Could Bigfoot Be The Killer/Kidnapper on the "Highway of Tears" in British Columbia?

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor, Damian Bravo, a Sasquatch believer. You can join Damian's group Sasquatch Lives? on Facebook and the group's official page at

So many strange disappearances have occured on a stretch of highway that covers 837 miles in the state of British Columbia Canada, mostly involving women or children. Few roads on earth are more dramatically breathtaking than Canada’s Highway 16. The lonely highway stretches east-west through British Columbia, winding its way through snow peaks, bustling mill towns, and a remote and lonely wilderness that feels as if it has been lost in time. No one knows what or who exactly is to blame for the missing and dead. Canadian Mounty police in some cases believe it is the work of a serial killer, yet more than 3 decades have passed without any luck. Even a special task force has been formed and a Canadian government inquiry was opened regarding why so many women ranging in age from children to adults have either been killed or have never been found.

Recently, in May of 2011, another young woman disappeared never to be seen again. A 20-year-old female vanished near what has come to be known as the Highway of Tears. The young girl was last seen at 3 a.m. on the night of May 27, 2011 at Hogsback Lake, a very popular camping and party spot. The camp site is located about 15 miles south of the young woman’s small town of Vanderhoof. A few days after the young lady went missing police found her belongings, tent, and pickup truck at the campsite, but no sign of the young woman was ever found and search parties came up empty handed after several days.

The young girls fate appears to be the latest in a more than three-decade-long period during which numerous women have been killed or gone missing near three of B.C.’s northern highways, most prominently Highway 16. Canada is a country where murder is rare (610 homicides in 2009, compared to the United States’ 13,636), so it is interesting that it would have so many murders and missing persons. While the Royal Canadian Mounted Police say the number of missing and dead totals 18, aboriginal leaders in the area say the real number is much higher, around 43.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police believe that Highway 16 is possibly the trolling ground of a serial killer (or killers). Others put the blame on truck drivers who regularly haul timber and other resources through the remote communities. According to the RCMP statistics in 2011, 10 of the 18 apparent victims lived in remote aboriginal communities and use hitchhiking as a possible means of travel.

In 2011 Chris Freimond, a spokesperson for the Canadian government-funded Missing Women Commission of Inquiry stated; “Whether it is one person or whether it is a few individuals, it is really open to speculation. “It could just be that some sick people up there realize that women hitchhiking alone are easy pickings. Towns are far apart and there are long stretches of road. Sometimes the radio fades out and there is no cell service. There are logging roads off every highway. If someone has bad intentions, you will find a victim. Someone can go off and drive for an hour and throw a body into a ravine and they would never be found.” The commission held informal hearings about the disappearances and murders that happened during the month of May of 2011.

As of June of 2012 the ongoing and in depth RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] investigation has not created any new leads on the cases of the missing and murdered woman, except for a report from April of 2011, when police distributed a sketch of an elderly man who attempted to kidnap a 20-year-old woman at a location near Highway 16, but the man was never found. The first documented case of a missing or murdered victim was of a young woman 27 years of age in 1969.

Some residents of the many communities near the so called “Highway of Tears” worry that the same may happen to other woman and have taken upon themselves to post warning signs for women to be cautious when traveling highway 16.

On Feb. 5, 2002 a local man from Vancouver name Robert Pickton was arrested and charged as the prime suspect of 27 murders which include some of the murders of this mystery. While in jail Pickton admitted that he had killed over 49 women. It is interesting that even after his capture the murders and missing women reports continued and still remain unresolved. Many hope that whoever or whatever is doing things is captured or stopped.

I also found an interesting article written in the summer of 2000 about Sasquatches in British Columbia by Dr. John Bindernagel, which talked about a few of the reports of over 200 possible sightings of Bigfoots. So it is not surprising that many would try to make a connection to Bigfoot and this mystery with so many reports of Bigfoot sightings since the early 70’s in the vicinity of highway 16 and other highways in British Columbia. The Canadian Royal Mounted Police finds Bigfoot as the answers to the unsolved cases of these victims as ridiculous.

Here is a link to Dr. Bindernagel’s article 2000 from BFRO:

One thing for sure, with so many unanswered questions some people are starting to believe that something else is responsible for many of the missing or murdered girls. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing investigations, the details of events of the missing and causes of death and have not been made public. The Canadian police still believe it is the work of one or more serial killer.

Damian Bravo

Contributing writer for:


  1. The FBI was even called in on this case but no leads, no suspects. But as for Sasquatches as a possible involvement is highly unlikely as there are no reports of them around that area of B.C that I know of!

    1. You must not have read the entire article. You must have missed the part where it talked about many Sasquatch reports in the vicinity of Highway 16 and surrounding areas.

    2. yeah but the bfro's reports are bs!!

    3. Thats a really informed statement. Ever read some of the reports on BFRO? Some of the best stories of sasquatch sightings Ive ever read or seen. Before you say something like that, pull your head out of your ass and do your research

    4. It doesnt matter what the BFROs stories on their website say, they havent found Bigfoot and they never will.

      Well, so much for the big Govt coverup...even the ridiculous mounties think squatch is a joke

    5. Maybe aliens, dragons, trolls under the bridge?

    6. Oh shut the fuck up Timmy, you little whine bag. I'm so tired of seeing you whine every fucking day that bigfoots not real. Does it really affect you if people want to believe there's a bigfoot? No it doesn't. So why does it bother you so much? For some people its a hobby and it gives them the chance to be outside in the woods. Get over yourself, if people want to believe they're going to anyway, and your douchebag opinion isn't going to change that.

    7. ever think its just a gorilla...or a bear...theres videos of black bears in zoos walking on there hind legs..and even running....probobly just seeing a bear

    8. Just wanted to weigh in on the "yeah but the bfro's reports are bs!!" statement. I have a report there from 08' that is anything but bs. I'll admit that I couldn't care less who believes it or finds it credible but back then it was where to go with reports as far as I was concerned. I've since learned to keep my experiences off of the internet.

      Not in anyway a fan of the bfro but its where I took my experience. I was even asked to be on their ridiculous television show but had to decline. Cheers

    9. bears do not run while upright on their hind legs, well maybe yogi and boo boo bear do.

  2. There are probably more Sasquatches in BC than almost anywhere. Canada isn't as densely populated as the states, so it makes sense that Sasquatch sightings are low. Not saying they had anything to do with those poor victims, but if they know they can hide so easily from detection what's to stop a rouge BF from snatching a few people.

  3. Cheap article using the death of young innocent girls to push this clowns ego and belief in Bigfoot. The only time you mention bigfoot is in the last paragraph and you use phrases like "some people believe" , who Damian, who apart from you believes this shit.

    I mean with a headline like this, to an article with subject matter like this, you really don't address the point your trying to make.

    1. Have to agree, glosses over the convicted suspect as well as the elderly. Sounds like Paulides 411.

    2. In Response Anonymous 3:49AM, 5:01AM, & 5:16AM:

      The possible Bigfoot connection, which by the way Damian does not say he personally believes, would have made little sense had Damian not first given the background to the murders/disappearances. The article was clearly and merely food for thought.

      Further, Damian points to an article by a Dr. Bindernagel regarding Sasquatch sightings in British Columbia, and follws by stating "it is not surprising that many would try to make a connection to Bigfoot and this mystery." Again, Damian never states this is his personal belief, nor does he state a connection as fact.

      The article is merely food for thought for those interested in the subject of Sasquatch.

      ~Joe M.~

    3. Yeah, what Joe M. said. Idiots.

    4. Yeah, that just goes to show how stupid people can take things out of context.

    5. ++ Same Anon as 3:49 ++


      Interesting reply and something to think about but in all honesty I would have to disagree with you. For an article with the headline:

      "Could Bigfoot Be The Killer/Kidnapper on the "Highway of Tears" in British Columbia?"

      I don't think it addresses the point of the headline. I think thats its very vague in the last paragraph were he trys to tie Bigfoot to the tragedy written in the rest of the article, which seems to be based on fact.

      In my opinion this cheapens and uses the tragic deaths of these people to get some views for his belief in BF. Just my opinion

      I have a very keen interest in Bigfoot and enjoy following this website but I don't agree with this.


    6. All opinion-based, leading, unscientific journalism should be outlawed, particularly when the subject is a non-existent being responsible for murder. What a joke.

    7. Hey Timmy didn't someone already tell you to shut the fuck up? Your an ignorant prick who flaps his gums and no one gives a shit, and by the way how are you going to prove something is non-existent just because someone can't in your eyes prove it is existent, you can't so quit talking bullshit and stick your head back up your ass where it belongs

  4. "Many hope that whoever or whatever is doing things is captured or stopped." Damian never fails to deliver the obvious. Who wants to see more gruesome murders?

  5. Funny how there was a similar topic on Coast2Coast Am the other night by NABIGFOOT.COM

    1. That would be David Paulides talking about his book Missing 411, in an interview with George Knapp, who I think does a tremendous job filling in from time to time. David does not point the finger at Bigfoot, but does seem to imply that some could be the work of Sasquatch when many eventual remains are found in locations very far removed in areas that are darn near impossible to get to for the average hiker. So many people go missing in the National Forest under very mysterious circumstances and the forest service can be quite reluctant to provide much information on these victims according to Paulides.


    2. I've read both of the Mssing 411 books. Anyone with even a slightest interest in BF or missing persons cases needs to read them. Everything in them is based on real police reports, news articles, witness testimony, etc.

    3. knapp & noory rule the airwaves!

    4. JustMe:

      I'd love to read them, but how the hell do i get them? Amazon says they're out of print.

    5. i went to barnes and noble and the broad looked at me like i was a killer. they didn't have them either. i like how they said they don't even find dudes boots. and he said that some of the dead bodies were all bushed up and carried over mountains for miles. that one reminds me of robert ostman who said when he was kidnapped that the sasquatch carried him for miles. i bet there is something to this people. just like all humans aren't nice you would think that there is some nasty sassy's living out there. oh yea, what about this some of these people were carring side-arms. you would think that they had to have been snuck up on by a bad mama jamma like those sassy's are known to be so stealthy and animal quiet. i don't know but what if people, what if?

    6. "knapp & noory rule the airwaves!"

      George Noory f'ing sucks

    7. You gotta order them through North American Bigfoot Search. It's all secure, VeriSign, don't worry about it. I bought 'em a couple weeks ago and they arrived Monday. That's shipping across all of North America and then some. Might not be the most professional operation, but they're not a scam.

    8. "knapp & noory rule the airwaves!"

      "George Noory f'ing sucks"

      you f'ing suck you filthy pig. got catch swine flu.

  6. Nah, it's just a crazy Canadian. They're awfully strange up there. I guess being our red headed step children pushes some of them over the edge.

    1. yah, the stepchild? better education, free healthcare and way more sasquatches... tough to be us, the whole world doesnt hate us either ....

    2. you forgot the AAA credit and top 5 banking systems in the world, You fcktards have destroyed your own economy...lyin fckn warmongering greedy pricks that run your government should be charged as war criminals....

    3. I dont actually dislike americans, those Duck commander guys rock....its just they ones like you that rip on others in hope to make yourself look

    4. And y'all use money called loonies and toonies,that say's it all in a nut shell.Don't y'all drive U.S. cars? How's that space program going on in Canada?Oh that's right,y'all hitch a ride with the U.S.The only thing y'all got going good is the health system.I will give you that.

    5. You're an idiot 8:24. Most "American" cars are made in Mexico because American car manufacturers can pay lower wages.
      Keep shopping at WalMart too.Most of that crap comes from China.
      Space program? You mean the bucket of bolts with the technology of a calculator? Yup, you guys have an awesome space program...oh, that was scrapped, probably because your last moronic president declared war on phantom terrorists.
      At least we still have rights here. We don't have the MCA or the Patriot Act.
      Get your head out of your a$$.
      YOU are the stereotypical American that everyone hates.

    6. im an american and when i read the space program thing, i checked the date of his comment, saw the date and said to myself "what an idiot". but our space program is the best in the world. we lost funding to ours because going to the moon and back doesnt make much sense. ill bet you (the canadian) that you would hitch a ride with the US over Russia, China and India. Americans arent stupid and if you think your banking systems are any different or you will be spared whats going on in the EU and America your foolish. these people destroying economies arent from a specific country. they want a 1 world currency note that will make large armies powerless because they (the bankers) will have full control of all money. i love canada, hockey, i have a canadian as a best friend and im a bruins fan so i hate the canucks. but good luck

  7. has more than you probably want to know about this degenerate. Many of this whackos victims were prostitutes, a very dangerous profession. Runaways and the homeless are also common targets, so when you are in an area that these unfortunates frequent, you are in a hunting ground.

  8. Damian is nuttier than two Zagnut Bars tied to his testicles.

    1. I really have to agree. Here lately he has come up with some crazy stuff.I guess he's just stretching to put something out.

  9. Well these bloggers who don't even do research are running out of things to write about....

  10. Do not hitch hike. Camp with group. Stay together.

    Do above and no more tears.

  11. Do not hitch hike - Camp in a group - Stay together
    no matter what the cost.

    Do these things and less problems

  12. I'm thinking it's likely a serial killer

  13. What a disrespectful trash article.

    1. How is this article trashy and disrespectful?

      It's in no way trashy and it helps inform readers of the dangers of hitchhiking and being alone in the wilderness not only in Canada but as well as the U.S.

    2. Because it sensationalizes the deaths of woman and children to benefit the belief of Bigfoot.

    3. It's the writing I find distasteful. It reads like a 5th grade book report.

    4. Agreed. How sad and pathetic one must be to fantasize about fictional creatures killing real women. Disturbing.

    5. I also found it offensive. Imagine your teenage daughter was murdered and found raped and stabbed in a remote ditch and someone said to you "hey maybe bigfoot killed your daughter."

    6. Totally agree!!

      Offence, distasteful, disrespectful.

      And poorly written. Maybe if he gave any reason or argument for what the headline states maybe i could see the point in this but he doesn't. Shame on him !!!


    7. its fckn stupid, some sick fukker is preying on women and this blog seems its ok to sling this shit, this blog has become a joke. mightas well have daily FATSANO and SNOWWALKER GRIME and DYER articles daily

  14. This is only distasteful if you don't think bigfoot is possibly involved. Notice also the women are missing... are we to understand bodies have not been found?

  15. Wow. What an offensive article. The bigfoot nonsense is all fun and games as long as you're talking about blobsquatches and pancakes, but please, don't involve real-life tragedies into your delusional hobbies. It's pathetic.

  16. no way. Did that cop just say a body can be thrown somewhere in the woods and we could never find it? police going out and looking for bodies in a forest and dont end up finding them.

    why is it hard to believe we havent found bodies of another hominid if we dont even bother looking?

    1. Ummm, because we have found the bodies of victims in the woods before, even in the "acidic soil" of the pacific northwest, Green River's victims were discovered, some after years....

      it kills that entire "Bigfoot remains are eaten away by the soil and environment" excuse completely.

  17. First of all, British Columbia isn't a STATE. If you want people to take you seriously you have to stop doing shit like that. It makes you look uneducated. British Columbia is a province. Second of all, Sasquatch didn't kill a bunch of girls on a highway. No one has proved he existence of the animal yet so why are we even talking about the inane possibility it could have killed a bunch of hitch hiking girls on the highway?

    1. Because it is a case that has been unsolved for 30+ years. At this point, anything is possible

    2. Would you say that to one of the missing girls parents??? Doubt it, because they would probably bitch slap you harder than any BF would. And rightly so....


    3. big f-deal i was at your favorite province and the young people are totally out of their minds on drugs. i'd rather chase a creature that you say dosen't exist than stay in the city with those doped up liberal punks. we went camping and i didn't feel safe in b.c. let alone up in canada period. there's something going on up in that vancouver/b.c. area that just ain't right. those idiot's make san fransisco look like f-ing pre-school. just for the record we didn't see any squatches. but we did see a liberal city that made me homesick.

    4. You obviously dont know where to go to have a nice, quiet and tranquil camping trip around vancouver, cause I have them all the time..........but to be honest, I'm glad you don't know where to go, thats what keeps them tranquil.

    5. love usa you are a complete and utter reeeetard. the drugged up kids here have the 4th best educational scores in the world. USA is 27th. We might smoke and grow good weed here but there isnt a crack dealer on every block...go back to your ghetto, you cant afford to live here anyway

  18. Nice piece basically just riding on the coattails of Paulides who was on w/ Knapp couple days ago. Not sure if that was intentional or not.

    Sounds like the work of another Gary Ridgway (Green River Killer in WA State) who's victims likely approach 100. Nobody knows exactly.

    BC already has Robert Pickton (Pig Farmer Killer), although I'm not too familiar with him. Both crazy mofos...Silence of the Lambs caliber.

    Not sure if Biggie is the culprit here.

  19. An article from "The Daily Beast", dated July 2011, written by Christine Pelisek.
    "It’s against this ruggedly beautiful backdrop that people are disappearing, the most recent in late May, when 20-year-old Madison Scott vanished near what has come to be known as the Highway of Tears. Scott was last seen at 3 a.m. on the night of May 27 at Hogsback Lake, a popular camping and party spot, about 15 miles south of her small town of Vanderhoof. A few days after Scott went missing, police found her tent and pickup truck at the campsite, but there was no sign of the young woman. Search parties came up empty handed."
    Your college professor might have something to say to you about plagiarism.

    1. Haha ahhh man that's embarrassing for him....

  20. First of all, British Columbia is a PROVINCE, not a State.
    There are a lot of strange people on this planet so my guess is that deranged person or persons are responsible for the deaths and disappearances of these women. Attributing anything like this to Sasquatch is a stretch. Even suggesting it is a stretch.
    No disrespect, but I would have left this one alone.

  21. All BF.s are tagged,, this started after young males were killing people for food or as a mate. [about 1961] not sure. were bears are found with there lower jar removed is point to look for.
    sorry all.

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  35. Odd that in the same area of SW Ontario where many believe Timbergiantbigfoot makes his videos, there is a similar history. In fact, a book was published on all the missing people from that area, believed to be the work of serial killers. The author looks at open cases left by a deceased detective who worked the area several decades ago - I believe the 1940-50s. At the time the detective believed as many as as 6 serial killers were active in London, Ontario, but could get no help solving the crimes. Interestingly, TGBF even made a vid about remains recovered by a structure in his research location, that lay there 25 years. Then, and still, London is a relatively small forested community of 200,000 people. Odd that in Genesis it reads: "and there were Giants (nephilim)in the Earth in those days and before, when the sons of the gods "came into" the daughters of men." I have speant decades reading alternative translations, and for that passage, one alternate translation for 'came into" or "married" from Strong's Biblical Concordance, is indeed... "FORCIBLY ABDUCTED") Here's the article link < > Brett Allen - Cover UFO Magazine 2009

  36. The author should change two things in the article. British Columbia is a province, not a state and the higway is 679 miles long from Jasper Alberta to Prince Rupert BC.

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