Is Sasquatch/Bigfoot Using Underground Caves to Elude Us?
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Mellisani Caves: This underground lake in Mellisani Caves, near Kefalonia, was found when the roof of the cave collapsed after an earthquake in 1953. |

While having a conversation with members of my group “Sasquatch Lives?” on Facebook, one member named Kevin D. asked a question: "This is to everyone! What are your thoughts on Sasquatch/Bigfoot using the caves to travel thru? This may be one way to keep from being seen also!"
It was a surprising question that made me wonder if this could be possible. In North America there are hundreds if not thousands of caves, many of which have yet to be explored completely. We also know that modern man in its early beginnings used caves as shelter from the elements. Some may find the idea of Sasquatch using caves farfetched, but a creature with this supposed high level of intelligence may use this as an advantage in some areas of North America.
Caves have numerous short term food sources if a Sasquatch/Bigfoot would want to use it for shelter or as a route to evade being seen. From small bugs to fish, lakes and small rivers exist in underground caves. Many may argue how they would be able to see in such dark places, but some small monkeys have developed low-light adaptations such as membranes in the back of their eyes know by the scientific name tapetum lucidum. This membrane is responsible for the eye shine you see with certain animals.
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Sportive lemur |
Per the description in the Wiki Encyclopedia:
tapetum lucidum (Latin: "bright tapestry", plural tapeta lucida) is a layer of tissue in the eye of many vertebrate animals.
It lies immediately behind or sometimes within the retina. It reflects visible light back through the retina, increasing the light available to the photoreceptors. This improves vision in low-light conditions, but can cause the perceived image to be blurry from the interference of the reflected light. The tapetum lucidum contributes to the superior night vision of some animals. Many of these animals are nocturnal, especially carnivores that hunt their prey at night.
Now we will not be able to determine if Sasquatch/Bigfoot has such capabilities until he is proven to exist and a specimen of this creature is studied thoroughly. This can make you wonder if this adaption could be one of the reasons why Sasquatch/Bigfoots is able to elude us.
In the vast landscapes of North America which is full of amazing wonders, I sometimes think that what makes Sasquatch/Bigfoot seem mystical to many American Indian tribes and other believers of this creature, maybe these evolutionary adaptations that could give Sasquatch/Bigfoot these amazing abilities that are at times seen in sighting descriptions.
Types of caves per Wikipedia:
Solutional cave
Solutional caves are the most frequently occurring caves and such caves form in rock that is soluble, such as limestone, but can also form in other rocks, including chalk, dolomite, marble, salt, and gypsum. Rock is dissolved by natural acid in groundwater that seeps through bedding-planes, faults, joints and so on. Over geological epochs cracks expand to become caves or cave systems.
Primary cave
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Exploring a lava tube in Hawaii. |
Some caves are formed at the same time as the surrounding rock. These are sometimes called primary caves. Lava caves include but are not limited to lava tubes. Other caves formed through volcanic activity include rift caves, lava mold caves, open vertical volcanic conduits, and inflationary caves.
Sea cave or littoral cave
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Painted Cave, a large sea cave, Santa Cruz Island, California |
Sea caves are found along coasts around the world. A special case is littoral caves, which are formed by wave action in zones of weakness in sea cliffs. Often these weaknesses are faults, but they may also be dykes or bedding-plane contacts. Some wave-cut caves are now above sea level because of later uplift.
Corrasional cave or erosional cave
Corrasional or erosional caves are those that form entirely by erosion by flowing streams carrying rocks and other sediments. These can form in any type of rock, including hard rocks such as granite. Generally there must be some zone of weakness to guide the water, such as a fault or joint. A subtype of the erosional cave is the wind or aeolian cave, carved by wind-born sediments. Many caves formed initially by solutional processes often undergo a subsequent phase of erosional or vadose enlargement where active streams or rivers pass through them.
Glacier cave
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Glacier cave in Big Four Glacier, Big Four Mountain, Washington, ca. 1920 |
Glacier caves occur in ice and under glaciers and are formed by melting. They are also influenced by the very slow flow of the ice, which tends to close the caves again. (These are sometimes called ice caves, though this term is properly reserved for caves that contain year-round ice formations).
This theory might not hold up to many who do not believe this creature exists. Without scientific proof, some may say that hypostasizes and conjectures will not stand, yet science has proven theories in the past that to others seemed unlikely.
Damian Bravo
Convenient excuse is convenient
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should excuse yourself, there's the exit.
Deletelike most wild statements about bigfoot... this is a stretch.
ReplyDeleteI know it's a stretch, but what isn't when you are theorizing on an unknown animal. It isn't as though this is being presented as fact. That being said, I always thought it was interesting that Bigfoot sighting maps do somewhat line up with the maps of underground aquifers in the US. Particularly the aquifer that stretches the entire west coast, and the Ogallala Aquifer in the central US. Both of these aquifers flow along huge cave systems and have offshoots which sometimes reach several states away from the main body of the aquifer system. The entrances to these cave systems are often obscured and many have only been discovered in the last 20 years with the use of satellite technology. Maybe they could use them as a safe haven, but I doubt anything as large as what we think Sasquatch is could live long-term in these systems of caverns. John
ReplyDeleteWould you kill them if you saw them with own eyes?
DeleteHow would a Bigfoot see in complete darkness?
ReplyDeleteThe more I read about bigfoot "evidence" and theories, the more I'm convinced the creature doesn't exist. How ironic.
ReplyDeleteFunny, the more I read about it the more I AM convinced. Especially the first-hand accounts. Particularly by multiple witnesses. Theories are just that - theories. Perhaps they are correct, perhaps not, but either way it's important to contemplate the possible. I suppose that's part of what makes us human.
DeleteExactly, there's not s snowball's chance in Hell anymore that Sasquatches don't exist. Seriously. It's totally out of the question by now, we just need that last bit of final proof and that won't be much longer now. I'm quite convinced of that, whether it's from Dr. Ketchum's study only time will tell.
DeleteNaturally. They use caves and tunnels. It all makes sense now
ReplyDeleteOk you super intelligent anonymouses, because you like little spineless mouses, show me theory that did not start as a crazy idea, also the author did say short term stay in a cave, he did not metioned it travels every place in the North America in a cave, is every one reading the same article.
ReplyDeleteI think the only one that understood besides me was John, Damian is not saying its fact, by the way I thought Dr. Meldrums theory on bipedalism is a just that, a theory! So why is his Ideas any different then what Mr. Bravo is saying here.
Good job Damian , way to think out the box, lots of poeple on here are to closed minded to see such a possibilty, everyone acts liek they know everything about Bigfoot.
This is not a theory, it's a guess. There is a huge difference.
DeleteI think bigfoot is able to teleport, and thats why they're able to evade detection. And they communicate with super high tech brain implants that they've built in their underground labs.
DeleteThis is yet another example of why I don't believe in bigfoot. Caves? Oh, please.
ReplyDeleteLike one of the anonymous folks above, the more I learn about bigfoot "evidence," the more convinced I am the whole thing is bogus.
It's just like studying the bible. Seminaries are agnostic / atheist mills.
Welllllllll, Ms. Atheist - go on back to FUNDYLAND and read a bible then. Sounds like your closed mind won't allow even the slightest bit of speculation about something well above and beyond your scope. Let's hope you rot in hell where you ultimately will end up. And nope, there won't be any BFs or Sas there either.
DeleteAnd let's call a spade a spade for GOD's sake. You've been trolling this site for months now just to make silly and snide comments because that's how you empower your pathetic little life.
Vaporsquatch my ass.
@anonymous, you use insults and verbal attacks because you have no evidence that bigfoot exists.
DeleteBefore we speculate on a creature's behavior, we should first confirm that the creature exists. As it stands, there's no evidence to believe that a bigfoot-type creature exists in North America.
May as well speculate on the clothing of leprechauns or the diets of unicorns. After all, if you doubt the existence of leprechauns or unicorns it means you have a "closed mind", right?
There is plenty of evidence that Sasquatch exists - first hand sightings, footprints, hair, scat, PG film....Even Dr. Jane Goodall (world's foremost primatologist) firmly believes that these creatures exist. Not a maybe or perhaps, she has publicly stated that she is "sure" that Sasquatch does indeed exist. Don't believe me? Check this out:
DeleteFirst hand sightings: outright lies, misidentification of real animals, encounters with hoaxers/pranksters
DeleteFootprints: hoaxes, misidentification of real animal tracks
Hair/scat: misidentification of known animal hair/scat
PG film: proven hoax
Jane Goodall: the clip you provided is out of context. Later in the interview she stated that she "hoped they exist." Big difference.
I, too, hope they exist. I think that would be really neat. But relying on unfalsifiable, unrepeatable data is not contributing to anything other than the bank accounts of hoaxers and hucksters.
I do not mean this personally, but I have to say that your outright dismissal seems thoroughly arrogant. Have you spoken to every single witness? Seen footprints or hair? If not, then you should not be so easily dismissive. Literally THOUSANDS of people have encountered them and there has been mention of "the hairy man" throughout recorded (and oral) history on every continent except Antarctica. And the PG film, far from being a "proven" hoax, has indeed stood the test of time. Physical anatomists and Hollywood special effects folk have TRIED to prove it a hoax, to no avail. If you are going to be making broad judgments I suggest you do your research first. :)
DeleteAmethyst, so the prints, hair, and sightings are all real, and the creatures have existed on every continent throughout recorded and oral history, but all we have to show for it is a short clip from the late 60's shot by two bigfoot enthusiasts? If these creatures really exist on every continent and are so prevalent so as to have thousands of witnesses, we should have a physical specimen by now.
DeleteTO Anon at 06:32
DeleteFirst hand sightings: I've seen literally dozens of people who have such detailed sightings and respond so well they either have actually been scared out of their mind by real Bigfoot, or they should be making millions in Hollywood.
Footprints: Dr Grover Krantz, a professor of anthropology, examined footprints and found them real. For one footprint set he found he showed dermal ridges (fingerprints) too small to be made by a faker at the time, and muscle movements so well-done that only an anthropologist could have made them.
PG film: Give me proof that it was a hoax, if you wanted it to be a proven hoax.
Jane Goodall: Like you said, she hopes Bigfoot is real. That means she thinks it is a possibility.
I certainly do not think that ALL of the sightings, prints and hair samples are "real". Certainly a sizable percentage (perhaps a majority) are not. But if even ONE sighting or ONE follicle of hair or ONE print is authentic, then it means that Sasquatch does indeed exist.
DeleteHow do you distinguish between the authentic prints/hair/sightings, and the non-authentic?
DeleteBased on the name you have given yourself, you obviously live your life around being an Atheist, no different from someone using Religion, or a disability as the center of their life. You have become the very thing you hate, in an ultimate act of final irony. Good luck reversing your cursed misfortune.
DeleteDear J.L- I am confident you have never seen the inside of a school. I suspect the reason you are so upset about the subject of cave dwellers is that you are reminded of your childhood.
ReplyDeleteno evidence? are you shitting me?if you spent half the time looking at evidence of their existence as you do claiming theres no so thing as evidence of the existence of sasquatch, which proves to me you are not qualified to even discuss the subject, you might very well learn something. theres much evidence out there, look it up.
ReplyDeleteEvidence such as...?
DeleteHi, well it would not hurt to put a trail cam near the entrance of some of these caves. Once a friend and I went into some of the abandoned mine shafts at Monti Christo WA. We heard a growl noise and ran out of there. My friend was behind me and kept saying run faster. I said back to him, why it will get you first. Probably just a groaning timber further down the shaft.
ReplyDeleteThat settles it. Bigfoot is actually a huge overgrown bat and close relative of the Mothman. Now we know how to find this creature. Better put out the Bat Signal.
ReplyDeleteI'm so tired of all these smartass atheist wannabe scientists like Fundy, they think they know it all when really they don't know very much at all in their closeminded world. I hope somebody points a camera at these guys one day when there's a press conference announcing the discovery of the Sasquatch species as fact, we need to capture the moment of their stunned reaction when their failed beliefs become the new laughing stock. LOL
ReplyDeleteThink about it from a REAL, biological perspective....for years we've been told that the BF live high in the Pac-NW mountain ranges. OK, sounds plausible. Fast forward a few decades and now every state in the US claims to have BF.....and now they live in caves too? This would mean you have multiple, multiple specialized groups or sub-species of BF and the fact NO ONE has ever produced a credible piece of evidence points to the fact that BF just doesnt exist. Its as dumb as Monkeymaker and Bobo and Cliff screaming in competely different ways in the dark woods. "BF is smartest,
ReplyDeletemost elusive creature alive, so we will call it in"-yeah right. Keep it up people, LOL!
Agree Real Bigfoot. Moneymaker Ketchum and Biscardi are laughing all the way to the bank! Sasquatch is a joke! Adaptiations that work in Washington mountain ranges wont help much in Oklahoma Texas Florida or Arizona. Sasquatch believers=suckers.
DeleteI think that these creatures, especially the ones that are outside the Pacific Northwest, use streams and rivers to move about and keep hidden. Even a small creek has spots that will keep a large creature such as a Sasquatch hidden from view. A lot of sightings in the Midwest take place very close to a river or creek, and since these waterways are usually surrounded by woods and tall grass, it is a perfect way to travel long distances and not be seen.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it so far-fetched for a BF to use a cave? I doubt they are so stupid as to stand outside in the rain when there is a nice dry cave available. If bears and wolves and other animals use caves why could not a BF? Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteYes, there are lots of caves, but they are not a good general answer. Caves are found in high density, so they are not guaranteed to be near when a Bigfoot would want to "disappear". As for using them to travel unseen, only long caves with multiple openings would do for that, and most caves are small and may have only one opening; the caves that are long are totally dark between openings, so even eyes adapted to night vision would be useless. Finally, dry caves retain remains and footprints much longer than the forest floor.
ReplyDelete-- Howard
Mammoth Cave, Kentucky is a good example. It is very long (about 390 miles in total), dry (in its upper levels), and has multiple openings. Even so, it basically only extends across two ridges, and to get from one ridge to the other requires going through some tight passages that some humans can't squeeze through -- let alone an 8-12 foot ape -- and that are often flooded. The cave was used by Indians about 2000 years ago, after which it seems to have been avoided, probably due to a cultural shift rather than it being "lost". A dozen or so intentional burials have been found, and at least one accidental death, "Lost John". Moccasins, torches, and even human footprints have been found -- but no evidence of Bigfoot.
There was an important omission in the 2nd sentence: I meant to say, "Caves are found in high density ONLY IN A FEW LOCATIONS." In many parts of the country where Bigfoot is reported, there are few if any caves. In Florida, the Skunk Ape is reported from many places, but the only caves that are not flooded are up around Mariana. The rest of the state has lots of flooded caves that occasionally collapse and form sinkholes, but (1) Bigfoot would drown in them (2) if he could even get into them; often there are NO passages to the surface until the roof collapses and forms a sinkhole.
DeletePeople are completely unaware of the massive prevalence of caves throughout the world, especially near volcanic areas and throughout esentially the entire area between magma flows and the earths crust. Even the supposedly largest cave in the world (near malaysia) was only recently categorized as such. The caves we explore are only scratching the surface, combined with the fact we have only been recording our travels since about 1850 in this country.
ReplyDeleteImagine a species learning an essentially unchanged cave system over hundreds of thousands of years and navigating by senses other than sight (i.e. dolphins, whales, bats) in addition to night vision and Sasquatch being a primarily subterrainean species intuitively makes sense. Additionally, as many miners
will relate, heat sources underground exist rampantly in areas conducive to caves (i.e. yellowstone) and hot spring dwelling monkeys are commonplace.
Of course, every abominable snowman (yeti) story naturally involves the beast emerging from its cave in the snowy mountains. This also lends credence to why sasquatch often appear white, have highly reflective eyes, and rarely appear unless they venture to the surface most likely for game.
It would also explain why corpses are never found (or fossilized records, the primary detraction from sasquatch existence), especially if the species has primitive social habits of disposing of the dead (mandatory for subterrainean existance). Either way, it would only add to the long list of subterrainean mammals.
I've been tracking sasquatch successfully in the US for 11 yrs now. They are there in abundance. They are very smart, gauge the limited threat we pose them accurately, and, except for displaced individuals (e.g. young males moving into new territory), use the topography intelligently to go about their business effectively. Most humans they come across are like rabbits in the headlights and particularly uninformed, incapable and unaware of the environment beyond the mall; which makes it very easy for sasquatch to move about uninhibited. Witness the hundreds of corroborated reports of sasquatch strolling off or giving the metaphorical finger, without a care in the world or similar.
ReplyDeleteWake up to the real world. It's not a mall.