Wow! Florida Retired Wildlife Officer Gives Enough Detail Of Bigfoot To Make You Doubt It Was a Bear
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Sketch done showing scale of witness to animal |
Credible witnesses are hard to come by, but when they do, their story is usually very detailed and convincing. If someone credible like a wildlife officer, who has worked with animals like bears for a living tells you it wasn't a bear that he saw, you have to believe him.
On February 21, 2012, while driving on a back country heavily wooded road in Ocala Florida, a retired wildlife officer had a close encounter with a Bigfoot from about 50 feet. The witness said the creature appeared to be walking on the knuckles of his front arms like a primate. The creature was built like an athlete and it had a massive chest that narrowed to a noticeable waist. The animal had no muzzle, "more of a face with no cone shaped head". According to the BFRO investigator, David Bakara, the witness has worked with and is "VERY" familiar with bear and primates and he's damn sure it wasn't no bear.
Read this incredibly detail report from the BFRO's website:
YEAR: 2012
SEASON: Winter
MONTH: February
DATE: 21
STATE: Florida
COUNTY: Marion County
NEAREST ROAD: Anthony/burbank rd
OBSERVED: On February 21, 2012 at aprox 2:55pm while traveling on a back county heavily wooded road in Ocala Florida, I observed an animal coming out of the woods on the South side of the road heading North. From this distance I first thought this was a bear coming across the road, however I did notice that the way this animal carried himself did not appear to be a bear. The animal was walking on all fours but appeared to be larger in the front of his body but lower in the hind end, much unlike a bear. He seemed to be bobbing up and down and seemed to me that it was injured. As I approached closer I could see that he was walking on the knuckles of his front arms, appearance was dark brown shaggy coat, not like smooth sheen coat or fur that would be on a Florida black bear. As the animal approached the edge of pavement, he then stood up on it's hind legs with a slight curvature and legs bent, he then crossed the road on its hind legs arms swaying or swinging (longer appearance of arms as that of a primate)as I approach closer to the animal and start to slow my vehicle down, this animal turned its head and glanced partially, (matter of factly). At this point I could tell there were no ears such that a bear would have and knew it definitely was not a Florida black. The upper body was massive and as it went down to the hind quarters got increasing smaller. I would estimate that this animal would be 7ft aprox. weight would be around 400 lbs (my best guess).I could not tell what the hind feet looked like due to the amount of hair but I did note that they were longer than that of a bear. As he neared the edge of opposite side of the road he then returned to walk on all fours and as he entered the edge of the wooded area he stood upright again placing right arm on a pine tree, looked over at me and at this i was at a stand still in my vehicle, I could see a full face. Distance from the animal was 50-60ft away.I could tell that he had more of a round shaped eyes, from this distance they appeared to be dark in color with a lighter color of hair around eyes (short and greyish brown, older in appearance) same hair color would be around the side of face and what would be the area where the ears would be. The nose appeared to be shorter than that of a bear but different than an ape, didn't have a larger lower lip or chin. the area where the mouth and nose is was short hair and skin appearance.I could also see that the long hair on the arms did not go all the way to the hand area. Hands seemed from that distance to have five fingers much like that of a primate would have. At this point he entered the wooded area and was out of sight.
TIME AND CONDITIONS: 2:55 pm slightly overcast
ENVIRONMENT: wooded swampee wetland heavy pine trees
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator David Bakara:
The witness is now a retired deputy/wildlife officer that has worked with and is VERY familiar with bear and primates. He looked at his watch when he first saw the animal and noted the time, as he thought it was unusual to see a bear out in the open this early in the afternoon. He was 50ft away at the closest point after he stopped his car and watched it.stop, stand and enter the woods. He did not see the teeth, the animal had no muzzle, more of a face with no cone shaped head. Witness stated the chest was massive that narrowed to a noticeable waist and long (compared to a bear) strong legs. He said it was built like an athlete. Witness said the animal looked groomed. The hair on top and on the side of its face looked as if it was wet and had pushed it all back with its hands. Upon investigation, it was noted that the animal had approached and exited the road via a game trail.
Wait for it Wait for it.........
ReplyDeleteThat is always best, yes.
DeleteHe didn't tell us what it had for breakfast
ReplyDeleteSee did not even have to wait 10 minutes before the very informative and educated remarks began!!! :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDenied lol
Deleteyes I was by my own hand :)
DeleteLisa please sleep with your hands on top of the covers tonight.
DeleteSeriously now what fun would that be!!!
DeleteThis place is completely getting out of hand........................
DeleteLisa you are an awesome sport with a good since of humor.
DeleteThanks! Life is far to short to be so sensitive and serious.... in my Humble opinion:)
Delete"it wasn't no bear"
ReplyDeleteSo it was a bear? Thought so :)
Deletelol, go promote dyer some more
DeleteHaha,you posted that at exactly 4:20:OO!!!
DeletePerhaps it was Deer.....
Delete(it was a shark, with the beedy eyes, and the teeth,.... totally sharky, ...complete)
Blair Thumb
i believe this guy, the story is detailed, this things are out there, there are not much left of their population, that's why its hard to even see one, but one day the truth will be revealed to the masses of skeptics & researchers, then scientists will try to rewrite the evolution chart, which is kind of crazy because God Created everything, Stupid Scientists(Peter Griffin's Voice)anyway, we are definitely getting closer thanks to the people who dedicate their time into this.i just hope we can save them instead of putting them in Zoos or killing them for fun.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure, talk of knuckle-walking bigfoots always make me wonder about the witness.
Deleteyeeep it was a bear, like all "sightings"
ReplyDeleteby trolls yeeep
DeleteI think we should wait for Tampafasano to weigh in with his white trash opinion
ReplyDeleteI think this artist went overboard on the scale of this animal. The guy said it was around 7ft tall, and the sketch, if that is a rendition of what he saw, would put that animal at around 8 to 9 feet tall assuming the guy is around 6ft. But whatever, sounds believable.
ReplyDeleteI just want to add something about the lead in. What makes this wildlife officer's sighting more credible and say someone like Michael Higgins, or Leon, or Autumn Forest, or anyone else that reports an encounter. I venture to say that there are darn few people in this country over the age of 10 that does not know what a bear looks like and if anyone gets a clear view of a sasquatch, they know they are not seeing a bear.
autumn forest is a joke. she has as much credibility as rick dyer
DeleteExcept Smeja!!!!
DeleteThanks Alpha.
DeleteYou know, it's just false assumptions. But anyone would probably more redilly except that this guy has (for sure) spent alot of time in the woods.
It's like people assuming your smart if your a doctor or lawyer. Not true, it prooves you are dedicated to doing work and have a good memory. Both good traits, but it doesn't mean you'll be a good doctor or lawyer. Between the two, I've seen alot more dumb lawyers.
For what it's worth, my sighting is class "A" on BFRO. The other two incidents were not reported. Just got back from Denison Tx. and found two new recent encounters.
One involved chainsaw noises while running at the witness, 4a.m..They have been reported before.
He had been doing wierd hoots and hollars trying to help his buddies locate him.
I had to explain to the witness what he had an encounter with??
I don't know folks, i cannot see how a guy given his background could mis-identify a bear from 50 feet away. He was either a really bad at his job, or his eyesight has gone or both.
DeleteHe noted immediately the size, the ears, the shape of eyes, it's apparent fingers, etc. That's a ton of details. He was either lying, telling the truth or the story was made up.
And Leon, your post started off well. I don't care about spelling so long as i can understand it, but that last paragraph of yours man...
So...something was making CHAINSAW noises running toward someone at 4am in TEXAS? I think that would literally scare the shit out of me
DeleteRick Dyer was a police officer, and he misidentified a pile of racoon guts for a bigfoot.
DeleteClaiming to be a "wildlife officer" doesn't mean anything.
I agree with you anon 4:15, we definetly should wait for the GREAT FLABSINO TO grace us with his opinion. Billy Bobs Bistro is having its annual all you can eat ribs fest tonight though so he will be out of commission for at least half the night. I heard last year he nearly put them out of commission.
Deleteyou know, the king of pastries, Tim "flabsino" fatsino
DeleteYou only eat pudding with gay cowboys !!!!
DeleteI'm glad this guy is retired. Wouldn't want a nutjob like this on the public payroll... Yikes!
ReplyDeleteWhat a surprise, you insulted someone. You can go back to slobbing James Randi's knob now.
DeleteYou seem awfully fascinated with James Randi and his genitalia...
DeleteAnyway, thanks for the attention :)
I like the opening line, "Credible witnesses are hard to come by." Credible witness? Oxymoron?
ReplyDeleteWho determines what witness is credible and what witness is not credible?
I like how they cut the guy's picture out using a pair of scissors to compare the scale to the bigfoot drawing. If that's the witness, who is the guy with the stick in the other picture?
Hey dip shit anon @7:35 did you ever think that might be the witness with the stick and just a pic of someone to put in the sketch to represent the size the witness compared it to.
ReplyDeleteHey dip s*@t, under the cut out picture it reads, "scale of witness to animal."
DeleteHe claims the BF was about 7 ft tall but in his drawing, he's about 8 ft and would be 9ft if he would have drawn BF not slightly bending forward. Then he claims he could tell his eyes were dark from 50 ft away. Yeah right, you could'nt tell the color of eyes that far away or even remember to look that closely at them. Also does anyone ever actually check to see if this guy is a retired wildlife officer or are they taking his word for it. That's one thing he could prove.
ReplyDeletePlease. It's the Bigfoot Fantasy Reporting Organization - anyone can make semi-anonymous reports. The only follow-up they do is a phone call, and that's only of you agree to it.
DeleteThere's no investigation or even basic fact checking, which is why BFRO reports are useless.
Please. This is not the Troll Farting Report Organization, so you're in the wrong place.
DeleteYeah they let anyone in...they are a joke
ReplyDeleteWell they have MonkeyFaker, Bozo, and a Chicken (the girl) you can't tell me they can't come up with a few squatches ...Especially when one of them has been playing one for 30 years, one as been whacking off to them for 30, and a chicken
DeleteDidn't Dyer say that there was a big foot there in Florida. I hate to say it but it looks to me like he's speaking the truth.
ReplyDeleteInvestigate "can bigfoot be killed?" by John Steele .. no shortage of Bigfoot being on the receiving end of high-calibre hunting rifles and pump-action shotguns. What appeared to be a flesh-and-blood Bigfoot; disappearing in a flash of light.
ReplyDeleteOther reports of a headless yet animated bigfoot standing in the middle of a farmer's field with colorful rays extending upwards and outwards - to a UFO hovering "over-head" -- possible recharging procedure.
Strange metrics - thatsa for sure.
50 feet is about 16 paces, why there'd even be the slightest question that it was a bear is hard to fathom. How far can an enormous creature like that go in a day, you'd think the witness would immediately gets some friends with good hunting dogs and go chase it. Instant millionaire.
ReplyDeleteI have seen through a thermal images something that simply has no business being Florida per accepted fauna. It looked like Magilla Gorilla. I have no idea what it was that I saw. To the skeptical all I can say is seeing carries great weight.
ReplyDeleteI also know what I seen at a very close range at dusk...still plenty of light to ply cards if I wanted to, this was in a remote lake where nobody would be wading in 3 foot of a muck bottom in a 100k suit to scare a 14 year old kid...No roads lead to it, no tribes live there, and no other boats where on the lake...Where I was nobody would r should be, because it would be a 1 in 10 billion chance anyone would be around to see it...if it was people trying to get attention they would have been positioned somewhere that I didn't end up by accident
DeleteBosco here,
ReplyDeleteThis was definitely Bigfoot. He had Florida pancakes for breakfast and was last seen heading North. I think he's in search of BFRO...
That would make him The Grandslam Monkeyman...."There a Squatch in that Dennys"
DeleteIf this sketch is supposed to be at scale then the approximation of 7 feet and 400 lbs. is way off. This creature sketched is pushing 8 feet and would weigh 750+ lbs.
ReplyDeleteI had an "encounter" which is much different from a sighting in Forest Co WI...Its on the BFRO reports....What I don't get is this: What makes a Florida Wildlife Officer an expert on primates? Is it all the swamp monkeys or what...Last time I checked there was no native primates known to Florida....maybe the was the double secret primate probation they speak of
ReplyDeleteWADR to everyone's right to an opinion on the matter:
ReplyDeleteThe behavior, appearance, and physiology, as well as the locomotion HIGHLY suggest a gorilla. An escaped gorilla. I am applying this opinion to this case only.
All cases in my opinion should be based on evidence, and witness testimony, and taken one at a time. One can then use the individual sightings together to form a general opinion. I am skeptical in the sense that to prove BF existence would require physical evidence, but do not discount anecdotal testimony.
Be free to disagree, but to my own knowledge, I have studied primates at a college level over several years. I claim no expertise, but do claim informed opinion.
BTW, To those who would scoff at my suggestion of an escaped known primate as the explanation for this sighting, may I kindly offer this:
ReplyDeleteFlorida in particular has a lengthy history as a base for both legal preserves for endangered species, as well as legal and illegal import of exotic animals. It is not outside the realm of the ordinary, if this were to be suggested. Thanks, and I enjoy a HEALTHY debate.
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