Mr. Bigfoot Hater Puts Up New Video To Show That He's Not An Angry Person

Mr. Bigfoot Hater is back and he has cleaned up his act. Now sporting a baseball cap and a nice buttoned-up shirt, he appears to be more polite, and a little more humble. His over the top foul language didn't help his argument in his last video and now that he has removed the "F" word from his vocabulary, he actually comes across as an intelligent person.

In this video, Mr. Bigfoot Hater has toned his angry personality down quite a bit since getting his butt handed to him in SnowWalkerPrime's last video response. All he wants now is some solid evidence that Bigfoot exists.


  1. The guy speaks the truth. A lot of people on this blog arent gonna like that.

  2. Watch all 5 parts of this.

    NO WAY back in late 60's we even COULD have made a suit that looked this real.
    If Patterson film IS a fake how come we NEVER seen a suit or even seen ANYONE use 60's technology to MAKE a copy?

    1. noone bothered. its a fake.

    2. if its a fake recreate the suit worn using ONLY 60's technology. Then find a 7'6" actor to wear it and walk the same way.... remember you can ONLY use 60's technology. Best they had at that time was the original 'Planet of the Apes' costumes..... EASILY seen as fakes while this 'costume' moves with the muscles....
      Only an IDIOT would'nt at least explore ALL possibilities then to just say 'its fake' They said same thing about Giant Squid, oops they are real as well....

    3. LOL above^ why should anyone bother to recreate the suit?

      Also the 7 foot 6 issue has been debunked to death, it was around 6 foot, kinda the same as ALL videos (man in suit size range). Never see a video of a 10 footer lol. Bigfooters please open your mind please.

    4. "why should anyone bother to recreate the suit?"
      no-one does because no-one can....
      Every attempt as been 'piss poor' at best.
      Open YOUR minds
      Mine is already open

    5. show us some evidence that a giant ape exists in north america and then recreating a bad suit from the 60s will be a null point.

    6. You can't prove bigfoot IS a fake just as we can't prove it isn't one.
      The main difference I see is WE are at least looking into this. You are sitting in your chair judging it fake and not even looking into it.

      Look it up smart guy SCIENCE claims we have upwards of 10 MILLION undiscovered species on the planet.
      I could name a slew of now known animals that were once thought of as fake....

      WHo is to say if Bigfoot is real of fake until we search and find answers.

      Same with all the rest of the 'unkowns'. Until we LOOK for them, we will NEVER find them.

    7. you clearly dont understand burden of proof....

      if you make a wild claim, oh lets say a 10 foot giant ape thats remained undetected in north american, then the burden of proof is on YOU to prove it, NOT on anyone else to DISPROVE it.

    8. Clearly YOU are small minded.

      'Never argue with an idiot, they will take you down to their level and then beat you with experience'

      Wish you well my small minded friend

    9. And this chucklenut (morris) insists he made the suit, made hundreds, maybe thousands of these suits back in the 60s. He doesn't have one. He doesn't have a picture of one, but he sold thousands. He said when he saw the video he knew immediately it was his suit. When asked about the face he said Patterson must have changed the face. The back, patterson changed that. The legs, changed. The feet, changed. The butt, it was changed. Morris said that even the hair had been modified, shaved down by patterson. So this suit, which there is no evidence of, was sold to thousands, and is immediately recognizable despite having every inch altered. Occums razor grows dull with your skepticism.

    10. burden of proof is on YOU AnonymousMay 4, 2012 05:11 PM
      PROVE it was a suit....

    11. It is a hoax until you prove it is not. The burden of proof is on you to prove that Bigfoot exists.

    12. That wasn't a suit that's for sure, if so all film suits would look like that. Curiously the film we assume is real is the only one looking like this, if this sort of thing had been easy to fake the place would be crawling with such videos and we'd be discussing them.

      If anything, Patty was a good deal well over six feet as she doesn't show any resemblance to a person with or without a suit, the body proves she was taller than any known human.

  3. His comparison to the viral video is unfounded and not logical. There were many people in a 500(guessing) square foot room where they were supposed to be at the time. Yes they got video, now compare the size of the room they were in to the size of forest area in North America. The area of forest to people filming video and the area that they are covering changes exponentially. Dranginis opened my eyes at the Ohio Bigfoot Conference. Think about it.

    1. Bigfoot conferences exist.. think about that one.

    2. We currently have (I believe) ONE video of giant pandas in the wild. ONE. An endangered animal, with a tiny, dwindling habitat, that is black and white in sea of green. And we have ONE video that doesn't come from tagged pandas on preserves or captive pandas at zoos. But I suppose to idiots like this guy it should be much easier to find a brown ape running wild in all of North America, Asia and the former Soviet Union. And then we can take logic out back and stab it with a plastic fork until it dies.

    3. I saw a Panda in a zoo. I have never seen Patty in a zoo. Get one in a zoo or you are the idiot.

    4. If it exists, Sasquatch will prove to be the greatest needle-in-the-haystack ever thrown at us by nature. The giant panda should by all measure be as simple as finding your own hand. But it is not. So take the impossible task of finding pandas in the wild and multiply it by 1,000. Even if they are out there, you may never see one in your lifetime.

  4. This guy is bored. SWP made this guy look like a douche. I think he is the "Everyone is wong and dumb" troll.

    1. this guy is right though. burden of proof my friend.

    2. Okie, you are wrong and dumb and here is why:
      I am not that guy.

      Please move a long.

    3. Haha dang I was sure I had it right!

    4. The guy's an idiot anybody can see that, what is he, a guy in his 40s with a turned baseball cap. LOL

  5. Did not listen to him, why waste my time. Have heard the creature, friends have seen it. Okie above has seen it, whatever his argument is it is mute.


    1. His argument is that there is no evidence. Which is correct.

      Patiently waiting for the evidence and acceptance by science:)

    2. Hey Chuck,

      I just started posting on my blogger account. I'll be keeping it updated as I'm able to get out on any expeditions. I'm also a realism artist and wouldn't mind sketching for eyewitnesses in my free time. Spread the word brother.


    3. P.S. I put examples of my artwork on my blog for anyone that wishes to see.

    4. Chuck, the word is "moot" not mute.

    5. ^pull over,grammar police

  6. Socially inept. You do not spit in peoples faces then expect them to give you the time of day. BEGONE FOOL.

  7. I just can't wait until the Ketchum paper and the Erickson project films are released. It will be then that I "finally" come to a crossroads and either end the quest/interest in Sasquatch all together OR keep believing and waiting for more footage of the big guy/girls. If this paper and project comes out and the paper basically states "unknown" DNA (which we already have and look where we're still at in this debate) and the videos released by Erickson are nothing but clips we've already seen coupled with "blurry" Matilda footage and a couple more pieces of blurry footage then I will FOREVER be CONVINCED that Sasquatch doesn't exist. This paper and project is supposedly going to put the debate to rest once and for all but if it is nothing but the latter (which I fear it will be) then I am DONE, officially. If other people keep believing even after Ketchum's paper/Erickson project doesn't produce the evidence that they're supposed to, well, they are idiots. I truly hope we get something from these two studies but deep down I feel they will fail to produce the unwavering evidence that mainstream science needs.

    1. Heres a fact:

      If the paper is released in the manner that Ketchum has talked about, then it will not mean acceptance by science of "bigfoot".

  8. Hey Idiot. Comcast? Have you ever thought it might be YOUR connection to your house/apartment/mom's basement whatever? You are a knucklehead.

  9. I was just wondering if anyone had proof the world is roundish and not flat. It looks pretty flat to me as I look out my window. Burden of proof is required to convince me. What do you have? A picture? Could be photoshopped, and besides most of the pics I have seen of the Earth looked a lot like a baseball in an Earth costume. Eye witness testimony you say? From people that have flown in space? You don't really believe in space flight do you? Where is "Your" proof that man flies in space. Just more pics, that's what I thought.

    What would constitute "Proof" is very debatable and largely a matter of personal belief. If you believe the earth is round, it is because you choose to believe, not because you have been presented with "scientific proof". If it's in a school book people tend to believe it, if it is not, people tend not to believe it.

    The Earth is flat, and you can't f*cking convince me. F*ck you. Me and my buddy drove all over the south and we never "rolled up" on a round Earth. F*ck you. It was flat the whole way. F*ck you. Burden of proof. F*ck you. Can't F*cking convince me.

    No Shadow

    1. believing the earth is flat is on par with believing in bigfoot - its insane.

    2. They didn't have photoshop back in the 50s n 60s. Please try again.

    3. Lol! Very good spoof. Pity the two above have no sense of humour!

    4. Can anyone "prove" they didn't have photoshop in the 50s and 60s? Just kidding. I do believe the Earth is roundish, but you can't prove it to me. I also believe in God, but I have to admit, I'm short on scientific proof when it comes to that one too. Belief in anything is a personal choice, and what constitutes scientific proof is also a matter of personal preference. For the most part, we go through life making choices about what to believe based on our common sense and unfortunately, based on what other people tell us (School books), not because there is "proof".

      No Shadow

    5. Not to believe in Bigfoot is actually on par with believing the world is flat.

  10. You only get one chance to make a good first impression and this guy failed.
    He has weak arguments, and given all the "you know" and "ummm", he wasn't really prepared.
    His body language says he was uncomfortable and wasn't acting naturally.
    That's my opinion though.
    Snow Walker on the other hand gave a video bitch slap that the guy had coming. Again,that's my opinion.

    1. Agreed.

      It's not like the guy offended me by calling out fat rednecks in the south that believe in BF, or anything. I am not very smart, but I have found that you can catch more flies with sugar, than with sh*t.

      No Shadow

    2. what about fat fucking idiot yankees

  11. How good does the suit have to be anyway? The quality of the Patterson film is just grainy enough that you can't see it in great detail.

    BUT the biggest argument for me against Patty being real is Patterson wrote a book about Bigfoot with drawing of a female Bigfoot in it! Then amazingly captures a female Bigfoot on film afterwards. How lucky is that?

    1. if you tell that to people who are unsure about the footage 99.99% will instantly dismiss the film, the rest well deep down they know its fake but cant bring themselves to admit it

    2. completely stupid and unfonded statement. Any breeding population will have females, so what??????

    3. Still, no-one at all find it weird he wrote a book with a female bf drawing and then caught it on film (looks just like Patty too) - after the book.

    4. The female bigfoot in his book does not look just like patty.

    5. It does look odd that the drawing resembles Patty. May not be exact, but close enough to be suspicious.

      Lucky enough to write a book about a mythical creature, then actually film it to become reality. Didnt make as much money on the book as he thought he would with the book though, did he? Great plan though.

    6. It's sexist to suggest anything strange in a female Bigfoot, it really shows the trolls for the wife beaters they are.

  12. I don't know what to make of the PG film to be honest. If it's real, then it was an incredible coincidence to be at the right spot, at the right time, with the right equipment. Swearing dude has a point there.
    Perhaps Bob Gimlin was duped by Mr. Patterson, thus having a reliable witness to an incredible piece of film footage.
    Mr. Gimlin gave up all his rights to the film for next to nothing, so if he was part of any ruse, I'd be willing to bet that he'd come clean after so long.
    If the film is a fake, as many have claimed, I believe Bob Gimlin had no idea.

    1. If you ever heard Bob talk about this, thats not the case. He and many others, including myself, know what the hell we saw, and isn't any M----- F------ bear!

    2. Oh, you saw the same creature Robert Patterson and Bob Gimlin saw, or you've seen Bigfoot as well?
      I never said anything about bears.
      I threw out a plausible hypothesis that Mr. Gimlin could have been hoaxed in order to give the story credibility.
      I've read plenty on what Bob Gimlin has said regarding the Patty film. Key points of the story have changed somewhat, and as suspicious as those are, I can't that Patty was real or not.
      Ease up, I never even mentioned you, who ever you might be.

    3. I'm not hammering on you SSnation, But my thought is that there is no way you could take a guy like Gimlin who has spent all this time out in the woods and have a guy walk by in a costumn, and make it believable.

      What you'd have to believe is that Gimlin was in on it from the start, or that costumn was so good, it faked him out IN PERSON?

      So someone needs to show me a JACK-LINKS quality costumn from 40 years ago.
      I've heard Bob talk about the way it moved, this wasn't any costumn?

      We all need to ask that question, Was it good enough to have made me believe if I were there IN PERSON all those years ago.
      Because for Bob ------ He has never backed off what he SAW!

      Hey, here is a thought though. Maybe someone who has access to alot of horses could do a test. I'd be curious to see how a horse reacts to a guy in a gorilla costumn. I mean is it the sight or smell that would cause the horse to rare up as they claimed.
      Anybody got horses and access to a costumn, you could show us something interesting. I suggest that you use a different person that the horses would'nt recognize thier scent.

      Snowball, this is right up your alley?????

    4. Well, I can tell you that horses spook real easy. I know because I have some. I was walking to the mailbox one day while it was raining and had my umbrella with me. When I saw the horses, I dropped it to my side sort of hiding behind it. Then I started spinning it. They freaked out and ran to the other side of my property. This happened once when a goat wondered on the farm as well. It was walking down the river bank making it's goat sound. The horse couldn't see it but heard it and they were going nuts.

  13. you ever had ANY photos of santa-----No
    You ever seen Santa TRACKS-------no
    you ever heard any recordings of a supposed Santa---------- no
    Hieronemous ---------- Are you fucking kidding, you could go proove he faked it------- so proove that------- cause he or his family have never prooved what should be easily proovable if it happened.

    So is Bigfoot showing up in Class or at the mall-------- no, so that is a stupid fucking argument, why don't you go hang out at the mall and see if you can get footage there of a shoplifter, cause it happens, but its damn hard to capture.

    The point is, who the fuck are you piss-ant to think we care what the fuck you think.

    Come on out to cali punk and I'll take you somewhere and let one scream at you and you'll roll up on the ground and piss yourself.

    you have a right to your opinion, you also have a right to keep it to yourself you fucking looser.


  15. This guy looks like the milf hunter from Internet porn lol. Either way, he is an ignoramus.

  16. Are you in love with this retard? Why lavish the goofy turd with all this attention?

    (Pick your battles) this ain't one.

  17. Its Kenny Powers! Go back to making TV shows you clown.

  18. Gimme a scientist that says the footage is fake I'll give you plenty saying it's real. No hatman, big fat liar Bob Idiotnomous was not in the Patterson footage, it is not fake, wasn't possible to fake (feel free to try and fail like every major movie studio out there with $$$), can't be done and the anatomy proves it. Whether you can't or won't believe that, who cares, important thing is many of us know you're wrong. Eventually you'll see how wrong, I hope you'll make a video of it then. And no, they're not gorilla/chimp type apes/animals they're a species of hominin.


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