Take a Look at Dave Shealy's Skunk Ape Footage

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Vicki W.

Yesterday we posted an article about skunk ape researcher Dave Shealy's pilot for a new series. Shealy runs a museum dedicated to the skunk ape of the Everglades, a popular tourist attraction in the Everglades of Ochopee, Florida. Shealy became interested in the animal after he and his brother saw one as children. He has long been trying to get government sponsored monies to study and organize searches for the smelly swamp creature.

He captured some interesting footage of what appears to be a reddish-brown, hair covered bipedal animal moving across a field. Could this be the real deal?


  1. I can't decide if this site is for evidence or to make fun of Bigfoot believers. I love the site because it exposes the believers and perpetrators as the crackpots and morons they are. To me it is great entertainment.

    1. David is a Skunkape researcher from the Everglades of south Florida. I am glad he now has a TV show and BFRO now has competition from a very outlandish person. This will also show networks need ratings. Shealy is not boring and you will like his show and the Skunkape research museum. This video, questionable at best

    2. Shut your face you stupid looser Fasano. Your not only one of the biggest pieces of turd around, but also one of the biggest hoaxers. Your just made because when proof of this animal comes out your gonna be left behind with dyer wondering what happened and where your 2 seconds of fame went.

    3. Tim your opinion on the validity of a video means about as much as a salad would do to satisfy your appetite. Your a looser tim, give it up. Your a no good hoaxer who has no life. Congrats man, running a youtube channel really counts as a job. Your welfare trash, tim, thats all youll ever be. give it up

  2. The guy in the costume must have been sweating to death. Those swamps down there are hot and humid as hell.

    1. He's definitely a gamer. Even though he was dying of dehydration he still managed to take direction:"Swing those arms!!"

  3. I hope they had plenty of electrolytes for that actor in the costume. They kind of overdid it and had to sweat profusely. They better wash the costume before they return it.

  4. Total BS. The guy is tripping left and right trying to see out of that mask. What bull. Watch his head go back repeatedly trying to get his eyes lined up with the holes.

    1. LMFAO,

      You don't say? I thought it was real!


  5. I wonder what the DNA results would come back as :)

    1. The erratic movements near the end reminded me of the cheesy Marx footage, too.

  6. The video was debunked years ago.
    This is Ol'Dave's classic. Note how the suit bags under
    the arms. Yeah, that guy in the suit is really sweatin'
    it. Look at how awkward the arm swing and walk is.
    Skunk Apes are legit, but not this one.

  7. WTF is going on??? The only shocking thing about this is this type of footage helped him get a tv show....unless it's going to be some sort of tragic-comedy-documentary series.

    1. and we'll be seeing good ol'Tom Biscuit next.

  8. This video confirms on several points:
    1. Conical head
    2. Tree peaking
    3. Dark-colored costume
    4. Reebok Pumps for gliding over swampy terrain.
    4. DNA results for this one also tested positive for "Bigfoot"
    5. There are 50,000 Bigfoots hiding in the tall grass behind the Bigfoot that is visible in frame.
    6. Also, that fuzzy spot in the footage that looks like bad reception is the Wolfman and every other mythical creature every thought to exist.
    7. Also, i believe the Bigfoot in the video wearing some kind of "costume" -- evidence of advanced tool using? You be the judge...
    8. Definitely proves every mythical in the world is real. You heard it here first, my friends.

  9. Jeez not even close. You can see that the guy in the suit has to tilt his head back so he can see out of the mask.

    Every time I see something like this it gives me much more appreciation for the Patterson Gimlin film.

  10. To me this looks so so fake, the arms are way to short according to 1000's of other reports, and it's trying way to hard to act like Patty in the PGF.and it's head really looks like a gorilla costume ive seen many times at halloween.. Would of been more believable if they would of extended the arms and not acted like Patty in that famous film.

  11. it's obviously a bigfoot dressed up as a bigfoot because said bigfoot is clever

  12. Hes been on the Skunk methinks.......

    1. I hear that have some pretty powerful skunk down there, erm I mean I know....

  13. Well I was going to watch his show...not so sure now.

  14. Oh yeah, that thing looks very stealth. Easy to see why these things are able to hide from people.
    ha ha ha.

  15. I love the way this guy constantly extends his right arm to try to make it look longer. And I especially love the head turn to try and recreate Patty. Feeble. -- d3w177

  16. It's his brother in a ape suit. Shealy is a hoaxer.

  17. Give me a mid-tarsal break! Can we get confirms on face to palm ratios?

  18. This is the campground dude that warned the ladies to not hang their used undies out to dry.

    1. hahahaha, yeah i read that too, like seriously what ladies r gonna be out there? i'm pretty sure they won't get raped.

  19. Well that's finished it for me and Shealy I wouldn't watch any programme with this guy in it, do these producers do any background checks at all.

  20. shealey s brother is a pretty big guy.

    Musta been choking in that suit.

  21. It's Liam Gallagher in a gorilla suit. What a wanker.

  22. Awful...I like the purposeful look back and swinging arms just trying to imitate P-G film. Chase after it!

    Why would such an animal cross in front of humans like this?


    new anony

  23. I am the great Flabsino, and i challenge any of you to a burger eating contest

  24. something about this footage aint't right, it just ain't right, looks more like a guy in a costume that the heavy built bulky bf we all know, some may argue it's a young SA that's not fully developed, something just isn't right.

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