Joe Black Reveals Dogman Photo From 2011, Never Before Seen In Public

Dogmen are creatures that have been seen and reported by witnesses in parts of Canada and the northern United States. Some of the most compelling evidence suggesting the existence of the Dogman is known as the "Beast of Seven Chutes Photo". According to the witness who took the photograph, although what he saw was standing bipedally (similar to Bigfoot), other attributes were different. Unlike the typical Bigfoot, the creature is much shorter, only standing 5-6 feet tall.

It has an elongated snout that appears doglike as well as silver hair on its head reaching to it's shoulders. The creatures body is black and it's left arm is visible, bent at the elbow and, quite remarkably, the creature is holding a white dog.

It was dark in color but tipped silvery gray...its eyes were glittery and dark, they had no sclera or whites like a human eye in a mask would have. It's head was big, almost too big for its body. It had an elongated snout, but pointy, not rounded like a Lab's.

Back in March 27, 2011, Bigfoot researcher Scott Carpenter, while researching an area looking for stick structures, caught one of these Dogmen on video. According to Scott, he has no doubt that the Dogman is real after seeing what he saw:

I was in the public research area doing my thing. I had visited the stick shelter and worked my way to the island crossing. I was looking across to the island and filming. I also had the “back trail” camera on my shoulder filming behind me. Unknown to me at the time a dark figure was standing in the vegetation beside the thick and overgrown trail. The figure was dark brown-black and approximately six feet tall. I did not know this “thing” was behind me until I reviewed my back trail footage the week after my research visit.

To my horror about five feet behind me was standing a creature of myth! These things just do not exist, this cannot be! I replayed the video over and over. My mind did not want to process what my eyes were seeing. There was no doubt it was real. It moved several times in reaction to me turning my shoulders and when I did turn around it ducked down! I finally had to admit to myself I had HD footage of a “Dogman” less than five feet behind me!

I stepped through the footage a frame at a time. The snout clearly visible, the nostrils moving and wet as it was breathing! The right eye was plainly visible and moving! It was watching me! It could have taken me out anytime it wanted too. I had no clue it was within arms or claws reach of me!

I showed the video to some trusted friends and respected Bigfoot researchers. The reactions were mixed. Some did not want to deal with it, others were ecstatic and could not believe it. The most common comment I received was “wow, if you had a close up of a Bigfoot like that you’d be rich!, to bad it’s a Dogman”.

You can see more photos of Joe Black's Dogman at his blog. Click here.


  1. Dammit Joe,lay off the Liquid LSD 25,will ya please?

    1. Need to get Phil on this asap!

    2. I too am curious what Dr.Phil would have to say.

    3. Are you shitting me?? Did anyone go to his site to see what this guy calls evidence? Is this guy serious or is he really drugged out? His pictures make blobsquatches look like Davinci's..

    4. Drugs are bad for you,M'kay.

  2. I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand
    Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain
    He was looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook's
    Gonna get a big dish of beef chow mein

    Werewolves of London!

  3. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

  4. wait, seriously. There is nothing in that picture, is there?

    1. That's why we got to get Phil on this asap!!!

    2. Dumbass! That is obviously a photo of some vague black shape! Get your eyes checked!

    3. How can you possibly call this vague? We have obvious confirms on butt- sniffing, tree peeing and compliant leg humping. If it were more obvious it would be the elusive holy grail of dogman blobsquatches.

  5. You have to be kidding. Joebblack1963 sees bigfoot in his yard, closet, and hisn pizza delivery..

    Tired of responding about this idiot

    talk a

  6. this is why drugs are bad, this should be shown in schools as an anti drug campaign.

  7. Haha! Once again, I don't see it! Blobdog all the way! Why does this image have a copywrite? This site continues to make me scratch my head like a backwoods tweaker. Stop posting this terrible crap!

  8. I have nothing against Scott and I like his videos because of his style. I like the way he takes time to explain things and he has a very calm manner.
    I just do not see anything in this photo. I went to his blog and I had the same result with the rest of the photos. I would prefer to see this HD video he has to get some context. Cropped blurry images do nothing for me.

  9. How can you be five feet away and take such a lousy photo? I think Dogman isn't the only one who "screwed the pooch" on this one.

  10. Shapeshifters can not be photographed, just like no reflection in the mirror.

    Laugh all you want but most have no idea what they're up against here. Be careful.

    - Nigel

    1. Would you be so kind as to enlighten us as to what a real shape-shifter is?

    2. Shapeshifters aren't real, put down the D&D and grow up

    3. Not sure what D&D refers to. Also, your definition of real might be a bit restrictive in lieu of burgeoning research in physics and psychology.

      Anon 4:54 - you don't even want to know about these nasty creatures.

      Future changes in the terminology will help seperate a few of these phenom down the road. However, they are still getting lumped together as they have for years.

    4. Anon 6:37 - D&D is probably a facetious reference to Dungeons and Dragons, a fantasy role-playing game. Considering the subject matter, telling other posters to grow up because they mention shape-shifters comes across as childish. Is the subject of shape-shifters simply taboo or too esoteric to discuss openly?

    5. Esoteric? Yes, one needs a doctorate in flights of fancy dressed up with good writing to discuss the ridiculous topic of shapeshifting. What is now taboo is the act of defending Joe Black and his juvenile pareidolia.

      "There are more zeros after the decimal point in Planks constant,knuckleheads, than are dreamed of in your attempt to apply quantum physics to a half ton animal."

    6. When it comes to degrees, one would think a "B.S." would more appropriately cover what generally passes for information on this site. Thinly-veiled insults are par for the course, and a straight answer is more cryptic than the elusive creature this site purportedly seeks.

  11. Nope, can't be the Dogman. No Dogmen west of Maryland.


    1. What do you know about the East Coast? Stay west of the Rockies buddy.

  12. Joe Black Reveals blobsquatch Photo! Not dogman photo.
    Please dont post this shit unless it can be made out.
    Keith M.

  13. LOL. Shapeshifters, dogmen? Really? This is what we're reporting now? No wonder most folks don't report actual sightings of supposed bigfoot, because the ridiculous is beginning to truly take hold. That's a blurry photo, period, and could be anything. All the shrubbery in-between; could be a dog mounting another so therefore is on more-or-less, two legs.

    The crap people float out there these days is getting silly. If there is truly any kind of government conspiracy, all you're doing is helping their propaganda campaign. Thanks for making true researchers look like they're liars and con-artists.

    Yours truly,
    Fed up

  14. I find it funny that the image is branded with 'copyright'. Cause I'm sure there's a bevy of folks out there just looking to 'steal' that INCREDIBLE photo of....a dark patch.

  15. That has to be the clearest, most accurate dogman picture I have ever seen! Amazing discovery my good man.

    1. I agree! I have always wondered what the dogman looked like, and now I know. Superb!

  16. I agree with everyone else. You should have skipped thin one.

  17. They should of put a stock picture of the bigfoot chicks up.

  18. Dear lord, dogman is apparently not much bigger than a leaf. I'm thoroughly convinced that guy isn't all there.

  19. Its going to take huge ass balls,or ovaries to face this bastard and film. A sacrifice i think everyone shits there pants when they see them.My fucking camera might be shaking too. These animals could rip your head off ,and shit right through it.

    1. Reading is fundamental. This was taken by the camera Scott mounts on his shoulder to film BEHIND him. He didn't see the 'beast' until reviewing the back-cam vid later.

  20. I bet ketchum has already met johnny bobo.

  21. If it was hurting a little dog it should have been shot, not photographed

  22. All I see is a guy with a beard and a hand puppet

  23. Replies
    1. Video would let everyone in on the fact that this is shadows branches and leaves. Pareidolia at its finest. Making a still out of it enables him to claim this or that about it. Basically, the guys a lunatic who DELIBERATELY deceives a few poor saps who follow him around. If he wasn't hiding something, he'd show the video. I'm calling you out Joe Black.....I thought maybe you were just crazy and saw things because of that very fact BUT since you'really hiding something here (not showing the footage which will give it away as pareidolia) you are no better than Biscardi, Patterson and Gimlin.

    2. Yep, congratulations Scott. You are now a known hoaxer.

    3. Have to agree with 8:43 too. Since they are in the woods trying to produce, I prefer to give most researchers the benefit of the doubt. However, at some point you gotta say "This guy can't really believe this garbage is a bigfoot/dogman. Lousy hoaxer."

  24. I reckon we do have cryptid critters running around but this is just a set of pictures of a blurry whatnot. Who the hell are you trying to impress - Wiley Coyote or the Roadrunner? Why the dickens would you put us this rubbish. It does not help!

  25. "up" this rubbish. And BTW, buy a decent camera. At 5 feet even a crappy trail cam will do better than that. From someone who deploys many trail cameras, these images are just total BS. To put them up as evidence of anything is just stupid. Pixelated rubbish!

  26. Not Sasquatch . This post for other sites that are weird

  27. OK time to put on my "SquatchMaster Glasses" zzzzzzzzssssssslllltttttpppprrrrr yep just as I thought.Time to call the Squatchmaster and get the download on this one.Or maybe better yet light the Squatch Signal for Team Tazer Activate!!!!!

  28. I hope this guy is looking to become a "dogman" hunter, those fans can have him. The bigfoot world has enough of these silly pictures.

  29. Joe Black must be trolling his own community.

  30. is it just me or is everyone b.s. meter going off?

  31. who let herny out os the sanctuary?

  32. this is bullshit, whyyyyyyyyy? why do this researchers post such nonsense, he might have seen something, he believes he did, the only proof you have is a blurry picture??? really? this is pathetic, keep your blurry shit to yourselves we dont want to see pixels, we need a real picture with something legit.

  33. If you would actually read the article in the link it says that he doesn't want to release the "money shot" of the dogman until the Bigfoot DNA findings from Melba Ketchum are released ( he submitted hair samples to her for her study). On one of his previous blog posts there is a negative picture of what appears to be a canine. He assured a commenter that it is a real animal from a real picture that he captured. The pictures posted on THIS blog are blurry blob pictures of dogmen that Joe Black found while Bigfoot researching. Before you guys critically analyze a piece of evidence it is important to find background information. You must also be able to efficiently interpret what you are reading and not jump to conclusions. Good day


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