Dr. Melba Ketchum Phones Into Bigfoot Conference, Proves To Some People That She Exists

Dr. Melba Ketchum, who recently decided to not show up for fans at the Pacific Northwest Conference on Primal People this weekend just gave a PowerPoint presentation from 2004 over the telephone. The photo of Dr. Ketchum's presentation above was taken by The Bigfoot Field Reporter just minutes ago. Our source, who sat through what seemed like a three part "filibuster" presentation on Bigfoot DNA said it took her 40 minutes before mentioning "Bigfoot".

According to our source, the lecture began with a review of her credentials where she stated her VMD (Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris) degree. The second part was a segment on how to sequence and read DNA. The third part of the lecture were about case reviews of her success with canines and related subjects. "The PowerPoint presentation had nothing to do with Bigfoot at all," said our source.

Ketchum also answered several prescreened questions where she was quoted as saying that, "this will be a paper like no one has ever seen". Another interesting tidbit was when Dr. Ketchum mentioned that her life has been threatened for giving "information".


  1. "Dr. Melba Ketchum Phones Into Bigfoot Conference, Proves To Everyone That She Exists"

    So, if I call you, then it proves that *I* am Melba Ketchum, right?

    Did she claim, again, that she sequenced 9/11 victims?

    1. No, but she corrected herself and said "I meant ' a paper that no credible scientist will ever see'"

    2. No she meant it will be out successfully, rock your world and comments here stand as testament to the belittled trolls.

    3. Are you blind man? Cant you read between the lines? The government or the horrible ape theory people, possibly both, are gonna kill her if she publishes her amazing findings!!!

  2. first!

    I wonder who threatened FOR giving info? MIB? That's news in itself.

    1. MIB? Highly doubtful. Smoke and mirrors is more plausible. That's my opinion of course.

    2. Melba, just hang in there. Keep remembering all the haters know it will come out and that it will prove Sasquatch real, that's why they hate, but there's nothing that can stop the news of this species reaching the world eventually.

    3. the species not existing and therefore never presenting proof would stop the news of this "species" reaching the world.

    4. the world already knows they exist!! This woman does herself no favours at all,no wonder there are so many people on her back,the way she carries herself and conducts her busines is an absolute joke,!! Write a scientific paper? I would'nt trust her to write a shoppimg list!!

    5. Her own camp has stated this paper will NOT establish Sasquatch as a species. Get over it already. The paper is vaporware.

    6. nobody said that, you don't know your ass from
      your elbow, what a moron.

  3. A phone call is not proof that she exists. I would need to see a high quality video of her. Lol, maybe a Melba steak at the very least.

    1. I have a research paper in peer review identifying Ketchum dna thus PROVING the existance of Melba Ketchum. Be patient..it will SHOCK THE WORLD!!!!This is real and will be published VERY soon!!!

    2. Is she human? Because the contemptuous way she treats people would lead one to think otherwise.

    3. We need a Ketchum in a cage to verify her existence.

  4. I can't think of one piece of information the Dr. has given to the general public that would be worthy of a death threat.
    Prescreened questions do not sit well with me at all.
    I'd be very upset if I paid money to go to this conference.

    1. I agree. I wonder if the PP presentation was pre-recorded.

    2. Bigfoot haters? Yeah, they'd be crazy enough to.

    3. You're nuts. Who exactly are these 'bigfoot haters'?

  5. Like no other paper ever eh? Like more important than General Relativity? Or Planck's Constant, or Quantum Mechanics?

    1. Yes, troll because bigfoot has wave particle-duality and travels thru warped space-time and his thoughts go thru your head like radiation in black boxes and her paper has all that plus real bigfoot.hah!

    2. yer about as sharp as a sack of wet mice anon

    3. Troll, bigfoot hater..eat crow

  6. It is a scam set up by several members of the forest people friends, anti- hunting lobby, anti- logging lobby and other extreme pro-earth groups like PETA & Earth first who have passed monies around to get this scam up and running. There are members who will not go with the flow and lie, because they do not feel that it is right!!!!!

    1. What a jerk you are. Dr. Ketchum's actually against PETA getting involved in this, probably not even Greenpeace contacted.

    2. Of course she'd be against PETA or Greenpeace! She wants the paycheck running her own Bigfoot Protection Society.

  7. Clearly, the squatches are very upset with the DR. for blowing their cover, and they would likely be the source of the "Her life being threatened". "This will be a paper like no one has ever seen". Has anybody seen this paper? Prescreened questions, really? That is some tired shit. Almost as tired as an 8 year old PP presentation, that apparently had nothing to do with BF. She needs to take that weak BS back where ever she got it from. Ketchum is a waste of good oxygen.

    1. What, you somehow think a literally gigantic paper proving a new species of bipedal primate - human possibly - is not going to be a paper like no one has ever seen?

    2. Yes, because no one will EVER see it.

    3. It will not prove a new species.

    4. Of course it will, cynic.

  8. It has been set up by a man pimping his girlfriend because he needs a paycheck since his books don't sell much. When W.H. realizes he was scamed, the lid will blow off. Will the minions who signed off on this acknowledge their compliance,
    or just offer the Biscardi defense, I was hoodwinked? A lot of people will take the fall here. What is sad is 99% of BF people don't even go in the woods. If they did, we may have something.

  9. good way to lose the little credibility that was left. good job.

    1. I agree. It's over, there is no DNA paper that will prove Sasquatch.

    2. Holy cow, you trolls are too much. If only you knew. But you will. LOL

    3. we are waiting, we really are

    4. It doesn't make them trolls for stating their opinion. I know, and I still think this study is bullshit.

    5. Haters then. Even though it's silly to hate this discovery, but it says an awful lot about the senders.

    6. Keep trying. There's nobody here that would "hate this discovery" if scientifically proven.

    7. Yep, it says that we aren't mindless fundamentalist footer bleevers who suckle from the teat of wtvr LOONY story we are told by the conmen and hucksters that occupy the world of footery.

      You haven't seen the paper, you don't even understand the proper procedures of peer review (which DO NOT INCLUDE NDA'S, DO NOT INVOLVE NOT DISCUSSING DATA and DO NOT INVOLVE SECRECY) .

      But you don't care about critical thinking or proper procedure, or that her BBB rating was F for failing to deliver DNA results after receiving payment.

      Nope, you treat her with kid gloves because your little hopes and dreams are locked up in a paper you will probably have to have explained to you.

      The footers should be riding her ass about this, because any hoaxes, lies or misleading data makes he entire community look foolish....again.

    8. In fact it shows exactly that you're mindless haters, not one of you ever supported this project.

      Nothing's changed there, and nothing's changed with the project because of a missed conference you never wanted to visit yourselves anyway.

      Get real, this is clearer than ever who's side you're on and it's most certainly not the side of science. In fact, your side is claptrap delusion.

  10. Yes, it is a special paper -- it's invisible.

    1. The paper only reveals itself to those it chooses. It has been known to some chosen people in ongoing habituation settings.

    2. Actually the paper can detect humans, and avoids contact. Attempts to photograph the paper also doesn't work because it can detect electronics. Pens fail to write, pencils disintegrate, and the paper bursts into flames if you try to write any of it down. Oh wait, that was her story about her Bigfoot neighbors. It's hard to keep all of her fantasies straight.

    3. Also makes a helluva tablecloth at Bigfoot BBQs.

    4. Invisible paper. Do you think she wrote it in invisible ink too? Maybe she thinks we are going to absorb this paper by telepathic transmission.

  11. This is rediculous..it would have been better for her to not have participated at all. I think I can speak for many who really dont want to hear anymore from this women because its "put up or shut up" time I think. The hole that Mrs Ketchum has been digging for herself just gets deeper and deeper and deeper...soon we wont be able to see the top of her head anymore. And the "purveyor of all this is mystery, gossip and propaganda" himself Mr Robert Lindsey just adds fuel to this firestorm of rumors and heresay..."put up or shut up please"

    1. Please take your own advice because you don't know what you're talking about.

    2. I couldn't agree more, this zero rated,poor excuse for a human being just doesn't know when to stop,the hole she's dug for herself is now a bottomless pit!!! Could you imagine if she behaved like this with the Smithsonian of any other proper scientific organisation,they'd laugh her off the premises and tell her never to show her scrawny face again,to all these narrow minded numpties that are still aimlessly following her bullshit,just remember this,for her to not turn up,send a vid from 2004,screen her questions and talk by phone,she has just insulted you aswell!! You bunch of cretins are blinded by her fog of lies and deception and you deserve just as much scrutinising as she does!! The best thing she can do us just go back under the rock she crawled out from and fade into oblivion,do us normal people with real brains in our head a favour,those of us that actually care about the subject and want to share our knowledge and ideas with everyone,those of us without our own agenda !!! She's a disgrace to her so called occupation,a disgrace to any person who is interested in this field and as of today a disgrace to her so called friends and followers that have stood by and supported her!!!

    3. Exactly. Put up or shut up Ketchum. Where in the hell is this bloody paper? You know what? Keep the stupid paper, no one is interested.

    4. Luckily no one will be interested in the naysayers later. LOL

  12. She was threatened by the Sasquatch Militia for revealing blurry images of their top secret stick structures. The weaving of the twigs is a patented system, and could move modern physics ahead by 200 years. If the stick building were to get in the wrong hands, it could be the first domino in the Apocalypse.

    Why anyone gives this woman the time of day is beyond me. She has earned zero credibility, and she has no academic capital. Of course the paper is like one no one has seen, because it's a figment of her imagination and is invisible.

  13. In the words of that anti bigfoot youtube guy "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?"

  14. Everyone is a drama queen. She probably expected to finish the paper by now and didn't. Things in life take longer than expected, especially in science. She is probably trying to prove that she is legitimate by the content of her presentation. Her facebook page stated that the paper is not quite ready but that her presentation will hopefully teach something. I didn't know that she missed some sort of "deadline". She never gave one and admits that the timeline has gotten out of control. It obviously sounds like she is doing (and has been doing) what she has admitted to- keeping people informed but not giving specifics. This study shouldn't be threatening people- even the religious. So what if we are not the center of the universe, much less the earth.

    1. All she has to do is admit her paper got rejected. Nothing wrong with that, noone said getting this kind of paper accepted would be easier. Just tell people the truth, and you will earn respect.

    2. What flavor of Kool Aid is she serving, because it obviously causes loss of logic. Her snake oil tactics are obviously working. Beyond proving Bigfoot, the paper will cure warts, fix your libido, and do your laundry. Wake up. There is no paper.

    3. I swear the trolls get dumber and dumber. You think because you haven't seen the paper it doesn't exist or got rejected, same you think about Bigfoot anyway.

    4. And you're NOT dumb, though you also haven't seen the paper, but believe it exists and is about to be approved.

    5. Actually her paper is being peer reviewed in "Psychology Today". It is a study on cults of personality and gullibility in the in the twenty first century. It demonstrates how a person that no one really knows personally,can get people to believe in anything she says just because she says that it is true. The paper concludes that if people want to believe something bad enough, they will suspend their ability to think rationally and hang on every word with no proof or evidence that what the person is purporting, has any basis in fact. It then becomes a matter of faith.

    6. Anon 5:57- if you're right about that, she WOULD get some serious death threats. Lol.

    7. What does all this + stuff mean?

    8. Anon 5:57, I have actually thought about something along that line, It´s seriously not impossible that this would be the case.


  15. Will Ro do an 'Extinct?' podcast tonight from the conference?

    1. Oh god I hope so, and he can get on some batshit insane bigfoot followers as guests

    2. Yeah! Let's all Mindspeak the idea to him!

  16. Dr Ketchums simply can not talk much on subject before her DNA study is published. It's that simple. To all the low class commentry above, I would say very brave of you, the bravery of the anonymous, very similar to bravery of the inebriated, and the powerfull. You think you're above of it all, superior, and far more intelligent. Quite the opposite is true. I doubt if any of these negative commentators would put themselves out on an unknown scientific limb like she has. Galileo did the same. The evidence was there, he put it together, for the dimwitted european culture, though the chinese had it figured out long, long before. I suppose we have to expect this behavior, it's what history has taught us will happen.

    1. hows that kool aid tasting?

    2. Fruit punch flavor, eh? Ok smarty pants explain away her F rating from the BBB for not delivering DNA results. Explain away the lack of photos of the five big feet. Explain away her lack of chain of custody of the samples. Explain away her involvement in a lawsuit for patent infringement. Come on, she has NOTHING.

    3. And right away James was proven right, took only three minutes for the first troll to do so. Amazing. LOL

    4. how is speaking the truth trolling? bleevers just dont like being told they are wrong.

    5. What truth? You sound like the bigfooters you attack the way you carry on. The paper will be out and stun you all into muteness probably.

    6. @4:46....I've not researched her BBB rating, nor the custody/history of the samples, and I'm quite sure you haven't. It would be a judgement without having the facts. That's called prejudice. That there are multimillion dollar industries that stand to lose a lot of money if she is proven correct, is ovbious enough for even the low order thinkers like yourself. You think they wouldn't try to sully any reputation that might come between them and their profits? The BBB would be the easiest and cheapest way, I'm thinking, other than comments like yours. It's not unusual to take years for a paper of this magnitude, complexity, and controversy, to jump through the scientific hoops. It would be unusual if it didn't. Lawsuits are not convictions either. What's to explain there? Only when one is convicted should another state the supposed transgression as fact publicly. Tesla had a few of those, but he did some good work. Sicking a lawyer on somebody is another tactic of those whose financial interests are threatened.

    7. James, I understand your points but is it necessary to call people names just because they have a differing opinion from yours?
      I do think Sasquatch exists, and once upon a time I believed that Dr. Ketchum would soon release a DNA paper. Excuses can only be made for so long before the house of cards collapses.
      In my mind "soon" has come and gone in regards to the release of the study. "Soon" is a finite amount of time.
      The Dr. ditched the conference for some unknown (as yet) reason.
      Not everyone who questions things is a troll or "Bigfoot bleever" hater. Rational and logical thinking should be applauded,not scorned.

    8. James,

      Eat my unshaven butt you son of an uninformed toad.

      - Sally Ramey

    9. SasquaNation...I think the rational thinkers can distinguish the low class commentators I'm referring to in this blog. If you don't believe fine. At least your opinion wasn't of the "high school..I'm cool and you're not" variety.
      My point mainly is don't comment on things when you don't know all the facts. It will be a prejudiced opinion. It's the lowest form of human behavior. As to the defination of "soon"....What can we say? It's going to be different for everybody. I recently golfed with a chemistry phd student, at the university where I also work, and it took him six years to get published. He's rather proud and rightly so. Good for him for sticking with it. In the world of science research, "soon" takes on a different meaning than other professions. It may be that someone shoots a sasquatch or gets more and better video, before this study comes out. No matter what, the DNA study will be very interesting, will be ongoing, and will have it's doubters of the interpretation of the results. Remember when margarin, filled with transfats, was considered the American culture to be far healthier than saturated fats? It takes awhile for the truth to sort itself out, and it will on this subject for sure. In the case of trans fats it only took 30 years. The first phd student to product data that implicated trans fats at the university of maryland, was immediatly threatened by the domestic edible unsaturated fat oil industry, who threatened to withdraw all funding from the university if they didn't stop this threat to their multimillion dollar industry. We can thank that university for calling their bluff, and saving a lot of future lives. OF course it took 30 years to be universally accepted. Her name? Dr Mary Enig. Time is relative.

    10. You trolls crack me up.

    11. To Sally: What exactly is it that I said that you take exception to, and would like to present an arguement against? Use your words now.

    12. Galileo? You're comparing her to Galileo? She is a hack at best; Galileo was a real scientist who risked his life to tell the world the truth. His discoveries altered our understanding of ourselves, the world and the universe. Galileo is one of the *Giants* Newton referred to, when he made the famous statement "I was able to see so far, because I stood on the shoulders of giants" Ketchum is a mental midget that has done nothing but waste all of our time. To compare her to Jane Goodall, Fossey, or Galileo is an insult and almost makes me physically ill. SWP

    13. Well said SWP. Galileo. That's funny stuff.

      No Shadow

    14. James, you are truly blind to her scam. You state that multimillion dollar industries have much to lose if she is proven correct? What are you talking about? The multimillion dollar Bigfoot hunting adventures that employ thousands of people collecting Bigfoot pelts? The only money making at risk is the cock and bull crap she will try to peddle to the few people that actually still believe she actually has anything related to DNA. In terms of her chain of custody of the samples, there isn't one. Billy Bob and Jimmy Jay sent her a toe nail or a hair. Sure, they say it came from Bigfoot, but given the preliminary testing of the mDNA resulted in a human sequence with maternal lineage to central Asia, and that the nDNA resulted in an unusual polymorphism, there is absolutely no way to delineate the sample as anything but human. Sure you could argue that it's a human Squatch hybrid, and I am sure the result that Paulides wanted at the outset of the investigation. Also, why weren't the original results checked against GenBank, and when they finally were checked, why was there not a statistical measurable difference in the sample and human. Could the samples been contaminated? You will never know, because you have no chain of custody to determine where the sample originated. You have to take someone else's word at it. That doesn't cut it in science or law enforcement. Try that one in a court of law. I know who the killer is because some guy I never met in Arkansas sent me a toenail and said if I tested it, it would be the killer. Yeah, right. Also, without a body, you have no control sample to compare the other samples against. In the end, all you are left with is some unusual human DNA. yippee skippee. Yeah, that will really register in the annals of science with Tesla and Gallileo. But, James, you are obviously so much smarter than everyone else on here, I am sure you already knew all of this.

    15. Anon @ 8:00 You bring up some good points. Without "Chain of custody" you got nothing. I also wonder why there would have been a delay in crosschecking with GenBank. Maybe, it's because they already knew it was human DNA. Makes me question many aspects of this whole affair and how it was handled. What a freaking circus. I think this is the exact opposite of science. It's anti-science.

      No Shadow

    16. Where are you two getting your facts? Who said the samples were compared with GenBank? Richard Stubstad said that the sequences he worked on were not located in GenBank so obviously they checked, and if they checked those samples why woulndt they check all of them?

    17. Why are people wasting their breathe responding to people like James? They've been told 100 time you cant describe a species by dna alone, academia, the "peer review process", smells nothing like this and that shes acting like a con! Forget it, they are going down with the ship.

    18. SWP back to acting tough it's almost unbearable. James actually hit the nail on the head, props to him and as they say only time will tell who's right. Dislike Ketchum or the project all you like guys, we just hope you have an appetite for the big C dish coming up.

  17. "Yes, I do know about them now. I am glad I didn’t see them until after most of the data was in. I needed to prove it scientifically to myself first as a former skeptic before hitting the field so to speak and actually observing them. I had no fear, the ones I encountered were peaceful and gentle. I keep going back, I know why so many people love doing this now."

    - Dr. Melba Ketchum


    1. Even the most hardcore believers must admit finding a Sasquatch is not easy. She makes it sound like a trip to the zoo. Zero credibility.

  18. Sounds like shes setting up for a MIB out

  19. It looks like the Bigfoot world is calling in their markers and no credit is left in the cage for Ketchum. and her Bo. This is not just about a hoax video or some bullshit Fasano YouTube stuff. This is something more ominous...money and reputations. Good people have been beaten badly.

    I know bullshit when I see it and took that stance over a year ago(I was run by you folks for that). When Tom Biscardi told me his samples had been stolen by her and that Erickson was financially ruined by this, it was easy to put a scenario together.

    W.H. has picked up the slack while we are told results are pending. W.H. has funded the Olympic Project which involves top flight researchers, Derick Randles and Jeff Meldrum and Bob gimlem. These people have trusted someone when they had no reason too. I have a vested interest in this because my trail cam project originates from them.

    Most people want to give the benefit of the doubt, unfortunately, people have been taken in. I wonder if they will own up for their foolishness. Not.

    I move ahead with my research and have never taken a dime from anyone.

    What is going on with this DNA study is pure crap. I am glad people are seeing that now. Maybe the Squatchdetective will lose his hard on for Tom and focus on this.

    I agree with SWP, we just need more trail cams in field.

    1. keep up the good work fasano, i hope it pays off

    2. The guy's a dork, talking and not knowing what about.

    3. Be prepared to be called every name in the book, because the only ones left defending her are the "bigfoot body surfs on spaceships" and "I live with bigfoot but he only talks to me crowd". Nothing will convince that crew she's a fraud. She is cynically assuming the mantle as their queen, and it is indicative of a horrible character. Good luck to you and everyone else out in the field. So many of us would love to see a relic giganto, or something equally cool.

    4. Well Tim, just like you, I do, and plan on continuing to work alone.
      It may take me longer, and I don't have all the latest tech, but I am resourceful and have always made do with what is available.
      I don't know what I'd do if someone backstabbed me but I can tell you I wouldn't want to be the other party.

    5. More trail cams in the field. I don't think any of you guys know what the field is. Everyone that goes out into the "field" is more or less embarking on a nature hike. If any of you "researchers" were serious about finding this thing you would take a couple of weeks off and hike the remotest regions of the US. Florida doesn't count as remote.

      Unreal...you trolls kill me.

    6. Anon, you are talking out of your ass. A good number of the people here are experts in the forest, survivalist, hunters, x-military. And I would place good money, they will find solid evidence to establish this creature as being of flesh and blood, long before anyone in Ketchum's camp; even figures out how to run a computer and print out a copy of that stupid invisible paper. I agree with Fasano, about putting out more trail cams. If this creature has a reflection, it will show up in a photo. It would be a start. If we haven't managed to get a clear photos yet, it means we are not setting out enough cameras in the right spots. Then to prove this to science we need to put one in a box, or build a body of reproducible evidence. None of which Ketchum is doing. It is insulting to those researchers who spend time in the field, and to the eye witnesses who *know* this creature is real. Frankly I am surprised this woman hasn't been ignored a long time ago. I guess it says something about the good nature of bigfooters and their passion to have anyone prove the existence of this critter. SWP

    7. SWP gives some of the most coherent arguments out there, and he is right on with the DNA crap. It will prove nothing without a full sized dead or alive body. Without the body, even if the invisible ink on the paper ever reverts to visible ink, all you end up with is UNKNOWN DNA. That's it. No body, no species, no proof. And I am sure someone will drag out the tired Denisovian argument and flog that dead horse. That's a solid argument, if you are an archeologist, but not if you deal with the living. Again, for the ten thousandth time name one new species entered into the zoological record on DNA alone. That number would be exactly ZERO.

    8. Talking out of my ass? Name one team of "experts" that has actually went out and spent a couple of weeks in the deepest part of the PNW looking for this thing. I have seen these guys post these videos and it's either overnight camping trips or hikes. This isn't gonna get the evidence that everyone is looking for. Not to mention it doesn't matter what their credentials are, if no one is going to go above and beyond these mediocre "research" techniques nothing is going to happen. I don't care who this is insulting to it's the truth. How deep into the jungles do researchers go to get the pics of the undiscovered animals that they do like the ox in Vietnam? The people that are looking for actual new animals are dedicated. No one in this field is, it's all a dog and pony show.

      Yeah..more trail cams would be a good idea but they need to be taken into deep country. Places where it takes folks a few days to actually get to, not some place that you hike to in just an hour or two.

      I do agree that this DNA fiasco isn't going to prove anything without some source to compare it to. Unknown will always be unknown.

    9. Fasano is just as much of a fraud as Ketchum is. How about that Chimp pic you tried to pass off as yours and that it was a Squatch? You know, the one you posted and then claimed: " I was just testing people to see if they could spot a hoax". Yeah, you know the one I'm talking about and if you try and pretend to not know, its the one Steve Kulls interviewed you about. You'll never be taken serious by true researchers anymore after that little stunt. You got caught red handed, its over for you Fraudsano.

    10. BFs have been seen near roadways and homes. I don't think you have to go 50 miles into the outback. 5 miles will do just fine in the right place. I also do not believe that it takes a "team of experts" to find a damn thing, and BFs are not exclusive to the PNW.

      It is a very broad statement to claim that no one in the field is dedicated. That is just not true. What kind of research are you doing? Or are you just bitchin' cause nobody is doing it your way?

    11. 9:13...as usual you along with 90% of everyone here like to nitpick and take shit out of context. First of all you have no idea why these were seen where they were. If they were passing by or what. If I have to clarify point so that you can understand it I will. "Researchers" have been using the same old tactics year after year and they have yielded nothing. To get some clear evidence it's probably going to take someone going into deep and remote areas. No one has done what i suggested. You can't be that much of an idiot to sit down and watch their videos and see nothing but still believe that these little hiking trips will eventually produce something, can you? Instead of following along and accepting these lame ass attempts at attention grabbing try thinking outside of the box, if you can.

      And yeah, it is a broad statement but I made it after observing all of the videos these guys keep putting up of their little hiking trips and proclaiming to the world that they are "researchers".

      And I am so glad that you decided to take a moment and bring me up to speed that these things are not exclusive to the PNW. Thanks so much for that.

    12. 9:29 I noticed you didn't answer the question that was asked by 9:13. What kind of research are you doing? Are you going on deep hikes for a week or two. Oh, nevermind, I forgot you said "No one has done what i suggested", not even yourself. Are you "getting" the evidence everyone is looking for"? Are you dedicated? That's right, nevermind again, you already said "No one" is dedicated. It sounds like you do need to be "brought up to speed".

      And how the hell do you know if somebody else knows or doesn't know why they were seen in a particular place.

      Maybe, just maybe, you should practice what you preach, and lay off of the uneducated criticisms.

      And that was a stupid ass broad statement.

      No Shadow

    13. No Shadow...that's the dumbest name btw...go back and reread your response. Just like other idiots that post on here, you quoted shit that I didn't say not to mention you can't interpret what I said. You must be a woman.

      Point out to me, asshole, why my statement was "stupid ass". I doubt that you can since you can't comprehend a damn thing that anyone says. Douche.

    14. Your stupid ass statements would include...

      "You have no idea why they were seen where they were".

      "No one in this field is(dedicated)".

      "No one has done what i suggested".

      "You must be a woman".

      etc., etc., etc.

      But I'm a dumbass. You a f*cking idiot Anon.

      You need to go back and read the freaking posts dumbass. You did say those things, and you have still bnot answered the question.

      What kind of reasearch are YOU doing, or do you just like to bitch about the way other people do it?

      I did not realize you were an internet tuff-guy, I would have ran away with my tail between my legs. Just keep in mind, that the person you insult could, might be, maybe like...

      A 22 year US Army veteran. Former Green Beret and Ranger. That has seen combat on 4 continents and in 14 countries (7 of which they can't discuss). Has killed more people than you know, and would just as soon look a your stupid ass laying on the ground with a broken neck in a pool of your own piss, as hear dumb shit fly out of your pie hole.

      You just never know.

      No Shadow (at least I don't post as Anon)

    15. OOOOOOO...I'm so terrified. You just put me in my place didn't you "Dumb Shadow". Lmao...who's the internet tough guy now?

      "And how the hell do you know if somebody else knows or doesn't know why they were seen in a particular place."
      You really think that someone knows why they are seen where they are? That is a dumb ass statement Mr. Green Beret Ranger. Give me one shred of evidence that would suggest that anyone knew why one was seen where it was.

      Ok, you want me to address your little 8 year old argument "well what are you doin"? How about we use this same argument in relation to your attacks against Ketchum? Seems legit. Tell us what you are doing and what you are contributing there Super Soldier.

      BTW, I don't really give a damn about your supposed military credentials. You don't impress me and you sure as hell don't scare me. The one thing I know about you above all is that you like to run your mouth and you are full of shit.

    16. Hey Tim
      What's the record for images of BF taken with trail cams? ZERO! Correct? Repeating something with a zero return and expecting a different result is one definition of insanity is it not. As for your uneducated opinion on Ketchums work, well what can I say. You KNOW nothing but think you do. Same problem with all the other commentators here who just speculate without information at all. She has released nothing of importance, nor have her collegues. So you have NO INFORMATION but you still comment as though you do. No wonder America is in such a mess with that level of deep thought. But what the hell, never let facts get in the way of a good story. Most comments here sound like the Inquisition's treatment of Galileo because they were just small minded and would not accept the evidence in front of them. This tirade of uninformed nonsense is likely to continue even when her paper is released, and it will be in time,only because the sad sacks here do not have the wit to even begin to try to understand what it means. We used to be a proud nation of thinkers, explorers and workers but that seems to have passed. It is just easier to join the ranting rabble isn't it. I suppose you will be in the streets next burning books that express opinions different to what you have. You have the chance to be part of something great but I can see it is just easier to tear down what you do not understand or want to know about. Her study will not be the end of this but the beginning. Her paper may not appear for months yet. I do know know and she made no promises because it was never in her control except to provide revisions and perhaps extra analysis. You do not know. I will wait because I believe in the system of review and in the science. If you can't wait then you are the poorer because all you do is display your impatience and make yourselves look ridiculous.

    17. Daaaamn. Why are you avoiding the question anon @ 4:10. You keep dodging the question. What are you doing in the way of research?

      I think you do just like to bitch about other peoples "mediocre research techniques".

      Your a moron.

    18. Blash blah blah, answer the question. Waht are you doing loser?

      I never attacked Ketchum. I did say that it was sad that she phoned in to take prescreened questions about an 8 year old PP presentation that had nothing to do with Primal Peoples.

      So, you can do a lot of belly-aching and bitching, but you can't answer a simple question that has been asked of you several times.

      I don't complain about other peoples research techniques. I just do it the way I think it should be done, and don't get my little panties in a wad, because "Nobody does it the way I suggested".

      Answer the f*cking question or quit bitching moron.

      I am sure all of the non-dedicated researchers could benefit from your wisdom. Please share.

      No Shadow

    19. All this more trail cam talk's pure bs, it's not going to solve anything by putting more up. Don't you realize there's already cams in the thousands out there. So it's not like the chance of catching bfs isn't there, it very much is in abundance. Much rather, you need to ask yourself if photos generally have good quality then where are all the bf photos? Well, look at the Hovey photo assuming for a second it's real, you can imagine how excellent frontal snaps will look. This just could be why people keep it to themselves just like many eyewitnesses do in general. Most people setting up cams aren't footers anyway, it's people with their own professional reasons for doing so and also with good reasons probably not to show and tell. You think about that. And just assuming the outlandish thought there's a cover-up, afterall it's sheer impossible for an ape to remain undetected in my opinion, so the mental capacity at play's obviously more advanced than we thought. And just assuming it's so, theoretically there could be a deal struck with these forest giants informing them to avoid cams whenever they can. I know it sounds spacy, but not unthinkable if the species is in fact human and we communicate with them.

  20. The one thing I enjoy more than Bigfoot is a good dog.
    Sorry I missed the canine report.


  21. "Another interesting tidbit was when Dr. Ketchum mentioned that her life has been threatened for giving "information". "

    Those journals really play hardball. They'll not only kill your article if you talk about it before publication, they'll kill YOU.

    1. She was probably threatened by another member of their NDA $$$ cartel, because her leaked "information" might steal somebody's DVD or book sales thunder.

    2. Lol! I could see the refs being cranky about the lack of pay, but I did not think it could drive them to homicide.

    3. Sally here.

      I told Melba I would kill her myself if she didn't shut her big stupid Texas mouth.

  22. Melbas next appearence will be along side the Tupac "hologram".


  23. When the journal is released with Dr. Ketchum's and her co-author's Sasquatch DNA results, and video and pictures **Proving** that BF exists, come back and we''l talk then. Just hang in here, it will happen this year..sooner or later, it will be published. This is a big deal, all the i's have to be dotted, and the t's crossed..Okay? This is major stuff, it has to be correct the first time.

    1. Linda,

      Take Melba's left one out of your mouth for a minute and smell what she's really cooking.

    2. Then I suggest you tell Dr Ketchum that she could vastly increase her credibility and everyone's patience by showing up to say that herself, instead hiding behind an 8-yr old Powerpoint presentation and scripted questions.

    3. There's only so many i's to dot and t's to cross.

    4. Linda: At this point, your comment just leaves us wondering if your being conned or if your in on the hoax. Give it a rest.

    5. I hope you enjoy crow Linda. Get ready for big heaping plate full.

    6. Oh yes, "it will happen this year, sooner or later". You mean, like, July 2010, October 2010, June 2011, August 2011, December 2011, March 2012, April 2012, May 2012 or October 2012 now? Or is it going to roll over into 2013 or perhaps even 2014? Pffffft!

    7. Hiding? If the information is still valid 8 years later, what's the big deal. Crow is indeed the menu I hope the cynics will like, they'd better start working up a taste for it already for they'll be full of it shortly.

  24. Maybe the Bigfoot caught wind of her paper. They started a campaign of wood knocks, howls, and rock throwing at her residence.

    They might have done something unusual and lit a bag of poop on her porch. If she stomped on it and put it out she could have had the best DNA yet.

  25. Like Al Deatley saving his paving company, Ketchum is using this to hopefully save her ailing laboratory.

  26. When I see more comments by study participants I will be more interested, I feel rather empty headed after reading almost all of the above. The subject does draw passion, a DNA Study is the great hope of many. I actually do get the impatience and suspisions, not like we have much but rumors to consider, and some amazing claims by a few.
    But, no point thinking about this anymore, till there is a real reason and real information. (I have said that before...what a loop).
    Ready for a podcast or something meaty from this conference, Shawn!

  27. For all of you that keep saying that she cannot discuss any of her findings at conferences for fear of it risking her publication of results .. .science is not about secrecy , it is not about NDAs, in agreement with Nick B above. These are excuses she has used , but they are not based in fact. See the policy below from Nature publishing . I have chosen nature because Sally Ramey has used their embargo policy as support but she did not tell the whole story. For the poster above that stated something along the lines of there being no deadline . You are right there is not but she has cancelled more than one scheduled appearance and that is just bad form . Natures policy of prepublication discussion of findings at conferences , among peers and situations other than the media are listed below

    Nature journals do not wish to hinder communication between scientists. For that reason, different embargo guidelines apply to work that has been discussed at a conference or displayed on a preprint server and picked up by the media as a result. (Neither conference presentations nor posting on recognized preprint servers constitute prior publication.)
    Our guidelines for authors and potential authors in such circumstances are clear-cut in principle: communicate with other researchers as much as you wish, whether on a recognised community preprint server, by discussion at scientific meetings (publication of abstracts in conference proceedings is allowed), in an academic thesis, or by online collaborative sites such as wikis; but do not encourage premature publication by discussion with the press (beyond a formal presentation, if at a conference).

    1. Perhaps "Nature" is not the journal that is going to publish this Ketchum DNA study. They're all a little different with their "lawyerese", and they don't want to get scooped, or get the wind taken out of their sails, and be old news, by the time they do publish. I would think that would be especially so on the subject of sasquatch. Don't underestimate how big this will be, nor how much prestige this will bring to the journal that produces it, should it turn out to be true, and prove the existance of sasquatch, and another hominid cousin. (that we can't catch) Talk about humbling a species.

    2. James,
      You apparently missed the memo that there have already been sasquatch studies published in scientific journals.

    3. No, I didn't know there have been DNA studies published in science journals that prove the existance of a new undiscovered living hominid, or "sasquatch" Please enlighten us all. Or are you saying there's published science journal studies, that prove the existance of sasquatch or an unknown living hominid, without DNA. Again, let us all know when and who has done this.


    1. Well, it's all caps. It must be true.

    2. All caps, it makes the world go round..........

    3. What do the feds have to do with this? Nada.

  29. bigfooting is such a depressing topic to follow, always, lies, smoke and mirrors, huge upsets, delays, disappointments, secrecy.

    Its like the whole point of being a Bigfoot researcher is to do anything BUT prove the existence of the species.

    I don't know how you believers put up with it all. I'm really struggling.

    1. 6:34 I totally agree. Today's researchers don't have the balls to take time and actually go out into the deepest parts of the woods for a week or two and actually do some real looking. They drive up to the local reserve, park their cars, and go on a 2 hour hike taking pics of dead animals and stick structures.

    2. Dont get emotionally attached to it. If they find it, great. Meanwhile, there are many amazing animals you can actually read about, look at pictures or go see. Personal favorites: great whites, colossal squid, grizzly bears and orcas. :)

    3. Good advice from Anon 07:08 PM. If you have seen one then you know and you don't need anyone else to validate it. If you believe and haven't seen one, well you are an exception because more don't believe than do. People are people - most need a personal interaction or connection to believe in something and that's a truth that extends well beyond this subject. Since you are in the minority, you just have to grin and bear it and know there are good researchers trying, failing, and trying harder to uncover the truth.

      I've done tons of remote hikes thru WA, but wasn't focused on this. Now wish I had paid more attention because it is likely that my long-range hiking days are over. So I subscribe to a couple research sites and just like following the work. One is an Australian researcher - he films & uploads in HD - it's like you are on the hike the film is so stunningly clear! That all by itself is a treat! And if you like critters, just check out trail cams. The Olympic Project has great trail-cam pics of bear, elk, cougars, baby critters, etc.

      People have been screaming: "40 years and no body!!!!" Well, the Big Guy has been seen for hundreds of years, but we've only had mass-media in the last 40 or so. The web is great but it's also created an instant-gratification nation: I can google a tick on a zebra in Zambia but I can't get me Bigfoot????? LOL. In geologic or even human history 40 years is a nano of a nano second. There is still millions of square miles of wilderness on this continent. When it's all one big strip mall they'll find the Squatch behind the Qwik-e-marts. :) So be patient, limit your bookmarks, do some hiking or other outdoor activity to keep yourself busy, and eventually the news will come to you. Hateful people only have the power you give them. Peace


    4. Very nice comment. I should have said "if they find it great and if you have the capacity, you can look for clues yourself and have an enjoyable day."

    5. The best video on youtube this week was from bamabuckster1 enjoying a beautiful day on his lake to do some 'squatchin n' fishin'. That's the right approach, IMO.

    6. I don't agree at all with this leave it be talk, clearly that's the constructed feds minded babble at work now. The only way to get to the bottom of this, is for researchers to saddle up and go camping out somewhere for a longer period of time, say a week at least. Bring what you need to survive and station yourself in a cabin or tent, you're very likely to get some good Sasquatch action then.

  30. Screw this bull shit. Where's the podcast, it's Saturday night damnit.

  31. Possible outs at this point:

    MIB pulled the plug.

    Some DNA mumbo jumbo that no one understands that results in her being the victim of a hoax.

    Everyone was really mean to her so she won't release the paper "that'll teach em".

    Just outright stating no journal will accept it as science is bias towards the discovery.

    Carry on with the "its coming soon". Not sure how well that will be holding up in say 5 years time.

    Some DNA paper is released but doesn't come close to proving Sasquatch. It will prove somewhere at some point in time there was a near human species. Maybe she has gigantic DNA who knows.

  32. Perhaps nature is not the journal. They all however have similar policies regarding this matter. Presentation of data at scientific conferences is how all scientists communicate their studies with others and how collaborations are established. Embargo policies pertain only to DIRECT communication between authors with the news media . The excuses have got to stop . Not showing up to a scheduled presentation at a research conference is completely unprofessional . No scientist worth their salt would ever consider doing this and would certainly never do it twice , and yes, I have been a part of the scientific community for over 20 years

    1. Yep it is simply unheard of

    2. Wha chu talkin bout Willis?

    3. But, was this a genetics DNA conference? No, this was a sasquatch/bigfoot conference. Not the proper forum to release and explain to fellow researchers the details of the DNA study. That she was threatened, is not something to dismiss lightly, especially if your the one being threatened. That this DNA study threatens the future profits of the logging industry, should it be true, is a given. After all, they lost a lot of money because of the Spotted Owl. I wouldn't thnk they'd take this lying down. They play hardball, as the First Nations peoples, would be the first to tell you. I don't blame her one bit.

    4. Name ONE species placed on the endangered species list based on DNA alone. Wait, I will save you the effort .... NONE. What's the established population of the species, and what percentage of that species is endangered by logging. Quit dreaming up scenarios that don't exist. Logging Companies are not quaking in their boots waiting for the results of an inclusive DNA study that may never get published.

    5. @8:08...That may be true. I not saying that the logging industry is doing the "threatening" either. It could be others that want to "discover" or prove the bigfoots' existance first, as there is bound to be a lot of money involved in being the first to do so. The best thing for her to do is the science, and stay away from the media and controversial media hyped bigfoot conferences. That she'd like to share more is obvious to me anyway. Let's just let her be as private and safe as she wants to be. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt.

    6. If anyone threatened her (which I find difficult to believe) it is because they are sick of waiting on that stupid paper.

    7. I also don't buy that she was threatened, but what you're suggesting is that it's a rabid believer foaming at the mouth to prove the skeptics wrong. All for naught -- the skeptics would love to see this proven as much as anyone.

    8. Are you kidding, there's a lot of kooks out there so it's not unthinkable some idiot threatened her. Best thing is to finish this work in the time it needs, and then come forward with it. If any powers that be contacted her, meybe they informed her that this species is already known to them and is simply left alone. Both governmental and forestry services are well aware of this species, of that I'm quite sure. I think that's the case anyway, authorities know very well and probably have lost of planted folks in the field which is why new good evidence surfaces so rarely.

  33. Don't worry folks. I can assure you the TBRC will end this mystery with a body!

  34. Leave it to Bleaver. Staring Tom Biscardi, Melba Ketchum, Rick Dyer, and [YOUR NAME HERE] as the BLEAVER.

    1. Theodore, please take these nice brownies and Kool-Aid out to your friend James.

  35. The paper is taking so long becasue she is writing it out in letters made of sticks so the Squatches can read it too, such a thoughtful lady.

  36. I think this is stage 5. SWP

    1. Yep, we are entering G.E. phase five. That "Guy" was right on the mark. You can just about set your watch by it. This whole thing seems like such a bunch of BS. Phones in to take prescreened questions about an 8 year old PP presentation that basicly had nothing to do with squatch, or squat. Kinda sad.

      No Shadow

  37. Does everyone understand that the reason she didn't show up is so that she didn't have to answer questions..... about a paper that HAS BEEN REJECTED !!!!!!

  38. I'm here at the conference and it was one of the most disappointing parts of the day. It was like a joke presentation. It was horrible and people were left dumb founded. On the other hand, right after that horror show, Thom Powell was an awesome bright spot. I could have listened to him for hours.

    1. Cool that you got your money's worth then :o)

    2. You're probably one of the many fake bigfooters in this search, the field is probably littered with authority informants.

  39. It's funny how the JREF footers are the only obsessed morons following this story minute by minute. The same simpletons who believe that lying asshole Kitakaze actually found the P/G suit and has some mysterious control over how and when it can be revealed....lol

    And then there's his guy/gal friday Parnassus. He's up to what ? Claiming 5 fake professions between JREF and the BFF. These two assholes are the new breed of Creekfreaks and Janice Carter's in the Bigfooting world.

    Footers, aren't we all ?....lol

  40. Replies
    1. Truth is hard even for trolls like you 451, laughter's always a good shielding medicine.

  41. So how long has it been since Dr Ketchum announced the dna study? Less than 2 years. How long has it been going thru the peer review process? A year and a half? That's not a long time for this stuff. I'm not ready to call it a scam. @8:00...You say I'm blind to the scam? Wow. We'll see what we see when the study comes out. You write as if you're privy to the inner details of the study. Might not want to do that. So, she was hopefull that it wouldn't take that long, as most of us were.

    I don't think the Galileo analogy is too far off base. There's a lot of parallels. Going against an entrenched status quo, now being recently threatened. Changing our understanding of hominid,sapien intelligence, what it is to be human, risking your professional reputation. We can't judge it until it comes out, and even then, we'll have to rely on the interpretations of the experts in the field of genetics. (most of us anyway). Maybe a new species can't be proven this way, with just DNA. So, was it the finger bone from Denisovan, or the DNA that proved it's existance? There doesn't seem to be much controversy over that. That the DNA in Ketchum's study came from something recently alive, wouldn't that prove a new living species without a body? For some we'll need the later. For the genetics professionals, the former seems sufficient. What gets me a little upset is calling her a fraud before the results are released, and saying that there is no study, or it's been rejected because she promised it sooner. These things take time in the fields of chemistry, biology, and genetics. I played golf with a chemistry phd a couple weeks ago at the university where I also work, that recently got published, and it took him six years. The time frame for Ketchum's study is not out of the ordinary whatsoever. If you're going to call it bad science, wait until you actually see it. That Ketchum is being ridiculed to this extent also parallels what Galileo went thru.

    1. Galileo helped to prove that the earth revolves around the sun, at a time when everyone believed the sun revolved around the earth. Ketchum is claiming to prove a new species exists, when new species are discovered every year. You're a fucking moron for comparing Ketchum to Galileo.

    2. The biggest problem in comparing the two? Galileo actually published his data.

    3. James the DNA Study started more then 2 years ago, It was publicly announced by Pauladies and Ketchum in a radio show in 2008, they have never stated a exact date for when it started, but its origins go back to possibly before 2008. You need to read up more man on this subject and not believe everything you hear.

    4. Shut up 451, enough with the trolling. James here's right, and we sure as hell aren't talking Randi. LOL

  42. I can also see parallels with snake oil sales, but I'm sure "The Study" will straighten all of us out.

  43. Dont insult Galileo!!! Shes a wanna be! with nothing,no evidence.Sticks!

  44. @451....The circumstances are similar. It wouldn't matter who the author was for the DNA study concerning sasquatch. Very, very few in this field would risk their reputations. Look at Dr Meldrum, many acedemics are and have been calling for his resignation. He's one of the few, who would take that risk, and I think the first at the university level. Good for him. Dr Ketchum can always go back to her regular job. It's going to take somebody like Ketchum to do this, who doesn't risk her university academic standing and tenure.

    Btw, Galileo wasn't the first. The Chinese figured it more than a thousand years before he did. Don't compare the discovery of a new species of frog or bug to the enormity of a new living hominid/sapien...whatever the case might be. That would be far less than an intelligent insight.
    You're quick with the typing not too deep with the processing.

  45. Today I'm thinking about the big woman.

  46. If Robert Lindsay had just stopped trying to constantly have an exclusive Bigfoot Story concerning the DNA Project over the past year Dr. Ketchums/Paulides DNA Project could have had the time without hype to work it's way through the process of Peer Review needed by such Groundbreaking Information as a Giant Bi-pedal Primate Discovery would need to get published. If you want to Blame anyone for the constant Ups and Downs of the release of this Discovery cast your eyes upon Mr.Robert Lindsay he is the Antagonist here.

    1. I think her facebook page has a lot to do with this as well. why have a public page in the first place? If she would have kept out of the public it would have been easier to see the rumors as rumors

    2. Last year it was "the dog ate my homework," this year it's "my life was threatened."
      next year: "I need to spend more time with my family."

  47. Enough with Dr. Ketchup already!!

  48. qoute from Sally Ramey

    The posts appearing on Bigfoot Evidence that are credited to me or Melba are fabrications posted by others. Neither of us are posting there or on any other blog.

    1. We know, it's those damn belittled trolls again.


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