Damian Bravo From TeamTazerBigfoot Calls Out The Team of FB/FB To A Debate on The Subject of Bigfoot on The Live Extinct Podcast

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor, Damian Bravo, a Sasquatch believer. You can join Damian's group Sasquatch Lives? on Facebook and the group's official page at www.sasquatchlives.com.

In my many years looking into the enigma of Bigfoot, I have seen many people make claims of true facts on what exactly Bigfoot is, yet in the more than 3 decades since the Patterson/Gimlin not one person or scientist has been able to prove its existence. Enter Facebook Find Bigfoot crew who if I am not incorrect posted for the first time on or about September of 2006 on Facebook, This group of so called Bigfoot researchers have feed the BF community with a lot of crazy theories raging from the morphology of bigfoot to their smarter ape theory, they have created the popular breakdown videos proving that blobsquatches are undeniable proof that bigfoot exist. They even have points the confirm that what we are seeing which typically are very blurry, shaking or too far away videos of supposed BF are the proof of their smarter ape theory.

Man vs Wild, Russian Bigfoot

Wanted to remind everyone on how these so called experts where actually fooled by a 13 year old boy, reenacting a Man VS Wild episode. Here is a link to the original article posted by Shawn last year around July 2011, bigfootevidence.blogspot.com and a few excerpts from the original article.

A word of advice to TeamYin and FB/FB: Don't call everything you see a Bigfoot. In other words, don't jump the shark! You see, there was a video uploaded a few weeks ago by a 13 year old boy who had filmed his own version of "Man versus wild". During the filming, the boy ducked away from the camera for a moment, and a few seconds later, the camera catches a rock being thrown followed by a creature walking pass the camera.

When we first saw the video, it didn't have any views, 1 view to be exact. It was pretty obvious to us it was some sort of prank. We decided not to publish the video on our blog because most people can spot a hoax when they see it... that is, unless you're TeamYin of FB/FB.

An Anonymous message by someone that new the kid posted on the breakdown video that FB/FB report as being an authentic Bigfoot on video:

“Wow, you guys really reach for the stars don't you. I know the guy in the video. You are seeing a grown man in a jacket; he is wearing a white shirt. You can even see his collar line from the jacket and the shirt! Take your stupid analysis down before the boy, who I also know, gets ridiculed. He isn't deep in the forest no matter what "the brother, which is also bs", said. If you morons took the time to understand where he was then you would know this and why no Bigfoot was there. You guys are like the Barney Fife's of the Bigfoot research world and clearly you can be hoaxed easily.”

The incredible part about all this, now they have published a 3 part book claiming that they have scientific proof that not only their theories are possible but they confirm the Bigfoots are real.

Today I want to challenge the Team of FB/FB publically, to an open debate on the subject of Bigfoot on the extinct podcast; yes I throw down the gauntlet and call them out. People for years have had questions on where exactly these guys get the information to make such wild claims. Are you guys from FB/FB really doing to prove Bigfoot really exist or really doing this for entertainment value. One thing for sure, many people have gone on the FB/FB asking valid questions that have never been answered by anyone from the FB/FB team, naturally the question that do not agree or question the validity of FB/FB theories.

I have even heard rumors that someone on the team has a very high IQ, so this should be a walk in the park for you guys.

Damian Bravo

Contributing writer for:



  1. Intelligence can take you only so far, but without wisdom, you’re just a smart fool

  2. I had National Geographic quality footage of a Bigfoot that I had only showed to close friends. They almost fainted when they saw it. When I realized how disturbing it was to others I destroyed it. I would even get freaked out when I watched it.

    1. Come on, tell us the truth, the disturbing footage was really your grandmother getting out of the shower....lol

    2. So what was in the vid. How about a discription of the event? Please?

    3. i wonder if i show my elvis and pres. kennedy video i have of these two great men at the go-cart track(from 2010) if he'll go into detail?

    4. Yogi, be very, very quiet, I'm hunting snipes!

  3. lol, nicely done , such is the standard excuse for the lack of decent footage

  4. Should be an interesting debate. Do let us know if anything "confirms on."

  5. I keep hearing about the one goof. I have seen a couple others that I wasn't very impressed with.
    Were there more (BIG) goofs on thier (FB/FB) behalf?

    But to be completely honest, I think there analysis is better than anyone else's.

    I my self got busted on two. One was a hoax, and one was an honest misidentification.

    I'll even fess up so the trolls have meat!

    When I hadn't yet looked at a lot of vids, I ran across the Ben Matine story. MAN THEY GOT ME FOR A COUPLE HOURS. I finally tracked up something that gave it up as a hoax. You know the old saying, too good to be true. This is now why I don't buy Standings stuff! Looks a little alike.

    The other one was the Panoramic Outdoor film made in Canada. I forget the name, but they had accidentally filmed a crew member on a quad. Until they could get a hold of the crew, and blow it up, it looked like a conical head moving to fast for a human. WELL, NOT IF THEY WERE ON A QUAD.

    So do we have to be COMPLETLY perfect???

    Lawyars practice law
    Doctors practice medicine
    Science experiments, and expects failure.
    NASA cracked up two space shuttles
    Obama ---- oh never mind, I'd be here all night!

    I mean I think it sucks when people hoax, But how good at analysis of this do you have to before the hoard screams, OFF WITH THIER HEAD!

    How many of you were screaming HORSE at MK's recent vid. Still may not be a squatch, BUT IT DAMN SURE WASN'T A HORSE OR A GUY ON A BIKE, ha ha ha ha ha?

  6. Bigfoot does not exist.

  7. Fat Bravo calling out someone? LOL this guy tried to hoax Fatsano!

    1. Lmao, you're obviously an idiot and have it twisted. Fasano AND Dyer tried to hoax Bravo. I mean come on, Bravo OR Dyer and Fasano? My money's on Dyer and Fatsano all day every day. If you can't figure that one out, please, don't breed.

    2. Fasano: "For the record, I didn't see what he saw" and "was it wearing blue jeans?"

      Lmao, why the fuck would that moron even say things like that in the video? Dead giveaway about what really happened that day.

    3. Bravo still hasn't shown his PROOF that he was hoaxed by Fasano. But he "thinks" he was... because Fasano stepped away to take a piss. That what makes Bravo such a joke when HE screams for proof from everybody else.

      And yet again, he demonstrates his arrogance and ignorance by not getting help from a proofreader before he blows off. Stupid wannabe tough guy.

  8. You shood call out that looser libtard sean four a debate!!!!!!?//???!!!! debate sean ---------- you ------------- looosers!!!!!!!!

  9. The guys from FB/FB aren't who they claim to be. Find their real identities and you will get to the bottom of their story.

    1. Whoa! This suddenly got very interesting!

    2. The problem is they both have a boat load of money and have made it very clear that they will sue any of us who have had the misfortune to get to know them if we would reveal their real names.

      I'll just say this though; they are driven to get their own footage of a squatch and don't seem care how they get it, who they have to lie to do so, or what means they'll use to get it, legal or illegal. I don't know of many people who've dealt with them personally who haven't been burned by them, especially by Mr. "Jack Barnes."

  10. The FAIL is Damian thinking anybody gives a rat's ass about his opinion.


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