SnowWalkerPrime Talks About Dr. Melba Ketchum's "Blursticks"

Our friend SnowWalkerPrime has a few questions for Dr. Melba Ketchum. Dr. Ketchum recently posted a photo of a blurry stick structure purportedly made by some Bigfoots on her property. The good doctor also claims that she has seen "a family of 5" on this property.

The questions SnowWalkerPrime wants to ask her is this:
  • Why is your photo of a stationary stick structure so blurry?
  • If you're seeing a family of 5 of these Bigfoots, why haven't you taken any photos of them?

Both great questions right?

Watch the video:


  1. Everything they do is pure gold

  2. Epic! New found respect for SWP.

  3. True. Everyone interested in Sasquatch should be skeptical at this point. Think about it for a second. If the evidence was as concrete as it's being claimed, it would be national news and support from a federal level would be taking place. Also if the Erickson video was any good, all he had to do is show it to CNN and it would take off from there. Obviously it's not good enough, hence the delay and all the fecal matter.

    1. Yeah, mindboggling ! LOL It's only real if you see it on TV, and especially the politically correct CNN !

    2. I actually agree with his logic. If all this evidence was so concrete and these videos were as ground breaking as they say why don't they go to a bigger source to release this information. Your going to get more exposure which may lead to protection of the species if more people actually see the videos. Probably wouldn't go to CNN though.

  4. Finally a voice of reason out of a sea of lunacy. At least someone in the Bigfoot community hasn't had the wool pulled over their eyes.

    1. Damn and I thought it was just the Wookie suit was too low over my eyes. SWP just joined the lemmings in demanding others satisfy his insatiable curiosity. No one with a video, good or otherwise, owes you anything. I am sure that "demanding it be made public" will work well also. Smile at the pretty "bird".

    2. Right, like we need more dummies with guns jeopardizing others.

  5. I can't believe this dbag is so pro kill. What a terrible person.

    1. When did he say "kill"? Putting it in a box can be interpreted many ways, the point is we need irrefutable proof, not blurry photos and the like. Only absolute proof will do.

  6. This guys just another dyer.

    1. That makes no sense. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, and just want to insult the guy for some reason.

  7. You can't kill something that doesn't exist.

    1. True, but that fool Smeja apparently did so don't include Bigfoots in that analysis as they've been encountered by thousands of different people for hundreds of years.

    2. Yes and just like Smeja there is not one single shred of tangible evidence to back those stories. Smeja is lying to sell a book...does the name George Adamski ring a bell? The Alien visitation guy? Same shit different year

    3. Then you should've lost interest long ago, why still bother with it years later then.

  8. Shut up with the kill BS already. We need to find it first in order to kill it. Beside's he did not say to kill it, he meant to capture it. In his case to "taser" it, LOL. However, if killing it to prove its existence, then by all means lets get it done. No living being lives forever, thus, one sacrificed to prove existence would be well worth it.

    If you guys want to stop any killing, go and protest in front of the whitehouse to stop all the wars.

    1. Your sick. That's just the sort of attitude these beings need protection from.

    2. Protection from who? We can't even get a clear picture. Are blobsquatches protected in your neck of the woods

    3. Totally agree that the killing of one individual is good for the preservation of the species. The only question is when will you offer yourself up so the BF species can be preserved? I am sure your mate and children would not object to that, after all you are only one of millions so what is the big deal.

    4. We do not own them, so that we can 'sacrifice' one. To prove they're here. To us. That’s just ridiculous.

    5. You guys are too much, there'll be no killing because Smeja saw the mess he created when he realized he hurt a thing that wasn't an ape. He's the warning shield for all kooks out there, including SWP. Besides, this is the 21st century and Americans can't be this insane anymore to want to kill what they don't understand. When do you suppose we last killed a great ape to prove it exists? Not in our time. That's why DNA is the only way to do this, it's essentially a body no matter what this comedian SWP thinks. It's science now where bloodshed is for morons. Hey how about SWP in a box to prove he's real, so far he's just some clown on youtube calling the PGF a video. See how crazy it sounds? LOL

    6. keep posting this crap over and over and you have no idea what you are saying. The DNA argument is a sham. Mainstream will not accept this. They never have. There have been other DNA studies that have come up inconclusive or as an unknown primate and it didn't matter.

      Your assumption that providing a body is archaic is laughable. If a hunter goes into the woods and kills one of these and brings the body back or part of a body, preferably the head, the case will be closed and all of the arguments will be done and over.

      We need a body...plain and simple. Anything short of this will not suffice. A .308 Winchester should do the job nicely. Heart or lung shot, not a head shot.

    7. Dude anyone who takes Smeja seriously is crazy, seriously. He is a big fat lying piece of crap and if not? Produce a finger, ear, tuft of hair, picture, something.....nope.

    8. LMAO I keep posting this? No, lots of people take the DNA study seriously only it's not registering with you. Bill lives in another time, he thinks it's still the 1850s where you can get away with bloody shit like that. You're not interested in Bigfoot really, you're just someone with poacher genes.
      As others have explained, it's not necessary to kill any sasquatches most importantly because it'd be murder one and only satisfy your morbid curiosity. True seekers don't want blood, DNA whether you want to acknoledge it or not is a scientific means to an end.
      Maybe not accepted by mindless pro-killers like you but by mainstream science, trust me they want nothing to do with your archived kind when there's a peaceful way.

    9. LMAO...I have poacher genes. Ah man that's too funny. I need to send some of my DNA off to you Melba so you can isolate the sequence for me. Use some handy dandy PCR to copy it and then do a peer review paper on it for the world. Maybe it will get other poachers out of jail since it's in their DNA.

      My name is Bill Jackson and I have poacher genes.

    10. I don't understand why we've appointed ourselves as the ones who for some reason MUST prove these things exist. Why? Surely not for the good of the animal, which seems to intentionally avoid us. No, the only reason we must prove it exists is to satisfy our own selfish curiosity. Why is it so important to prove they are real? Let's let them remain an intriguing mystery.

    11. Preservation, 8:43. If they are real and if their numbers are dwindling because of something that we may be doing then it would be imperative to know. If we just let it go then we are taking a chance at letting this animal pass into oblivion through some possible human intervention.

  9. Oh yeah, they need protection cuz they are just spotted everyday aren't they?

    How can they be both the most elusive intelligent creatures around, AND in need of protection? Hmmm?

    Let me guess, you will make up some stupid scenario involving hoards of drunken rednecks with guns....

    1. Sure, don't tell me you wouldn't want a species like this protected by law? This is something that always needs to be done, you can't just go around and blast away at recognized species. Especially not primates.

  10. This guy is funny, his comments are very animated, but remove the entertainment aspect from his words and he is totally correct. Until the scientific community can analyze a specimen, the mainstream will never except the existence of sasquatch.


    1. Hey! what about bringing back the throwing christians to the lions in the arena. That should thrill the mainstream no doubt too.

  11. Exactly, another Rick Dyer - or what was the name of the other Georgia hoax guy? Another point: Ketchum has made a video of her encounter with the BF family, at least she tells so on her public FB page.

    1. If that's true, she should make it public. If her DNA publication is as imminent as she hints, she already has a 3-year head-start on anybody stealing her thunder. Money, money, money... she's jerking us around as she lines up her cash flow.

    2. What are we reduced to here. I demand you show me yours now 'cos I need another thrill fix.

    3. Of ocurse her dna study's the real thing, just pay no attention to the latest ring attraction swp. Why would she take all this time when someone else could take all the glory already, let them if they feel they must have blood on their hands, but her work is the sceintific method. You can bet your sweet cojones this study is deadly serious and will prove it. Coming soon.

    4. I just wish someone would kill one, today, right now, then take pictures and all then go to Melba's FB page and post "Sorry chain-yanker, you are too late". Three years of fake research down the drain!

      That would be classic.

    5. How would it be fake if they exist?

  12. What Kind of respectable scientific journal would want to be involved with her when she's talking about "stick structures" and seeing a sasquatch family that only show themselves to her?

    1. Maybe because they are two totally different things. One is a scientific paper, the other is a facebook entry about what she is doing for leisure.

      I suppose you would have to agree that your "work" should be judged by what you do in your leisure time. In your case maybe they should????

    2. It's a serious paper study, goes without saying guys like SWP won't undestand half its lingo. Remember that Mitt Romney thinks Bigfoot's a hoax and he's a Mormon (MR not BF).

    3. She also believes they have paranormal powers and can manipulate our thoughts and teleport themselves. That should have no effect whatsoever on her paper though because it's her personal belief and that's different than the science part of it.

      The Bigfoots don't want us to think they exist and they are influencing the mind of SWP to get everyone else to doubt their existence.

    4. Seriously? Bigfoots want us to think they don't exist and are influencing people's minds? How did you come up with this lunatic conclusion?

      I love how people make this crap up. If bigfoots were capable of this then they would have the ability to manipulate governments and populations all over the world.

      LOL...there is a secret Bigfoot Illuminati organization now bent on ruling the world. It's just a matter of time before we are all their slaves because it has been proven that they are telepathic and can manipulate the minds of others.

      What a nutjob! ;)

    5. That last line described yourself neatly - Billie - finished evaluating if you look good in orange yet ?

    6. Orange for what? lmao...u cant go to jail for killing apes with no season that are not protected by law.

      oh look real snazzy in my hunter's vest n cap. I'm gonna net me some real bigfoot DNA the first chance I get. Then u can rest assure science will prove these apes are real.

    7. Apes. LMAO Don't think so. That's precisely why there should be a law to protect them, there's a law protecting you from them same offense.

    8. HAHA...there is a law protecting me from these apes? I wanna see that one.

      AP News Bulletin: North American Mountain Ape Gets 20 Years For Murdering Hunter

    9. You're the ape Bill, haven't you figured that one out yet.

    10. We have the Neanderthal DNA sequence but unfortunately we have no confirmed body. I volunteer Bill Jackson to provide that. He most likely has 25 times more than the 4% Neanderthal genes that we all seem to have, so we should be able to wrap this up quickly.

    11. How bout I send a sample of it to you Melba so we can see how long it takes to get a peer reviewed paper published?

      Since I am part of a family of five it should make your work more enjoyable. We'll leave some footprints for you but don't count on us making stick structures for you. We saw what you did with the pics you took of the ones that your bigfoots made for you and we are highly disappointed.

      My name is Bill Jackson, I have poacher genes and now I just found out I have neanderthal DNA.

    12. Hey Bill, I was with you the day your going to shoot bigfoot , and I swear I saw him charging at you.

      Well, so much for any hunting law having any bearing how you got that neat Squatch wall mount.

  13. SWP is hilarious..Every blur or blob is not a sasquatch. Every "so called" researcher should have his logic..
    Now for my questions..Why have researchers all adopted the same vocabulary. It is a pile of sticks. No. it is a "stick structure".
    A path through the woods? Nope it is a "trackway"
    They are watching our moves? No again. They are "tree peeking"

    1. The picture of SWP is becoming clearer, he always seemed suspect to me now we know he's just another train hopper himself.

  14. If these "researchers" spent half of the time they spend bashing other groups/people they might actually be able to find their own evidence... I used to really enjoy this blog.

    1. +1. What has Michael Merchant contributed? Who is he anyway?

    2. Get a clue. Nobody has contributed one ounce of proof since Patterson/Gimlin. Everything that has came out since can be dismissed as circumstantial. Ketchum hasn't proven anything YET!!! All SWP is pointing out is It's just more BS. If she really did have video proof show it until then your just talking shit. It has nothing to do with the paper so don't try and say that, also it would get people off her back and give her some more credibility in regards to the paper.


    3. Give us a clue then, that rant didn't do it.

  15. SnowWalkerPrime, you are a light in the hokum forest.

    new anony

  16. SnowWalkerPrime, you are a light in the hokum forest.

    new anony

  17. His fan club just went down by 1. Not impressed.

    1. Membership -1. Totally classless and seems way below the kind of witness audio reports he has been putting out. If he expects people to take him seriously in his witness interviews it does no good to go about bashing other people in this business.

      A couple of weeks ago Guy Edwards and him had a minor spat when Guy said he can no longer dismiss the possibility that Sasquatch may have psychic abilities due to the sheer number of habituators he has had contact with and personal experiences. This may or may not be true, but every human has psychic potential, but like me they just do not understand it or know how to develop it, but some people due and if a Bigfoot is similar to humans than maybe some of them due also. You can not rule it out.

      As for Sasquatches jumping trains, Stan Courtney has been one of the most well respected researchers for quite a while, and is well thought of by his peers, and has
      some very unique recordings, and his website is well worth viewing. The person he witnessed this with also gives his perspective and the original experience he had in 1975, and make it explicitly clear why no hoax was possible. Stan also has the audio recording (He records all of his interviews) from back in March and states at the time "Who will believe me". My thoughts are if Stan says he saw something you can take it to the bank.

      I would suggest to SWP to read the article about Mike Rugg that is above this one. Not everyone can have the patience for listening to every bigfoot story and keep a totally open mind, but as Mike says "How can you be so goddamn sure they didn't"?.

      There are many parts to this Bigfoot mystery that are to be discovered and every part is a piece of the puzzle. We have only scratched the surface. Hell we have only scratched the surface on the human mystery.

      With all due respect

  18. we should capture all the bigfoots we can and exterminate the species completely..put them in gulags underground in Nevada and dissect them for study...and the rest strap them with grenades, put them in front of our troops and use them as human shields in Afghanistan

  19. I don't care who you are that was funny. Like the commenter way up said take away all the funny stuff and everything he said makes perfect sense. True a lot of us out their have seen them and know they're real but to someone who hasn't, all the evidence or lack their of doesn't pan out and the excuses for the lack of evidence are getting more and more extravagant. Maybe someday we will finally know.

  20. If you train a telescope to the bottom of a 747 in flight you can CLEARLY see bigfoots attatched to the belly of the planes! Why do you think they're so hairy? Its COLD up there!!

  21. Good lord she said it was her cell phone not a camera! depending on her cell phone they can be blurry if you move at all... Good lord let it go already!!! Blah Blah blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Spellcheck. It's: Good Lord, you're crazy.

    2. Spellcheck? How do you spell lord then?

    3. Why not? It's a title like a name, I guess.

    4. Cool. I need to run this by my wife and see how she would like to name our son Lord when he is born.

  22. I'd have to say that this is SWP's best video yet. He can be somewhat of a clown at times, but he hit the nail squarely on the head with this one, on every point. Touchy-feely Bigfoot do-gooder heads are exploding everywhere today.

    "Bigfoot barbecue picnic", hahaaah, I love it.
    "peer reviewed by the Mormons" hilarious.

    Beast in a box, babies.

    1. Look beastie, SWP's a stand up comic searching for an act. Good luck to him but this field he's chosen it ain't.
      He's about as serious a researcher as Bob Heironimus and I'm expecting him next to say he doubts the Patterson/Gimlin footage.
      Then we'll finally know where we have him, probably been leading us all up the garden path the whole time.

    2. Yeah, Bigfoots just want to be left alone. They want to raise their families without the fear of some crazed hunter murdering them. This guy wants to see them murdered and it just makes me cry every time I think about it. They should be able to live in peace and these mean horrible people should just leave them alone.

    3. It's not murder it's poaching and maybe not either since to poach you have to kill something without a license that has a designated season. So since there is no sasquatch season and there is no law governing the killing of these animals you may be able to get off scott-free.

      If they do try you for murder you can always claim self defense.

      Whoever kills one first, just don't shoot it in the face. I'd like to see what it looks like.

    4. Dummy, that's why they must be protected by law so there won't be a sasquatch season and you can bet there never will either for the DNA study will prove them not animals. Sorry to slaughter that dated belief, forget it already. Hey, remember the movie Kill Bill isn't that a cool title!

    5. Lmao..yup u did a great job at slaughtering that dated belief. You're such a genious aren't? Idiot..there never will be a season. When the first one is shot, killed and skinned the species will instantly get the protection they need. But so needn't worry your little tree-hugger head cause no one is killing them.

      sasquatch: wanted dead or alive...prefereably dead cause no one will believe it.

    6. Not too coherent this latest ramble Jackson, but will try to comment nevertheless. You want to skin a human ? That's where the law comes in again and why it hasn't happened yet, or ever will happen. You'll never see them in zoos or on stuffed display, think real hard now why that is and why we're still kept in the dark on this subject.

    7. many sasquatches do you habituate with Annie? Cause sounds like you are making up things I didn't say. I'm betting you have your own party of 5 that you hang with.

      Where did I say that I wanted to skin a human? Can anyone dig that up and copy and paste it here for me cause I don't see anywhere that I said that. Annie says I said it though but I think he is blob-posting.

      What I did mention was the harvesting of bigfoot hide so that science can have irrefutable DNA evidence, accompanied by a slain corpse as well. I don't recall mentioning anything about human hide. Can someone point that out?

      Oh yeah...I took your suggestion since you are all knowing and did some real hard thinking. My conclusion is that the only thing we are being kept in the dark about is this mythological peer reviewed paper on coyote DNA.

      My name is Bill Jackson and I have poacher genes.

    8. Hi Bill, why would you want to skin a gorilla-like ape? Isn't that a little sick in our times? Most people probably think so, and what if they're not gorilla-like intelligence-wise if you know what I mean they're still hairy but you wouldn't want to skin them then, would you?

    9. I was thinking orangutan-like ape but no matter, these train hoping, pancake eating, cow tipping, picnic basket stealing, chicken snatching, pignapping, rock throwing, wood knocking, stick structure making, cabin trashing, dumpster diving, skunk smelling, wookie wannabes need to be hand delivered to the press.

      I really don't want to skin one though. I hear they stink pretty bad.

      My name is Bill Jackson and I have poacher genes and neanderthal DNA.

  23. So, if there does turn out to be something to this, I assume this asshat will come on and apologize for being such a smug prick?

    Nah, I didn't think so.

    1. Don't think so either sadly, clearly just a prankster enjoying his 15 minutes. You can say a lot about and against Fasano probably, but this guy makes Timmy look like Sasquatch searching state of the art.

    2. Oh please. Timmy won't go in 10 feet off a road unless he can follow somebody else. Timmy get his feet wet? Timmy cast a footprint? Point a trailcam in the obvious direction the first time? His shaky camera is either pointed at the ground or his face. He makes Ketchum look like Ansel Adams.

    3. He won't have to cause there won't be anything turning out from this.

  24. Dr. Katsup is crazy and has no clue whats going on.

    -Morgan Freeman aka Bigfoot

  25. I'll bury those Sas-quatches. What'd they ever do for us?

  26. Put one in a box...a pine box. :D

  27. SO well said SWP, EXACTLY what we are all thinking.

    Thank you.

  28. At least I can come here and get a laugh about this silly crap.
    I just checked out BFF and they are still treating this Ketchum garbage seriously. What a bunch of maroons.

    1. It may be a laughing matter for you, but some of us take this subject very seriously.

    2. you are taking this DNA, family of 5 stick piling thing seriously?

    3. Didn't the anon poster just say that? No need to ask then is there. I know I do too surely, why shouldn't they have families of course they do. Don't know what they are, guess tall primitive haircovered people of some kind.

  29. Good rant SWP! this latest post from DR. Ketchum is very disturbing and highly suspicious. I'm starting to think this whole DNA study along with the Erickson video will probably end up being a huge disapointment when released.

    1. Well, you're in Montreal so what do you know about its content.

    2. I'm talking about the stick figure photo!!

    3. and the other things she has claimed outside the DNA study.

  30. Guy,
    you mean just the next disappointments in the continuing and perpetual series of hoodwinks.
    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 1363 times, shame on me. Charley Brown, meet Lucy.

  31. I'm with SWP up until the body in a box part.
    I understand it, I get it, but I'd rather Sasquatch go undiscovered than see a dead one on a slab.

  32. SWP is not advocating the killing of a Sasquatch. He has said as much during the Extinct podcasts.

    He's saying that the only surefire way to prove the existence of these animals is with a specimen, dead or alive. He's ALWAYS proclaimed that he would prefer alive.

    LOL, why do you think they're called Team--->(TAZER)<----bigfoot.

    Anyhow, nice rant, SWP. As always, a voice of reason amidst all the loud blurry nonsense.

  33. He didn't mean it like that. What he was getting at was that we need one in a cage. He said in the video he wasn't for killing one just catching one.

  34. Thanks for posting more propaganda for your butt budy Shawn!!!!!

    I cant help but wonder if snow walker deuche is:
    A= genuinely retarded
    B= plain stupid
    C= gay as rick dyers gay brother
    D= craves attention because he was molested as a child

    I have been told by many sources its a mixture of both. Recent updates point to a relationship between snow deuche and rick dyers gay brother years ago. The fact that snow deuche is retarded and stupid also explains why he is trying so hard to bed Rick Dyer at the moment.
    I can definetly see why you have a crush on this deuche Shawn!!!!!!!! You obviously like what you see

    1. poor little baby upset cause his heroes are full of crap and he knows it?

  35. Shit people...we gotta level off. This is no good for this subject. Either way you wanna swing on this issue, if the press ever gets to looking at how we deal with each other, bigfooters are gonna be known as a bunch of close minded hate mongers.


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