Bama Gives Bigfoot Chicks His Custom Wood

What can be more fun than watching Bamabuckster1 with two hot chicks? The "Bigfoot Chicks" visited Paul, our favorite Bigfoot hunter in Alabama, and picked up a few tips about Bigfooting.

Watch below:

BamaBuckster1 talks about Bigfooting in Alabama

Bama gives Bigfoot Chicks a stick to play with

Off to put out bait

Last week, we sent the the "Bigfoot Chicks" some questions and here's what they wrote back:

Where is everyone from?

  • Melissa - Stone Mountain, GA - Currently - Winder, GA
  • Angela - Broken Arrow, OK - Currently - Winder,GA
  • Rob - Lake Charles, LA - Currently - Bossier City, LA

How did you get into Bigfooting?

  • Melissa got into bigfooting with her dad seven years ago when he took her on a BFRO expedition.
  • Angela got into bigfooting when Melissa invited her along on an expedition 3 years ago.
  • Rob got into bigfooting after watching Bigfootville.

What are the Bigfoot Chicks trying to do?

The BFC’s seek the truth about the Bigfoot mystery. Through participation in field research with individual researchers and groups, we hope to increase our knowledge of this elusive creature and practice and explore various methods and techniques for attracting it.

What can we expect to come from the Bigfoot Chicks?

We currently have several projects in various stages of production including organizing an expedition in the southeast involving multiple research groups, compiling a video of memorable moments in the field and contributing to a publication about cryptid research.

Any good field stories?

Melissa experienced tree knocks, howls, and rock throwing in WV. Rob had Tree knocks, unidentified yells and eyeshine in Oklahoma. Angela and Melissa experienced a series of yells that seemed to move closer to them in MO.

Is there anything you would like Bigfoot Evidence readers like to know?

The BFC’s are dedicated researchers who LOVE what they do. They believe in order to have the best chance of having an encounter with a Bigfoot, assuming the creatures exist, is to get out in the field often and practice various techniques for attracting and finding these creatures. It is important that all researchers are open to learning from each other and collaborating whenever possible to move the research forward.


  1. Ok, I can not take this, getting sexually aroused while watching a squatch video!!! They way she handles that "wood", that just aint right.....

    1. uhmmm no hot chicks just some gullible hicks

    2. You're pathetic. Are you muslim? Sure sounds like you haven't been around women much. Poor sucker, I can tell you'll be manipulated most of your life by any girl who smiles at you or gives you the time of day. These broads aren't even hot, they're friggin middle-aged housewives.These dumb broads have nothing to add to this field, other than their own desire for attention. So keep giving it to them, you poor, sad, lonely fool.

  2. Bama gives Bigfoot Chicks a stick to play with

    I bet he did lol!!

  3. God, she doesnt look as good in the daylight.......

    1. And that's why the light-switch was invented.

    2. and thats why the videos are now private.

      I got a six pack and some lube for a night in. Now it's internet porn 'AGAIN' Bitch!!!!

  4. I have some wood she could knock around.

  5. Bama, what are you talking about with the Eastern Hemlock? PNW? It's called Eastern because that is where it is found, north Alabama, all over the Appalachians and up into Eastern Canada.

  6. I still think Melissa Hovey is the hottest female researcher and certainly the best. With her burgeoning popularity I'm sure most people who post here would agree.

  7. I stayed with my sister in Birmingham in 2001, and we went to a bar on a shopping complex at night, it was great, I think I met this mama back then........

  8. OK so I made a BooBoo on the origin of the hemlock trees,but it is true that they were brought here by the Paleo Indian's though.And by the way let me just say that these are two of the Classiest Ladies I have ever met.They go and do more than most Male Researchers ever thought about doing and they brought their kids as well.So Please be respectful to them if anything because of them trying to bring some life to the subject.Thanks to them for coming because there were others that didn't show up because they had better things to do.I felt Honored that they came and trusted me enough to bring their kids "Future Squatchers" by the way.They are a Class act and Wonderful mom's as well,lets see someone else take their kids out to a remote area without power or water for a weekend of research.They are the next generation of researchers and we have to teach them to appreciate nature plus we had a blast doing it.

    1. Sorry Bama... You rock, but they are bandwagon jumpers, I heard they tried to do a ghost show before jumping on the bigfoot train... it's obvious the bulk of their knowledge comes from Finding Bigfoot.

      They are selling merchandise already... WTF???? They think we are all stupid.

      - A. Watts

    2. Watts,

      You heard wrong. They have been bigfoot researchers for years, and are always taking time to meet with people locally that have first hand experiences.

      Make sure you get your facts straight next time.

  9. In spite of them being "Wonderful Mom's" the majority of their content involved thinly veiled sexual innuendos. Are we are suppose to take these girls seriously?

  10. would hang out the back of that +1 if you agree

  11. What the hell? Shawn why are all the links on private?

    1. Who cares. Tree knocks, howls, and rock throwing. Been done to death by Finding Bigfoot.

  12. Seems like they can dish it out; but can't take the heat.

  13. I wonder if they go for Jim Morrison action?

  14. just saw the thread on the team tazer fb page, they block the video's because of the title of this article

  15. Why post this if there going to make it a private video!!!!!!


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