumbling down the hillside. It rolled by and down into the creek without hitting anyone. We figured it had dislodged itself from a cliff face and rolled down from there. After discussing our route for a little longer, we decided to go uphill from there. It was a long difficult climb, but we finally made it to the top. At that altitude the fog was a lot thinner, but visibility was still less than fifty feet. After scouting around the area, two guys in the group came upon a gaping hole in the ground and called the rest of us over. There was a huge pile of feces about twenty feet from the hole. Looking down into the hole there was what appeared to be a crudely made step ladder and there were also three wire looking strands coming out of the hole. We were very curious as to what might be down in the hole. Another member of the group and I both had 45 cal sidearms so we were elected to investigate. I won't say I wasn't scared because I was downright terrified. We both mustered up the courage and descended down the rickety ladder. Upon reaching the bottom, we discovered a passageway. The wires that came out of the top of the hole ran down this passageway. We decided to plod ahead and walked for about fifty feet when we noticed that the passageway was being illuminated by a light source. Just then, we came to what appeared to be a big room. As we were standing in the doorway, we heard a deep booming voice say "can I help you?". We both about shit our pants but figured there was no turning back now. As we stepped into the room, and looked to the right, we saw Bigfoot. He was sitting in a big recliner with a big bowl of Nachos and Cheese in his lap, sitting in front of a big screen TV. Before we could say a word he said, "Oh, hey, how ya doin'? come on in, have a seat". We were confused by the total awesomeness of the situation but followed his request anyway. As we began to sit down, another Bigfoot comes in from an adjoining room and says in a stern voice "you didn't tell me we were having guests", then storms out of the room. The first Bigfoot then says, "I was gonna offer you guys a beer but it looks like she's in one of her moods so you guys better leave, sorry". Right then, we both stood up and said pleasure to meet you and were out of there in a flash. When we got back to the top, none of the others believed our story, but none of them had the nerve to enter the hole. That's my Bigfoot with satellite TV story and it's true, I swear.

    1. Would of been better with paragraphs.

      Rule #13: Use f*king paragraphs.

    2. It's just one of the many ways to annoy people like you.

    3. he sent the cable and remote to Melba for DNA testing

    4. AnonymousMonday, June 18, 2012 11:31:00 AM PDT

      "Would of been better with paragraphs."

      "Rule #13: Use f*king paragraphs."

      Use proper f**king English.Not sure if you know how to use proper contractions or maybe you just didn't go to school.

      1.) Would have = would've

      2.) Should have = should've

      3.) Could have = could've

      "would of" makes no sense.

  23. Arms too short, stride too slow, I dont know why they didnt say "WHO is that ?"instdead of "WHAT IS THAT?"
    it wasnt that interesting. In fact I could tell by the very slow stride what it was RIGHT AWAY!!!

    It was there local post man.

  24. i dont know if this is real or not but i know those kids were never in on anything, they sound very clueless & surprised, always use a tripod when trying to catch any creature on the move,

  25. I wish all these mean people would just go away and leave us to fantasize about our mythical monster.
    We KNOW they're not real, OK?!! So will you just leave us alone?

  26. Look at the kid in the pic with the orange hat, he walks like Patty. Good leg bend, swinging arms, hunched back. Coincindence?


  27. Besides the PGF we have thousands and thousands of eyewitnesses who swear they've seen sasquatches, cops, firefighters , government officials , bus drivers , teachers , entire families have seen bigfoots that is our solid evidence. No person will ever get a close enough picture or video to convince a skeptic. You ethier believe or you dont.

    1. A bit like Gods going to save us all if we only believe...I have news for you chump!! your f*ked.

  28. Not quite Patterson Gremlin, but pretty decent evidence overall.

    Bottom line, we'll have to wait and see how it plays out.

  29. And how many people have seen ghosts? sorry to piss on your parade.

  30. Ain't never seen a ghost. But I seen one of these things (or someone in a ghillie suit) out in the middle of nowhere (Sawtooth National Forest) back in '82.

    Changed my life forever. Always carry a sidearm nowadays.

    1. Guns ain't no use against ghosts bud...Use Iron, then salt and burn the b*stards.

    2. Hey, anyone ever see a sasquatch ghost?

    3. Great question...might have to combine Ghosthunters and Finding Bigpoop. Just a couple episodes if ok w/ Moneymaker.

    4. I heard a story once of one riding a silver surf board, then when I took the piss out of him he left the forum. Does that count?

  31. Did anyone involved mention the unmistakable small of rotten garbage?

  32. Thats not even a suit. Just a guy in jeans and a jacket. Safe to say its Dad or an Uncle.

  33. At least it was different than most of these videos. I suppose there is a chance it was real!


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