Man Complains About People Believing In Bigfoot, Made Rick Dyer Laugh

We don't have a profanity filter for this video, but this guy apparently despises Bigfoot believers and calls them idiots. He doesn't understand why people believe in something that doesn't exist.

This obnoxious guy is also taking a lot of heat from people in the Bigfoot community in the comments section. Rick Dyer has even chimed in with his usual "" plug.


  1. Do you have faith in a religion of your choosing? Can you see touch or physically fell it?? Hmm how is it any different then someone believing in BF?


    This dude needs to get laid!

    Quitcher bitchin!

    1. He needs more than laid, maybe a "bigfoot" up his cornholio would do better.

  3. Can I complain about balding dorks in purple shirts?

    1. Just a moron in a purple shirt hoping to get lots of attention for his utube video. But i think the language will squatch his chances. lol

    2. There are no such things as dorks in purple shirts.Wait a minute...damn there are.

  4. Doesn't fucking exist he says, oh yeah? You know this cleverpants because you never saw one? Gimme a break, why even post this jerk's crap. Look at that well-groomed city dweller there, or garage dweller more like it all manicured like a woman I bet. LOL He's the classic disbeliever idiot who thinks he's smart, gotta love the audacious arrogance. What the hell do you care how people live their lives, I see one moron here and this Taylor douchebag is it. You see bigfooters talking trash about your perfumed lifestyle you lounge lizard, though we probably should. No, so you need to let it go bro. Now what will a hairsprayed shitstain like this say when the species' proven real? I can't wait to hear him yap an apology then, on the other hand think again that won't happen. He'll be off somewhere with his uptown hotel band, blushing and pretending he never made this video. This is the best example of nutcase smartasses I've seen in a long time. LOL Also love the old cliche about dinosaur bones vs. Bigfoot bones, here Einstein, we have those due to ground conditions. His shaky Patterson explanation's good too, sorry asshole it's no suit nor can it be recreated or it likely would've been. Got more of these lunatic clips lined up, Shawn? :-D

  5. Says the guy who is using an ironing board as a computer desk!

    1. He is very feminine isn't he, maybe the guitar is just a phallic front and he's really the local drag queen.

  6. While this guy may have a point, he's still a pathetic loser. Where is he, in his parents garage? If he moves the wrong way, he'll get a handlebar up his ass. And what's with the banquet table, covered with christmas wrapping paper? Is that so he can have an easy cleanup when he's done watching porn on his (whoa) TWIN monitors. His music equipment is craptastic garbage. The keyboard looks like a casio and Line 6 amps are for 13 year old kids to make annoying noises with. Ten bucks says there's a lawn mower, gardening tools and an old treadmill, just out of frame. He probably had to end the video because his Mom was yelling for him to take out the garbage.

    1. Too funny, lol. He looks like a Paul Giamatti impersonator who thinks he's Lee Ritenour.

    2. Ha, good stuff!..He does have a pretty sweet giant oriental fan though!

    3. Kind of looks like Richard Simmons without the short shorts.but his hair style is a match.

  7. He says the F-word more than anyone I know and that is saying a lot seriously! By the way has him so pissed off maybe he was violated by something that has caused such hatred to people he does not even know? I Mean seriously borderline psycho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Maybe he is a virgin and has 30 years of beating off all bottled up inside him.

    2. Didn't ya know that kind of language make you big n tuff and 100% right all the time. lol

  8. All this coming from a guy who believes in creationism!!! give us a break dude!

    1. that shows just how batshit insane believing in bigfoot is

    2. Says someone eagerly checking out Bigfoot sites all the same.

  9. The giant Japanese fan on the wall, is a sure tell-tale sign that all's not well or quite normal with this diapered dude. What shade is it anyway, pinkish?

  10. This is one of the best things I have seen on this blog, I laughed the whole way through. The guy speaks the truth. Its over people, wake up.

    1. Shook my head in embarrassment at hearing so much stupidity in six minutes, it's more than clear he doesn't know what he's talking about and just some hotshot opening his gap trying to be hip but only bullshit drips out. One of those annoying dinner or party guests we all hate, a few drinks and he thinks he's got humor and all the answers. He's as fake and wrong as you troll, face it.

    2. To anon at 2:36 why don't you go join your brother in the garage and oh don't forget to wear your purple shirt.

  11. HAHHAHA...
    Can't say much but thanks for the Fu-n laugh!
    DA award winner!


  12. Man this guy really helped me see the light! Geesh how could I have been so stupid. He needs to be a motivational speaker. Im going to go buy a mountain bike and wrap my moms card table with gift paper and watch porn on my supersize computer screen! Thanks balding middle aged metrosexual dude....this bud is for you!

  13. I never believed that this type of person exists until I saw this video. I'm sure a lot of people were told of this persons existence and did not believe. This proves, to most, that he does exist.

    1. And which video actually convinced a loser like you that bigfoot actually exists

    2. Lmao...Annie 3:42 must be the nut sack in the video.

  14. Can't believer all you losers actually watched the video

    1. It's crap alright, bet this post will get 200 comments though.

  15. this dude is has no clue. theres no need to even get mad at dude

  16. this dude is has no clue. theres no need to even get mad at dude

    1. has no clue? ok show me the evidence for bigfoot, thanks.

    2. he cares cause he's the jackass in the video. lol

  17. I desperately want Dr. Ketchum's study to bear fruit if for NO OTHER REASON then to make this guys head explode. Seriously. I hope he films it.

  18. Hey Mr Giamatti, stop washing your panties with your whites.

  19. I'd like to suggest a handful of valium and a 40 of whiskey for purple shirt ranting guy.
    He has some valid and funny points, but to call people who think Bigfoot exists idiots, is, well, idiotic.
    He hasn't seen one so they don't exist. Well, I haven't seen one but I believe there is no reason they cannot exist.
    He rode dirt bikes? I've never seen a dirt biker racing through the forests and jumping deadfall. His stories are weak in my opinion.
    Maybe he should find another subject to bitch about.

  20. He's just mad that his dumbass brother's the better biker, now he's bullying bigfooters. Hey, maybe this loser is the white Bigfoot in MK Davis' video.

  21. Damn, where is Rick Dyers Gay Ass Brother?

  22. Now that was some funny stuff right there.

    I didn't know Moneymaker was a redneck.

    This is the kind of stuff that warrants a SWP response.

  23. hope bigfoot finds this fucker and makes this guy shit his pants.

  24. for sure Bill get this dumb ass Mike (SWP) what is worse me spending my time in my life with my friends going out to our local woods walking in the woods for something that may be there having fun camping telling stories and just maybe just maybe see something or hear something that will give us more stories next time or sitting in mommies garage making videos about something i dont beleave watching sights about something i dont think is real so i can talk pointless shit about people i dont know wow who needs a life here dont think it me and my friends some one give this poor bastard a hug damn and wash his mouth out WOW

  25. look its Larry from the 3 stooges damn he looks bad

  26. wow everyone take down his info i think he knows something we need to go check out around his house may be have Mat hold a town meeting AT HIS MOMS HOUSE . dude should'nt you be on a dating web sight or something because you got to get rid of some of that build up and I would watch who you are picking on because one of these rednecks you are bad mouthing might give your yuppie ass a good old fasion country ass beating BIG MOUTH you kiss your mother with that mouth

  27. I managed to listen to about 30 seconds of his verbal diarrhea before I turned off the video. I've heard better sounds coming from the commode. I've said if before, and I'll say it again: there are no non-believers in bigfoot. Only uneducated skeptics. And that's being polite. I have another word for it, but won't print it here. This Beetlejuice look-alike wouldn't last 2 minutes in a debate with me on the subject of bigfoot.

  28. What a DOOOOOOOSH! He reminds me of the uncle on Napolean Dynamite, I bet he plays catch with himself. He has NO knowledge of any of the footage, samples, reports, missing link info? He doesn't buy the evolution theory... for a bible thumping jackass, he loves to cuss. What a pile of SHIT! I bet he wears a silk house robe and plays with plastic swords. Another guys I want to kick in the sack when its finalized. OH and yes I have seen them JACKASS! Deal with it!

  29. Wow. For a guy who doesn’t believe in Bigfoot he sure seems worried about Bigfoot. If you don’t believe in the creature then go away. Stop hounding us. Why aren’t you Hanging out on The “F” word competition sites. I’m sure they would have to award you with some sort of medal. I’ve always heard that you can tell a lot about how intelligent someone is by how often they have to hide behind the “F” word. They’re not smart enough for form intelligent speech.

  30. This clown looks like he's spent zero days in the woods and I'm sure he hasn't seen a Bigfoot in his living room.

  31. This man has spent more time in the woods than your fat lazy ass will ever


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