Are These The Florida Skunk Apes Tim Fasano Has Been Looking For?

Back in the 1930s, Colonel Tooey, a Florida concessionaire who operated the Jungle Cruise boat ride, established the first troop of wild rhesus monkeys on an island called Silver River in Silver Springs. Tooey established the colony to attract visitors to his ride. He did not realize the rhesus monkeys were excellent swimmers. They quickly escaped, forming wild troops along the river.

Could these monkeys be responsible for the Skunk Ape stories Tim Fasano has been telling us about?


  1. The swamp man... speaks like... Captain Kirk... and I... think his... kid might... hate him.

  2. I bash the clown too. But he does go out into the woods a lot..Can't say the same for supersoylent2, damian bravo or ro sahebi

  3. Dave is a friend of mine and does a good job with this. He is a skeptic, but open minded about BF.

    WATCH OUT. Those monkeys will jump in your boat if you don't feed them. Unfortunately, they are not the Skunkape. They do prove something important. They show how easy an invasive species can thrive in a new home. They have water, vegetation, and cover. They will only show themselves when they hear an outboard motor (food).

    I first saw those monkeys 30 years ago on a boat trip. Think of how easy it would have been to have taken fleeting glimpse video of them and morphed that into my videos. With scale being difficult to determine, I would have had a video that Moneymaker would be showing on TV. But you would have to be a hoaxer to do that.

    Those monkeys are 86 miles from tampa and there are charter boats that will take you out there. By the way, many Tarzan movies were filmed in this area.

    1. Tim Fasano is shorter than previously believed.

    2. @ Tim yea I agree 100% no little monkey is going to be mistaken for a 7 ' + 500+ pound, skunk Ape/BF/Sasquatch whatever you would like to refer to them as . I'm in Oregon were I beleave they tend to be larger ? I am 20 miles from the 172 prints were found Feb of this year in London OR just south of Eugene OR were I live . I have been lucky enough to have a couple encounter with the Big guy threw out the last 28 years and there's no mistaking them for any type of monkey , gorilla ,billy ape or human for that matter . I didn't beleave in BF until I saw them with my own two eyes, but there's no mistaking them once you have seen one . I do respect all your hard work you put in your work and in the field keep it up hard work pays off

  4. Thank you, kindly, for your support. Unlike anons. I reveal myself and do not hide.

    1. Hi Tim, I have noticed a lot of stories on tv and the news about pythons and anacondas setting up house in the everglades. Have you ever ran into any of these constrictors yet? J.D.

    2. Hi Tim,

      Did you play the old lady in Throw Mama From the Train?


  5. tim have you seen a "skunk ape"?

  6. These monkeys mainly live near Silver Springs FL.I have seen them further away from the Springs also.If you go visit the area don't get to close with your boat.....they will come aboard, they will kick your butt for a piece of bread or what ever you have for food.
    Rogue Scout

    1. A lesson for Bigfoot baiters, er, I mean habituators.

    2. Rogue Scout is correct I grew up in the area and have spent many many hours hiking all over those woods. We use to go fishing down the Silver River alot. One day we where sitting by the shore eating lunch and 20 monkeys came out on the limbs hanging over the front of the boat wanting food, we backed the boat up so they wouldn't jump aboard. My uncle in his infinitely wisdom (sarcasm) thought it would be smart to give a little baby one a piece of bread from his sandwich he reached up to hand the little guy the food and got to close, the baby screamed and momma came running down the limb in a flash and slapped him upside the head so hard his ears rang and couldn't hear well on the right side for several hours afterwards. Damn near knocking him out of the boat.


  7. These monkeys ran that chicken Skunkape out of town.../

    1. This just shows how novice you are. They arent skunk "apes" they are forest skunk people. I'll be generous and inform you that the forest skunk people are controlling the rhesus monkeys telepathically to provide cover for them. In fact the tax evading forest skunk people could probably telepathically control most unskilled researchers like you.

  8. Someone needs to set a trap for a skunk ape. Are sasquatches so smart that they can avoid any and all traps?


    1. Yes first, no second. No animal is that smart to ALWAYS elude capture, including humans.

    2. It's a chicken and egg problem. If you knew everything about thier habits, you might have a miniscual chance.

      In order to know about them, you would have to have one in captivity? And no that wouldn't work either.

      Lets just start with DNA and hopefully a verifying body will turn up.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. First of all, Monkeys are NOT apes. Both are primates, but Monkeys have tails. Apes do not.

    Secondly, there are troupes of monkeys loose in the state in many places. Blue Springs and a number of parks in the Miami area "host" them. Silver Springs is just one instance.

    We had 15 patas monkeys escape from a facility in Lakeland a couple of years ago. They were all finally recaptured, but escapes are relatively common.

    It's a bit difficult to mistake a 3 to 4 foot tall monkey for a 6 to 7 foot tall "skunk ape."

    1. What about Old World monkeys? They don't don't have tails. Does that make them apes?

    2. Sasquatch ain't one, that much is already certain for sure.

  11. The real skunk apes are the repeat hoaxers, especially the ones who make money from their hoaxes.

  12. If there is a skunk ape,its probably Orangutans that got loose. Florida is the perfect habitat.They get big but not a Bigfoot!

  13. And the fat, coughing sweaty hacking slob is back. All 700 videos on youtube..How many does damian bravo have?

    1. Yeah, that's the measure of success... how many boring, crappy videos of your babbling, egotistical self vs. the wilderness that you post.

  14. It is a measure of how much time and effort are spent out in the woods..fasano 700+ -Damian bravo 1

  15. As much of an asshole faSAno is. He has more credibility the 60% of teamtazerasshole

  16. Where can I find a female bigfoot? I want to take her home, give her a shave and put her in a dress! I'll treat her real good!


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