Ten imaginary bucks if you can guess who caught the snake

If you're a fan of the wild, a fan of Survivorman, and you have Netflix, you have to check out "Out of the Wild: Venezuela". If you're not familiar with the show, there's a person on the show that you might recognize who managed to save the group from starvation more than a few times.

Watch the video and see if you can you guess who gave the group one of the best breakfast they ever had.


  1. Is this site about Bigfoot evidence or about Bigfoot personalities?
    I prefer the former - could care less about the latter.

    1. Its pretty much everything to do about Bigfoot.

    2. It's the TMZ of bigfoot!

  2. Could not get the video to play. From the picture I would say it is our friend from Maine.


  3. Any self-respecting minion would know the answer without watching the video, which didn't play for me either.

    Delta Niner

  4. the bottom line here is this even his fellow cast members can't stand this loon either. now it's official this guy is one of those a-holes that come across as "i know-it-all". i wonder if he told those people that he was this big sasquatch tracker back in the states? i bet he's like that one co-worker that you just can't punch in the mouth cause of the fear of getting fired. that survival in the wild stuff is way to hard for me that i can admit!

    1. Just the kind of "loon" you'd want on the team; if you were starving.

    2. More than once he provided food for them!

    3. Reality shows pick people who are not going to get along - otherwise it would be boring. I think the group underestimated SWP's abilities due to his age and there were a lot of young male egos involved. Who wants to be shown up by a guy whose 20 years older?

  5. You nailed it. Now I understand where some of his huge ego comes from, he has been on a TV show! wow. Snowwwhackerprime!!!

    1. Maybe his huge ego, comes from the fact he was one of the few that finished.

    2. Amen to that Anon at 6:49. I'd be willing to bet money that these armchair critics couldn't have lasted two days!

    3. Right!? It's easy to talk shit from a keyboard. Skunkface sucks: Your the kind of a-hole I'd like to punch in the face and I wouldnt give a fuck if I did get fired. Dick.

      Not talking shit to you Blondie!

    4. Thank you very much for clarifying that CBALLZ. I appreciate it :)

    5. Yet you are talking shit from behind a keyboard. If I had a buck for every nitwit like you CBALLZ who issues empty threats for no reason; I be wealthy.

      When you resort to violence it indicates you lack the capacity for debate. And punching me in the face; wouldn't get you fired; it would get you hurt.

      You're an idiot CBALLZ, you really are.

      People like you; who threaten others in such a cowardly fashion; makes this whole area of study; look like it's populated by a bunch of childish, mindless bullies.

      You are part of the problem here. Why don't you grow up and become part of the solution? SWP

  6. "As much as Michael bugs the group" 'nuff said.

  7. He was born beyond puberty. He has forgotten more than any 12 Phd's will ever know. The snakes volunteered to be his lunch. HE IS THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD.

  8. he can survive outdoors but knows jackshit about bigfoot.
    this guy forgot more in his sleep last night...

    1. "He can survive outdoors but knows jackshit about bigfoot"? That statement doesn't make much sense. He's a survivalist and a biologist; and you think he knows nothing about bigfoot? Based on what? The link you provided has nothing to do with your post or your claim.

    2. You are so right anon at 6:26am.

      I like the link he gave but I don't understand it's connection to the post he made!


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