Bob Heironimus Wasn't The Only "Man In The Suit" [P/G Film]

Editor’s Note: Jonathan Poulsen has been researching the Sasquatch since 2008, but really involved himself heavily in 2011. He has since devoted his life to the near impossible challenge of verifying the existence of the Sasquatch. Shawn refers to him as the Bigfoot encyclopedia.

Due to a new trailer from world-renowned Bigfoot hoaxer C. Thomas Biscardi, some people are talking about Bob Heironimus and his alleged involvement in the Patterson-Gimlin "hoax". What alot of the Bob Heironimus advocates don't want to admit is that several other people have claimed to be the man in the "suit".

1.) Mrs. Ray Wallace: During that ridiculous scandle in 2003 that Ray Wallace faked every single Bigfoot track ever found, many newspapers wrote that the Patterson-Gimlin film was filmed by Ray himself, and that his wife was in the suit.

2.) Jerry Romney: Former ANE employee Clyde Reinke said during an interview for the FOX program 'The World's Greatest Hoaxes' that Romney claimed several times that he was the man in the suit. Romney denied this allegation.

3.)(Names unknown): Cliff Barackman met someone on the Smith River a few years ago who claimed he was the man in the suit.

Although these people may be different in terms of personality, they all have one thing in common: they have not provided any proof (or even evidence for that matter), that they were indeed in the "suit".

New Documentary Threatens To Debunk Patterson-Gimlin Footage


  1. It wasn't a human in the suit, it wasn't a suit!!!! If you measure where the elbows on Patty meet the hips, there is only a few inches difference and no human is built like that. Humans have almost a foot between the elbows & the hips, Mr. fat sack who claims to be the one also has around a foot, so it can not be him either. Until we find a man who's elbows almost meet his hips, I have to rule out the hoax story!!!

  2. wrong, that measurement has been proven to based on one misleading frame, if you take a human skeleton it fits easily inside if it was a suit. There is a gif floating around that claims the elbow is lower than it actually is, I don't know if Patty is real or not, but the elbow argument has been debunked

    1. But could a human skeleton walk? Unless it's wired together it's just a pile of bones. Unless it's a robo-skeleton. Like a terminator.

      I can't believe you think Patty is a terminator in a suit.

    2. That made about as much sense as a Fasano in a gym. You can easily rig that suit to look real with a human inside. The elbow theory won't help you

    3. every respected scientist has reviewed this film FRAME by FRAME and recreated the walk, skeletal structure, etc. time and time again. One common finding they all have: It could not be a human being wearing a suit. To the anonymous who said that the film was "debunked" by elbow measurements, please produce the article or website with this information.

    4. The elbow argument's never been debunked all of Patty's arm bones are visibly longer than any man's as is her torso. This Bob guy's a normal built looking guy and very compact no way he's Patty instead it's local Yakima jealousy and small town glory this is about, not the truth since none of these jerks involved believe in bigfoot anyway.

  3. Well i guess we should ask the profesionals like alex (midnight walker) arla williams,thom cantrell,these are all people who have seen them countless times(according to them)and they should have no problems identifying the real thing or not..i dont know why you guys argue back in forth when we have these real experts out there who can give you the real answer right now..just check any blogtalk show and you can find them

  4. So no other person reasonably claimed to be the man in the suit? Reporters made the claim on Mrs.Wallace's behalf, reinke made the claim for Romney, and I would bet over the decades more than a few told a researcher "I was the guy in the film" with no supporting evidence. I would not bet the farm on his truthfulness, but the fact is there is but 1 whose claim is worthy of scrutiny.

    1. Yep. Sorry Jonathan, but those are three unreliable accounts since none are first-person.

  5. I just realized something. A few months ago, during a debate, MITT Romney compared something to believing falsely in Bigfoot. His cousin, JERRY Romney, was once accused of being the man in the suit. Hmmmm. Maybe Mitt knows something we don't? Lol. BTW, I am TOTALLY CONVINCED P/G is REAL

  6. This argument will continue til we have a body for everyone to view. I still can't believe that people think this is a hoax. Really? Can no one see the muscle definition in the thighs and back? Plus back in that time era it was a man's world and Bigfoot would have been thought of as a male. I'm sure when people talked about seeing one they would say something like,"HE was one big som' bitch!" or "I seen HIM with my own two eyes!"
    If anyone would have tried to hoax it, they wouldn't have ever thought to slap some titties on the suit to make it a female. No way. I think it's legit. The video quality sucks. Could you imagine if we would have had an HD camera back then. It'd be case closed for sure.

    1. Good point. Another theory floating around at the time was that there was only one Bigfoot.

    2. Very good point about it being "a man's world" back then.

    3. I can see a female sketch Patterson had drawn just prior to the footage. I can see the block left foot in the footage. I can't see any ass flexing or even moving which is mind blowing and impossible if its a real creature. I can see the entire ass section shifting though just as you'd expect padding to do near the infamous frame. I can see horizontal lines at both hips, indicating the material scrunching up. Furthermore Patterson was a known conman. End of story. Yeah, they just happened upon a Bigfoot, yep, right when he was out of money filming the documentary. Fools.


    4. I've been pointing out the abscence of butt movement for years.. Heck that alone should end the arguement.. Can't have an uncovered butt (except for hair)that just sits below the back like a pillow can we?

  7. Why beat the dead cat sort of speak when it comes to this subject or any one of the Old guys? And why repost this copied crap by anyway,let's see some original stuff not some rewrite by some kid.What is this field coming to ,guess it will be like "Return of the Living Dead" meets Doogie Houser.Read enough books and you can call yourself an expert or let's just call little Johnny "Dr" Jack Bendernagel. Add him to the Team of know it alls like Bravo and Shawn and the rest of those morons who never get out of their back yard.

  8. tom bioscartti is a clown, literary. he travels with a clown horn. and blows it too.....

    he reminds me of that crab captian that died. maybe he should be put out to sea...

  9. Guys according to BH this is a helmet and horse hair...
    END OF STORY....

  10. If the PG is a real BF then it may have been the last one?! 50 years later no one has produced a suit or images of someone "suiting up" to pull off this supposed hoax?! If Patty was real, She's long dead by now and any chance of seeing her again is gone if its a fake...honestly, who cares?! Its given all of us, believer or not, hours of great discussion and fun!? For anyone who wants to bitch about it...get off your ass, get into the woods and try to find one yourself...if you've never looked or even tried then please shut the hell up!?!
    Humboldt County,CA
    Bigfoot Country USA

  11. bob hieronimus is the only one that claims he HIMSELF was the one in the suit and the only one with supporting evidence, case closed bf dreamers.

  12. Bob H never supplied anything other than his word that he was in the "suit". In other words, meaningless. Any suit shown to the "suit" has been made after the fact and to look like the PGF. Any close inspection of any "suit" today will show materials not in existance in 1967. No Proof No Story.

    1. He passed two polygraphs. Now, here's the strange part. I don't believe BH was in the suit, I believe it was Romney.

    2. Gimlin has never taken one. Patterson did though.

  13. Uh,what's with the strange avatar, Jonathan? Did the Saw movies inspire you?

  14. Bob H is full of suit. Oh sorry, that was supposed to be an "h" not a "u";)

  15. Bob H took and second passed a polygraph test on live television. See it on YouTube. It's a fake. End of story.

    1. Ted bundy passed one too...retard. polygraphs can be cheated so easily. All it does is measure your heartrate. Have you ever lied and not gotten nervous? There you go. Sorry debunker, youve been debunked

    2. The inventor of the polygraph machine called it a Frankenstein's monster.

  16. The movie planet of the apes was in theaters one year later . The suit looks very similar . Patterson was a hoaxer every one who knew him will tell you this . He also worked with the same guy who hoaxed the frozen caveman side show . But you nitwits will beleave his story and film over the others in this film who were there and eye wittiness to it . They have nothing to gain . It's all a hoax from the beginning

    1. Yes . That's why there is nothing else ever seen on film . And bf has a big square ass ? And is slow and not at all elusive or nocturnal seems completely opposite

    2. You can bet your sweet ass it was Romney. BOOK IT!

  17. Patterson drew a picture of his encounter and published it in a book 1 year before the encounter happened. Not only that, but he copied the drawing from an older bigfoot drawing. The whole story is fake. Patty looks like a guy in a suit. There is no muscle flexing. You can clearly see its a suit if only you clear your mind of the belief fog;( i dont know if sasquatch is real, but if they are, patty aint one of them.
    Check out bill munns clear patty pics and also sweaty yetis "analysis" of the patty pics on the BFF. Whilst they are trying to prove patty is real, it was them that proved patty was fake to me, with all those clear clise ups, you can really see suit details that were harder to see in the grainy original. I went from a sorta believer to a patty skeptic. No, not a skeptic, im a KNOWER. Its a guy in a suit. Most probably it is bob. He walks just like patty as well.

    1. Amazing that you could find fabrications and flaws that several scientific studies and a costume expert did not find.
      BH is a genius as he also "shifted" his IM index for the

    2. Several costume makers? Like bill munns? How about evry other costume maker in the biz who say its fake? Scientific studies? Yes, by bleeverz. Thats like asking A creationist evangelist preacher to study evolution. Of course they will miss obviouse tell tale signs in order to support bleef. Roger patterson drew a picture of his encounter(that he stole) 1 year before he suppsedly had it. Bleevers like to omit out the backstory of the hoax and just focus on the film. The film, to me, clearly show a guy in a suit. This was made clear to me by bill munns and sweaty yetis gifs and pics. You can clearly see a suit.

      Patty fits human proportions. No im index changing needed. You are letting belief and faith blind you. I am sorry.

    3. Well Ladies and Gents, I have had the privilege of working with Dr Michio Kaku, I'm sure you have all seen him on TV...I would rank him in the top 3 smartest people on the plant....And he not only says it's possible...but said that when he was younger he even had an encounter himself...Just something to chew on...Dn't believe me, email him yourself, he will respond.

    4. Sy what you will, I just can't agree, if it was a person in a costume,e it was glued to his skin & he was able to bend his knee 90 degrees without shouting in pain.

  18. "....some people are talking about Bob Heironimus and his alleged involvement in the Patterson-Gimlin "hoax". What alot of the Bob Heironimus advocates don't want to admit is that several other people have claimed to be the man in the "suit"."

    Wow, one other person is named, who denies that he ever said he was the man in the suit; and someone else quotes an unnamed person who claims that he was in the suit. If anyone thinks that that is overwhelming evidence against Heironimus' claim, they are lying to themselves.

    And if the fact that Heironimus has never provided solid evidence that it was him inside the suit is evidence that he wasn't in the suit. Then the same measure applies to everyone who claims to have encountered, photographed or videoed Bigfoot, but adds no solid evidence of their encounter must also be lying.

  19. Bob H and a guy named Philip Morris made a video of Bob in another suit they made. In this video they attempt to prove that it was Bob in a suit in the PG film. If you watch this video I believe they do prove one thing, they could not have been involved in any type of hoax, ever. His attempt to mimic the subject of the film is a joke, it actually looks ridiculous. These a holes could not fool anybody except themselves as far as a convincing Bigfoot goes. You really have to see this video if you are a proponent of their story. After that, you may still believe that the subject is a guy in a suit but you will not believe that it was that guy in a suit.

  20. Great point. I myself just find it funny that most of the arguments against the P/G film have more to do with Pattersons character or Heronimus' supposed honesty than with what is actually ON THE FILM. that's because even the most hardened skeptic knows that this was IMPOSSIBLE for two simple cowboys to create. I have seen THREE Hollywood fx PROS say this would have been nearly impossible for the best fx people to create back in 1967.

    1. Exactly...Morris claims to have made the "suit" but still anyone who has ever work in Hollywood will tell you ...You can't just put a suit on, it takes a TEAM of make up artist, and several hours of preperation...all of which P/G did not have the money for.

  21. Let me first say (because I know you are reading this Tom) anything you are involved with is dirty....If this is the case, you have just proved to the world that anything and everything you have ever claimed about BigFoot is a lie....Folks when you see anything with the name Biscardi attached to can be 100% for sure it is a SCAM !!!

  22. Tom is the dirtiest of them all!

    It's sad that he's involved, but remember he didn't discover any of this~~~as usual he's just trying to capitalize on it~~~this time with the unscrupulous flip flopper John L Johnsen. It's not a massacre any more ~ it's just fake ~ But I can still make a dime off it?

    Johnsen is just as dirty as Tom B ~ Next they will be having M.K. say it's fake too.

    BTW: Allegedly Johnsen stole info off of Blevins computer, then only paid Blevins $350 (apx) for his hard work.

    Now Biscardi and Johnsen will take all the credit that belongs to Blevins and the Pilot Keith Chiazzari, for finally coming forward (even after Johnsen allegedly blackmailed/threatened him): See the email on Cryptomundo.

    SAD! But don't give these guys any credit or publicity, unless it's to call them dirty. Remember these two are happy with any publicity~even BAD~so don't give them any!

  23. BTW: what about Jim McClarin he walked the path in the suit for John Green~it is said?

  24. If it was just a man in a suit then would the horses have gotten spooked like they did when Bob and Roger first came upon it?

  25. If it was just a man in a suit then would the horses have gotten spooked like they did when Bob and Roger first came upon it?

  26. These were the days... when comments weren't ALL douchebags...

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  28. bob h. has changed has changed his.story 3 times about the origin of the suit. It went from Patterson making it out of a dead stinking horse to this morris guy selling it as a professional made gorrilla suit. Thats a huge change to his story..wonder why he changed his story..first of all he's made the story up. morris and bob h.are frauds of the worst kind!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Pretty clear these men are just out for $$ and the publicity that comes w/ it. I don't know if BG if real, but I know that human greed is alive and well. Wether the Patterson film is real or not will likely never be solved, but it seems to be an endless money pit for anyone who can 'seem' credible enough to make some. They could say it's real & here's why or go reverse & say it's a hoax & here's why because people eat this stuff up when it's put into a decent show/doc on TV. Personally, from all I've seen I think it's possible, but maybe not so probable, that there is a type of giant ape that's adapted to the N. American climates. There's simply too many sightings & encounters reported, over the years, to think it's nothing. Even American Indians tell of long ago battles w/ Sasquatch over territory. And after all, we continue to find species(tasmanian tiger) we didn't think existed or were thought extinct, though, not usually in an environment where they don't belong. Is Bigfoot real...


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