SnowWalkerPrime Interviews Retired Fighter About Multiple Possible Encounters Of Bigfoot/Lizardman In S.C.

In this video, Dean, a 20 year retired firefighter in South Carolina, shares multiple encounters of possible Sasquatches in the area that he has been living in for 50 years. Dean talks about the swamp and the many occurrences of dogs flipping-out over strange growls and hairy scats being left behind.

Watch below:


  1. Thanks for sharing SWP and Shawn.

  2. Terrible music! And while this gentleman seems sincere and I do not doubt his experiences, these were not even close to class A sightings. Can't you do better than this Team Tazer?

    1. Wow, some people complain about everything. Your life must suck.

    2. World Class Hunter and Tracker, and you waaah waaah waaaah, what more do you want? How about YOU get off your LAZY ASS and go hiking and see what YOU find, you just might find something, but when you try to post it, someone else will then bitch about your blobsquatch. Then perhaps you'll realize what a fool you've been.

  3. I like reading the bfro reports, but you don't get heavy metal and cool drawings! Thanks SWP

  4. Matt & the guys are using money from the show to save up so they can jazz up the reports in the BFRO database...

    1. Cool., but it will cost a bundle to license Metallica songs, so I hope they get raises.

  5. Seriously, please guys, enough with snowwhackerprime already!

    1. He should interview his own team member Damian Bravo about his claim of seeing an upright creature in Florida after ten minutes in the woods. Why did he not post the video he shot while having the encounter? Can he prove what he saw was there? Can he show it was a hoax?

      Team Tazer refuses to show these videos because they don't support their claims.

      Pigs in cages and captured snakes has nothing to do with Bigfoot. Eyewitnesses Recalling something has been done to death.

      Here's an idea. Go into the woods and look for Bigfoot. Bring Damian ...sure to have a sighting.

      Cut the music; cut the jokes ; cut the crap and go look for him.

      You have a Skype show with the good looking kid, and all that. I just dont see any evidence.

      Is this field just personality driven? I you have a TV show coming up. Cool. Do you have any evidence?

      Tim Fasano

    2. Seriously are you this dumb? If these posts bother you; STOP WATCHING my material you nitwit! How difficult is that for you to understand? Or go and count your trees. Better yet, produce some material worthy of posting, and you wouldn't have to complain. You constantly bitch and whine, brag about all the photos you have, obsessively post Anon on this blog with your negativity; and produce nothing. SWP

    3. Tim SWP here. What posting snakes, moose, deer, coyotes and everything else in the forest has to do with Bigfoot; is context. It also goes to establish a knowledge of the bush; and most of my viewers enjoy the discussion. Any legit field researcher worth their salt, should have videos/photos and knowledge of every critter in the forest; if they have any hope of capturing footage of BF. While I supported your attempt to place trail cameras in the forest, so far all I've seen from you, is a dead pig, a mis-indentified bird pelvis and the top of a few deer heads. And further more, your connection to both Rick Dyer and Tom B, (know notorious hoaxers), is more than a little disturbing. Please explain to me; how your field work is better? I work very hard to get into remote areas of the forest to place trail cameras, to find and interview witnesses, and collect as much evidence as possible. Your beef with Damian is getting kind of silly. Since both you and I know, he did not have a class A sighting as you publicly claimed.

    4. No, never enough. Post more from these guys.

  6. Cool vid. Thanks SWP! You are the SquatchMan!

  7. Give Fasano credit he has 700+ videos posted of him talking to the camera. Him changing batteries, him scratching his ass, And the usual hacking, snorting, and boring us to tears.

    1. Very funny; He seems like an ok dude but he should take a note out of this guys page and show some of the wildlife: its not as if the skunkapes are stampeding his cameras.

    2. Yep, Fasano has NOTHING, not ONE shred of evidence. Although he does take the time to try and pass of a well known pic of a Bonobo as the Skunk-Ape. When he got busted hoaxing he claimed he did it as a "joke". He also makes websites and then "praises himself" in them and when that wasn't getting him enough "attention" he decided to "attack himself" on the same website.

  8. I actually gave Tim a lot of support for placing trail cameras out, since it is a proven biological research method. But since Tim continues to want to dump on Damian, I just don't see the point. Damian is my friend. He is a war hero, and a all around great guy. He is fantastical Damian, and dyed in the wool, true believer of Bigfoot. He told me he saw something while down there in the swamp. But at best it was a class B unidentified sighting. After the fact, he pondered it, and considered it might have been a Deer, or even just shadows. For Tim to harp on this, and insult Damian is just not right. The reason Damian chose to not post his footage; is because he had a gentleman agreement with Tim to share their footage before posting; and Tim jumped the gun, posted the footage without letting Damian look it over, and then hyped it as a class A sighting. I have never hated on Tim, never did a pwnage video about him; and honestly thing that for the most part Tim is interested in researching the Swamp Ape. The bad behavior, and these empty accusations are getting old. And this witness, Dean is an up and up guy. He worked for 20 years in the fire department; and is a true hero. He is honest to a fault, and quite intelligent. I know some of my questions were somewhat "leading" which is something I try to avoid, but we (Dean and I) had the chance to engage in several long conversations before I interviewed him; and he believes there is a chance that Sasquatch is real. He came to this conclusion; based on several strange events he experienced, and some 50 years of being in the swamps and woodlands. He is reluctant to state that his experiences were of Bigfoot, due to the lack of proof, and having a firm grasp of logic, he knows the most reasonable explanation, would be a bear, or some other known animal. In spite of that; you can sense, he thinks there is more going on in the woods, then we current have proof for. That alone, I thought made his accounts worthy of posting and sharing with you guys/girls. :) SWP

    1. It's your double-standard that stinks, SWP. Damian had ZERO evidence to accuse Fasano and especially Dyer of hoaxing him, other than "I think". I can't stand either of those guys, but now it's OK for MR GIVE US PROOF! to expect everybody to take him at his word? Oh, that's right -- Fasano wasn't drinking water on the trail, but suddenly stepped aside to take a leak. Bravo should apologize, and TTBF shouldn't be demanding PROOF when they refuse to provide it themselves. We all know this is really about Bravo's hissy fit over Fasano's early release of the videos. That's one thing, but to blatantly accuse anybody of hoaxing is just plain wrong.

    2. Provide verification where I stated Tim was a hoaxer? I never said that. You nitwit. As far as Rick goes, give me a break. He was involved in the biggest hoax ever; and now follows up with a rubber gorilla mask. I said what I have to say about Damian. He is my friend, but if you have a beef with what HE SAID; take it up with him; not me. And if memory serves me; Damian never made any statements of "fact" thus there is no proof to be demanded. The only time I ask for verification is when people make statements of FACT. If you don't understand that; look it up. And the real issue; isn't if Damian saw something or not; the real issue; is that Damian claimed to have seen "something" and Tim went off half cocked claiming it was a class A sighting; when it wasn't. You really need to brush up on your "facts" before entering into a debate. SWP

    3. The double-standard is you taking Damian at his word when he stated, publicly, and AS FACT, that he was hoaxed by Fasano and Dyer. (Bravo's post 4/11: "Hoaxers: What a Tangle (sp) Web They Weave". You don't see a need to verify his claim? Instead, the TTBF stance was, in a radio interview, "Let's move on from this. We're not going to talk about this anymore." So howzabout YOU brush up on your facts, and show us some proof to back up your belief in Bravo claim?


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